The name which will not be spoken

| August 17, 2010

Some Democrats are finding that their campaigning is a lot easier when they slam the president’s policies and the Democrats in Congress. This is the most recent ad from South Dakota’s Stephanie Herseth Sandlin, incumbent Democrat for SD’s lone congressional seat;

Yup, you’d think she’s the GOP candidate, wouldn’t you? On her website, the only thing I can find that even remotely addresses her party is the fact that she belongs to the Blue Dog Coalition.

Category: Congress sucks, Liberals suck

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Old Tanker

I gotta admit, it’s a cute commercial…


Maybe someone should take a peek at her voting record, instead of relying on her jaunt to the middle?

Old Tanker


Here are a few bills she sponsered, I didn’t read them to see if they were any good but it seems she likes Veterans…

H.R. 1037: Veterans’ Benefits Enhancement Act of 2009 – To direct the Secretary of Veterans Affairs to conduct a five-year pilot project to test the feasibility and advisability of expanding the scope of certain qualifying work-study activities under title 38, United States Code.

Only a study but better than nothing.

H.R. 5360: Blinded Veterans Adaptive Housing Improvement Act of 2010 – To amend title 38, United States Code, to modify the standard of visual acuity required for eligibility for specially adapted housing assistance provided by the Secretary of Veterans Affairs.

I have no idea if it’s to modify the standards up or down…

She’s also a member of the Veterans Affairs Committee

Source was


This is a good sign for the fall. I poked through her web site and the only place the word Democrat appears is in reference to her father. They are really running scared.

Blue Cyclone

If you paid attention to the Democratic Senate primary in Arkansas, Blanche Lincoln ran a commercial that was similar in style and very similar in content. This is the Youtube link

Worked so far for Blanche, why not Stephanie.


She conveniently left out if she is for or against the things Congress is doing.


Old Tanker,

Since I’m from SoDak, when I attended the Vets For Freedom rally to support the Afghan Surge last November 5, I was one of the vets assigned to meet with Herseth-Sandlin. She managed to be too busy to meet with our delegation of vets. She sent one of her staff assistants. He was a pleasant young fellow but seemed to be actively noncomital. From what I gathered, his background included a political science degree, but no mention of either personal active duty or reserve service. Of our three congress-people, Senator John Thune has been compulsive about attending military-related events, such as NG activations and send-offs, return welcomes, and funerals. Senator Tim Johnson, though hindered by his brain hemmorhage, manages to attend occasionally. But Herseth-Sandlin is virtually never present. As a PGR activist, I’ve got to be there, so I know who else is, and is not. Herseth-Sandlin is interested in Veterans only to the extent they can be domesticated and emsaculated as Democrat clients.

Old Tanker


Thanks for the info. It appears I was right….She seems to like veterans…just nothing more than window dressing.


I love Stephanie, as I have said before. Nect to Jim Marshall, in who’s office I met her, she’s my favorite Member of Congress. She can’t change parties because her dad was a Dem Gov, but she’s as close to a GOP as you will find among Dems, and frankly, I like having some conservative Dems around to make life frustrating on Pelosi.

On Veterans issues, there is honestly no one better. She is just amazing, and every time I have seen her in a crowd of veterans, they just gush over her.