Weekend open thread

| June 19, 2015

one jet

A member of the TAH crowd who has been lurking mostly lately sends this picture for our weekend thread. He sent it on Tuesday so he’s lucky that I remembered it. Anyway, I’m going to drink a beer and chase it with some Dominican whole leaf tobacco.

Have fun.

Category: Open thread

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Not liking the F35 today? maybe bad juju for you.


Damn! I thought that was the Stargate, for just one moment.

Now I can’t say ‘the Stargate lives’. I am sad.


Uh Oh Skippy lost out on being first again.


Oops, I forgot.

Neener, Neener, Neener !!


Dammit, I was checking out some Hooah on the Army Cyber Center of Excellence Ft Gordon FB page and missed out on being first.

(Ok which smartass is going to question Ft Gordon and Hooah being used in the same sentence? Old Guard Drill Team was performing. I was trying to see which of them had NDSMs.)


HOOAH !!!!!!!





You and I both. Now my whole weekend is out of cadence.


Gordon generally has to import Hooah from other installations. As in the presence of the Old Guard! lol


True dat. And I’m Signal


I was Signal too


From Army WTF for all you haters.
comment image?oh=997f4f4f6f52cf0202baaf8e981f966c&oe=55F5E411

You can’t resond? Oh, your commo is out…The OTHER END, always.

John Robert Mallernee

During my entire time serving in the regular United States Army, i.e., 07 December 1967 until 03 December 1976, plus time in the Utah National Guard and Utah State Guard, I never ever heard anyone yell “HOO-AH!”.

That came along after I got out, YEARS after I got out.

I had my Advanced Individual Training at Fort Gordon, Georgia receiving instruction in Field Radio Relay and Carrier Equipment Repair (MOS 31L20) at the United States Army Southeastern Signal School.

Of course, all of that stuff has changed now, with all of my stuff obsolete and long gone.


Like you, I am so old I was HOO-AH before HOO-AH was cool…


HOOAH !!!! HOOOOAH !!!!!!!!


Bhwhahahaha ! !!


Strike two for me ! ! !


I’m duckwalking out a corn filled, large, “splatipus” of a turd. “Giduck” is inscibed on the side.

John Giduck – the turd with a face!


wow, I needed a “splatula” to get the toilet cleaned up after that Gidduck hit the porcelin


In before:





┌∩┐(◣ _ ◢)┌∩┐

……..(‘(…´…´…. ¯~/’…’)
……….”…\………. _.·´


Nice . . . .


Now that takes some real keyboard talent.

BZ, Chip.


Whole lot of cuttin’ and pastin’ but I *DO* have mad google skillz.


Chip, you remain my troll hero!

Silentium Est Aureum

“A” beer?

B Woodman

Replace “bind” with “blind”.
As in, “if you can’t blind ’em with brilliance, baffle ’em with bullshit”

There. Fixed it for ya.

Pinto Nag

Rumors of a mountain lion prowling at the edge of town.

Last year, it was bears.



I’ve got some cool pics from the signal barracks from 2010 we had a 150 Ilb four legged Couger in the courtyard Lol

Hack Stone

There have always been Cougars trolling the barracks.


The four legged ones Lol.. Not the two legged 🙂

Old Trooper

I have 170lbs. of teeth and attitude patrolling my house on 4 legs. Right now he’s looking out the door wanting the kids that are walking by to come over and play with him. He’s acting pretty needy.


Throw some steaks out there and get pictures!


Jonn, What no Cohibas y Habanos ???? One of my favorites is Hoya de Montereys, made in Cubans and Hondurans, Lol…

A Proud Infidel®™

Macanudo Hyde Park Cafe is my personal favorite, and I like a Partagas #10 as well!


Good choices! ! ! !

A Proud Infidel®™

I don’t think I’ve ever come across an Arturo Fuente I didn’t like, their “Short Story” is another one of my favorites.

Old Trooper

Yep. AF Curly Head Maduro is a fine stogie.


Maduros Nice ! ! ! ! 🙂

2/17 Air Cav

The symbolism in that pic (not to mention the writing) escapes me. Someone please ‘splain it. Why, for instance, is there a heavily listing wedding ring sitting in some ocean and why is a jet flying through it?


I think it has something to do with that whole “Lord of the Rings” thing.

Pinto Nag

This is the Legend of the Rings:

“Three Rings for the Elven-kings under the sky,
Seven for the Dwarf-lords in halls of stone,
Nine for Mortal Men, doomed to die,
One for the Dark Lord on his dark throne
In the Land of Mordor where the Shadows lie.
One Ring to rule them all, One Ring to find them,
One Ring to bring them all and in the darkness bind them.
In the Land of Mordor where the Shadows lie.”

― J.R.R. Tolkien, The Lord of the Rings


It’s my understanding this is the chant used by the DRG whenever they have a weekend get-together.

Rumor or fact?

A Proud Infidel®™

I thought they sat around screaming “Death to TAH” while they were in a circle jerk!!


Close, but in place of the word “ring”, they use the word ” cockring”

OK I just made myself sick.


Yep, with you on that, A/C.


I still say it’s the Stargate, and that’s not an F-35. It’s a Viper from Battlestar Galactica.


I love your nerdy heart, but these boys need to read more, and books without pictures guys 😉


Well, I did leave out Babylon V and Farscape, but if it doesn’t involve women falling out of scanty duds, I doubt they’ll be interested.


Hope everyone has a great weekend, only 104 here in The Old Pueblo. Much cooler in The Trident tho


Eggs, are you taking about Tucson ??? If so I’m on the NW side and in the backyard in the shade its 110 right now four day in a row 🙁


You know it!! Wish I had a pool, as does my black lab


It’s a pleasant 98 in beautiful downtown Naco!


I wish I could post a pic on here Lol.. But in the shade right now it’s 114 :(.
All I can say is nuts !!!!!!
And my trusty dog is like – eat shit I’m not going out !!!!!

Roger in Republic

Yes we know fellows, at least it’s a dry heat!

A Proud Infidel®™

88 in Durango, CO, 45 predicted for tonight!

Silentium Est Aureum

The one thing I always loved about the mountains. No matter how hot it got during the day, it cooled off real quick once the sun went down.

Pinto Nag

You two do know there are cooler places to live, right?

(Of course, when your summers are a breathtakingly beautiful 74-80 degrees, it’s because your winters have days that top out at 4 degrees. Heh.)


