Watching Eric “Black Beret” Shinseki Toss A Wounded Veteran Under the Obama Bus

| August 23, 2009

Today on Fox News Sunday with Chris Wallace I noticed several things that need further discussion.

1. Don’t ever send me to Chris Wallace with nothing more than weak talking points.
2. Wallace calls you a liar so nicely you’re soon agreeing with him.
3. Tammy Duckworth is a piss poor liar and doesn’t seem smart enough to fake it.
4. Shinseki didn’t have the balls to defend this and tossed Tammy overboard.

The issue was of course the recently outed end of life planning booklet that the VA has revived. It essentially encourages veterans to choose death over prolonged treatment.

We had a fascinating segment on FNS today about the workbook. First–we talked with Jim Towey–the man who broke the story. He helped end use of the book under President Bush, and was shocked to see it has now been reinstated. He says the message of the work book is clear: hurry up and die. And he says–when government can steer vulnerable individuals to conclude that life is not worth living–“who needs death panels?”

Then–we talked with VA Assistant Secretary Tammy Duckworth–who insisted on being interviewed separately. She said the workbook is just one of many reference tools the VA makes available–and that it is currently being revised. However, as we pointed out, it is still up on the VA website.

Duckworth was easy prey for Wallace and her talking points did little to help her. She eventually resorted to a full blown lie. She said that the booklet was funded by federal research dollars and as such was required by law to be on the VA website. That statement is quite simply, complete bullshit.

But here is why I hate Shinseki for his role in this.

I disagree with Duckworth’s politics but I respect her as a wounded veteran and a fellow officer. Shinseki does not respect her and essentially set her up to look like an idiot.

The booklet will be off the website in 72 hours (in spite of her bullshit legal requirement) because Obama will require it. It is the right thing to do with no political downside for Obama and a potentially huge downside if he doesn’t make this POS go away. I don’t think Obama gives a shit about veterans but he is not devoid of basic political instincts.

Shinseki knows this and yet he hid behind a woman and forced her out there to defend this atrocity on its merits.

Obama will toss it and Duckworth will look like a complete fool for having tried to defend it and Shinseki walks away unscathed.

Category: Politics

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COB, you’re right. Obama, or Emanuel will see the tape of this show, and go ballistic. The booklet will disappear and the refrain will be “what booklet”, you guys are all mistaken.
As to Duckworth being easy prey, if you don’t really believe in what you’re saying, you can’t defend it with conviction. Then one starts lying to fill in the gaps in one’s defense of the indefensible.


I left Active Duty during the Shinseki period. I am not going to say he was the only reason or my number one reason I left, but at a time I was hoping to see real transormation in the Army, all I got was a french hat.


To be really blunt, I wouldn’t give Shinseki the sweat off of my brow, even if he were dying of thirst in the midst of the Sahara.
It still completely chaps my hips that he took the Black Beret away from the Rangers and I was just plain vanilla Airborne Infantry.

May the Good Lord reward him according to his deeds.

Old Tanker

I no longer wonder why we always called him Shitsacki…….


Pathetic COB, its quite clear that you don’t give a shit about vets either so get off your high horse.

Why beholdest thou the mote that is in thy brother’s eye, but considerest not the beam that is in thine own eye? Or how wilt thou say to thy brother, Let me pull out the mote out of thine eye; and, behold, a beam is in thine own eye? Thou hypocrite, first cast out the beam out of thine own eye; and then shalt thou see clearly to cast out the mote out of thy brother’s eye.


Cents–quite the contrary. It’s becoming more and more apparent that it’s Shinseki and Obama’s administration that couldn’t care less about the vets. IOW, it’s like an expression we had back on the boats: “Nukes are like fuses–use them until they blow, then buy new ones.” If you don’t understand that expression, it wouldn’t surprise me.


I agree with COB. Duckworth was set up to fail. It seemed to me, though that her and Towey were almost talking about two different scenarios. Towey was refering to this booklet being given to wounded/disabled veterans, while Duckworth seemed to be talking about the booklet being given to new soldiers before they are sent into combat (she mentioned more than once that she was glad she had already dealt with this before she was wounded). That does not mitigate the language used in the booklet, because it’s a piece of garbage. It does kind of explain why Duckworth asked to be interviewed separately, though.


