Ferguson shooter arrested
![Jeffrey Williams](https://i0.wp.com/valorguardians.com/blog/wp-content/uploads/2015/03/Jeffrey-Williams-274x300.png?resize=274%2C300)
Fox News reports that protester-turned Jeffrey Williams was arrested in Ferguson, MO this weekend for the armed assault of two police officers last week;
Jeffrey Williams was arrested Saturday night and is charged with two counts of assault in the first degree, three counts of armed criminal action and firing a weapon from a vehicle, St. Louis County Prosecuting Attorney Robert McCulloch said during the afternoon press conference.
Williams, who has attended several demonstrations in Ferguson, Mo., told police that he fired shots at someone he had a dispute with, and hit the officers, who he alleges were not his intended target.
McCulloch said Williams’ story of a dispute with another person — including that he did not target the police — is still part of the investigation, which is ongoing.
Well, I don’t know about you, but the fact that he wasn’t shooting at the two officers who were wounded makes me feel 100% better about him. They should totally let him go. In fact, they should take him to their range and help him learn to shoot straight. You, know, for next time.
By the way, the LA Times reports that the police believe they were targeted, not caught in gunfire;
[Detective Meghan] Aguilar said the officers, assigned to the 77th Street Division narcotics section, were driving in an unmarked police car. She said there was no indication they were caught in crossfire between rival groups but rather believed the shots were meant for them.
Category: Crime
If Obama had a son …
Beat me to it.
…he would have fired two shots at the cops, not hit shit, dropped the weapon, and cried like a little bitch about how the recoil hurts, because he’d be a giant pussy just like his dad.
posts like yours, and those supporting them, are an embarrassment to the veteran community.
As they say down South…
1. “Aw Lawdy…
2. “Bless Your Heart”.
3. “Thank You For Sharing”
GFY you candyassed little cream puff. You claim to be a Vet and a former LEO, I call BULLSHIT on both claims. You sound like a snotnosed little college puke whose Mommy told him his JROTC and Boy Scouts is the same as serving, thus you claim that to feed your precious self-esteem.
I posted under my real name. You hide behind a screen name. Yet I am the “candy ass cream puff.” Nothing is stopping you from putting in a FOIA request. Except the fact that you know damn well I am a veteran, you just don’t like someone who disagrees with some of the bullshit people spread on this site.
The post I responded to was bullshit. There is not basis to claim this shooter has any similarities to Obama, EXCEPT the color of his skin.
Yet these reprehensible shits make the claim that this guy is like Obama’s son and I guarantee they would claim there was nothing racist about it.
And everyone would come to their defense saying I am “out of line” for calling them racists.
There are some good posters on this site, some truly decent people. But too many racists, sexist, homophobic, irrational, dirtbags who spend their time hating everyone that belongs is not part of their in-group.
People like you, and those supporting them, are an embarrassment to humanity.
There is not basis to claim this shooter has any similarities to Obama, EXCEPT the color of his skin.
Well there was that comment made by the president intimating that his son would like a certain young man from Florida.
A young man who was relocated to his new school due to drug and stolen good suspensions from his old school where petty crimes in school are not prosecuted just grounds for suspension as an effort to lower the school’s crime rate.
If an individual states if he had a son his son would be like a certain juvenile offender, it leaves one open to satirical comments regarding other offenders.
I’m not saying I agree with those comments, and I’m certain I would never make such comments but they did not arise out of a vacuum nor did they arise solely from race as you intimate with your words.
I was unaware of that.
Though, the comparison is still ridiculous, I take the point that it did not arise from a vacuum.
It is motivated from a hate for Obama, hate that caused a 400% increase in death threats against the office of the president immediately after the election.
MOST of the hate against Obama is racism. The level of hate in unprecedented.
I won’t argue that much of the criticism is quite rabid and arguably beyond the pale.
I found the folks who hated Bush to be equally unable to objectively view his presidency and articulate a salient point against a given policy without resorting to hyperbole or vitriol.
This to me is a classic example of our current politics of mutually assured destruction. Neither side wants or desires true cooperative bipartisan work to succeed in congress because then their enemies might be able to claim some of the success.
I blame both parties for that, but republicans should know their history and their history is not one of supermajorities while in possession of the white house. Therefore they need to understand that reality and either find a way to make some bipartisan work happen or expect to be nothing more than obstructionists without vision.
We shall see which path our two equally objectionable choices shall follow for 2016.
Is me I hit the wrong keys like the dumb ass I am.