On the bright side, I was already acclimated when I went to Kandahar 🙂

Pinto Nag

THAT certainly is a positive way to look at it! 😀


You can take off clothes and get wet to cool off when it’s hot, PN.

When you’re chilled to the bone – not good. Sometimes there’s not much way of warming up.

I’ll take a bit too hot over a bit too cold any day.

Pinto Nag

You know what’s funny, Hondo? I grew up in Georgia, and never thought of the heat. I moved to Montana, and was horrified at my first winter here. I’ve been here over 20 years now, and I love the winters. I find myself running around outside in 50 degree weather in a t-shirt, and I start griping if it gets over 75 degrees. I’d melt into a puddle if I went south again. I have to laugh at the change sometimes.


Lived in my hunting camp in Northern Vermont for a couple of years. Used to heat the water for a shower on the woodstove and use a solar shower thing outside.
Stand on half a wooden log in the winter in a snowstorm. Not bad at 20. Kinda chilly at -20 but I am a little off. Did it one day when my girlfriend of the time was spending the weekend with me. She looked outside to see me naked, on log at 0 degrees in a snowstorm laughing. She didn’t come back for some reason

2/17 Air Cav

It was the shrinkage.


Bernasty is going to sue you for copyright infringement…he owns it not Seinfeld. Awesome quick response!


I spent way too many years of my life too close to the Arctic Circle, including 2 years 50 miles south of it in Ft Wainwright Infantry.
I now live in Houston.
When people ask me why I came to Houston, I tell them,
“You can’t shovel heat!”


Hey TAH folks! So, early this morning in bed, I was sure I felt the beginnings of a great woody coming on! Oh…for the joy! But upon further “short arm inspection”, turns out it was just a strong urge to take a piss. Damn…getting older sucks in more ways than one and this one especially.

What I’d give to have that 18 year old “thing” again, for just say…72 hours. If it ain’t worn out yet, it would be at the end of those three days. I’d even check into a Holiday Inn Express with cable and a Do Not Disturb on the door and have pizza delivered. You get an opportunity like that, you have to plan ahead and make EVERY MINUTE COUNT! That’s my Weekend story.


Once again, due to my forgetfulness…no I am not in the barracks now.

Sorry TAH ladies for the graphic post.

Veritas Omnia Vincit

Sparks, man you made me laugh with the post, and then with the apology as you opened your eyes and remembered where you were…

Great stuff, you could take this on the road…


Sparks, apparently you must be feeling a whole lot better now than you were this past March.

Recovery and therapy going well?

SITREP, please.


CLAW131…It’s going okay. I feel pretty good but I’ve been in atrial fibrillation for 3 months now. July 15th they are doing an ablation to hopefully fix it. The ElectroPhysiologist says “It’s pretty low hanging fruit in my practice and experience.” So, I’ve got that going for me. It was scheduled in June but the procedure ran later and later and later. I can deal with blood, needles, sutures. None of that bothers me. What does bother me is the tied down, trapped feeling I get on a gurney, hooked up to IVs and such. I always ask for something to relax me but this doc being only the second time I’ve seen him, I forgot to make aware of my peculiar nature on these things. So at the 2 and a half hour late point, I asked the nurse for an estimate. Now remember, I was already wound tighter than an eight day clock and becoming verbally cursive to myself. She comes back and says, “He said it could be 45 minutes to 2 hours”. I went ape shit, boot camp ballistic. I ripped the gown off and speaking to her calmly and gently said, “It’s not your fault ma’am and would you please get me 2 sterile 2 X 2 dressings and a roll of Coban”, as I pulled the IVs out of my hand and arm. My wife was quiet at that point, having embarrassed her and myself and knowing I was past the point of no return. I got dressed, walked out to the nurse’s station, politely thanked all of them for their kindness and assured them it had nothing to do with them. I did say, “Please pass this message to the doctor for me. Tell him, Jimmy The Greek could have given me a better spread than 45 minutes to 2 hours. I’ll call his office to reschedule for a first in the morning spot. Thank you ladies very much”. So there I was and here I am and that’s where I’ll be again, come July 15th. The doctor did call me that evening… Read more »


Geez, Sparks, I thought you were going to tell us you walked out to the nurses’ station in your birthday suit.


Well, if he was wearing the standard hospital gown . . . he pretty much did. (smile)


Close Ex. I saw the nice nurse turn her head away when the gown came off and hit the back wall like a wadded up fast ball. I realized, I’m in the buff and better get dressed. I was pretty angry at that point and it’s still no excuse.

Pinto Nag

I can’t tell you how many times my ex has walked out of procedures and hospitals, with and without permission. You old vets are a grouchy bunch — but we love ya anyway! 🙂


Yes we are. Love you too m’lady.

Joe Williams

PN the Doctor has you make a appointment. The Doctor’s office calls days before the appointment to be on time or reset the visit. On the Day, you are time and 2 to 3 hours later the Doctor finally shows up. I understand Sparks fully. Joe P.S. specially if the I.V. bags have to be replaced with new full bags.


Sparks – did you scare her so much that she had to turn her head, or was she suppressing a laugh when she saw you nekkid?


Sparks, that’s what we’re here for. Anytime you feel like like venting, just let it out. You will always find an understanding audience here. I have no experience with something like that, but will always listen and lend support where necessary.

Thanks for the update. And we’re always here for ya, Buddy.


CLAW, this is what I love about TAH…you all, my family!


I just updated my CROAK OPORD and added instructions to tell Jonn so you guys could hoist a few should you be so inclined. Suggest you guys do the same. I also directed that my NDSM be Brassoed before planting at Arlington.


At my dentist’s office, they have Netflix on a screen mounted in the ceiling, and you get to pick the movie. I would recommend it to any doctor who has patients that must be conscious and still for a couple of hours or more.

Hack Stone

Do they have Novocaine? As far as I know, it’s probably the only movie featuring a dentist, unless you include Marathon Man.

Silentium Est Aureum

One of the few movies that actually made me cringe.

But IIRC, Little Shop of Horrors had a dentist in it as well. As did The Hangover.


There’s always Neve Cambell’s dental work during the credits in “Wild Things”

2/17 Air Cav

Sparks. That is a scream. I am bad and can tell more than a few I-was-pissed-that stories myself but that there is a winner. I bow to you.


Sparks! Getting older beats the ONLY alternative! Can I get a Hooah?




Roger That Sir! HOOAH!




