VALOUR-IT update

| November 7, 2010

Yeah, so those grungy-assed Marines are leading in the competition between the services to get voice-activated laptops to our wounded troops, but that’s only because most Army guys are paying for at least one ex-wife;

The competition ends on Veterans’ Day, so there’s still time to help the Army team out. Do like you did when you were on active duty-go downtown and pawn your TA-50. Let your ex- slide for one month on her alimony check. Ripoff five gallons of Mogas from the motor pool and send in the money you saved. You were all privates, so you know how to squeeze out a couple of bucks from your paychecks.

Click on the link in our sidebar and give as generously as you can for a great cause and join a great team of donors.

Category: Soldiers Angels, Support the troops

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“Yeah, so those grungy-assed Marines”….our asses are decidedly not grungy…:)


ex-stripper wives are expensive. Boob jobs need love (and money) too.


“Most army guys are paying for at least one ex-wife”. Heh. Dutch is right, even non-stripper ex’s are expensive.


FYI, Team Army has a signed RESTREPO poster to auction on its site. I think a bit of letting the film auteur world know, might help bump us up a bit. Also, loads of other really good items are up for auction, though alas…the one thing that might set us up over the top in one fell swoop is not on the block.

That would be, of course, seeing if we could put Uncle Jimbo on the block. How much do you think Rachel Maddow would pay for him?


Yeah, I feel obligated to ask:

Dutch, are you saying your ex-wife was a stripper, or that your wife is an ex-stripper?


Ironically, the answer to both your questions is, yes.


I just exhaled a lovely red tea. Thanks. 😀


Marines have now raised over $26k. I am curious what’s up with those Navy types?


The key for Marines are “wife for a night” and “wife for the deployment”. It is important to put the right letter in the right envelope though when writing the different wives. Go Marines!


The only thing I can add, is that “we” soldiers and veterans are all a part of the same team.
“One team, One fight.”

But I scratch my head at the Navy and AF slim pickins.

USMC Steve

Looks like the Army kinda peckered out there, don’t it. You must remember to control the rate of fire or you run outta ammo too soon. It is not good enough to be out front at first, it only counts to be ahead when this is all over gang.


Team Marine: $29,240

Team Army: $19,208

Team Navy + Team Air Force: $11,902

Smallest of the 4 services, but apparently the most potent. Just sayin’.