Nickaury DeJesus sentenced for straw purchases

22-year-old Nickaury DeJesus, from Allentown, Pennsylvania was sentenced today in federal court for her straw purchase of seven weapons for seven men who used those guns to rob seven area businesses. She got three years in federal prison;
Each time, federal prosecutors allege, DeJesus lied on the form that gun buyers must fill out, swearing that she was purchasing the pistols for herself.
Two of those weapons have now been linked to a convicted felon who allegedly recruited and organized a convenience store robbery crew that held up seven businesses and their customers at gunpoint last May, court records show.
According to Lehigh Valley Live;
DeJesus told prosecutors she bought the firearms to pay rent at a Law Street home she shared with her four children, her sister and a family friend. In one purchase, she only made $11, records say.
Two of the pistols bought by DeJesus were used in the armed robbery spree in Allentown. DeJesus denied knowing that some of the firearms were used in the robberies.
Two other firearms were found during arrests in Allentown and Brooklyn, prosecutors said.
The seven guys who were busted with the guns are looking at trial in October. I guess that they wanted to get this one off the streets first. But, congratulations to the prosecutor and my heartfelt thanks to him for actually getting this criminal off the streets. She was a criminal force-multiplier. I’m glad a prosecutor takes his job seriously.
Category: Crime
About damn time! When are they going to prosecute the asshats in the government that did the same shit with worse results?
Three years?
That’s it?
My thoughts exactly. Should be five years, each instance, served consecutively.
She ought to have to repay the victims as well.
The kids definitely need a real mother, too. Hope they get one.
Graybeard. Think of other peoples’ kids. They’ll need jobs and careers in law enforcement, corrections, working as court security, bailiffs, defense attorneys, prosecutors, and judges. Her kids are future job security. Yeah, that’s cruel. It’s also true.
Imo, she should be tried under whatever covers active support of a criminal activity.
Might be they intend to hit her with whatever charge that is after the other scumbags get convicted.
The sentence probably makes sense if they couldn’t prove she knew about the robberies. If she did know you could get her for aiding and abetting the robberies and take it up to a whole new level. But that would be difficult to prove…unless someone squeals.
The guy in Wisconsin last week got six months and three years probation. So, this is better.
But wait! There’s more…I had to take a few minutes and sort through this. Back in April she caught a state sentence of 9-23 months for receiving stolen property. While she was doing that time, she entered into the deal with the feds that got her the 36 months. So, that’s anywhere from 47 to 60 months total. That makes me feel better inasmuch as she is as dirty as the robbery bunch, whose ringleader was her boyfriend and whose gun stash house she was nailed at. Among the guns she is responsible for the gang having and using in their robberies were a .38, a .40 and a 9mm. That’s money. And I am quite sure that the state has been supporting her and her four kids for quite some time. But, gee, it’s her right to make babies w/o any means to support them. That’s right out of the BLM playbook.
Okay, so I suck at math. Sue me. That’s 45-59 months total.
I was promised there would be no maf on TAH.
I caught teh PTSD from the New Math in 4th grade… never been the same since then.
7 guns for 7 men, for 7 businesses?? seems she should have gotten at least 7 years!!
The OCD in me agrees with you.
If seven cats, had seven gats. . .
Seven guns for seven brothers.
7 years for each of the seven guns. That could be a common-core math problem.
I will refrain from making any comments referencing “The Magnificent Seven”. It deserves better.
I was thinking along the lines of Seven Brides For Seven Brothers.
A straw buyer prosecution? No kidding? Them’s like hen’s teeth….I think other than the kid in LA who supplied the San Bernadino shooters, this is one of the few times I can ever remember someone actually prosecuting one.
There was one last week in Wisconsin.
Only 155 days per gun straw purchased. She will out in under one year. So much for enforcing laws in that book thing.
Hmmm. Dusting off the old law books are they? Discovering that prosecuting violations of existing law can result in guilty verdicts? Amazing. But maybe next time they could go for a meaningful sentence as a signal to others who violate the same law.
I’d hit it. Looks pretty hot to me !!!
IDC SARC has some competition, I see. *grin*
I’m thinking it’s the no duck lips in the bathroom selfie that makes her look hot.
She’s all over the place (googly-oogly) and that’s the best pic I have seen of her. She’s a dog.
I looked a long time to find that one. Chick likes her ducklips.
Her lips recapps by any chance?
Guys, we just can’t lock up criminals that break the law. That isn’t justice. Obama said so.
