Gordon Duff, Ahmadinejad, Mary Magdalene and the Holocaust

| October 4, 2010

TSO sent me this link to Gordon Duff’s latest maniacal ravings entitled “Rule of Lie“. get it? It kinda sounds like Rule of Law…but it’s not…it’s “Lie”. See what he’s doing there? Well, i just thought I should point that out, because the Duffster wants us see how brilliant he is. Duff gets right to the point;

President Ahmadinejad of Iran has asked for a UN investigation of 9/11. For this, he has been branded a “wingnut” and “evildoer” by the American press.

Really? I read a lot of American Press and I didn’t see anyone in the media, or in politics, or stand-alone talking heads call him a wingnut (isn’t that a Republican, btw?) or an evil doer. In fact I haven’t seen anyone called an evil doer in the last half-decade. Must’ve been those enchanting voices Duff has in his head from all of those overtime hours working the drive-through at MacDonald’s before he landed that sweet job at Veterans Today.

Let’s take a second to look at Ahmadinejad. Nearly daily stories hit newspapers around the world, “Iran is 15 minutes from being a nuclear power.” Ahmadinejad threatens to “wipe Israel off the map.” “Ahmadinejad supports a new holocaust.”

The press, of course, continually reviles Ahmadinejad as a terrorist and mass murderer. What he isn’t, however, is a liar.

Well, there’s a feather in his cap. He has the entire population of Iran under his heel in the dust. Every time he farts, the Gulf States tremble. he hangs gays from a construction crane in the village square. he stones women to death. But he doesn’t lie.

Well, tells us Ahmadinejad is not a liar, so he can blame the jews – those evil Jews that have schemed against civilization since they marched out of Egypt. Then he goes on to recount the history of World War I and the rise of Hitler. Ho-hum, not again. And if you don’t believe his version, he has the rpoof for you…”cuz I said”.

This is all true. This is history. This will never be reported. Not only will this be kept secret but the fact that the Zionist groups that wanted Palestine settled by Jews supported Hitler and worked closely with him, not just in 1927 but as late as 1945. This is also historical fact, not conjecture.

If it’s all such a big secret that “will never be reported”, how the hell does Duff know? That mouse in his pocket tell him?

Serious students of history that don’t have to live off a university paycheck, telling the same myths and lies term after term all know what Ahmadinejad knows.

Oh, “serious students of history”. in other words, crackpots like Duff. Ya know how you find a “serious scholar”? Ask him about Mary Magdalene – if the historian can recite “The Da Vinci Code” line-by-line, well, then you’ve got a Duff-approved scholar. If you thought mary was whore…i’s because that’s what the Jews want you to believe. See how easy this gets? Everything you know it wrong because of the Jews.

What does all of this bullshit mean to us? Well, there was no Holocaust so we should stop feeling sorry for the Jews and look the other way while Ahmadinejad (and possibly Mary Magdalene) blow up Israel. Somehow hitler, Stalin and “the jews” (all hundred million of them apparently) cooked the whole think because they were all Zionists. I guess Stalin’s pogroms were all a figment of our Jew-poisoned, addled pates as well.

Of course, what’s REALLY scary about Gordon Duff, is that he has a following. I’m always getting emails from former fans of his who’ve recovered and left the reservation and then email me (why me of all people) to warn me that Gordon Duff is coming to eat my puppies. if you have an opportunity somea, read the comments…they’re almost as hilarious as Duff’s reporting of secret history that only occurs in his somewhat underused brain.

So what do I know? The Jews probably poisoned me, too.

Category: Bloggers, General Whackos

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What’s truly scary is the amount of ignorance exhibited by his readership. If I hadn’t encountered its type in various political debate venues before now, I would have been floored to discover people like that in existence today.

There really is nothing new under the sun I’ve learned, people like him and his followers have always existed, and always will.


Scary, indeed. I’m curious what nom de guerre Rick Sanchez uses in there.


Wait, what?

Last month, Gordon pegged Ahmadinejad as an “Israeli mole” who is controlled by Zionists.

But he’s not a liar.

Gordon is like the Christopher Columbus of batshit insanity.


You would think that there is enough going on in the world, that folks wouldn’t have to make stuff up.

But I guess it’s no fun to hate, unless you can hate who you want. Kind of like kickin’ puppies, I suppose.


I must admit I have little interest in what Duff and his ilk have to say, but I did TRY to read this Duff piece.

If I ever need an example of inchoate babbling I will know where to find it.

nader paul kucinich gravel mckinney

Support the federal reserve
Follow your AIPAC orders
Trust the government
Trust? that 9/11 story
Trust the media


“Maniacal ravings”? Hardly, that’s YOUR domain!

“What’s truly scary is the amount of ignorance exhibited by his readership”

F*ck you, jerk-off. I resent your insult, you vile pile of dung! What’s truly scary is YOUR closemindedness!



The problem with Gordon Douche, is he had his bike stolen as a child and some scumbag Palestinian, told him the Jews did it. Ever since then, he is as obsessed with hating Jews and using the word “Zionist” so he can equivocate a straw man argument that not all Jews are Zionists, as if we think he is talking about any other kind. He is an amateur as a writer and the worst kind of filthy liar anyone would suffer reading his over the top obsession with blaming the Jews for everything to the stink on his breath from lying to the putrid smell of rotting flesh whenever he wipes his lying ass and even the stink on the toilet paper on the rare occasions he doesn’t use his bare hand.

Gordon Duff us the most deserving of an ass kicking as the emotional pinata for a pity party for pathetic losers who love Gordon spooning hot chili propaganda up his their butt slamming faggot lying asses. Ten minutes of reading anything Gordon writes, will have you feeling retarded as rainman and as butt stupid as a tree stump.