That’s rich, coming from a guy who won’t assign a negative connotation to a hand drawn cartoon on a VA desk until he ascertains the “intent of the artist”. And by “rich”, I meant hypocritical. Again. If you divined the intent of the Wiccan gate guards, I must have missed it. “Divined”, see what I did there?
the cartoon did not show a VA representative who was being unhelpful.
The character was wearing a uniform. VA reps do not.
So whatever the hell the artist meant it was not the implication being raged against by this forum.
What US military service wears a uniform with sleeve braid and a utility cover? Do you really want to play that shitty hand?
It is a “stylized” uniform. Meaning the person was drawing a cartoon that had elements that observers would recognize as uniform elements.
Most cartoon are not drawn with realistic or accurate uniforms.
^^^ Lars – I rest my case. That’s codespeak for “you’re an idiot”. And please, have a blessed day!
Well it was a stylized reference to if Obama had a son.
Again – fuck off, Lars
“MOST of the hate against Obama is racism…” said the guy who detests Allen West. But that’s okay, right Lars?
Yes, I hate Allen West.
I dislike many black people, this shooter for instance.
And I dislike a lot of white people.
And a lot of people all over the world.
But it has nothing to do with race.
Not everyone who hates Obama hates him because of the color of his skin.
However, the hate for Obama is disproportionate to the hate of other Presidents, yet his policies are in line with Previous presidents far less hated, and because death threats went up by 400% as soon as he was elected, before he made a single decision as President.
So a significant majority of the hate is not about his politics or his actions, it is about his race. And many of you damn well know it.
More Proof that Commissar is a fucking idiot.
So tell us again Lars, how if your dislike for Allen West different that my dislike for Obama? Don’t make up any bullshit statistics this time okay?
Yeah, after reading your post I checked the legitimacy of the original story. http://www.telegraph.co.uk/news/worldnews/barackobama/5967942/Barack-Obama-faces-30-death-threats-a-day-stretching-US-Secret-Service.html
I did not know that this story was challenged by the Secret service director. I tried to verify the information but the secret service apparently refuses to release any data on the issue so no media outlet has been able to check the directors figures against the original story.
So I have to accept the director’s word.
SO I was wrong by the 400%.
Five and a half hours later and what do I hear? CRICKETS!
I still hate Allen West.
He openly believes this is a Christian nation and he is against religious tolerance of other religious beliefs. Openly against it. He thinks tolerating other religions is anathema to the US.
As an agnostic I have every right to think Allen West is a flat dangerous politician. And despise him for outright claiming that I am not fit to serve my country unless I believe in his “God.”
Google his comments on religion and Christianity in the US and it will be clear he openly dislikes all non Christians.
How bout you prove your own points, Lars. I really don’t feel like doing your research for you.
I stayed at a Holiday Inn Express last night and I know everything.I know I do not like his white half either. He was raised by white grandparents and pretty much got through life without working. How come we have not seen his college transcripts? They sure were able to get the Bush college report. Even now the press covers for him. So Lars some of us are older and more cynical than you. By the way I was not a fan of Bush so that must mean I hate white people too.
Racism, huh? Oh, yeah?
Well, lars, you incredible moron, you are judging people based on a word or two.
I disliked obama from day one because he was nothing but hot air and empty rhetoric. I didn’t vote for him the first time OR the second time. I disliked him because he was and still is a lazy, self-serving dilettante, a dabbler and a putz.
I disliked him even more withe that obnoxious ‘if I had a son…’ crap speech. He doesn’t know when to shut up. Neither do you.
Frankly, I wouldn’t like him if he were white.
I love reading your comments EX-PH2 haha.
Don’t force Lars to do a statistical analysis of Obama’s racial makeup… he might soil himself at the outcome.
I believe you. But there is a difference between the kind of dislike you express for the president and the kind that is often displayed in this comment section and on social media.
And I don’t give a crap, lars you imbecile. If you don’t like the opinions that people have here, fine, but your unfettered need to control the direction of a thread shows your biggest weakness. Oh, yeah – you have NEVER EVER finished anything you started.
Get some help with your problem.
Who said, “If I had a son, he’d look like Trayvon?” Was it SJ? GDContractor? Me? No, it was that SOB in the White House, the Golfer in Mom Jeans, B. Hussein Obama, the Twit Who Would Be Emperor. So, saying those same quoted words but substituting Williams or any other criminal is fair play—and funny. And, Taylor, WTF are you talking about when you say, “But there is a difference between the kind of dislike you express for the president and the kind that is often displayed in THIS COMMENT SECTION (emphasis mine) and on social media.” Do you just make shit up? What is it in this comment section that you find to be racist. Or do you have some other –ism or –ist in mind?
The answer to your question is Yes, he just makes shit up.