Cents: Where does it make it “quite clear” that COB doesn’t give a shit about Vets? Please provide your example, so we can all grasp that with which you feel compelled to use old english Shakspearean babble.

I would like to see it; so I can make an informed decision on whether COB gives a shit about Vets.

(just an aside: COB and his kids are Vets, so he might, juuuuust might give a shit)


I see the left is fighting back against the “death book” for veterans, so I am sure we will see this topic again. However, I want to pull a quote from the death book that I think is a prime example on why it should be dropped. The following is the final sentence on the section describing receiveing a ventilation tube.

“If you have a terminal illness, a mechanical ventilator will only prolong dying.”

Just A Grunt

Most Americans who are aware of this “death book for veterans”, meaning Fox News viewers, are making the connection to the now infamous Sarah Palin claim of death panels in the HR 3200 healthcare bill. This is an issue which is getting the attention of Americans and no matter how hard the liberals try to divorce themselves from the topic it is sticking to them like confetti to a men’s club dancer.


“old english Shakspearean babble.”
Its Matthew 7:3 (KJV) retard. But I can see how words can be confusing for you. You can google a modern dumbass translation to decipher this apparently cryptic code for you.

The child like fear some of you have is fckn hilarious. Proper Prior Planning Prevents Piss Poor Performance.

“NOTE from Larry Scott, VA Watchdog dot Org … Having lost a loved one less than three months ago, I know a fair amount about end-of-life literature. I have a pile of it on a bookshelf.

After reading the VA’s (also used by HHS and other government agencies) “Your Life, Your Choices,” I see little difference between this guide and those provided by the private health care sector.

They all offer choices, and urge the dying and the family members to know their options.

What we have here is a politically-motivated opinion piece by someone vehemently opposed to a national health care reform program….”

Flame on and make sure to smear Larry Scott while your at it. Stay classy sweetness.


I knew what is was, fuckstick, but I don’t care for the KJV. So kiss my ass you fucking moron.

Now; why don’t you provide what I asked for, instead of just trying to deride me for not caring for the KJV? Yha’s because you can’t you fucking doorknob. We aren’t talking about Larry Scott you window licking assmunch. We were talking about the lack of proof you have against COB.

Put up or STFU no-load.


I knew what is was, fuckstick, but I don’t care for the KJV. So kiss my ass you fucking moron.

Now; why don’t you provide what I asked for, instead of just trying to deride me for not caring for the KJV? that’s because you can’t you fucking doorknob. We aren’t talking about Larry Scott you window licking assmunch. We were talking about the lack of proof you have against COB.

Put up or STFU no-load.


Old limpdick, watch out your blood pressure might cause you to have to download one of them manuals. Its like Tantrum city ova here. But the Larry Scott quote is for Just a Grunt, sorry if you couldn’t decipher that from all dem words. As for evidence nah, I’m just gonna make a statement and cling to it as fact even in the face of all that shows otherwise. C’mon you know you guys love that kind of logic. Arguing with some of you is like arguing with Jimstaro, you’re both frikin’ retarded hypocrites.

Btw, I have 3 cents that says you don’t care for the KJV because of all dem big words that make your grape hurt.

Flame on sweetness.


cents–did your daddy not beat you enough as a child or something?


Centsless: Please don’t let you momma send you out the door without your helmet, anymore.

Just A Grunt

What is so appaling about the booklet recommended by the VA is that they talk about folks in wheelchairs or other serious disabilities such as loss of limbs and the tone is that instead of hanging around being a burden maybe it would be better if you went ahead and shuffled off of this mortal coil, as if suicide within the military isn’t a big enough problem already. Let’s go from that starting point to a couple years from now when the government really has control of healthcare and this same advice is now being given to people who say are missing a thumb on one hand. You know. “You already lost one thumb and maybe it is time to start making some end of life decisons before you lose the other one. Obviously only having one thumb is basically leaving you seriously handicapped and I bet sometimes you are burden to your loved ones who must pitch in to help in.” 5 years from now – “Ma’am I got some bad news. Your child has green eyes and as past studies have shown those with blue or brown eyes have a far better chance at success in life. I am just providing this information so you can make some “informed” decisions about a course of action….oh yeah it will be a girl too and we know what sort of obstacles that is.” Once you start down this path of valuing one human life over another you have started down a path from which there is no return. Trust me I know all about these end of life decisions. My mother in law was stricken with cancer and in the end she was at home receiving hospice care and died in her bed surrounded by loved ones, but at a time ordained not by some arbirtrary act of man. My mother, a victim of Alzheimers. She spent quite a few years in assisted living centers and wound up draining the bank accounts not only of hers but of her children and still we did not contemplate ending her life early… Read more »

