Democrats’ glee

| June 25, 2009

The Washington Post was obviously relieved that Mark Sanford was caught yesterday returning from an extra-marital affair in Argentina. The front web page of the Post this morning looked like this;


In the “news” article, they gleefully predict the death of the Republican Party because of the Sanford admission;

Coming a week after Sen. John Ensign (R-Nev.) admitted to an extramarital affair, the scandal will impact the Republicans in several ways. First, it further damages the GOP brand, potentially driving away more voters or at least making it more difficult to win back some of those who abandoned the party in the past two elections. Second, it could disillusion social and religious conservatives — a critically important part of the Republican coalition — who may now wonder whether those who share the Republican label truly share their values. Third, the Sanford saga removes one more new-generation GOP leader from the field of prospective 2012 candidates, adding to doubts about the strength of the party’s bench.

How many Republicans are there in the country? Two people admit to affairs and that’s the end of the party? Funny that they didn’t predict the end of the Democrat Party when John Edwards and Eliot Spitzer was busted.

As our reader, that Disgruntled former IVAW Member said, Democrats don’t expect their politicians to be the least bit moral – doesn’t that say something about their party right there? No, obviously not. They use the excuse that “Well, the Republicans are the family values party.” When was the last time a Republican candidate mentioned family values?

While it’s true that I won’t vote for any candidate of any party who cheats on their families, it’s not because I’m a “family values” voter – if a man’s wife can’t trust him to come home every night and fill his shoes as a father and husband, why should I trust him to do what he says he’ll do in elected office?

It’s too bad that all voters don’t hold their candidates to a standard of truth and faith. Maybe politics would change if we tolerated a little less of the lying and cheating. But, since Democrats expect their politicians to be corrupt, there won’t be much chance of that.

Category: Liberals suck, Media, Politics

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“It’s too bad that all voters don’t hold their candidates to a standard of truth and faith. Maybe politics would change if we tolerated a little less of the lying and cheating. But, since Democrats expect their politicians to be corrupt, there won’t be much chance of that.”
Amen,Jonn. I am sick and tired of the dems telling conservatives that we have the morality high road so THAT makes it okay for them to lie, cheat and such. They’re all fucked up. Cheating is wrong when you are married, period, end of story.
Politicians believe their power exempts them until they get caught, unless it IS a dem.


I’m sure this isn’t a revelation, but I’ve come to learn that douchebags tend to engage in their douchebaggery regardless of their political affiliation. The fact that Democrats venerate their douchebags, while Republicans tend to excommunicate theirs…well…


Clinton, Spitzer, McGreevey, Edwards and those are just the ones off of the top of my head. Democrates expect their politicians to be corrupt, and they get what they expect. Do Americans really hold Republicans to a higher standard? It would appear so.

Another Disgrunted IVAW "member"

I think you misrepresented what I said.

My point was that no Democrat has used “family values” to attack their opponent while trying to win political office. And once in office they don’t accuse or attack the other side or their political enemies for being ungodly.

David Vitter, John Ensign, Mark Sanford, Mark Foley, Newt Gingrich have all ran for office and re-election while demonizing their opposition.

You asked “When was the last time a Republican Candidate mentioned family values”….gee, just go look at any one of these politicians campaigns and what they’ve said during it. You can google the words “hypocrisy” “Republicans”. Rep. Doug Lamborn of CO-5 runs on “family values” each election.

Jonn wrote: Um, what you said was “It’s expected for Democrats to be unfaithful, gay, thieves…etc.” That’s a quote from this comment. I don’t know how I could misrepresent your actual words.


I think the issue is that Republicans stifle in hypocrisy because they try to live up to what’s not possible. They get involved in stifling marriages and then stick with them even when they’re loveless because they are afraid of losing their political position as a divorcee.

I wish more of my politicians had the integrity to stand up and get divorced from hell.

Another Disgrunted IVAW "member"


You wrote “Democrats don’t expect their politicians to be the least bit moral – doesn’t that say something about their party right there?”

That’s not exactly what I said or even meant. I wrote “It’s expected for Democrats to be unfaithful, gay, thieves…etc. But that party doesn’t run on “values and morals” do they?”

Notice the difference. Now maybe your labeling me a Democrat (which I am not) or maybe your assuming that I meant that Democratic voters expect Democratic Candidates or Politicians to be “unfaithful, gay, thieves…etc” but I didn’t actually say that either. What I meant is that “some” Republicans run their campaigns suggesting that their competition (the Democrat) is ungodly and that they (the Republican) has a higher standard towards “traditional family values”.

