Chanan Suarez-Diaz meets TSO

| June 9, 2008

My drinkin’ buddy, Thus Spake Ortner takes on yet another IVAW fable-ist at The Sniper. A sample;

We relieved the Second Battalion, Fourth Marines, and they wanted us to do the same death mission that one of its squads–which is eight Marines, plus a Navy corpsman, for a total of nine–did.

The squad was completely wiped out. They got ambushed in a bad part of Ramadi, and all of them were killed–their bodies were stripped and left on the street. They wanted us to do the same thing–to go on the same route, but have backup at some distance. They wanted us to draw the fire, call in the backup and then wipe them out.

Death Mission? There are several things to this story that are interesting/inaccurate. First off, the so-called “Death Mission” happened on April 6, 2004, over 6 months before Diaz’s unit even arrived in country. So it wasn’t like they were sending him the next day. When a unit is said to “Land on Omaha Beach”, it would make a big difference if they did so on June 6, or November 6.

Speaking of IVAW, TSO also sent me this video last week promising to write about it (and he never did – but it’s good for entertainment value). It should have been entitled The Army of Duh;

For those of you who don’t know, Robin of Chickenhawk Express (my alter ego according to the IVAW) is back blogging more regularly.

Concretebob wants you to contact your Congressman to get him/her to sponsor a bill to protect recruiters.

Category: Bloggers, Iraq Veterans Against the War, Phony soldiers, Politics

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Thus Spake Ortner

I didn’t have the heart to take it to that poor girl.

She is indeed one of the smartest people I’ve ever seen interviewed. I think she and Montalvan should hook up and procreate as much as possible.

Raoul Deming


No peeing in the gene pool, please…

Mike Dennin

Hmmm…not sure Mensa could handle the influx of new members…


MD: Might wanna be careful… We already have folks like Kerry suggesting that the military is made up of dimwits who can’t find other employment.

This one’s motives have more to do with her age and outside influences, I think.

I do wish TSO had dated her so we could find out?


That’s already been done, Jonn (calling for the protection of recruiters). I will call again, though. Anything (almost) for ConcreteBob. 😉


It sounds like Robin was in the 98th Division Advisory Support Team, a Civil Affairs unit based out of Rochester. You can read about the 98th’s duty in Iraq at the following link:

Iroquois Warriors in Iraq

Thus Spake Ortner

Wow, 290 pages.

Do they have a Cliff’s notes of it?


TSO asked:

Do they have a Cliff’s notes of it?

Heck, I’d rather have the “Classic Comics” version! 🙂 Those comics bailed me out on many a book report.

Here’s a link to a youtube video about the 98th in Iraq:

98th Division Advisory Support Team (AST) aka MITTs


The IVAW storyteller described and quoted in Thus Spake Ortner’s post, is just like the rest of the gang of idiots in that organization. He not only makes shit up, but he uses personnel and actions from OTHER units to fill the void in his wild imagination.

The IVAW is a sewer full of disgruntled fuck-ups and problem children. There’s a reason why these types of individuals are drawn to it. It’s tailor-made.


The thing is, military service is voluntary now and has been that way for 35 years. Nobody is forcing anybody to join the military. If a person doesn’t think they can hack it, don’t sign on the dotted line. I knew guys when I was in that claimed to be drug addicts to get out. Another guy I knew claimed he was gay in order to get out. Those guys joined and couldn’t hack it so they made up this stuff to get out of the service.


What about the IVAW members that are still in and have no plans to get out anytime soon? The ones full of good conduct medals, no disciplinary action, and good NCOERS, along with random other awards?

I’m just saying. It doesn’t take being a screwup to join IVAW.


“It doesn’t take being a screwup to join IVAW.”

No, but it sure helps.


Individuals like “Robin” are a disgrace and make a jackass out of themselves blaming others for their own insecurities. According to her, that’s only the “second time she’s spoken out against war”. Hell, in that case the war Islam declared on US should have her as busy as a 3-peckered goat. She opines about the term “hadji” when our Islamofascist adversaries use brutal methods in their quest for a world Caliphate; they behead, they blow innocent people to bits, they’re basically the scum of the earth, but she’s having a hissy fit over us calling them “hadji”, because of their head wear. I’m so glad she’s out of my Army.


You are spot on. Anyone who’s been in the VOLUNTEER military for longer than two minutes knows that you are sent where you are needed. Secondly, the war in Iraq and Afghanistan has been going on for 5 years and 7 years respectively, so there’s no mystery as to the fact that you will be deployed to one or the other.