By my reckoning, he makes shit up 400% of the time.
You were unaware of something? The all-knowing, all-seeing Lars was unaware? It obviously never happened then!
I have serious trouble believing you didn’t see or hear anything about this roughly 3 years ago:
He didn’t see or hear anything about it because “Lara” was undergoing gender reassignment surgery at the time. 400% of the transgendered undergoing medical metamorphic treatment choose to not keep up with current events.
See, I can make shit up too. It’s very liberating. My nipples are hard.
Well Larry, you’re a troll – or perhaps a trool – a trollin’ tool. I have no idea why the rest of the TAH people engage you are a complete waste of time.
Oh, its a good thing we wear Xtra-Tufs up here, because your sanctimonious BS is getting a bit thick.
You never heard of Obama’s remark about Trayvon? Get me a 100 feet of chow line, and a bucket of steam, with a case of batteries for the sound powered phone!
I can’t stand Obama for a lot of reasons, but absolutely not one is his skin color.
I’ll spare the site from my endless citations about the individual in the WH.
Well maybe the people enjoyed the good old days of yelling out “WE WANT BUSH”. It sounds better than Clintok and Nobama.
Jesus H. Christ! I put the smartphone down for a few hours to do some work, and look who slithers back!
Hey Lars! Just so you know, “work” is when you labor to accomplish a task, often via physical labor, not that your sorry ass would know anything about that.
Please explain to me how it’s okay for you to hate Colonel West, but we’re all racists if we don’t like Obama. Actually, don’t bother, because you can’t. It’s simply a liberal double standard. West (who is a hell of a lot blacker than Barry Obama) has the audacity to refuse to toe the race-batters’ and slacktivists’ party line. Never mind that he’s an intelligent self-made man who worked his ass off to make it in the “White Man’s Army” and “White Man’s America” (that’s what Al and Jesse call it). He thinks for himself, therefore you hate him. And yet you accuse us of racism.
You’re a lying sack of shit, a shameless hypocrite, an immature douche, a sanctimonious prick, and an idiot with delusions of genius. Nobody gives a fuck what you think. You’re making the other liberals look bad. Hell, I wonder if your mommy wishes she had swallowed.
Go fuck yourself with a chainsaw.
Oh, and the whole “proud infidel” identity thing is stupid as fuck.
Most of the screen names have a story behind them. Why don’t you ASK PI why he uses that name? You might find his answer quite interesting!
I thought cpt Lard was going to take his ball and go home. I guess we’re the only ones in cyberland who’ll put up with his shit. Or maybe he just missed our warm and welcoming responses.
Oh how we like chew toys…
Just one question, taylor, you presumptuous jimson weed: who died and made you God?
Who the hell do you think you are to say something like that?
If you want to engage in that kind of thing, find an alley. I’m quite sure than API can trash your ass in the blink of an eye. You want to needle people? You’re biting off more than you can chew here.
You start these quarrels but you don’t like it when people tell you to jam it.
Tough bananas, dumbass. That’s the name of the game.
I bet he really left those two PDs because of [airquotes] “bullying”.
Damn, sure is dusty in here. Can I get a tissue?
Larsie-Parsie-Rudy-poo is the type that will talk a mile-long streak of shit and then threaten to prosecute and sue the moment someone wants to see if his hummingbird ass can cash the checks that his alligator mouths writes!!
Commissar is a candyassed cream puff of a turbo-mouthed LOSER!
“Oh, and the whole “proud infidel” identity thing is stupid as fuck.”
Nobody likes a humorless scold.
But veterans tend to despise them.
If you really are a veteran, how often were you the guest of honor at a blanket party?
I object to having my dislike of the incumbent as racist – I think he is incompetent, ball-less, clueless, and has a personal agenda of self-aggrandizement. I don’t like his policies or his associates. And I don’t hold the fact that he is half-white against him any more than that he is half-black, either.
^^^ THIS ^^^
Maybe you hate him for purely objective reasons.
But since threats against the President skyrocketed 400% before he even took the oath and his policies are in line with previous Presidents it is mathematically certain that MUCH of the reason people hate him has nothing to do with his actions as President.
You may be an outlier and hate him for perfectly objective reasons.
He is rated by those that study presidential performance as significantly above average.
So you can hate him for incompetence but the chances are it is not substantiated by the facts. He is also demonstrably more intelligent and less clueless than many Presidents before him. So that reason is also not supported by the facts.
Brought to you by the moron that interprets stylized cartoon drawings of persons in unknown military uniforms. You’re welcome.
OMG. He can’t possibly have downed that much look-aid, could he have?
Yes, 2/17, yes he did.
