Elaine Brower and irony

| June 24, 2010

Here’s your morning blood pressure check sent to us by someone. It’s from Elaine Brower’s Memorial Day visit to Coney Island. I profiled Elaine once before here, and posted her video of her shouting “Baby killers!” at some other Marines on Coney Island;

She calls some Marines “murderers” while they’re putting on a demonstration for the tourists. In between the name calling, Brower shouts that her son did three tours in the war so I suppose that somehow she thinks she has some kind of absolute moral authority to call other mothers’ sons murderers.

Brower with Chiroux

That’s her with Matthis. He burned the flag while she shouted “This is what we think of this country”. In my opinion, she’s just waiting for someone to punch her in the throat so she can play a victim on a whole new level.

The one time she summoned the courage to come to TAH, she threatened that her son would set us straight – we’re still waiting, Elaine.

Category: Antiwar crowd, General Whackos, Usual Suspects

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B Woodman

I would have LOVED it if during her rant “Hit me. I dare you.” someone actually had. Especially in the throat. She may still be a “victim”, but a more quiet and less disruptive one.

Old Tanker

You’re a slave of the American Government?? There were a whole lot of representatives of the American government standing there just letting you talk shit and they didn’t do a thing…real oppressors there. I love the guy with the Arabic sounding accent telling her she would be a slave in his country… I wish she go try it sometime.


I dunno — I am thinking attention whore or coward, or perhaps an attention whore who’s a coward. I am a mental health professional and I am telling you all there is a diagnosis for idiots like this, but no cure.


Does she call her own son a murderer to his face? Because if I did that to one of mine, I am sure the would disown me, then lay me out. That woman and the sheehag need to get together…doesn’t misery love company, after all?

And WTF is up with her lack of respect for the other people on that beach?

If she were really a slave, she wouldn’t be able to do what she was doing as we all know, without some whipping or other form of physical punishment, hey? It would suck to be her.


How can this bitch not see the fantastic hypocrisy in her oral defecation?

Elaine says (trotting it out for millionth time): “My son did three combat tours. I have every right to be here.”

How nice of Elaine to tacitly admit that one’s right to voice their opinion should be gauged by their personal connection to the wars. Knowing this, I, and probably many of well-disciplined Marines on the video who did an excellent job ignoring that harpy’s screeching, have actually been to combat. So, trump card Elaine. Shut the fuck up.

I’d also like Elaine to explain, on the off chance she ever comes back to TAH, how she reconciles telling people the military does nothing positive for its enlistees, and her son is “broken” by his combat experience, and then raising a simultaneous hellstorm when he was put on desk duty by the NYPD for combat stress, and insisting that his overseas experience made him an expert at fighting terrorism and “there is nothing wrong with him.”

How ’bout it Elaine?


Well, Scott, she can’t square any of her rhetoric, that’s part of the glimpse into her mental illness. Yes, I say she’s mentally ill…..ok batshit crazy, so she doesn’t even recognize the hypocrisy of her ongoing tirades.


I don’t see why SHE has any special rights just because her son did three tours in Iraq. Now, had she done three tours in Iraq, I might see things differently. That’s the problem with civilians, they have no sense of teamwork and camaraderie. Many don’t even respect this country. (I will admit that even I am losing a lot of respect for the good ol’ US of A, but, BY GOD, it’s STILL MY country and the best thing going in the world, even today!!)

I, too, have had to restrain myself when confronted with the Post Viet Nam moonbats!! It’s pretty sad when some dumb “woman” comes up to a slick sleeved Sailor with NO ribbons or medals, calls him a baby killer & spits in his face!! I just don’t get that mentality. It just boggles my mind.


Any rational person (not Elaine) can see by the video that the people in uniform (Marines and NYPD and probably a few Veteran’s mixed in) give Elaine all the proper respect she deserves with her two-year-old rhetoric and mentality….. they keep their backs to her and ignore her existence on the face of the planet, probably because they know…. you just can’t argue with Stupid. I am proud of the Marines. Each and every one. THANK YOU!!!

Casey J Porter

Her and the Org she is with are considered IVAW allies. Just another reason to hate IVAW.


I call bullshit on her son being her biological offspring unless the father was deaf or blind…or drunk. Or all of the above.


Couldn’t watch the video – just ate. Just wondered, has anyone here among the collective “we” ever spoken to her son? I would be interested in what he has to say about her antics.


Susan: He’s kept artfully to himself, for the most part. Elaine, on the other hand, ever the hypocritical cunt, says Marines are “all so good” and poses with a smile in front of the same flag she burns, whenever her son is around. It’s just ever other mother’s son who are horrid murderers.


Fortunately for James, Elaine didn’t get what she was truly hoping for: a dead son, or one that was severely scarred by combat (not that James’ fortitude has stopped her from telling lies about his post-war condition to serve her purposes) so she could get media fawning over her as much as Cindy Sheehan had. I think James’ feelings about his mother’s opinions are best expressed by his re-enlistment(s), continued service and willingness to deploy. Any honor that Elaine ever had got squeezed out with James’ afterbirth.


Susan: He’s kept artfully to himself, for the most part. Elaine, on the other hand, ever the hypocritical cunt, says Marines are “all so good” and poses with a smile in front of the same flag she burns, whenever her son is around. It’s just ever other mother’s son who are horrid murderers.


Fortunately for James, Elaine didn’t get what she was truly hoping for: a dead son, or one that was severely scarred by combat (not that James’ fortitude has stopped her from telling lies about his post-war condition to serve her purposes) so she could get media fawning over her as much as Cindy Sheehan had. I think James’ feelings about his mother’s opinions are best expressed by his re-enlistment(s), continued service and willingness to deploy. Any honor that Elaine ever had got squeezed out with James’ afterbirth.


Thanks for the update Scott. Now I hate her even more.

Old Tanker

I seond that Susan…how the hell did she raise such a good son…


So the next time the mini-SheHag bitches and says, “My son served three combat tours!” I can just look her in the eye and say, “Good for him–what did YOU do?


I’m left wondering if his drive to serve isn’t fueled by the need to try to atone for the sins of his mother. It’s not unheard of…..


The support that Brower and Sheehan give US servicemen is akin to the support that a rope gives to a hanged man.

Casey J Porter

Fred, I think it’s more along the lines of a Priest showing “love” to a little boy. hahaha Tasteless joke of the day.



Hahahaha that’s a good one.

Southern Class

The difference in James Brower and Casey Sheehan is that Casey hasn’t had to watch his mother in all her disglory. They are both heroes, but James is made to suffer the wenches sorryassed acts.
RIP Casey.