Mark Potok and the anatomy of a smear.

| February 25, 2010

There are a lot of folks who are unencumbered by any honor or integrity, but at the top of that list must go Mark Potok and SPLC. Even when it is proven that what Potok has said is incorrect, he blithely argues against the facts. What makes him so odious is that he ostensibly even does it in the name of stopping racism and creating equality. Those are laudable goals, but they are not effectuated by just making shit up and smearing people. Which is why Potok is the biggest pile of excrement in a field full of bullshit.

As a case in point, I will refer to today’s “Hatewatch Headlines.” Specifically, this one:

Austin Killer Becoming a Hero to the Radical Right In the hours since a man enraged at the government slammed his small plane into an IRS building, white supremacists and their fellow travelers have elevated Joseph Andrew Stack into an icon of resistance to tyranny.

It’s not even subtle the way he did that. See, if you are a white supremacist, you are by definition “Radical Right.” How does that work exactly? Doesn’t matter, Potok says it does, so there. It’s the same way that he called gang members in a previous report “Radical Rightwing Racists.” I mean sure, they were gang members in Seattle, but let’s not let that get in the way of a good mantra.

Let’s look closer at his article. Mind you, he only writes shit like this because he knows that some of you suckers on the left will buy into it and open your checkbook. It’s just like their bullshit legal case that they were doing for the poor downtrodden youth whose name and home address they just threw up on the internet despite their claims that they were doing it because he was ashamed to be singled out. They don’t actually care about those people they purport to represent; all they want is the greenbacks.

Actually, before reading any more, a question: Is every person who attacks federal employees because of their job a “right wing radical” according to Potok’s definition? What about those who attack federal property? If anti-government means right wing, then yes, right? Well, I remember some gentlemen of a certain faith attacking and killing soldiers in Arkansas and Texas, and yet I don’t remember Potok writing about them. I remember “Peace Activists” attacking recruiting stations, including with bombs, and nary a word from Potok. Why is that I wonder? Does anti-government radicalism then depend on the target Mark? You need to go after those right wing Religion of Peace folks and their counterparts in the Radical Right Wing peace movement like Code Pink. I mean, if you even want to make a pretense towards honesty.

So, let’s look at Potok’s proof that the “Right” views this absolute lunatic as a “Hero.”

“The Guy is a true HERO!!!” wrote “northroad” on, the largest white supremacist Web forum in the world. “God bless him,” chimed in “Rudyard,” following a comment by “suepeace”: “This was quite heroic. There is a gradual awakening underway. I wonder how racially conscious he was.”

M’kay. So some dirtbag racists think he was a hero, I don’t see how that pertains to the “Right.” Stormfront isn’t from the right, they are just a bunch of loser assholes. I went to look at that site briefly once, and the hallmark of that place wasn’t less government intrusion on economics, stressing personal responsibility and the merits of the free enterprise economy. It was how Whitey is being oppressed and how those damned Jooooos run everything, including FoxNews.

Nevertheless, white supremacists were thoroughly excited by his attack. “I can feel the crunch coming,” wrote “Lady Spirit Warrior,” another poster on Stormfront. “This is just the beginning. Prepare for battle!” “Things are heating up in America,” added “Astragoth.” “This man won’t be the last to do something like this.”

Um, yeah Dick, we get it, the assholes at Stormfront like the guy, how again does that go against “the right”? Got something from someone actually associated with the right? Like for instance, our site? Or maybe RedState? You know, a website actually associated with politics and not with skin pigmentation issues?

“Leshrac,” writing at another radical Web forum, the neo-Nazi Vanguard News Network, said: “Only bad I see about this is that he didn’t kill enough.”

Dude, you do know that “NAZI” is for National Socialist, meaning not the right side of the spectrum, right? These aren’t tea partiers and shit you are quoting, these are nutbag racists.

A few other white supremacists suggested that lionizing Stack could be a bad thing for the radical right, but they appeared to be in a minority. At the White Revolution website, “stephen3” said that “although Mr. Stack’s reasonings are true and correct, I am not hinting by any means that this is the way to protest against our corrupt government. … Although the time for direct action is here, do not go out and kill yourself to make a point.”

A more common point was made on Stormfront by “berdoofool,” who asked simply: “Are there ANY innocent IRS employees???”

And that is it. Not one person readily identifiable as being on the Right. Just a bunch of racist douches.

But……..the guy himself was a right wing extremist, right? I mean sure, look at all the Right Wing straw men that he railed against in his manifesto: the church, Capitalism, Big Business….

Wait a minute. The Right Wing doesn’t bash those things, we are beholden to them, remember? The right wing values Capitalism over everything, that is why we are ruining the lives of little brown people I thought? And religion is hated on the right? But, Mark, you argue on a second page how many members of the right were involved in the “Christian Identity” movement. So which is it? If you hate Religion you are right wing, and if you love it, you are right wing?

The reality is that Potok is completely full of shit. The Austin lunatic was not a right winger, and the people deifying this jackass are racists, not right wingers. Potok just thinks he can keep using “Racist” and “Right Wing” interchangeably until his smears stick. It makes him look worse than it does us. Try a little integrity, Mark, it might do you some good.