Jonn wrote: I hope you unravel that intellectual knot you tied before lunch.


You’re right, Sarge and Another. Who effin needs integrity? So overrated, isn’t it?

And yes, that was sarcasm.


Well, so far all the women who have been cheated on stayed and it makes me ill to see such effing spineless ninnies. And the men, frankly need a bobbitting. Really. No excuses anywhere.

I have been accused of not being Christian because I support leaving/divorcing assholes who cheat. I have been married 23 years. I would never tolerate such an action no matter what the cost.


Lemme see, some media twerp with no real life experiences is hailing the death of one of the two warmongering, statist parties due to divorce and shilling for the other warmongering, statist party… And this is news???

“They get involved in stifling marriages and then stick with them even when they’re loveless because they are afraid of losing their political position as a divorcee.”
Truth be told, the western paradigm that marriage is all about love is a crock. Societies that have arraigned marriages don’t have the psycho divorce rate we have and the pitfalls of single parents to boot. Hate to say it, but a woman with kids ought not get involved with another man until they are out of the house. Why do I say this? Look at the stats on molestation from step daddy & boyfriends, not good!


I think the issue is that Republicans stifle in hypocrisy because they try to live up to what’s not possible. They get involved in stifling marriages and then stick with them even when they’re loveless because they are afraid of losing their political position as a divorcee.

AS is channeling Hilary Clinton…again.


Hilary Clinton is a party unto herself.

In lighter news, though, on the subject…


They get involved in stifling marriages and then stick with them even when they’re loveless because they are afraid of losing their political position as a divorcee.

And yet, by your own admission, Hillary Clinton seems to have made a similar arrangement, her being a force of nature notwithstanding. Apparently feminism can be broadly defined, no pun intended, based on what your goals are. But I digress. Let’s all stop pretending here, folks. In this particular issue, there’s not an ounce of difference between Dems and Republicans. Lying, cheating, pieces of crap will never disappoint you becuase they can be relied upon to be lying, cheating, pieces of crap.


Isn’t the real problem that the Republican party has worked hard to represent itself as the party more likely to provide safety and security, and then Sanford (a leading Republican) completely disregards his duties (which I think we all can agree are important to the safety and security of his constituents) in order to go get laid in South America for a week? At least to me, the dereliction of duty angle is the real danger to the Republicans.


I think Anne Coulter said it best when she was on Geraldo (my words here–but you get the gist of it) when she said that the Republicans take care of their problems and make their politicians take responsibility for their actions. The Democrats just let their slutty immoral candidates wallow in the miasima of their characterlessness. . .



Please don’t interpret the above as an endorsement of Clinton. I am not a fan of hers.


Melly, your right on. As for being the party of Family Values, I tend to see it as a matter of a candidates likely voting stance on social issues, not what they themselves may do in private. Everyone fails at morality from time to time-At least Republican’s USUALLY apologize and resign or get booted, unlike MOST Demo’s who get a wink and a nod.

Another Disgrunted IVAW "member"


Has Sanford resigned yet?


Has Sanford resigned yet?

I give it until the weekend…if he doesn’t do it of his own accord, expect the citizens to start a recall.


Please don’t interpret the above as an endorsement of Clinton. I am not a fan of hers.

Perish the thought. Nonetheless, the fact that she’s is a Democrat, and clearly in a “stifling marriage”, seems to poke a few holes in your theory. Out of curiosity, how would you characterize McGrevey’s marriage? As I noted, there’s no shortage of douchebags out there, I suppose it’s a matter of which douchebag is closer in line with your political point of view.


Obviously there are always going to be those that don’t fit the stereotype. But in general, Republicans are less forgiving of divorce, so Republican politicians tend to have more marriages for the sake of appearances, imho. And I think at the point you’re going to Argentina for an affair, it’s clearly more important to you than your marriage.


Are you serious?? Bill Clinton, Edwards, Kennedy come to mind as those with “appearance” problems, not just the Reps.

Boy, you are something else.


At least Sanford didn’t leave a dead body in a car under a bridge. . . *Melly whistles*


hhahahh ” republicans are hipocrits”???? demos are the salt of the earth hahahahah


You know, whenever somebody posts as “Anonymous” it tells me they have something to hide. . .


Hi “Melly” Question…. What the hell is a Melly? Hide? Is your name really Melly? Are you hiding?


Actually Melly I was being facetious when I said Republicans are Hypocrites and the demos are the salt of the earth. Sorry if you misunderstood