Paul Korbisch jailed for straw purchase

| July 14, 2016

Paul Korbisch

In Stevens Point, Wisconsin, detective Tony Gischia came home to find 30-year-old Charles Jameson pouring a flammable liquid around inside the detective’s house. The detective ordered Jameson to stop and he didn’t. Jameson began pounding on the detective with a frying pan. When Jameson wouldn’t stop, the detective shot Jameson who died from the bullet wounds. Afterwards, police found two guns in Jameson’s car outside the scene of the crime. It turns out that the guns were purchased by Jameson’s friend, Paul Korbisch;

Paul Korbisch was charged after investigators determined he helped 30-year-old Charles Jameson get two guns by signing for the weapons when Jameson couldn’t because of his criminal record and buying them with “mostly (Jameson’s) money,” according to a criminal complaint.


Korbisch told investigators he did not know anything about Jameson’s plan to use the firearms in the home invasion and instead believed they would be used for target shooting, the complaint says.

Of course, that doesn’t matter. Korbisch was sentenced this week to six months in jail and 30 months on probation for buying the guns for Jameson – a straw purchase. That surprises me because the gun grabbers have been telling me that we need more laws to make straw purchases illegal, yet here this fellow gets arrested and sentenced for that crime. Maybe he needs more jail time, but the fact remains that he bought guns for a known criminal and was arrested for that and he won’t be able to do that again and isn’t that why we need laws? Existing laws work when prosecutors use those laws.

Category: Gun Grabbing Fascists

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Wish they’d have been able to charge him with a more serious crime and that he’d have gotten more time. But it’s a felony conviction, he’s doing some time, and has a long time afterwards under supervised release. I guess I can accept that.

More laws aren’t needed here – just enforcement of those already on the books.

2/17 Air Cav

Interesting. I don’t know the strawman’s criminal history, if any, but he certainly has one now. A friend who asks you to violate the law on his behalf is no friend at all. What I find very interesting is that while the dead burglar and would-be arsonist was in the residence, the guns were not. They were in a car.


That ‘friend’ who would ask such a thing is known as Blue Falcon. And Mr. Paul was most certainly Falcon’d this time.

B Woodman

Surprised the strawman purchaser wasn’t also charged with the murder of his “friend”.

A Proud Infidel®™

Like I’ve said before, WTF good will more laws do when enforcement of the existing ones isn’t worth half a flying moldy ratshit?

MSG Eric

They killed him? That can’t be right, he’s white. Cops only kill black people.

2/17 Air Cav

Close, MSG Eric. Cops only kill law-abiding black people. Now, keep repeating that until you believe it. Oh, and say it to others so that they, too, can believe it. Then, when the next police officer has to shoot a black person, immediately get on social media and declare the shooting unjustified, the officer a murderer, and encourage others to seek justice, the euphemism for lawlessness and retribution, and an excuse to kill, burn, loot, and whatnot.


Only white cops kill law-abiding black people. Slight change there, hope you don’t mind.


You have to click on a link in the story that Jonn attached to find out the background of this story.

Jameson was the former boyfriend of Gischia’s fiance and had previously been court-ordered not to have contact with her, according to Molepske’s report.

So it looks like the late Mr. Jameson was trying to win back the heart of his lady fair by burning down the house of her current fiance. Strangely, this technique does not appear to have been 100% successful. I know, weird, right?

He had a long criminal record prior to the shooting. Prosecutors filed charges against Jameson in October 2012 accusing him of strangulation and suffocation; stalking resulting in bodily harm; battery or threat to a witness; and criminal damage to property, all following an incident in which he allegedly broke into his ex-girlfriend’s home, beat her, strangled her and destroyed her Stevens Point apartment.

What a suave and charming gentleman. I really can’t believe that the ex-girlfriend wasn’t just swept off her feet by this smooth operator.

B Woodman

I know just the song for him (deceased though he may be):

“Looking for love in all the wrong places. . . .”

Dave Hardin

If I take a shot of Jameson while being hit with a frying pan some Corps Bitch will go to jail?

Sounds like Gischia to me.

Frankie Cee "In the clear"

Existing laws, properly enforced, have taken a lawbreaker off the streets for awhile, and put in into the felon category so that he won’t be able to commit his “straw purchase” deed again. We have the gun laws that we need. We lack prosecutors who will enforce them.

Perry Gaskill

I’m gonna take a wild plunge here and say it’s usually not a good idea to bring a frying pan to a gunfight…


Where’s eric holder and the ATF, they orchestrate and approve straw purchases … ask any muke for the Mexican cartel and murdered Border Patrol Agent … oops, neither can talk.



James Schardt

The real story here is someone actually prosecuted a straw purchaser instead of dropping the charges in favor of said purchaser pleading guilty to a misdemeanor.

2/17 Air Cav

I think that was Jonn’s point, JS. Instead of more laws, enforce the ones on the books, as was done here.