I think you may be a little off. I have it on good authority that death threats skyrocketed to 413% before he took office.
Okay, this is classic Lars. He saw something about 400% and, because he likes that storyline, he runs with it. The truth is not a concern. Back in 2009, an author estimated that the threats against the SOB in the White House had increased 400% over his predecessors. Basis? None. In fact, the Secret Service doesn’t release those numbers. And when then-Director Sullivan was asked by a congressional subcommittee about that estimate, he said it was wrong. Now, that wrong label can cut both ways, too high or too low. It doesn’t matter. My point is made: Commissar is full of shit.
I completely agree. I was just poking fun at Lars always throwing out random numbers that he pulled out of his ass. He has a propensity for stating opinion cloaked as fact. He is one of the laziest academics I’ve ever come across. Not surprising, with his prestigious Political Economy degree.
I did not pull it out of my ass. I posted the original story.
But the secret service director disagrees with the story. Secret service will not release the data to prove anything either way.
However, since the director is more of an authority I will take his word for it.
So the 400% is wrong. But I did not pull it out of my ass.
well, given a) (see above) that the head of the Secret Service says the threat level against the incumbent is pretty much the same as against his predecessors b) the most recent ranking of his ‘place in history’ is 18th out of 44 (which is mid-pack by any standard) – yes, I think it actually IS substantiated by facts. (I will agree he is less clueless than some before him – most recently Jimmeh C.)
Yes he is demonstrably more intelligent and less clueless than many Presidents before him. Just ask any “Corpseman”.
Or any citizen in the 57 states!
The only reason Biden was picked as VP was so that there would always be someone stupider in the administration than Obama himself.
Biden? Impeachment insurance, plain and simple. In his case, really simple.
That’s a fucking LIE, Lars-ass, and you know it. But hey, since you can’t win on facts just keep making shit up.
“I think he is incompetent, ball-less, clueless, and has a personal agenda of self-aggrandizement.”
And those are his GOOD points.
Hey Lars, what’s black and white and sucks at being President?
Wash the sand out of your mangina, pull up your big girl panties, and crawl back under your rock.
Boy, you just can’t get past that barrier of ‘knowseverything but really knowsnothing’ with ol’ lars the social and otherwise moron, can you? (That was rhertorical.)
Like I said, I wouldn’t like bodaprez if he were white. He’d still be a slacker, a social moron, a dilettante, and a lazy jerk who thinks the world revolves around him instead of the sun – just like ol’ larsthedim.
I know those are his initials, but you know it kind of bothers me to hear you refer to that knucklehead as “LT”. Just sayin’.
In Larsie-Rudy-poo’s case, “LT” stands for “Loser Twatwaffle”! 😀
Yeah, especially since I was promoted a few times beyond that.
I don’t think it is safe to assume that any of those statistics are based on racism. It would probably even be considered racist to assume those statistics are based on race. Most of the people are Veterans on here, I think it is safe to assume that most of them are not Racist. That is just my opinion, I use my real name as my screen name and I am still in the military so I am not going to say anything about The President because he is my boss, but if someone did chose to (especially if they are not in the military anymore) then how is that in any way embarking to the Veteran Community?? I mean, have you ever heard a WW2 Vet talk about the Government? They use slang I never even knew existed, I don’t find it in any way embarrassing. Most of these people saying this stuff are all retired or not in anymore, therefore they can openly say whatever they want about the President and the Government.
GFY Lars
I’m sure he’s really sorry he was such a bad shot. Scumbag.
Related – Seems the major news sources had a hard time mentioning the skin color of the shooter.
Utter shock!
You know that “journalists” are desperately seeking a photo of the suspect as a cute, precocious 12 year-old boy.
Anyone want to bet that this guy still doesn’t believe it?
Next we’ll hear his Momma bawling about “Da Raycist po-leese” while tellng everyone hoe he was a good little boy dat din’t never do ’nuffin wrong… That, and the usual liberal pukes screeching he was set up… I wonder how soon Sharpton and his fellow race-carders will show up to stir up more shit, is the little puke even a local resident?
I’ve read he was, PI. Not sure if that’s accurate or not.
Last week the reports had the cops standing in line outside the police station, town hall, or whatever – what’s this about the two cops being in a car?
Believe that was referring to a different incident that occurred in LA.
These are two different shootings of two pairs of officers, one pair in CA, the other in MO.
Also not to be confused with the two officers in NY recently.
Or the single officers murdered in Florida, Georgia, Louisiana and Pennsylvania
Big media can be counted on to use race when the presumed victim is black and the alleged perpetrator is white. Similarly, it seems, a 19-year black male who is sentenced for a crime or who is presumed to be a victim is, to Big Media, not a man but a teenager. This is called slanting a story through word selection. It’s nothing new. It was wrong 100 years ago and it’s wrong today.