Both are just two battlefields in the war against Islamic terrorism, and have been eliminated as bastions.


I just looked back through my blog. I posted an article that featured Robin in the video, except she spells it Robyn. Check it out:

Female Soldiers Protecting Convoys in Iraq

Quote from the article:

“They (the Iraqis) used to get really confused,” said Spc. Robyn L. Murray, a civil affairs specialist from Niagara Falls, N.Y. “I was the first. I volunteered on the second day we were here.”

The civil affairs team that Murray was assigned to needed a gunner who knew how to use a squad automatic weapon. Murray said she jumped at the opportunity to “man” the machine gun in the turret.


Robyn. Check.


To ArmySergeant, beware the company you keep or be ready to be labeled with the rest. Frankly, protesting be carried out by active duty military personnel during a lawful war is pretty disgusting. You may not agree with Iraq, but if this was an illegal or immoral war, President Bush would have been impeached years ago. I respect your service, but question your judgment as an NCO. If I were one of your troops, I would find it hard to follow any orders you gave me. As a side note, I have served in Iraq and did not see any of the outrageous events described by some of your fellow IVAW members. I am not saying bad things did not happen, but not at the level they say or with command sponsorship.


I’m sorry you feel that protesting is disgusting. I follow DoD Directive 1325.6, as well as applicable 670-1, 1344.10, etc. I may skirt close to the line on occasion, but at least follow the letter of the law so far as I am aware of it.

I believe that this war, more than simply just being immoral or illegal, was unnecessary. It was unnecessary, and I feel that it damages America.

Personally, I’ve been briefed by a sergeant major that it’s more important to save your skin than to do the right thing. So I easily believe that command sponsorship causes many of these incidents. I’ve also been told by a battalion commander that he “doesn’t believe in PTSD or mental health issues”.

There are a lot of problems in command leadership, in part caused by rapid promotion of leadership on higher levels as well.


Army Sgt Did you enlist prior to or after the start of the Iraq war?

Raoul Deming


There’s plenty of things connected with your “counter recruitment” efforts that fit the definition of Subversion.

Army Regulation 381-12 Subversion and Espionage Directed Against the U.S. Army (SAEDA)

Advocating, causing, or attempting to cause
insubordination, disloyalty, mutiny, or refusal
of duty by any member of the armed forces
of the United States or by Department of
Defense civilian personnel with the intent to
interfere with, impair, or influence the loyalty , morale, or discipline of such armed forces. During time of war, subversion additionally includes:
(l) making or conveying false reports or
false statements with the intent to interfere
with the operation or success of the armed
forces of the United States or to promote the
success of its enemies; and
(2) willfully obstructing or attempting to
obstruct the recruitment or enlistment service
of the United States, to the injury of the
United States (see l8 USC 2387-88).

Raoul Deming

ArmySergeant (and others),

[It doesn’t take being a screwup to join IVAW.]

But I think it’s in your bylaws that it’s a requirement to hold an IVAW office.

Look at your leadership. AWOL, US, Kicked Out Don’t Come Back (i.e. elvis kokesh), etc.

mejia’s a committed marxist, peysner is running on PSL ticket, TJ sounds like he’s the audio book version of Das Kapital.

for laughs and giggles, everyone go to and look around. from then on you’ll giggle everytime the left claims ther anti-war groups are not communist controlled.

Raoul Deming

rochester veteran,

[In fact, all of the turret gunners for this particular 10-person civil affairs team are females.]

Damn, I could have “testified” at Winter Soldier 2.1 that every 28 days this unit were shooting prisoners…

ON THE BRIGHT SIDE, back in 1971 the cost of Winter Soldier is what helped bankrupt the Vietnam Veterans Against the War. It caused the office to move into someone’s apartment and basically they went dormant.

The good news is that Winter Sildier 2.1 seems destined to do the same thing.

And for the IVAW to claim they’re NOT the VVAW’s puppet, just look at Kelly Dougherty’s “Moldy Oldies” panel, Ensign, Cohright, Romo and that other guy. Wow, what a trip down memory Lane of the 60’s.

Why not, half the audience can releate, know what I mean.


Gramps, enlisted prior to, reenlisted multiple times since.

Raoul: I don’t do counter-recruitment

Also, what about the co-chair of our board, currently serving National Guardsman Jabbar Magruder? No Article 15s, no disciplinary actions, no one has even thrown a negative counseling statement at him about this stuff. A good soldier and a good NCO. He’s in a leadership position.