Don’t worry sparks. I’m about 80 and I still wake with dreams like that. Only problem is that they are totally dreams. They’re still the high point of the night though. My wife asks me if I want to get up now and I replay that I still have some dreamin to do, and get back to trying to bring that dream home again. Never works, then my day is crap from then on.

Dave Hardin

I thought maybe a few of you missed this bit of valor theft. He dad was in the Marines for 24 years and had to flee for his life from angry white officers. Goodness, she really must have had a rough time growing up.


Dave Hardin

In typical Dave Hardin style I posted the wrong link. Here is the correct one.

2/17 Air Cav

I don’t think it’s the same person. the earrings are way different and then there’s that glandular issue. Insufficient intake of iodine or something. Goiter?


Then why didn’t she change her name?

It’s the same person. Age does things that none of us ever expect.


Makes me laugh thinking of Paul McCartney and Stevie Wonder singing “Ebony and Ivory”, but not haha funny.

Hack Stone

So, she could sing both parts of that duet?

A Proud Infidel®™

OOOH! Her daddy an’ Mama had to hurry outta town on ‘da midnight train to get away from da’ man trin’ to keep ’em doooown, yehyehyehyeh… 😀


Orange is the new black.


I laughed when I first heard about this because I was sure it was a hoax. Well slap my titties and tell me it’s raining!

Story time!
My kids found out (due to an ancestors search) that we have African ancestors. So my pasty,white,freckled, blue eyed,and dark haired, dark eyed children being the smart asses (don’t know where they get that from) that they are,identified and loudly proclaimed to anyone they could that they were black. Now I look about as Irish as one can without being an actual potato, so imagine the school’s surprise when I walked in,imagine MY surprise when I found out why I was called down to the school. Now you have to imagine my kids because I killed them. The End!


In the category of “meh.” I had to schedule a PHA at Walter Reed to go back into active duty. I get the date and asked if I need to fast beforehand. Lady says “I don’t know.” I inquired further and she said “just go ahead and fast for 24 hours. That way you’ll be covered no matter what.” Meh.

2/17 Air Cav

Offer it up. By fasting, you will feed 126 poor children for a week. Don’t ask me how.


50 cents here and 50 cents there and pretty soon you’re talking real money!


DAMN! You scored Bernath Bucks AND Nigerian Cash in the same year???? Awesome! That’ll buy some ammo and cigars! Congrats!

Wait a minute…you don’t think this might be a DRC Trojan Horse to get inside the TAH Command Post do you?

2/17 Air Cav

Go ahead. Do what they say: “advice” them immediately.


Nah, the writing is far too coherent for that.


Well if the FBI AND none other than THE…Zenith Bank, say you’re a GO at that station Jonn, I’d say get your $4.7 million. You could have more guns, cigars and Scotch (I like Bourbon myself) than anyone on West Virginia!

How did it use to go, “Is it live…or is it…Memorex!”


I was forwarded one of those scams, a while back, that said:

I can prove to satisfaction that this is not Nigerian 419 scam. I am resident South Africa.

Or similar strained syntax.


P’Sh! For one easy payment of $2,500 I won the African lottery, which entitled me to rename a river and they threw in a husband. I’ll be taking my honeymoon floating down the “Suck It” with Nu’Nu. I hear my river is in a lovely little area known as the Sudan. I’ll send pictures. Thppt!


Howdy fellas and fellets, I was ordered, THREATENED by BERNATH to stop posting on TAH. If ya’ll don’t mind, I’ll just jump into a reply during posts. So, Bernath I just posted! Hide and seek, your it


Reb, here is another spot where you can post a comment or many, about or even addressed to burnwit.


And since we’ve all told him to go pound sand up his manhole, I think you should add you 25cents’ worth to it.

Have fun.


Thanks, and I will have fun


Anyone that Nastypants has a beef with is obviously good peeps! And a buddy of mine. Keep the comments a coming!

A Proud Infidel®™

ANYONE doing post graduate work in Abnormal Psychology could do their Masters and Doctoral Theses on Bernath alone!


Need some help…

I’m about to start on a paper and has to be an administrative position paper. It has to be on a subject that will enhance the criminal justice profession.

The paper has to be defined as “the overview of a problem and the presentation of a proposed solution(s) for others to consider”. It has to be well researched as it has to be about 15 pages long.

Any ideas/suggestions?

2/17 Air Cav

Sure, send me $1 (no stamps!)and three boxtops and I’ll write for you.

2/17 Air Cav

Seriously, the CJS is a huge arena. Are you looking at community corrections (parole/probation), alternative sentencing, prisons, jails, pre-release, pre-trial, bail, prosection, defense, courts, NCIC, Constitutional issues (e.g., search/seizure)? Can you narrow it down a bit?

2/17 Air Cav

Victims rights is a still-blossoming area and puts you into courts, restitution, parole hearings, and all kinds of stuff, not to mention state laws or all shapes and sizes. Are you looking at state, local, or federal matters?

2/17 Air Cav

Come on, USMCE8Ret, I could do this stuff asleep and under water while Whistlin’ Dixie. I’ll help you, but I need some answer.


I wasn’t ignoring you, just off the grid for an extended period due to work, family, etc.

I understand it is a broad subject and clearly that is why I’m struggling a bit.

Our paper can cover policy, processes or procedures or pretty much anything you described.

I have the summer to think about it, but I’m trying to get an idea to submit my proposal when it comes due in August.

My discipline is critical incident and emergency management, but this class falls under the criminal justice spectrum. Obviously, I don’t have a law enforcement background and I don’t pretend to have one, either.

I’ll look at the recommendation you wrote earlier and give them all serious thought. I ask on this forum because there are a lot of people on here whose opinions I value.


You might look at whether or not there is justification in building a Federal prison and leaving it empty (Thompsonville) when other prisons are overcrowded.


That’s an interesting one. Over the course of the last year, we haven’t touched on corrections – at all. That isn’t my focus, but it could fall into the realm of public policy, etc., which I have some interest in.


“Enhance the criminal justice profession”

1. encourage crime, particularly the white collar variety, it will provide more work for lawyers, from clients more likely to pay, and they will make more money

2. start a national campaign to improve the public attitude toward criminal justice lawyers

3. provide a smoother road for lawyers who want to serve in legislatures. This will allow them to create laws that serve them best and confuse the rest of us.

4. Offer law school in prisons. The inmates (who mostly have no access to money) can do their own legal work thus getting hard-working lawyers out of a lot of pro bono stuff.