Let’s not forget that this turd was wanted for parole violations from a previous stint of jackassery. The local protest groups are already claiming that they have either never seen or heard of him before (video evidence points to the contrary) or that they only knew him by visual recognition not his name. In other news I fell off a turnip truck last night!
Oh, sure. All better now. He wasn’t specifically targeting the police, just shooting into a crowd of human beings not caring particularly which ones he shot. Yeah, like that is defensible.
Next case.
btw, where did he stay prior to taking up residence in the local jail? Maybe he’s not local, hence the willingness of residents of Ferguson to turn him in. Or maybe he really did have a beef with some guy who took advantage of this opportunity to snitch him out. Whatever the deal was, it works just fine.
Even though he was in earlier protests, and I believe even said so in FB post, the protest groups claim “not one of ours.”
I guess you have to go to a table and sign up somewhere first. Conjures up memories of a scene in Blazing Saddles.
“Somebody ride back to camp and get us a shitload o’ dimes!”
So that’s why he had a beef with someone? They were chewing gum mid protest and didn’t bring enough for everybody.
So let me get this straight; he opens fire on some rivals at a time and place where there is expected to be a police presence. And per the unwritten rules of shooting up rivals, he ends up missing them altogether and hits two innocent bystanders instead. Those two bystanders just happen to be police officers, and now his dumb ass is sitting in a jail cell.
All that’s missing here is some Benny Hill music.
“I was trying to kill these other fellows and I didn’t mean to shoot the cops”
Now that is a brilliant defense…
I had a Soldier once that was a repeat offender on numerous drug tests, one of which was positive for cocaine. He tried to get the cocaine charge dropped, with a defense of “I didn’t know the marijuana was laced with cocaine when I smoked it, so I shouldn’t be charged”. Absolutely true story.
Yeah, druggies do some pretty strange stuff.
Had one of mine drop his stuff on the ground – right in front of 2 CID agents. Literally.
Seems he had a packet of meth in his wallet, and when the two CID guys came by to question him and asked to see his ID . . . well, let’s just say he wasn’t careful enough while taking his ID out of the wallet. (smile)
That right there is funny, I don’t care who you are.
Knew a guy whose lawyer tried to get him off murder charges by saying his client was under the influence of marijuana when he confessed. Judge said “So?” Quick trial….
(For any old DLI types, the victim was a former Co A cook.)
“firing a weapon from a vehicle”
sounds like a violation of his 2nd amendment rights.
At least he wasn’t spotlighting.
More a violation of the 1st Amendment, the right of free speech, which includes symbolic speech. Here, the speech was classic protest with its expression by Jeffrey Williams in the form of bullets fired into a crowd of police officers.
This is clearly a set up by “the man” to keep this innocent, gentle giant, sweet boy, loving son, never would hurt nobody, teen down. They need to let him go before Al and Jesse organize a march.
Wherein someone *else* will protest the protesters and someone will probably shoot someone while the protesters are protesting the shooting of the police officers that were watching the protesters protest…while shooting. Or something like that.
One of the pieces of info that the DOJ report on Ferguson thought significant was the comparative percentages of bench warrants issued for blacks, as opposed to whites. The warrants are for such things as failure to appear in court. The suggestion is that racism is inherent in the decision making to issue or not to issue warrants. My point, in another thread, regarding that warrant business was… so what?… meaning that the bald info itself is useless, except to the DOJ. Want to guess who FTA’ed for traffic infractions, including driving without a valid license and operating an uninsured vehicle? Right you are, that model citizen and admitted shooter, Jeffrey Williams. See, the system really is racist.