You’re right. He’s correcting that mistake, ordering the early release of many federal inmates who were cruelly sentenced–like this guy: “A convicted crack dealer who left prison early as part of the Obama administration’s mass release of federal inmates has been indicted by a grand jury for fatally stabbing his ex-girlfriend and her two kids in Columbus, Ohio. The gory crime drew national attention because the children, ages 7 and 10, were murdered to eliminate them as witnesses in the brutal massacre of their 32-year-old mother.” Source: Judicial Watch
If Obama had a son…
Jonn – I used the wrong e-mail addr
If Obama had a son…
Flag…in this case, does this sound likely…”If Obama had a transvestite son”?
WELL GOSH GOLLY, GEE WHIZ! Enforcing existing laws versus making more, who-da’ thought of that? Next thing you know they’ll be giving stiffer sentences that keep them in the Greybar Hilton for a decent period of time.
I cannot applaud the enforcement aspect of this b/c it only arose as a result of some serious investigating into a bunch of armed robberies. Moreover, the 36 months is chickenshit. Hang enough people with max sentences and maybe, just maybe, a few will take note and realize that it isn’t worth it. If not, at least creds go for trying.
I’m sure the ACLU and the liberal politician will blame this on the guns and the gun dealers…
I can see the headlines now:
“Mother of Four Busted for Buying Guns to Sell and Make a Profit — said she didn’t know what she was doing; mean old gun dealers forced her to fill out the forms and buy the guns”
“Obama – It’s time to close the loopholes in gun sales. If we only had more forms to fill out…”
And its all Bush’s fault.
She did it for the children.
Off topic:
I want to say sorry. I didn’t mean to open that can of worms in the “combat and anger” thread. Most of us grunts are not like that.
If she was in the country illegally and used a stolen identity to buy the guns, she’d have been released with a promise to appear.
No, I didn’t forget the SARC tag.
I’ll just bet that she votes democrap
Several times.
Federal: An illegal firearm purchase (straw purchase) is a federal crime. An illegal firearm purchase can bring a felony conviction sentence of ten years in jail and a fine of up to $250,000.
She made 7 of the friggen deals. Last year in Chester, PA a woman got 12yrs for ONE straw purchase.
Shows that if you are a young, black female with 4 babies and a couple of baby daddies and do the sob routine justice will go easy on you
but white privilege! but black lives matter! but society is to blame! but she had no choice, minimum wage is too low to live on! but it’s not her fault!
I can see some milquetoast liberal media puke quoting her saying something like “MY BABIES! What about my babies while da man hold me prisoner?”.
Four kids by age 22? Guess that’s society’s fault too.
Probably too busy procreating to get an education and a job before having children so they may be brought up well. Three years is BS. Eight-ten would have been about right.. Hopefully no one will be shot with any of the remaining guns out there.
If they gave her eight to ten she might have had a chance to get her GED.
Thank you, that someone see this nugget of truth. If you have 4 kids at the tender age of 22… you have some skewed priorities, and of course she is a single mom. At 22. With 4 kids. She’ll never work a day in her life… well, now she can’t.
DeJesus told prosecutors she bought the firearms to pay rent at a Law Street home she shared with her four children
So why not take the money you would have spent on a firearm and apply it to your rent? I know, I know: Das raysis.
Here’s an idea: she got the money from her boyfriend to buy the guns, then he gave her money to pay the rent.
It’s not rocket science, guys.
And for those bitching about the short sentence, I would suggest that a)she had no priors, and b)a plea bargain. Grown ups should realize that most prosecutors are more interested in their conviction rate than anything else, so they’ll cut the minimum sentence exchange for a guilty plea.
Again, not rocket science. I don’t have to like it, but there it is.
Might want to reevaluate that “no priors” statement:
However, it does look like she may have been a cooperative witness in exchange for a deal on the straw buyer charges. I’m guessing that’s the only reason why she got quite that good a deal.
8:26…yours and mine, Hondo.
You did the heavy lifting, amigo. I just pointed it out to someone who’d missed it.
22 years old and four chillrens. At least she won’t be breeding for 3 years.
“And for those bitching about the short sentence, I would suggest that a)she had no priors, and b)a plea bargain.”
Another guy who doesn’t read others’ comments. No priors? She was serving a state sentence when she entered into the 36-month deal with the feds. And, yes, one of the measures taken of prosecutors is their rate of conviction but if you look at a sampling of the deals that are made, you will see that similar offenses do not bring similar offers. In this instance, the deal was quite sweet, at least on its face. If she snitched or agreed to appear as a witness against others, that changes things. At the federal level, we have no say-so over prosecutors. At the local level, we do. Where I live, an asshole prosecutor who was Queen Deal lost her primary to an unknown in large part of the Queen’s sweet deals. Last point. I’ll bitch when there is something to bitch about, thanks.
I’ll bitch when there is something to bitch about, thanks.
Hell, that’s one of the things that keeps me coming back to this place.
Annnnd, in a related story: Man’s Facebook post leads to 40 months in federal prison. Some folks just make it too easy for the cops.