Army Sergeant

I think I remember what Duckworth is talking about though. It’s part of standard pre-deployment stuff isn’t it?

I remember when I was getting nagged to update my will I also got nagged about whether or not I wanted a “living will”, like if I got braindead if I wanted them to pull the plug or not, and whether or not I wanted them to try to bring me back with extraordinariy measures and stuff. I’m pretty sure my whole unit had that conversation.

Just A Grunt

There is a difference between making the decisions regarding your care prior to a catastrophic event and encouraging someone who is suffering through a debillitating illness or injury, somebody who will have good days and bad days. Catch them on a bad day and they just might take you up on that offer. You know the day just before their grandkids show up with a big cake and some home made greeting cards that makes their day a great day.


Has anyone else seen that television commercial where the couple is in the car looking at elder relative sitting in a diner looking confused. Apparently, the two are decieding what to do with their relative, who is no longer able to care for himself. In the end, the guy says, “We will do what we have to, he’s family.”

Old Tanker

Just a Grunt….Bingo!!!

Army Sergeant

Just a Grunt:

Point. I definitely think that with the amount of suicidal vets we’ve already got, we don’t necessarily need to have anyone strengthening that urge.


A couple weeks ago, when I was in the VA under pretty dire straits, my physician asked me to clarify about My “end of life decisions”. In context of my condition that was entirely appropriate, particularly as she did so in a sensitive manner. BTW, I gave her firm “do not revive or resuscitate” orders, and made it clear that I meant it, and that my entire family were of the same disposition.

When I had my first outpatient visit with my permanent VA doctor and his nurse, dyring the intake interview, the nurse offered me a consult with a “social worker” for Living Will or Power of Attorney. I cordially declined. By her manner, she made it clear that the offer was part of the formal proceddure. In my opinion, I do not blame the nurse, but thought the issue went just a little too far. Mainly, I don’t trust social wokers and would not welcome her help – unless she was also a Sociable Worker and with big tits.

Finally, the doctor himself offered me “the book”, but most apologetically, as a matter of obligation. A polite refusal and the matter was dropped.

Subsequently I have seen “the book” on line. Personally, I view death as a culmination of life, and am comfortable with my own mortality. I say that a changed outlook toward my own mortality is the ultimate veterans’ benefit. BUT – it is not the VA’s duty to counsel us all, particularly as paart of routine care. And “the book” does so in a most uneven and leading manner which I consider unprofessional.

It is obvious to me that this policy is being pushed on the VA by higher management staff. Either Shitstaini or even higher. Maybe Zeke the Freak? Perhaps they should receive some of that good life choices counselling.


22 Army Sergeant,

For once we totally agree.
Been there, faced and contemplated that. There would have been circumstances when I would have chosen “the old injun fighter’s solution”. But such situations do not need any pre-counselling. If they really need that extremity, they will realize it on their own. Picking at the anxiety can only put bad ideas in the heads of the unstable who don’t mean it.


[…] Watching Eric “Black Beret” Shinseki Toss A Wounded Veteran Under the Obama Bus […]


AS re: #22

I know what you mean. We are doing everything we can to talk suicidal Vets away from the ledge and the VA wants to know whether you want music at your funeral.

I know I had a big turn off shortly after I got out. About 2 months after I got out I received a letter from DoD telling me I am eligible to be buried at a national cemetary and to return the enclosed paperwork to let them know which one! I was 22 fricken years old! Why the hell would I be thinking about that just then? The letter went on to state that I didn’t have to decide right then (whew, that’s a relief), but that it was available when I needed it.

I was thinking about beer and women (not necessarily in that order), so I thought it was strange that they would ask such a thing of someone who wasn’t exactly to the point of needing it.