Chasing down the SPLC

| August 13, 2009

Yeah, so I’m obsessed with the SPLC today. The Associated Press has written a really sorry POS article on the report. For example, as proof that militias are growing, they offer this YouTube video;

Aside from the guy in the video being a big, fat douche, the video was put on YouTube on Oct 6, 2008, a month before the election – before we knew we were going to have a Black President. So what does it prove? This doofus clown wanted us to buy legal semi-automatic weapons BEFORE the election.

Oh, but here’s the ultimate proof;

A series of domestic terrorism incidents over the past year have not been directly tied to organized militias, but the rhetoric behind some of the crimes are similar with that of the militia movement.

There’s nothing to tie crime to domestic terrorists, so that proves that militia influence is growing. The militias aren’t saying anything that Ron Paul supporters weren’t saying last year. The only thing that’s changed is the Black President. Stupid AP.

They ended their article with the only real example of “right wing terrorism” this year;

One alleged example of a lone-wolf offender is the 88-year-old man charged in the June shooting death of a guard at the U.S. Holocaust Memorial Museum in Washington.

Not surprisingly, the SPLC found another domestic terrorist in Jason E. Bush, who I wrote about a few months back. He was a career criminal who lied his way into the Minuteman movement and convinced a woman to help him murder a man and his child for what they thought was drug money.

Also present at the Cochise County muster were members of Minuteman American Defense (MAD), the Everett, Wash.-based group led by Shawna Forde, who was arrested less than a month later in the May 30 double murder in Arivaca, Ariz. Also arrested were MAD Operations Director Jason Bush and a third MAD member.

Bush and Forde and one other person are proof that the whole Minuteman movement are racist, domestic terrorists, according to SPLC. Using SPLC’s reasoning, Carlos Bledsoe is proof that all Muslim converts are domestic terrorists. I’ll probably get TAH labeled as a hate site for writing that, won’t I?

But trolling around, I think I found Spooky 8 over at Democratic Underground going by the name formercia in a discussion on the SPLC report;


Category: Barack Obama/Joe Biden, Liberals suck

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PLaying the part of Jonn Lilyea will be peter griffin, with the role of Mark Potok going to th chicken.


The stuff these people say doesn’t make any sense. Based on everything we know about von Brunn, he was a racist prick, but he was also an insane, senile old man who wanted to die. I’m not so sure SPLC wants to start walking the path of taking insane people who kill folks over their delusions and suicidal urges and lumping them in with legitimate political ideologies. These clowns just got done defending Ayer’s activities, and now they’re fomenting fear of anyone who isn’t bending over and mindlessly accepting massively expanding the role of the federal government.


Ugh, who taught that guy how to set up an AR type rifle? Who even does carry handles anymore unless you’re going for a ‘retro’ build? And that foregrip. Ick.


“Ugh, who taught that guy how to set up an AR type rifle?”
Probably the SP-exploiting-LC and I’ll bet the AR is a Vulcan or Hesse to boot! 🙂