5. allow criminal justice lawyers to work on maritime cases – think piracy and Iran seizing Maersk ships in the Strait. This is a huge new opportunity for otherwise bored attorneys.

I will try to work out how you can get 15 pages out of these and let you know.

Just for starters, do you understand the concepts of “large fonts”, “double spaced lines”, “wide margins”, and “short pages”? Think 18 point Courier on 3×5 cards with 1-inch margins.


No need to put for the effort on my part, Dick.

I’m looking for actual recommendations, not smart ass comments.


It’s the weekend open thread, you might have chosen a less-boisterous venue for a serious question.

How about this?

Is the current treatment of mentally-ill people (that is, mostly outpatient, lots of drugs, no “mental hospitals”, little regulatory oversight, etc) helping the individual, protecting society, and changing the burden on the criminal justice system?

Do the laws that permit an individual to be found incompetent to stand trial serve the interests of the individual, victims, and society at large?

With respect to corporate malfeasance, do large fines levied against the corporation but not the leadership deter future bad behavior? Would jail for corporate officers work better?

With respect to big pharma and R&D, suppose a company produces a trial drug and there is an unexpected bad side effect and some people have birth defects – think thalidomide for ebola. Under what circumstances should there be criminal liability?

Are those any better?


Richard, have you not heard of white collar crimes?

There is a prison specifically for people who have engaged in that kind of thing near Madison, WI. Jeff Skilling is someone whose name should be familiar to you, since he, along with the Fastows and – what was the other guy’s name? – engineered the accounting debacle that hid Enron’s faltering and collapsing fraud scheme.

Skilling’s shenanigans, enabled by colleagues, resulted in the complete collapse of Arthur Anderson, an accounting firm that was so widely known and respected that even if you were a CPA, you had to have an impeccalbe resume in order to get a mere interview. Its implosion was heard around the world.

Look Skilling up. He’s still in jail.

And lest we forget, there is the ever-infamouse Bernie Madoff, whose Ponzie scheme was so enormous that it was partially responsible for the near-collapse of several major financial institutions. Have you forgotten about him? How the hell can someone LOSE $52billion dollars? How? Where in all the hells did that money go?

These people are in jail. They knowingly committed those crimes. They had no remorse while they were at it. Their only remorse was getting caught.

And then there’s my personal favorite: Blagojovich, ex-governor of Illinois, now in jail and I hope he rots there.

None of these people committed violent crimes, but their behavior was criminal in the extreme, at the very least, and affected the lives of hundreds of people in a wide variety of ways, from job loss and career damage to a complete loss of retirement funds.

Now how are you going to mete out punishment for that?


There are not enough charges or convictions and the penalties are too light. People with fiduciary duties should be held accountable and, in most cases and in my opinion, they are not.


The societal benefits of public Crucifixion as a deterrent to violent crime and corruption in public office.


A case study featuring Bernath’s abuse of the CJ system would be awesome and you damn sure would have a lot of material to pick from.

2/17 Air Cav

Where did he go? If he’s like most students, he’s at the local bar complaining about the paper he has to write. Dammit. Get crackin’ USMCE8Ret!


It is Friday…paper’s probably not due until Saturday. That’s how I always worked.


SJ – nice thought, but he has 15 pages to fill, not 150. 😀


15 pages is just the proposal. I neglected to clarify that in my initial post.

And no, I haven’t been at a bar worrying about my paper that’s due today.


I think Bernath has been written about enough, so no… I’m not going there.

Hack Stone

Back in the day (1970’s), in the classified section of Rolling Stone, they had people that would “write” a term paper for you, at a fee. They also had people that claimed that they could repair your 8 Track tapes. I never availed myself of either service.


In case you missed yesterdays post in one of the articles, the head rudder seems to have had a bad day in court: Case Name: Bernath, Daniel Alan Case Number: 14-O-699 06/17/2015 Motion: Consolidate by Joint STIPULATION TO CONSOLIDATE PROCEEDINGS AND [PROPOSED] ORDER 06/17/2015 Ruling On Motion Filed 05/11/2015: Denied MOTION TO RECUSE ERIN JOYCE 06/17/2015 Ruling On Motion Filed 05/11/2015: Denied MOTION TO EXLUDE PURPORTED ATTORNEY-CLIENT COMMUNICATIONS AND WORK-PRODUCT 06/17/2015 Ruling On Motion Filed 05/21/2015: Denied SUPPLEMENT TO MOTION TO STRIKE COMPLAINT/CHARGES COUNT SIX AS IN VIOLATION OF 06/17/2015 Ruling On Motion Filed 06/01/2015: Denied SUPPLEMENT MOTION TO STAY ALL PROCEEDINGS FOR SIX MONTHS AND MOTION TO SEAL 06/17/2015 Ruling On Motion Filed 06/01/2015: Denied MOTION TO STRIKE COMPLAINT 06/17/2015 Ruling On Motion Filed 06/01/2015: Denied MOTION TO DISMISS FOR FAILURE TO STATE A DISCIPLINABLE OFFENSE 06/17/2015 Ruling On Motion Filed 06/03/2015: Denied MOTION THAT ERIN JOYCE AND CHIEF TRIAL COUNSEL OF CALIFORNIA SURRENDER ALL AUDIO 06/17/2015 Ruling On Motion Filed 06/03/2015: Denied ADDITIONAL ATTORNEY-CLIENT COMMUNICATIONS THAT MUST BE STRUCK FROM THE STATE BAR 06/17/2015 Ruling On Motion Filed 06/03/2015: Denied REQUEST STATE BAR COURT TAKE JUDICIAL NOTICE OF FILING OF ADDITIONAL UNETHICAL 06/17/2015 Ruling On Motion Filed 06/03/2015: Denied ADDITIONAL EVIDENCE OF ERIN JOYCE’S ETHICAL MISCONDUCT MOTION TO RECUSE JOYCE 06/17/2015 Ruling On Motion Filed 06/03/2015: Denied SUPPLEMENT TO MOTION TO CONTINUE TRIAL FOR SIX MONTHS AFTER HIS RECENT SEPSIS 06/17/2015 Ruling On Motion Filed 06/03/2015: Denied SUPPLEMENT TO MOTION TO CONTINUE TRIAL FOR SIX MONTHS AS FEDERAL COURT MOTIONS 06/17/2015 Ruling On Motion Filed 06/03/2015: Denied SUPPLEMENT MOTION TO CONTINUE TRIAL AND ALL PROCEEDINGS FOR SIX MONTHS 06/17/2015 Ruling On Motion Filed 06/03/2015: Denied MOTION TO CONSOLIDATE NEWEST CHARGE BY ERIN JOYCE AGAINST DANIEL A. BERNATH 06/17/2015 Ruling On Motion Filed 06/11/2015: Denied REQUEST STATE BAR COURT TAKE JUDICIAL NOTICE 06/17/2015 Ruling On Motion Filed 06/11/2015: Denied SUPPLEMENT TO MOTION TO CONTINUE TRIAL AND ALL PROCEEDINGS FOR SIX MONTHS BECAUS 06/17/2015 Ruling On Motion Filed 06/11/2015: Denied MOTION FOR PROTECTIVE ORDER TO RESTRAIN PROSECUTOR ERIN JOYCE AND PROSECUTOR 06/17/2015 Ruling On Motion Filed 06/11/2015: Denied REQUEST THAT… Read more »


JAGC!!!! Translation SVP!