So what? The fact of the matter is that if justice was truly blind, the figures for bench warrants for failure to appear would be something similar. They were not. So do you have an explanation as to why the percentages for the issuance of warrants was so disproportionate other than race? There are situations were there literally are no “good guys.” The situation in Ferguson may be one of those cases. Yeah, there was a lot of crime or whatever you want from the citizens, but that doesn’t mean the police department was above board and not beyond looking at people differently because of their race. It should also be remembered that the City of Ferguson’s second largest source of revenue was civil fines. It is so bad in the city that the Ferguson municipal court last year issued three arrest warrants and presided over 1.5 cases per household. Does that seem normal to you? Is this a case where we all sit back and think “there is nothing that the police are doing wrong. It is always the citizens that are in the wrong?” (Or even “citizens can never be right when they interact with the police.”) Can anyone explain why Darren Wilson was treated with kid gloves and in a manner that no one other than a cop would have been treated? Heck, he wasn’t even escorted back to the station and was allowed to “collect” the evidence without being supervised. Maybe that is why anytime there was an officer involved shooting in Ferguson, it was investigated as an “assault on a police officer.” Think about that for a moment. I am not trying to excuse the actions of Michael Brown or this latest idiot. My point is that because they were wrong doesn’t mean the police are right in all other cases. It doesn’t mean that the Brown case wasn’t a fuse that lit the city afire even when the perceptions and rhetoric was wrong. One has to wonder if that even though the words and facts were wrong, the situation resonated with the people of… Read more »
“The fact of the matter is that if justice was truly blind, the figures for bench warrants for failure to appear would be something similar. They were not.” Well, no, they would not necessarily be similar but your conclusion is precisely what the DOJ would have you think. Did you read the report?
“Well, no, they would not necessarily be similar….”
Yeah, they would be.
“….but your conclusion is precisely what the DOJ would have you think.”
That conclusion is similar to other groups who have looked at the data as well.
And yes, I have read the report.
What is your reasoning for the fact that in similar situations, warrants for blacks were issued more often than for whites?
Doesn’t it bother you at all that the City of Ferguson depended on money from civil fines to make a budget? (which is against the law, BTW.)
There are times where there is plenty of blame to go around. Ferguson seems to be one of those times.
Okay, gitarcarver, in the hopes that you will read and consider my points, I’m going the extra yard. I’ll begin with these lines from the DOJ Report (p. 3): “Most strikingly, the court issues municipal arrest warrants not on the basis of public safety needs, but rather as a routine response to missed court appearances and required fine payments. In 2013 alone, the court issued over 9000 warrants on cases stemming in large part from minor violations such as parking infractions, traffic tickets, or housing code violations.” Issuing a bench warrant for a failure to appear (FTA) is routine to my experience. A ticket is issued, the receiver requests a hearing, and he is notified of its date, time, and place. On that date, when the case is called, if he doesn’t respond, the judge looks to see if there was service and if the defendant is represented by counsel. In any event, the case is then usually put to the side and will be called later that same day. In the end, if the defendant has not appeared and has not contacted the court, a bench warrant may be issued. The offense is failing to appear. Now, the DOJ would have us believe that the matter is all about the “minor violations.” But that is no longer true. It is now a about a separate violation: FTA. What’s more, the DOJ language is to be taken on blind faith when it says that the warrants stem “in large part” from minor violations. I would like more than that but there are no footnotes or other evidence. If that’s not enough, housing code violations are lumped together by the DOJ with parking tickets. I don’t regard them to be of the same gravity, but DOJ does. The DOJ goes on to remark how poor people are disproportionately affected by the fines and penalties associated with the court process. No shit, but that has nothing to do with their failing to appear or their getting a traffic ticket in the first place. The DOJ says that, “Our investigation indicates that this… Read more »
If the City of Ferguson’s “second largest source of revenue was civil fines“, that has nothing to do with the police. So, either your info is wrong, or whoever wrote whatever it is that you’re citing doesn’t know what they’re talking about. Civil fines have nothing to do with criminal charges or fines levied for criminal warrants. Money derived from criminal warrants, including FTA would be, wait for it, criminal fines.
Darren Wilson treated with kid gloves?
Oh, other than the skull fracture given to him by the gentle giant.
WTF, out
Not charging him with attempted murder x2 basically is letting him go free.
Not shooting him in the face and shoulder “accidentally”, after giving him cage rash and helping him get up from falling against the street curb, repeatedly, while he was being transported for booking, is basically letting him go free. (x2 of course)
“Hey someone get this young man a bottle of Arizona Iced Tea and some Skittles.
/”I love the smell of sarc in the morning”
The prosecutor is the man who was attacked and lambasted by the Left when he announced that there would be no indictment of the P/O who shot and killed the Fat SOB who attacked the P/O. Man, he was called every name in the book. Anyway, take heart. It looks like Williams, the brilliant defense strategist and cell occupier, is exposed two 10-30 years for the crim assaults alone. There are other charges. More importantly, the prosecutor said at his presser that the investigation continues—and that means that additional charges may be added. So, don’t be too pissed off. The Fat Boy is dead but the Fat Lady hasn’t sung yet.
Obama still has his pardons coming…
I hope he uses one for Michael Brown.
Why was Brown convicted of anything?
Obama pardons and awards clemency less than any modern President.
And he overwhelmingly favors giving them to white people.
But don’t let the fact stop you from making stupid comments.
Plus you don’t need a pardon when you weren’t convicted of anything.
