What is Hillary’s Strategery?

| June 1, 2008

In spite of her big win today in Puerto Rico, Hillary is mathematically toast and she knows it. So, why is still driving on?

Stephanopolus thinks she is waiting for something to break that will shatter Obama’s chance in the General election and sway those super delegates that are left her way.

Former Clinton operative and ABC pseudo-journalist says that Hillary Clinton’s campaign is waiting on more to break on Obama and his church, and that that’s why Obama left his church yesterday.

Obama is on the ropes and appears to be limping into the nomination but he still has the lead and even with a recent series of blows to Obama, Hillary hasn’t been able to spike enough.

Hillary is either desperately hoping that some bombshell is on the horizon or she knows it. There are certainly some juicy rumors floating around the blogosphere.

Gateway Pundit seems to think that Obama has an Iranian Agent working for him!

According to sources, Trita Parsi who worked for the corrupt Congressman Bob Ney, and is protected by the likes of Brzezinski is said to be advising Obama on Iran!

I heard this news yesterday from anonymous sources close to Iran Press News…

This is unconfirmed on many levels but it could be something. If this clown is in fact an “agent”, Barry will lose worse than McGovern.

But far away the best rumor floating around is this juicy bit:

But the real reason for Obama’s extraordinary freakout is that he fears the release of the videotape, reported here, of Michelle Obama in the pulpit of Rev. Jeremiah Wright’s church railing against “whitey.” And we don’t mean Whitey Ford. Four Republican sources have told me that the tape exists. I’ve also been informed that Karl Rove and his allies have a copy of it and are using it to raise funds for independent expenditure groups. The tape, I’m told, will be disclosed as the GOP October Surprise. It’s a ticking time bomb.

Actually the Iranian agent rumor would make Barry far scarier as president. But if you think you heard “God Damn America” a few times, wait till the screeching “whitey” sound bite hits.

What is happening is that neither Hillary nor Barry is electable.

Middle America doesn’t like “militant racists” (whether real or perceived) and it is evident in his pathetic showings in West Virginia and Kentucky. Just as important is that a huge part of Hillary’s army (low and middle class women) will not vote for Obama and have said so. These ladies feel scorned and we all know what that’s all about. Obama may get to be the head of the Dem house but he’ll be sleeping on the couch.

Result: President McCain

If Hillary wrangles the nomination, under any possible circumstances, Obama’s supporters will view it as stolen. Even if either of the two rumors are true, it will be perceived as a dirty trick to “hold the brother back”. These are not smart people, they are identity voters. If Barry is not the man, the Dems can say good bye to 90% of the black vote and the hundreds of thousands of pimple-faced college idiots will fold up their Che t-shirts and stay home.

Result: President McCain

Category: Politics

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Richard Wheeler

COB Not bad. some other stories being spread;Obama has love child with cousin Karl Rove’s niece;pictures of young teen Barack snorting coke with “w”;Sirhan Sirhan prison break imminent.Please continue to update.

Richard Wheeler

Actually it was cousin Dick Cheney’s niece but Karl has the pictures.When can we get serious about this election??


Insightful stuff, even though I’m not much of a McCain fan. One safe bet is that more Obama stuff WILL come to the fore before November. I also reckon that the McCain camp is following this, but the question remains… what will they deign to do with it?

One certain fact is that the next few months will be interesting. <– Not so oblique reference to the purported Chinese curse . [grin]

Jonn wrote: It might get interesting real fast. Larry Johnson of No Quarter has seen the Michelle ObamaWhitey” tape and he may release it tomorrow. Seein’s how Johnson is a Clinton supporter, it makes sense he’d release it. I couldn’t figure out why he was dropping links to me all day, until it got through my thick skull.


” until it got through my thick skull.”

Kinda neat that, but in Navy talk… Stand By For A Ram.

It’s gonna be all the fault of your blog. You racist, you!

And yes to the popcorn. Although I was thinking pizza.


“Although I was thinking pizza.”
Pepperoni? I’ll bring the beer.