See 2/17 Cav’s comment below, sj.

I think the ol’ boi got scrod. And I ain’t talkin’ the fish they rave about served baked in Boston, either. (smile)


In sports parlance, I believe that’s called getting “posterized” and what the CA Bar did is called a “slam-dunk”.

“Zamboni-ed” also works.

HMCS(FMF) ret.

My personal favorite:

Dorked in the squeakhole

A Proud Infidel®™

“Like broken glass up his ass” 😀

Hack Stone

Perhaps we can coin the phrase that he has been “Bernathed”.

A Proud Infidel®™

Methinks this tune defines how it looks for him:


Le’see. He made 20 motions, including 5 motions to continue or delay for 6 months, and the court denied all of them.

The State Bar made 4 motions and the court granted all of them.

He did not get his continuance. He did not get to kick Erin Joyce off the case – at least 5 different attempts. He did not get a protective order against Erin Joyce.

So it’s Bernath -20, State Bar 4. You are NOT a go at this station.


Wonder if Birdbath knows what BOHICA means.


Hey all you TAH campers, let’s all join Roy and Dale in a sing-along to Bernasty!
Happy Trails, asshole!


Awwww! I feel so much like a kid again.

Pinto Nag

IS there even a ‘Bank of Nigeria’??

2/17 Air Cav

Holy Hanna. He did have a very bad day. That’s 20 denials and 5 grants BUT all of the denials were of his requests/motions and all of the grants were of the State Bar’s. Ouch. Ooch. Ouch. Ooch.


I know I am not Military, however, can I do a HOORAH just once? Since it is a great victory in our Judicial system, I will for the very first time, have a shot of anything with alcohol. BERNATH I told you’re going to lose. And you said I’m only a Paralegal who loves your fluids on my face. Pet your lapdog and STFU…

John Robert Mallernee

I just now received my FOBUS Standard Right Hand Paddle Holster from the Amazon web site, and it is a perfect fit for my Ruger “Security Six” .357 Magnum 4′ barrel revolver.

The paddle holster is convenient for putting on or removing the holster and gun, depending on the location and circumstances.

Though advertised as a concealment holster, it’s obviously too bulky for that.

For concealment, I prefer wearing an Uncle Mike’s black nylon inside the pants clip-on holster, minus the retention strap, in the small of my back.

My other holster is a black nylon shoulder rig, which is also very convenient, especially when sitting behind the steering wheel of my pickup truck.

I conceal it by wearing a blazer or a loosely buttoned BDU shirt.

When armed, I always have extra rounds in either speed strips, if carrying concealed, or speed loaders, plus my little pocket mirror issued to me when I worked at the Utah State Prison, which we used to search for contraband while avoiding booby traps intended to injure our hands.

At the “STREET SURVIVAL” shooting seminar, we were taught, when in a shooting situation, to use a pocket mirror to look around corners.

Handy stuff, huh?

John Robert Mallernee


That is a four inch barrel on my revolver, NOT a four footer!

John Robert Mallernee

One of my favorite classic television shows is, “THE STREETS OF SAN FRANCISCO”, starring Karl Malden and Michael Douglas.

You can watch every episode of the complete series, in proper order (!), at the YOU TUBE web site.

The characters, homicide detectives, Lieutenant Michael Stone and Inspector Steven Keller, wear their revolvers in paddle holsters, which as you may note, are very convenient for quickly and easily putting on and off, while attired in a respectable business suit and tie.

Open Channel D

In basketball parlance, he just got his ankles broke.

Welcome to Loserville, Dani-boi, Population You.

2/17 Air Cav

In football parlance, his jock is on the 40 and he’s not.

HMCS(FMF) ret.

The State Bar cunt-punted Danni-boi in his mangina….


Well, since Father’s Day is this weekend, I would like to thank my father for supporting my decision to go into the Navy, when my mother, the control freak, thought the idea was atrocious.


My mom was also less than enthusiastic about the idea. I enlisted without first talking to them.

To help my mom accept what I did, I had my recruiter stop by one evening, even though he already had my signature on an enlistment contract and he didn’t have to.

He was a poster-perfect-lookin’ Staff Sergeant. His name was…TINS…Jack Armstrong.

That somehow made my mom feel a bit better. 🙂

Dennis - not chevy

This weekend is our local comic-con and the wanna-be’s will be out in full force. I usually just walk outside and look at the costumes; all of the laughs and no need to pay admission. One year, a BDU pants wearing, steroid munching, video gaming, manchild was posing with his girl-groupies whilst 2 liter bottle soda swilling, junk food od’ing, mother’s basement dwellers looked on holding their manhoods cheaply. I couldn’t help myself, I almost got a hernia from laughing so hard.
Unfortunately, I will be busier than a billy goat during a full moon this weekend and may not get to attend.
Anyway, good weekend to all.

Perry Gaskill

Back in the ’90s, I worked for a small publisher who sent me to the ComicCon in San Diego a couple of times. Strange crowd. It was about the closest you could get to interstellar space travel.


Rumor has it that Birdbath is now teaching at an underground law school. I obtained a copy of his “Introduction to Twisted Law 101” lesson plan. Among other bits of hare-brained wisdom I found this:

The Rule of Law:
1. If the facts are against you, argue the law.

2. If the law is against you, argue the facts.

3. If the facts and the law are against you, start making shit up!

A Proud Infidel®™

A great weekend to all of The Fine People of TAH®™, and FYVM to the Dutch Rudder Gang.


