Turley’s dream comes true

| March 12, 2010

Last month Jonathon Turley the GWU law professor said that if the Stolen Valor Act stands up to judicial scrutiny, it would criminalize bar pick up lines. Well, here’s a test case for him;

A Sterling Heights man police said illegally wore a U.S. Marine uniform in a downtown nightclub and falsely told police he just returned from Iraq pleaded guilty to a misdemeanor Thursday.

De Hieu Tran, 41, pleaded guilty at a pre-trial hearing in Ferndale 43rd District Court to charges of wearing a uniform when not in service and driving on a suspended license, according to court records.

He faces up to 90 days in jail and a $500 fine on the uniform charge and is scheduled to be sentenced in Ferndale District Court at 1 p.m. April 8.

Ferndale police said they spotted Tran at the Boogie Fever nightclub about 11:30 p.m. May 22, 2009 wearing a camouflage Marine uniform.

“He stated he had just returned from his fourth tour of duty in Iraq a couple of hours earlier,” said Ferndale police Sgt. Patrick Jones. “He had captain’s bars on the collars of the uniform. The officer questioned him and determined he was impersonating an officer.”

Yeah, that’s the fastest way to get arrested – wear a camouflage uniform to a place called Boogie Nights. That doesn’t stand out at all.

Thanks to one of our lurkers, Chris, for the link.

Category: Phony soldiers

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“Hey Doc, I can’t seem to figure out what’s wrong with me. I stay awake all night and just can’t stop dancing.”

(Doc)”Good news: we’ve run some tests and it seems you are suffering from a case of Boogie Fever. Bad news: it’s fatal.”

Seriously, you said what I was thinking even before I finished reading the article–no actual Marine would be caught dead in a place with a name like that!

Chalk up another douche of the day.

Adirondack Patriot

Dirk Diggler?

AW1 Tim

He got the Rockin’ Pneumonia, and the Boogie Woogie Flu!


Five Westpacs, and I don’t recall a single instance where I came back from one (or any other underway) in a bar in uniform trying to hook up. Most of the time I just wanted to get off the damned boat and get some sleep.


Please please tell me his pickup line was “Hey baby want to see MY weapon of mass destruction” Thats the only way this story could be better.

Mr Wolf

Listen, a REAL Marine knows that the ONLY uniform that chicks TRULY dig are the dress blues. He wouldn’t even have to go IN the place. Stand out front, look bad-ass, take his pick.

Wearing a cammo uniform into a bar? Don’t know a single service that permits that.

I recall being in Vegas when about 5 young Marines (escorted by a Corporal) were making their way into a bar- in Blues. Standing in line behind them, I and about 6 other older dudes all jumped to their defense when the gatekeeper/doorman at the club acted like he wasn’t gonna let ’em in. Heh. Changed his mind REAL quick. THEN, we all chipped in, handed the barkeep a fistful of bills, and said ”they ain’t payin’ for SHIT in here, got it?” By this time about 10 of us standing at the bar- those kids were kings that night…



During Desert Shield, I was returning to Saudi Arabia from emergency leave and had a lay over in Norfolk. Since we weren’t leaving till the next day, I took a taxi to a local restaruant/bar in cammies to get something to eat and drink. Kinda figured what the hell, no alcohol out in the desert and what would they do keep, me stateside. Didn’t have to buy anything and the bartender and her mother took me home and let me sleep on their couch. Next day, the mom drove me to the base.

Old Tanker

Anytime I went home I always wore my class A’s because my Mom liked to see me in uniform. Flying home there was always a veteran or 3 that would by me a drink. When I flew home right after Desert Storm there was more than a few veterans and civilians buying me drinks….I was just a little wobbly getting off the plane having not had a drink in nearly 9 monthes…..even have a great picture getting off the plane I just saw the other day….


Mr. Wolf….”Listen, a REAL Marine knows that the ONLY uniform that chicks TRULY dig are the dress blues. He wouldn’t even have to go IN the place. Stand out front, look bad-ass, take his pick.”

You mean the Marine uniform with the two different colors of blue that NO one, except a Marine, would ever wear together in the same outfit, with the red stripe running down the pants?? He-he…whatever..

Personally, I’ve grown quite fond of the new psychedelic blue NWU’s that the Navy wears.. Nice, deep blue…more colorful and interesting than the bland DCU’s…


[…] now, he’s got not one, but two asshats on the front page. I’ll never understand these people. Possibly related […]


“Listen, a REAL Marine knows that the ONLY uniform that chicks TRULY dig are the dress blues. He wouldn’t even have to go IN the place. Stand out front, look bad-ass, take his pick.
Wearing a cammo uniform into a bar? Don’t know a single service that permits that.”

Um, Marines are not authorized to wear their cammies anywhere off base. The army are the only people who attend formal events in their pajamas.


I prefer my ACUs in a bar setting. Saves on cleaning costs, allows for much more mobility in a brawl and help me to E&E when the cops are called. 🙂

Just kidding. The only time I’ll stop by a bar in uniform is when I hit the VFW on the way home. It doesn’t matter if I’m in PTs, ACUs, Dress Blues, Foliage Green Banana Hammock, etc, etc. I’ve never been one to don a uniform just to go out and actually prefer staying low-profile. As far as being authorized, the only places most commands allow their Soldiers to stop at in ACUs is a gas station or grocery store on the way to or from work.

As for this jackass, it seems he got into more than he bargained for. He probably found himself in a dilemma: pay $60 at the surplus store for some Marine cammies and probably not score or spend hundreds on properly fitting dress blues and probably still not score.

Army Sergeant

The Army, if the bar serves food and it’s conceivable they’re stopping for chow during business hours, it’s OK, but they can’t drink.


It’s not uncommon to see Air Reserve and Navy Reserve pilots from Dobbin’s, still in their flight gear sans helmet, eating a virtually any restaurant or bar within earshot of the base here…especially that “one weekend a month”.


“Foliage Green Banana Hammock”

You owe me a new monitor…and a bottle of brain bleach.


This douchenozzle was also arrested, after his court appearance, on two charges of identity theft, and two charges of illegal use of a financial transaction device.
Seems the man has a problem figuring out who he really is.


[…] to an post I wrote about last year. De Hieu Tran, was busted for wearing a camouflaged uniform to the club last March and then he was busted for impersonating a Marine office and an ICE agent in November. Apparently, […]