Kelly Dougherty also was an NCO who got out honorably with to my knowledge no Articles.


Army Sgt speaks: Gramps, enlisted prior to, reenlisted multiple times since.

And also: I believe that this war, more than simply just being immoral or illegal

I don’t understand why if you thought the war in Iraq was illegal you even bothered to enlist. Did you think that you could pick & choose your war? Doesn’t make any sense to me, but then neither does the IVAW.

Raoul Deming


Guess you can sleep soundly attending KKK meetings as long as you don’t light crosses. Sheesh, this moral firewall crap is one of the reasons you and Col Klink (Wright) are such jokes.

Ever pass a copy of “Sir No Sir” to an active duty troop? “Winter Soldier”?

Wow, two out of how many? In less, your board is four or less, that means the majority of your folks are not good role models to say the least.



Because I believe in the country and its defense. I never thought I could “pick and choose my war”, but I never thought the US would be involved in any war but a war of defense.


The IVAW does “Truth in Recruiting” campaigns, but they are not counterrecruitment. Recruiters have been lying for years, and everyone in the military knows it.

There is no law against passing Winter Soldier or Sir, No Sir to an active duty troop. I can share movies if I choose to. Those are both historical movies.

Also, I don’t personally know all of the board members, which is why I only talked about the ones I know.

Jason Lemieux is also on the board though, I forgot him. He was an NCO who served three tours in Iraq, his last one a volunteer extension to go with the green guys. He got out honorably and served without incident. That’s three I’m personally familiar with.


Army Sgt speaks: Because I believe in the country and its defense. I never thought I could “pick and choose my war”, but I never thought the US would be involved in any war but a war of defense.

If you’ve re-enlisted as you stated then you have no right to bitch & moan about the war in Iraq. Do you follow illegal orders? Then you shouldn’t be serving if you think it’s an illegal war. I’m of the opinion that you’re just like a little kid looking for attention. Oughta here!


Raoul Deming Says:

Damn, I could have “testified” at Winter Soldier 2.1 that every 28 days this unit were shooting prisoners…

ON THE BRIGHT SIDE, back in 1971 the cost of Winter Soldier is what helped bankrupt the Vietnam Veterans Against the War. It caused the office to move into someone’s apartment and basically they went dormant.

The good news is that Winter Sildier 2.1 seems destined to do the same thing.

When I first viewed that video of Robyn, it didn’t initially click that I ran a article in the “Women Warriors” series on that featured her and her fellow turret gunners. She was an eager volunteer for that duty and then she comes off in this video maligning her fellow soldiers. That bothers the sh!t out of me.

TJ sounds like he’s the audio book version of Das Kapital

Yeah, he sure does. He likes to use the marxist buzzword, “imperialist”, when referring to the US, a sure clue to where his political loyalties lay. Check out the author’s affiliation of the article at the following link:

The Growing Strength Of IVAW, Rochester, NY

Raoul Deming


[There is no law against passing Winter Soldier or Sir, No Sir to an active duty troop. I can share movies if I choose to.]

Go back up and read the definition of subversion in that regulation. The object of your handing that movie out isn’t a love of film.


It’s not for nothing that there’s Red Stars used in the IVAW recruiting materials like the little IVAW banners they pinned to their backs when they shilled for ANSWER (Marxists) back in March 2007 in DC.

ANSWER asked VFP for shills in uniform and they gladly supplied the IVAW. And why not, IVAW is based on the VVAW, controlled by the VVAW.

And they gives out all this absolute crap about oaths to defend the country from internal enemies too. Now that’s a lie when you march with ANSWER. ANSWER is an internal enemy of this country, no two ways about it.

ANSWER tells people that if ArmySergeant takes a round in the forehead from “Iraq’s anti-colonial resistance” that they should support “Iraq’s anti-colonial resistance” unconditionally.

I’d advocate a ceasefire rather than have that happen, but note that you can’t find a “peace group” that advocates anythng but American defeat.

I even told two people from the Ethical Society in DC that if they formed a “peace group” that asked both side to stop hostilities, that would not unconditional support “Iraq’s anti-colonial resistance” I’d help them stage their march/rally.

So far no takers. They claim ANSWER is the only game, so while they disagree, they’ll still march with ANSWER.

There’s no peace sign big enough to cover the dishonor ArmySergeant earns marching with those who accept the killing of the Soldiers she claims to love and protect.