Well. Had first hand experience with the TSA this week. In all fairness, they were very competent, even nice. All the bad pub apparently has had a positive influence on them.

John Robert Mallernee

Employees and agents of the Transportation Safety Administration remain enemies of the people and their existence is a violation of our unalienable rights as guaranteed by our divinely inspired Constitution of the United States of America.

They should be threatened, harassed, physically attacked, publicly shamed and humiliated, and made to be afraid, VERY afraid, so afraid that they will choose to quit their jobs.

Sound a bit extreme?

Well, that’s the price of liberty.

It’s how this country of ours got started in the first place.

It sure wasn’t a popularity contest.

John Robert Mallernee

In fact, considering how unpopular it was at the time, it’s a pure miracle that we even have a United States of America.


John: I really hope you aren’t serious when you say that TSA employees should be threatened, harassed, etc.

Whatever gripes and problems you may have with TSA, you shouldn’t be saying we should take it out on the employees.

That is NOT the price of liberty. That is NOT the way to effect change.

Very disappointing to see you say such things.


Let me make myself perfectly clear here: I, too, have serious questions about the overall effectiveness of the program. Not sure the message sent to our friends and enemies with the theater created at airports is constructive, but it is what we have. I was favorably impressed with the dozens of them with whom I interacted this week.

Had no intention of creating hate and discontent with my comment. I reserve the right to criticize people and situations when they deserve it. My version of correct behavior requires that I also acknowledge good things when I observe them. The TSA this week showed me plenty of good stuff, and I appreciated it. For that, they deserve a public “thank you” from me.

That is all.


I’ve been keeping an eye on gas prices locally through Gas Buddy. Very handy thing to know about. About 6 weeks ago, the price started to jump upward, then stopped. Now it’s sinking again, which is fine with me.

And when I tried to find a reference for the history of the price of gas at the pump, guess what I found?

A government website that altered the actual prices going back to the 1960s, by adjusting the price for inflation.

Remember what Hondo said a couple weeks ago about altering temperature data going back to the 1920s and 1930s? It applies to anything the administration wants to change to suit its needs.

Considering that I paid for gas myself in the 1960s and 1970s and onward, when the price of gas varied from $.309 to $.459/gallon and didn’t really ‘jump’ until the Arab oil embargo, when it hit $.759 and Nixon imposed gas rationing on us, the alteration of realtime data is the work of fools.

It does nothing but make the people who do it look as stupid and amoral as they are. It is just disgusting.


I just opened an email from Nicki’s friend Amanda. She says a court just decided in her favor and she now has possession. Can anybody confirm?


I don’t see anything on her blog but she will probably post it before too long.

Glad to hear it, and I hope she can push the squatters out before they do too much damage.


Yay! I really hope things start to finally go the correct way, in her favor!

Silentium Est Aureum

I’m not much on sweet beers, but I had someone convince me to try an “adult” root beer.

Tastes like a really good root beer, but this stuff is 6% alcohol. Very sneaky.

Perry Gaskill

Add some ice cream and you would have a basic food group.

Toasty Coastie


Sending love and kisses to you all…test results in 2 weeks….

miss you all and hope everyone is well <3



I will send you trail photos ASAP, TC. Glad you’re feeling better.

A Proud Infidel®™

My best Get Well wishes to you Toasty, WE MISS YOU!!!


I’m saying a prayer for you and sending lots of positive energy.


I hope you are well. Good luck sweetling.

John Robert Mallernee

I just now finished doing the Saturday Crossword Puzzle at the WASHINGTON POST web site.

I did it in eleven minutes and forty-five seconds.

The puzzles are just too easy.

I used to enjoy doing the puzzles on weekends at the CHICAGO SUN TIMES web site and the LOS ANGELES TIMES web site, but now, the crossword puzzles at those web sites either don’t load, or there’s some sort of Internet software conflict, probably due to too much advertising.

So, the only crossword puzzles left which I can still work, that are somewhat challenging (but not REALLY!), are the weekend puzzles at the WASHINGTON POST web site.

Mox nix.

At the AMAZON web site, I ordered a bunch of NEW YORK TIMES SUNDAY CROSSWORD PUZZLES collections in spiral bound books.


John Robert Mallernee

I played my guitar and sang quite a few old songs that I hadn’t sung in quite a while, but I had to quit when I started coughing too much.

Monday, I’ll get my colonoscopy.

Twice before, I was supposed to have gotten it, but something went wrong each time.

This time – – – ?

Bernath's Fuel Gauge

Ya know, we all here have been riding Bernastypants pretty hard here lately due to his upcoming “disbarment” which by the way could not happen to a nicer guy, but I was just on Facebook visiting some of TAH’s othet notorious posers and I had to visit Dennis H. Chevalier, aka “The Blobfish”.

In classic blobfish fashion, he has to blame others for his own shortcommings. Here is his entry for June 17,,,,,,,
Men,.. What you THINK is a cute quirk or “just her” personality or “a temporary coping problem” they have- spin will turn into a psychosis you will have to deal with and will eventually destroy you your finances and your family, so learn from my trials and experiences..only choose the perfectly sane ones the first time after verifying it by dating them for 10 years, else you will die frustrated, broke and alone! — feeling frustrated.



Well, the best advice I ever heard for “Cheddar-boi” here was along these lines:

If one person calls you an a-hole, well, that could just be them.
Could be the same if it’s two people.
At three, you might want to look in the mirror.
If it’s everybody calling you an a-hole. . . it ain’t them. That means you’re really an a-hole.

You probably should take that advice to heart when it comes to the ladies, Chevalier. You’re batting what now – 0 for 8?

Eight is far greater than 3. And last time I checked, “unanimous” is a synonym for “everybody”.


Ah, the good ole Chevy times. I like how he certainly implies that he is a Cop in many posts. Also like the one where he has sympathy with the guy who was falsely accused of SV, like, he says, he was.

Wish Chevy, Round Ranger, and Forging Frank would make a comeback here.


That was before we got to know Chevy: 2001.


Yeah…shot in the hand, shot in the knee…at this point what difference does it make?


He should just admit that he’s a mysoginistic gay guy pretending to be straight, and stop hitting on women, period.

Currahee John

I thought it was highly amusing that he posted this, as well: https://www.facebook.com/denny.chevalier.3040/posts/1591157184490339?pnref=story

Physician, heal thyself.


I have been holding onto this for awhile but here goes,

You know the six degrees of separation thing? I know someone who knows someone who talked to Dennis on craigslist, I have the text and verified his number. This guy is batshit crazy.

