Zelaya gives talks until midnight

| July 18, 2009

Things are heating up in central America over former President Zelaya’s ouster. The deposed politico, from the safety of Nicaragua, has declared that at midnight he’ll steal into Honduras to continue his fight against the Constitutional government in Honduras. This from Fausta’s Blog;

Sounds to me he’s saying he’ll be leading a battle… mañana. We’ll see what the weekend brings. The negotiations are scheduled to resume today.

From Alberto de la Cruz at Babalu Blog, it seems that the referendum Zelaya was booted for inciting had the fix in;

…Honduran authorities have seized computers found in the Presidential Palace belonging to deposed president Mel Zelaya. Taking a page right out of the leftist dictator’s handbook, these computers, according to the news report, contained the official and certified results of the illegal constitutional referendum Zelaya wanted to conduct that never took place. The results of this fraudulent vote was tilted heavily in Zelaya’s favor, ensuring he could go ahead and illegally change the constitution so he could remain in power for as long as he wanted…

Alberto points out that US and international media are totally ignoring this story.

Of course, Hugo Chavez is stoking the fires according to Reuters;

Chavez’s comments that Zelaya had told him he would enter Honduras “in the coming hours” threatened to jeopardize planned talks on Saturday in Costa Rica between the rival sides that both claim legitimacy since the June 28 coup that toppled Zelaya.

The brave Obama Administration is taking a forceful stand against Chavez;

A senior State Department official, who declined to be named because his comments were sensitive, said Chavez’s current role was “not helpful.”

Boy, that’s going to sting, ain’t it?

In other regional news, Fausta also writes that Associated Press has acquired a video of a FARC official admitting that FARC donated election funds to Ecuador’s president Rafael Correa. There has been written evidence in the past, but this video will be harder to deny. FARC, of course, gets a large portion of it’s funding from Chavez.

ADDED: I forgot to add this great blog La Gringa’s Blogocito (the link to which was sent to us by our friend John who lives in David, Panama). La Gringa brilliantly writes;

Any return of Mel Zelaya to the presidency compromises democracy and constitutional integrity. It would send a message to all Hondurans that not only will corruption and illegal activities be forgiven, but are supported by world opinion. It also sends a message that Honduras will be accepted as a sovereign nation only as long as the rest of the world approves of their choices.

And William Teach at Pirate’s Cove reports that Castro is blaming Bush for the Honduras mess. Real original.

Category: Barack Obama/Joe Biden, Breaking News, Foreign Policy, Hugo Chavez, Terror War, Usual Suspects

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AW1 Tim


What really torques me about this situation, beyond the MSM’s willful ignorance, is that the Honduran Congress and Supreme Court were working hard to PROTECT their own democracy, to ensure the rule of law and constitution was followed, unlike our own legislative branch which seems willing and able to do whatever the current POTUS deems appropriate.

Is it sad to say that I have more pride in what the folks in Honduras are doing than in those of my own nation?


Let him land… then “Aquino” his buttocks.

D”espite a convoy of security guards (all assigned to him by the Marcos government) a contingent of 1,200 military and police personnel on the tarmac, and three armed bodyguards personally escorting him, Aquino was fatally shot in the head as he was escorted off the airplane.”


AW1 Tim

Sounds like a plan to me. This has Chavez’ name all over it, and it stinks to high heaven that our own limp-wristed mom-jeans wearing Erkle of a CinC has let things go so far without standing up for the rule of law.

Zelaya forfeited whatever rights he has to protection under Honduran law when he decided to circumvent the Honduran Constitution in order to set himself up as a “President-For-Life-Dada” thug.

I hope the TV images of him returning to Honduras include the local folks zipping him into a body

Respects, bag.


Yeah, the State Dept really whacked Chavez’ dick with that rough and tumble statement. God, what a bunch of hapless, clueless maroons running this country.
I bet Jimmah Cahtah would have certified Zelaya’s “referendum” as being legitimate, if he had been there. Even if they’d showed him the pre-ordained results.