“And he overwhelmingly favors giving them to white people.” What a freakin’ moronic statement. I think what you meant was that he has pardoned more whites than blacks or browns. Is that it? Assuming that it’s true, that is altogether different from what you wrote, you moron. What you wrote paints the SOB in the White House as a racist in favor of whites. Given two equally deserving candidates for pardon, one black and the other white, the Emperor would favor the white. Is that what you meant?
A pardons and clemency grants are acts of kindness.
I was using “favors” in that way.
Favors: 2. an act of kindness beyond what is due or usual.
Pardons are literally acts of kindness beyond what is due or usual.
He overwhelmingly awards these too whites.
If there is anything racist about it then it is the process that gets a pardon in front of the president for consideration. But I do not know enough about that process to have any idea if it is true. My bet is blacks do not have nearly the same odds as whites.
I do know being rich and connected historically helps.
strike the “a’ at the beginning of that first sentence.
Lars: That was pathetic. I am actually starting to feel sorry for you.
“I was using the word ‘favors’ as a noun when I used it as a verb”.
Pathetic. Agreed.
Ah! Another statement, a declaration of ‘facts’ with no back up of any kind by the great lardass the dorkwad.
Provide some backup for what you said, taylor, or admit that you have none. No one here is going to take your word for anything becuase your have reguarly been found wanting.
Put up or shut up.
Hey Ex- for what it’s worth, I only read everyone’s responses to cpt Lard’s comments vs. actually reading his spew. Your responses tell me all I need to know.
He ain’t worth the effort to me any more.
After doing a cursory search on the matter, Obumbles has granted about 61 pardons.
Of those 61, it’s difficult to say for sure what race they are without doing a little more digging.
In writing about the President’s record in handing out pardons, Lars wrote: “And he overwhelmingly favors giving them to white people”.
(Without a shred of proof).
Un. Fucking. Believable.
Fuck you, I actually googled the names of those he pardoned and compared as many as I could to the faces.
I do regret the wording of that comment. I was trying to point out that Obama does not give many pardons and that whites are favored by pardons more than blacks as a response to the comment made that this shooter would get pardoned by Obama.
Go home and get your fucking shine box.
Why the hell can’t you check these facts yourself?
All of this is public information.
The 12 he granted in December significantly increased his numbers. But he already had the completely baseless reputation that he gave them out too much caused by those who love to spread lies about the president. Of course not a single one of them is motivated by racism.
Obama has awarded pardons or clemency to 86 people.
Bush Jr 200 people.
Clinton 459
Bush Sr 77 (one term)
Reagan 406
Carter 566 (one term)
Ford 409 (29 months)
Nixon 926 (one term)
Johnson 1187
Kennedy 575 (less than one term)
Eisenhower 1157
Truman 2044
Roosevelt 301 (three terms)
Hoover 268 (one term)
And so on and so on….
If you google the names, and find pictures of the prisoners you will find they are mostly white.
It’s not OUR job to provide proof of YOUR statement, you idiot.
YOU made the statement.
YOU provide backup.
There ARE NO PHOTOGRAPHS that accompany that list of people pardoned by obama.
You are posting another blatant lie, taylor. You say ‘I actually googled the names of those he pardoned and compared as many as I could to the faces.’
Many are on here.
Actually, Lars – what strikes me about that list is the facts that (1) it includes approximately 25% of the pardon/clemency actions taken to date by the POTUS, and (2) all but one of the individuals is female.
I’m pretty sure that females don’t make up the overwhelming majority of US Federal felons; BOP says women comprise less than 7% of current US Federal inmates (though I could be wrong; women may be simply less likely to get prison time). So, tell me: is that list evidence that the POTUS is biased in favor of women at the expense of men?
Yes. I mentioned that already. Either that or the nomination mechanisms are biased in favor of women.
But the list of all the members he pardoned is available and women are overrepresented but (from memory) men are the majority.
Both of you are making the mistake of interpreting a person’s name to assign gender identity… or more probably in Lar’s case, googling up photos of them.
Let me remind you both, a person’s gender identity is what they feel it is at any given time, and subject to change. Lars should know this more than any person that posts at this site. Frankly, I am appalled.
Please identify where above or below you mentioned the fact that the current POTUS has favored women in granting pardons or clemency. I’m not finding it – at all – in your comments to this article. All I see is a general statementhat “this means that whites fair better in the pardon/clemency process. So do women.”
Saying some group fairs better in a given administrative process is decidedly different from implying bias on the part of an individual making a decision. Individual bias is what you originally alleged, not some nebulous “process bias”.