I was told it was ok to post the text but I have held off because there is to much PII in them and I dont want him going after her.

I will read thru them again and may do a best of post type thing. If you guys want to see them


We’re probably all curious about it, but your initial thought to withhold it is likely the best idea. An abundance of caution when dealing with lunatics is sensible.


Apologies if this has already been talked about-I haven’t read through the whole thread.

Just a semi-rambling rant: I read where large portions of the black community have expressed forgiveness to Roof for gunning down those folks in the church. Not sure if I could do the same-they’re bigger people than me.

Now comes the rant:
A snot-nosed, cowardly self-avowed racist kills nine black people in a church. They forgive him.

A cop shoots a black person in self-defense after said black person has committed a crime. They burn down the town.

I think I’m missing something…


Those black people who forgave the white kid are the better ‘men’ (that includes women) than those who condemne the cop.


PH – That’s the answer I like and tend to subscribe to also. The other side of my brain is crediting lack of media hype for this not getting ignorant as well.


Did anyone else(besides Jonn and I) note that James Gattoni came on his thread last night looking for a fight?

Yes, that HM sick f**k who told Gold Star families the graphic details of their loved ones deaths.

To quote from his comment: “I challenge any of you to a face to face discussion. Is there a man among you?”

It was kind of late in the evening (9:42 PM,EDT) when he made the comment, so I guess his heart really wasn’t into it or he would have been on earlier when the majority of us were still here.


Didn’t notice, but I’d be more than happy to sit down with him and have a “man to man” talk.

Just curious who the man is that he’ll bring for me to talk to…

HMCS(FMF) ret.

Ah, Yes… the cat killer. Real sick guy…


Yeah, he must have had nothing better to do while waiting for his daily, pre-bedtime enema to take effect, so he came on here and made a couple of quick comments.

Then like a popcorn fart in a whirlwind, he was gone.


But I just saw that he’s back on his thread looking to pick up where he left off last night.

Must have gotten up at the crack of noon and felt frisky.


‘is there a man among you’ – Should I answer that challenge, CLAW, or just let him know that he’s one of those guys who think this _______ is six inches?

Silentium Est Aureum

So when he ends up losing that suit as well, is he going to be on the hook for their legal fees?

One can only hope.


Yeah, he probably will, but he’s the only person in this with p;r;n on his website, so what’s his point?


My first reaction was ole Plt Sgt has made a mistake: sue the CA Bar in Fla? But, Plt Sgts don’t make mistakes…its Bernasty so anything is possible.

Rhetorical question: how can he libel folks to employers and others without finding himself in jail? Sure hope something is going on behind the scenes.

HMCS(FMF) ret.

Wow… going after the CA Bar. Would love to read the legal effluvia that he uses to go after them.

I’m I remember, FL is one of those states that has a Vexatious Litigant Law on its books:


Danni-boi may meet the quals for this real soon…


It seems that a LOT of states have such statutes on the books.

Haven’t you seen those videos of lemmings banging their heads against a brick wall?

Bernath's Fuel Gauge

And to think his IQ could go lower than my needle.


Well, his nickname’s “Noah Gas” for a good reason . . . .

A Proud Infidel®™

So that would mean that Daniel A. Bernath ( Google hit, you bucket of slug snot!) is trying to contact the stockholders of A Proud Infidel inc.®™ and trying his shit. FUCK YOU, Daniel A. Bernath ( another Google hit! :D).


“Oh, by the way, to prove he’s an asshole, he filed a million dollar lawsuit against the California Bar Association in Florida.”

Oh, that is priceless. If butt-stupid had an icon on the internet it would be his photo that he so proudly spreads everywhere, kind of like smearing shit on everything after he wipes his butt.

Is it possible to be any more braindead than bernitwit? I don’t have an answer to that.

Should I start that FB thingy for Theresa Swernzy, or let it go? I’m self-employed, so who is he going to complain to? My wastebasket?


Same here. Though, I got an apology from Etsy after I sent them information of the case. Now, they have blocked him. Hope he doesn’t want to buy anything from Etsy ever again.


Good. He’s finding out he’s not welcome in a lot of places.


I just want to make one slight edit to the statement in the fist comment posted on this subject, by Jonn, to wit: ‘Bernath is an immature terrorist….’

I really do think it’s more accurate to say ‘Bernath is an amateur terrorist’.

Everything he does is the work of an amateur.

HMCS(FMF) ret.

I would expect to see the following in the next few months concerning Danni-boi Bersnatypants:

1. CA bar takes his license away for life and determines that he has engaged in criminal activity.
2. Yelp and their legal team submits a motion to have the lawsuit dismissed, citing Danni-boi’s loss of license to practice law, which will be granted.
3. Lawsuit in FL against CA bar is thrown out – he’s told by the court “You want to sue them, go to CA and sue them there”.
4. Future legal action taken against Danni-boi will also name his spouse and any other members of his family who control assets for him, in order to gain monetary damages.
5. Danni-boi is forced to live in a van…DOWN BY THE RIVER!

John Robert Mallernee

Here’s someone who really DOES live in “a van down by the river”.


She publicly refuses to pay any more taxes to the federal government, and yes, the IRS is after her, grabbing all her stuff.

She means what she says, and she says what she means.

John Robert Mallernee

Be sure and watch her YOU TUBE video recordings!


ESPECIALLY this series:

The Other Whitey

Halfway through week 1 of three weeks of vacation. Me and Mrs. Whitey took our daughter and our nieces to the county fair yesterday. Everybody had fun, Mrs. Whitey was able to hold off her morning sickness the entire day.

Today we’re going to the local airshow. It’s supposed to be hot today, but there’s a B-17 (Sentimental Journey, with the Arizona Wing of CAF) on the tarmac, so shade won’t be a problem. Plus our helitack crew will be there, so I can give the rotorheads some well-deserved shit (all in good fun of course, they’re good guys). Last time we came out for this (2 years ago), my niece saw the .50-cals sticking out of the B-17’s ball turret, naturally assumed they were monkey bars, and started swinging and hanging accordingly. Made for a great picture.

Going camping next week. Going shooting afterwards. The best part? It’s hot and we’re breaking fires here in SoCal, but while everybody else is sweating their ass off, I get to sit on my couch in the A/C, cold drink in hand, watching it on the news and saying, “Wow, looks like it’s hot out there!” I love vacation!