How many Soldiers lives is she prepared to sacrifice for IVAW’s goals?

That’s NOT an unreasonable premise. ANSWER and the other “peace movements” endorsed WTI. That will cost Soldiers’ lives.

The Harvard Study also corrolates protest with increased attacks. Deaths are proportional to the number of attacks.

So A/S, what’s your acceptable number?



If you study the history of the anti-war movement in the US, its origins were in the early part of the 20th century and its organizers were communists and socialists. Little has changed since. ANSWER is a communist organization. They seek shredding of our Constitution and the overthrow of our government.

The US liberated 57 million people in Afghanistan and Iraq and introduced them to democracy and the concepts of freedom and self-determination. This was in our best interest as well because people who are free and enpowered to seek their own destinies will reject and defeat the evil tyrants of Islamofacism, the ideology that encourages people to strap explosive vests on their teenagers to walk into crowds of innocent people, to take out as many as possible. It’s also the ideology that encouraged those evil killers who hijacked and flew the jets into the WTC and the Pentagon. Evil is evil and when you root for evil, who are also the enemies of freedom, it will end up biting you in the butt.



I do study the history of the anti-war movement to understand the current anti-war movement.

There’s not one major anti-war movement that’s not communist.

Hell IVAW’s leader Camilo Mejia is a committed Sandanista Marxist. Mike Peysner is running on the PSL ticket for Congress (22nd District Florida) in of all places Boca Raton.


If Rochester_Vet cared about the shredding of our Constitution he’d point out more folks than ANSWER. Thats what happens when people play politics instead of looking at problems logically.

Redbaiting is so 80’s guys, come on.
I guess Raoul joins every anti-war movement so he knows what happens on the inside of them because he wouldn’t make such statements with out knowing them to be fact would he? He doesn’t believe in hearsay, right?


Anonymous said:

Redbaiting is so 80’s guys

It’s not baiting, it’s the truth and the facts. The socialists are behind the anti-war movement in Rochester and their communist brethren are behind the national movements. It’s in their best interest to weaken American resolve so they can further the marxist revolution. The thing is, it’s never worked and it never will work. Redistribution of wealth is stealing. People need incentives to progress and advance as a society. Marxism/communism/socialism always fails in practice and it’s downright deadly to its citizens, to the tune of over 100 million.

Raoul Deming


LOL, go to and tell everyone that ANSWER parent is not Marxist.

As a matter of fact, hit the “Education” link and look at the end of that page’s URL. It ends in “Marxism 101”.

There’s no red baiting here, but there’s a lot of lying from you.

[I guess Raoul joins every anti-war movement so he knows what happens on the inside of them because he wouldn’t make such statements with out knowing them to be fact would he? He doesn’t believe in hearsay, right?]

The facts on their own website prove you a liar. and both sell Che shirts. In your lying world, that makes them Universalist Unitarians.

[Thats what happens when people play politics instead of looking at problems logically.]

And then there are people like you who flat out lie.

Raoul Deming

If you want to see hearsay, read the “testimony” of John Beitzel at the “Dellums Hearings”. On the transcript, Beitzel blows it and admits that his testimony is hearsay, that he can’t answer the question because he wasn’t there.

Mike Dennin

Don’t you just love how Communists cry “Red-baiting!” when you blow their cover? Here’s what Christopher Hitchens, a Trotskyist who never had a problem admitting he was a Communist, had to say about ANSWER in reference to a glowing article written by Michael Janofsky of the New Duranty Times, wherein Janofsky described ANSWER and UFPJ as such: “The protests were largely sponsored by two groups, the Answer Coalition, which embodies a wide range of progressive political objectives, and United for Peace and Justice, which has a more narrow, antiwar focus.” Hitchens: “The name of the reporter on this story was Michael Janofsky. I suppose that it is possible that he has never before come across “International ANSWER,” the group run by the “Worker’s World” party and fronted by Ramsey Clark, which openly supports Kim Jong-il, Fidel Castro, Slobodan Milosevic, and the “resistance” in Afghanistan and Iraq, with Clark himself finding extra time to volunteer as attorney for the génocidaires in Rwanda. Quite a “wide range of progressive political objectives” indeed, if that’s the sort of thing you like. However, a dip into any database could have furnished Janofsky with well-researched and well-written articles by David Corn and Marc Cooper—to mention only two radical left journalists—who have exposed “International ANSWER” as a front for (depending on the day of the week) fascism, Stalinism, and jihadism.” And Hitchens’ take on the UFPJ? “The group self-lovingly calling itself “United for Peace and Justice” is by no means “narrow” in its “antiwar focus” but rather represents a very extended alliance between the Old and the New Left, some of it honorable and some of it redolent of the World Youth Congresses that used to bring credulous priests and fellow-traveling hacks together to discuss “peace” in East Berlin or Bucharest. Just to give you an example, from one who knows the sectarian makeup of the Left very well, I can tell you that the Worker’s World Party—Ramsey Clark’s core outfit—is the product of a split within the Trotskyist movement. These were the ones who felt that the Trotskyist majority, in 1956, was wrong to denounce… Read more »