Which Radical Right Wing, Anti-Government Extremist group said the following:

Our tax dollars have purchased Predator and Reaper Drones, padded the pockets of Eric Prince and Blackwater mercenaries, Halliburton and the “too-big-to-fail” banks at the expense of our communities, our main streets, our small businesses, our neighbors’ homes.

EXIT EXIT QUESTION: How does the above quote differ from the manifesto of the Austin guy?

Exit Comment:
In the Comments OT compares Potok to Bizzaro from Super-Friends, but I have indisputable photgraphic evidence that he was actually the Swamp Monster from the Herculoids.

Category: Politics

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Old Tanker

Right is right and left is right…..and Mark is right, right out of Bizarro world…..


Why does anyone listen to this mental midget? He must have gotten the shit beat out of him, as a kid, by someone wearing a Nixon button.

Old Tanker

TSO….I give in, you’re right, DEFINITELY Swamp Monster!!!

AW1 Tim

Dude is a waste of DNA. The Aryan Nation is definitely left-wing. Hell, The Nazis were socialists. You telling me that Ayers was a right-wing nutjob too?

SPLC. the entire crew, needs to be put into a mental ward and dosed up with Thorazine before someone gets hurt. I honestly think it would be possible to charge him and all of those at SPLC with hate crimes, or at least hate speech, just through the crap they post.


From with footnote:

Politically, Nazism is a variety of fascism that incorporated elements from left-wing and right-wing ideologies, but, in practice, is a form of **far right politics.**[9]
In 1920, the Nazi Party presented its 25 point National Socialist Program, its key elements being anti-parliamentarism, Pan-Germanism, racism, collectivism,[10][11] Social Darwinism, eugenics, anti-semitism, anti-Communism, totalitarianism, and opposition to economic and political liberalism.[11][12][13]


TSO, you beat me to it. That was my question, just not quick enough on the click.
See the main point for the Wiki folks, Nazism was a variety, yada yada, left wing and right wing ideologies, but, in practice, is a form of right-wing politics. Must be great to be a lefty and get to set the rules. Ignore the Socialist in National Socialist, it’s cool, the SPLC will love you.


Ok, anon, let me give you a little sprinkle of truth to go with that. The reason the nazi’s hated the commies is because they were both after the same thing. The nazi’s didn’t like capitalism any more than the commies, it’s just the Hitler was smart enough to know he needed to use the industrialists to take full advantage of his plans. Ernst Rohm was far more radical in the National Socialist dictate than Hitler in that Ernst wanted to end all of the capitalistic enterprises immediately, and was far more radical in his timetable.

So, no, that old saw about “rightwing” tagging nazi’s is bs. They weren’t ever right wing. Hence the word “socialist” that is in the party name, because it wasn’t put in there for shits and giggles. What is in Wikipedia is the oft told lie (remember, if you tell a lie long enough, it will eventually become the truth, or unless someone actually does research).

AW1 Tim

Just remember which party voted overwhelmingly for the “Civil Rights Act”. Hint: It didn’t start with the letter “D”.

AW1 Tim

Good reading here:

80% of Republicans voted for the civil rights act.

62% of Democrats voted for it.

Remind me again which party is the one who is against civil rights?

Old Tanker

AW1…and I believe that was after the Dems filibustered twice(including Al Gores daddy) but then again, it doesn’t matter that you point that out, the left still thinks we’re racist…

BTW, which party had in it’s platform, the defeat of civil rights legislation? 1st 2 guesses don’t count…


TSO, not to mention being against the expression of one’s ideas. Nope, wait a minute, that would be the elites on the left. See Olberman, Garafalo, Maddow, Ayers, Dohrn, and Obama. That performance of his today was surely the most pathetic display of hubris I’ve had the misfortune to witness in my lifetime.


Let us also remember why Condi Rice’s family is conservative; as she, herself, stated that her grandfather wanted to register to vote and was turned down by the dems, so he asked the republicans and they were more than happy to register him to vote. Yeah, them damn rightwing extremist racist bastards!!!!

Let us also harkin back to the early 60’s and a certain man, who has been vilified by the left for being the President of the NRA, Mr. Charlton Heston, who was front and center marching for civil rights with MLK (hint; he was one of those nasty conservative rightwing extremists).

So, the tie in with bubbleheaded Potok is that it’s interesting that he calls his band of fantasy island rejects the Southern Poverty Law Center and is adamant that rightwingers are racists, even though they have been at the fore in every major battle to progress the equal rights and treatment of all citizens.

I could add many more examples, but I get a little irrated when assholes like Potok, Al Sharpton, and Jesse Jackson hijack the race issue for their own personal and political gain.

BTW in case anyone was wondering….MLK was a republican.


Robert Byrd, Senator from West Virginia was a Democrat his entire Political career. He’s the man who wrote in 1944 that he would rather see the USA lose WW2 to the Axis than have to serve next to Blacks. He is the only senator who was a Ku Klux Klan Kleegal and Exhalted Cyclops.

wonder how he fits into potoks view