Friend S. Wilkins

I’m getting that feeling coming back. Back in the saddle. And this time, nothing’s gonna get in my way ever again. I’ve finally got my foundation upon which I can build any damn thing I want. I’ve just got done putting in some mighty hard time, work and effort. 4 years and 10 months worth, all voluntary, of course. I’ll explain all the gruesome details later. 😉 Much has been given to me these past two weeks. I am extremely fortunate to still be in one piece. I thank God for that. And without any further adieu….

Green Thumb

The False Commander “Phony” Phil Monkress, the CEO of All-Points Logistics, is still avoiding calls seeking clarification of his Native American, Law Enforcement and SEAL claims.

What makes it worse is that his felonious and unethical senior staff continue to promote his bullshit in the name of making a profit. IMO, they are nothing more than poser supporters. All the ones with character and integrity have already left APL. One would assume that all of the former military officers and personnel with close associations to Phildo would have left considering Philo’s lack of honor but alas, they have not.

Hack Stone

The only way to prevent this from happening again is background checks, limit purchases to one can of vegetables per week, and close the l”Buy One, Get One” loophole.


A Proud Infidel®™

WHOAA, HACK!! I read about another girl beating her boyfriend to death with a frozen fish that she allowed to that’s out afterward. If cans and frozen fish are outlawed, then only outlaws will have cans and frozen fish, BUT IT’S FOR OUR CHILDREN, RIGHT?

Silentium Est Aureum

What about the guy who killed his FIL with an atomic wedgie?

When tighty whities are outlawed, only outlaws will wear tighty whities.


I refuse to give up my BOGOs!!! EVER!!!

John Robert Mallernee

It’s 0234 Hours here in Vernal, Utah, and I just finished watching the video recording of Season 3, Episode 5, of “THE STREETS OF SAN FRANCISCO”, at the YOU TUBE web site.

Are any of you old enough to remember the President of the United States giving amnesty to draft dodgers, and later, to deserters?

This episode of, “THE STREETS OF SAN FRANCISCO”, was all about homesick draft dodgers and deserters hiding out in California, i.e., “homeless men without a Country”.

At one point during the murder investigation, there was a scene of Lieutenant Mike Stone looking at an official photograph of a decorated Marine in his dress uniform with long blond hair!

They also talked about the deserters hiding in Canada.


Canada provided a haven for draft dodgers.

Sweden provided a haven for deserters.

But, that’s Hollywood.

They also mentioned war resisters hiding in Canada.

Merely resisting the war was not a crime, so it wasn’t necessary for a war resistor to seek refuge in Canada.

Well, you watch that show and see what you think.

The Other Whitey

Hey, did anybody else catch the story the other day about the Tampa PD cop who tried to forcibly disarm a legal open-carrier without warning? Apparently the cop in question tried to sneak up behind the guy and snatch his pistol out of the holster. The citizen felt somebody tug on his sidearm and went for his concealed backup piece. Severe unpleasantness was averted when the open-carrier turned out to be just a little bit smarter than Officer Dumbass and identified his target before he started shooting. Tampa PD says the officer was ignorant of the law (really?) and issuing an apology. Lawsuits are being considered.

Regardless of your feelings on open carry, the cop in this case was a world-class dipshit.

2/17 Air Cav

That was wrong on a number of levels, not the least of which is that sneaking up and snatch. Jeez, the things that could have gone wrong, from the weapon’s discharging during the snatch to the bullet hitting someone. Nowhere in any but a bad WW II and some stupid TV shows does that approach work. The cop needs some remedial training ASAP and, until he gets it, he ought to be at a desk or at a crosswalk.

2/17 Air Cav

WW II movie


No, not a desk job. That cop should be fired, period. If he hasn’t any better sense than that, and doesn’t know ‘carry weapons’ laws at all, he has no business being a LEO. I wouldn’t trust him to walk my cat on a leash.

The Other Whitey

I know there are differing opinions as far as “can vs should” when it comes to open carry, but this altercation almost ended in blood, and it would have been entirely Ossifer Fife’s fault.

Did he take the common-sense approach, as any halfway-decent lawman would, identify himself as an LEO, and approach the open-carrier nonconfrontationally? No. Fucknuts-With-A-Badge decided to get physically aggressive with zero warning. The open-carrier had no idea who was trying to seize his weapon or what his opponent’s intentions were. As it was, he was preparing to engage the threat with his backup piece. It wouldn’t be too far of a stretch to say that he would be justified in shooting that idiot. I’m glad that he didn’t–as I said before, he was at least slightly smarter than Ossifer Dickhead. If the retard had been shot, it would definitely have been a Darwin Award.


Here’s the story from the fishing club that sponsored the weekend fishing tourney.


Either they train cops properly, or they step down form law enforcement.


Kirjath Toney sent this to me on June 2:

“John this will be the last time that I will answer you on line ,Because you don`t know what you are talking about, I was not discharged from the army in 1958, I was Discharged in Sept. 1956 from the Hospital at Fort Polk La. your Info.is all Bad. But you will be hearing from me again”

Haven’t heard a thing from him since. Just more bluster and attempts to deflect scorn and condemnation. Undoubtedly he continues to wear the SS, PH, and BS, and his IOOF compadres continue to tolerate his lies and deceit.

GOOGLE HIT, Kirjath. You’re now up to dozens of links on the first few pages of a Google search on your name. Enjoy your continuing fame and notoriety.


If anyone is interested in knights and jousting, arms and armor, or some place to take your kids that is relatively safe, there is plentiful entertainment to be had.


The Faire at Tuxedo Park, NY is huge fun. Plenty of shade, food and entertainment.

The Other Whitey

There’s a town in New York called Tuxedo Park?

What the hell, why not? I once went to a fire in the (alleged) town of Chinese Camp, California.


Yes, there is a Tuxedo Park, north of NYC. The setting for that Faire is quite nice, the entertainment at all the Faires is pure fun and there is always plenty of food of every sort imaginable. Think of a yard of beer. Then you know what I mean.


It’s been mentioned way back but bears repeating: what a class place Charleston’s Emanuel AME is. Just watched excerpts from today’s services. No hate…when they would be justified to hate. Conspicuously absent in what I saw were Al/Jessie and their hate. What I saw was a a Christian congregation. Gotta figure out how to tell those wonderful people what an inspiration they are to me.

John Robert Mallernee


I just finished watching Season 3, Episode 11, of “THE STREETS OF SAN FRANCISCO”, at the YOU TUBE web site.

You’ll LOVE this one!