Raoul Deming

UFPJ is MeMeMe Benjamin’s stalking horse. Leslie Cagan is just a firgurehead.

Part of decoding the leadership of the “peace movement” is like decoding the leadership of the Soviet Union in the 50’s and 60’s. You’d look to see who got to stand on Lenin’s Tomb and next to whom.

In this case, who gets to stand behind the UFPJ banner at every march.

That plus the one thing that AnyMouse didn’t lie about. I do know the inner workings of the upper ranks of these “popular fronts”.

Mike Dennin

Ah…Susie Benjamin – former resident of Cuba who described Castro’s gulag as “heaven on earth”…


Mike Dennin Says (in sarcasm):

Ah…Susie Benjamin – former resident of Cuba who described Castro’s gulag as “heaven on earth”…

I have a good friend who’s originally from Cuba. His Grandfather was a Mayor of a town and owned a sugar plantation. Castro took it all and my friend’s family escaped the firing squad with only the clothes on their backs (and the deeds to the property) and they were the lucky ones. My friend’s Grandfather worked as janitor until the end of his days, doing what he had to, to keep his family fed.

Castro and his regime were typical of the communist despots that achieved their power by making promises to the people to “level the playing field” and annointing themselves dictator for life.

My hope for this wonderful family is that the can eventually go back to Cuba and reclaim their property that was stolen from them by the communist “wealth redistribution” that Castro and his regime imposed on that country while aligning with the Soviet Union.


[…] third person in the video, Robyn Murray starred in one of our posts a couple of years back when she was captured in a video interview. Her only real complaint about […]


ESR-Every Soldiers Responsibility The year I was in Viet Nam saw the undoing of my character. I was disassembled by the war and have spent the past 39 years putting myself back together. The year I was in Viet Nam was July 70-July 71. One year at the age of 19 that would forever change me. I watched and participated in a growing GI resistance to the war. One day in my company three combat medics quit the war. We refused to go out on any more missions and announced our intentions to the First Sgt and Lieutenant. High on binoctal and alcohol we came to blows in the CQ. For striking a superior and mutiny we were arrested and thrown in the stockade. We were all decorated combat veterans but we had had enough of their war. Scotty and Nick refused to return to duty and served time in LBJ(Long Binh Jail) and received BCD(Bad Conduct Discharges) which stripped them of all veterans benefits and constitutional rights. I returned to duty but continued passive resistance. I kept men who were short(about to DEROS home) on sick leave so they were not sent out to the field. I falsified medical reports to keep men out of combat. In the end I too was discharged . I made a choice to retain my human shape and not descend into the Dark. Back in the World(the US) there was a growing body of politically radicalized veterans. Viet Nam Veterans against the War had over 50,000 members and the GI coffee house movement was widespread. The Winter Soldier hearings put a face on the atrocities and massacre’s and showcased the pain and rage that was twisting the spirit of the armed forces. We in the armed forces at the time regarded ourselves as citizen soldiers. I was an enlistee, RA all the Way, regular Army and volunteered for Viet Nam. I enlisted out of a sense of duty as a calling. It was not nor ever should be regarded as a JOB. The current professional volunteer armed forces has become a contracted killing… Read more »


“The current professional volunteer armed forces has become a contracted killing machine, a constitutional abomination.”

Oh what comes to mind, oh I know, Fuck off.


“Viet Nam Veterans against the War had over 50,000 members and the GI coffee house movement was widespread.”

Meanwhile, over the course of 8 years, your heirs apparent have barely managed to squeak their membership numbers into the four figure range even having duplicitously opened their ranks to those who never left the safety of the homeland. Not to mentions, they have routinely been duped by outright frauds and given platform to lying scumbags who make wildly ignorant and demonstrably false public statements, and attempt to sort every veteran into either the “victim” or “criminal” category.

So yes, fuck off.