Actually I should have said “some” are there. I do not want to spend the time redoing the searches but here is a few more.
The Justice Department site you cite above says the total is 85, actually – 64 pardons, 21 grants of clemency – not 86.
Without knowing the breakdown of pardon and clemency actions by race/ethnicity of (1) the applications submitted for consideration, and (2) those actually considered by the POTUS, it is impossible to state whether or not this POTUS’s pardon and clemency actions are skewed by race. Hell, even with those statistics it’s impossible to make that statement without knowing the actual facts of each case.
Do you have access to those statistics, Lars? Or were you just offering unsupported opinion as fact yet again?
I used a semi-random sample. I checked the ethnicity of as many as a could find through searches in the amount of time I felt like spending. Either using google news archives (not just google), google images, google news itself (highlighting recent pardons), pardon non-profits, and an online newspaper archive through the university.
Since the availability of information that indicates ethnicity is fairly random the ones I found were essentially a random sample of the 86 names.
At 24 names it was slightly less than 3-1 in favor of whites (17 -6 with one person that may have been hispanic or white). Since the ratio of white to blacks among the prison population is about 1.4-1 this means that whites fair better in the pardon/clemency process. So do women.
This article indicates that there is a huge bias in the pardon process. And at the time the article was written Obama was pardoning prisoners in a manner that was consistent with the bias favoring whites. Just to be clear: my post was poorly worded. i am not trying to say Obama favors whites, but that the ratio of pardons Obama has granted favors whites. It is a minor phrasing issue but a huge distinction. I do not know Obama’s priorities and the reporting indicates race of the applicant is not revealed to Obama.
Sigh. Lars, your assertion was that the POTUS “favors whites” in granting pardons (which you later broadened to include clemency actions). Here you are implicitly assuming that prison population demographics should mirror those receiving Presidential pardons/clemency actions, and that a deviation here indicates bias. That is incorrect. The prison population is the wrong one to use for comparison purposes. The correct population demographics for comparison purposes are those pardon and clemency actions considered by the POTUS. 1. Both Presidential clemency actions and pardons apply to more than those currently incarcerated as Federal inmates. Clemency can be granted to end supervised release. Pardons are often if not routinely granted long after an individual has served their time and completed any supervised release imposed as part of their sentence. Further, prison populations tend to be highly skewed towards the more serious end of the felony spectrum and/or violent criminals – and who thus receive long sentences. Thus, the current Federal inmate population may or may not be representative of that portion of the US population who have a Federal felony record. 2. Consideration for parole and clemency is, to the best of my knowledge, by application only; it is not automatic. Further, it’s well-known that those convicted of more serious and/or violent crimes have little chance for approval. I’m going out on a limb here, but I’ll say that a significant self-screening process eliminates many Federal felons at this point. This is a second factor that may affect the demographics of the population 3. On application, there appears to be a second screening process at DoJ (and/or the White House staff) before the POTUS considers an application for a pardon or clemency. This is the point at which politics may – I stress, may – begin to become a consideration (though it should not). It is also a third step which may (or may not) alter the demographics of the population being considered for parole or clemency by the POTUS. 4. The POTUS considers only those applications for pardon/clemency that are referred to him. The demographics of those applicants he considers may… Read more »
I already said the wording was sloppy, and I regret the wording.
The pardon nomination mechanisms absolutely favor whites (and women). This clearly is an issue independent of the office of the President. However, there is no evidence to determine whether the President can or cannot make or is or is not making decisions that favor certain races. According to the article ethnicity is not listed on the applicant packet the President considers. But I suspect he can derive ethnicity information from the packets.
The only way to determine if Obama is countering the bias toward whites inherent in the nomination mechanism is to look at the ethnicity of all the thousands of people previously pardoned with those the previous presidents considered and compare that data to the Presidents pardon considerations.
This is not something I have time to do. Considering the tens of thousands of applicants that effort alone would be a 5 year PhD research thesis. And I am not sure the data is even available.
The original point I was making, but worded terribly, is that the implication that this shooter is going to get a pardon is baseless nonsense. Obama gives fewer pardons (far fewer in most cases) than previous presidents, and the pardons he gives overwhelmingly favors whites.
The data provided verifies that claim. The only point of contention is whether the pardon mechanism by itself is why Obama pardons favor whites, or whether Obama also favors whites in addition to the mechanism bias.
While that point is important from a societal standpoint. And while I wish I had been more careful in my original wording; the fact remains that there is no basis to make the snarky comment that Obama is going to give this guy a pardon.
Obama does not give many pardons.
And the ratio of pardons he does give favor whites.
No. You’re assuming from the outcome you observe that the pardon/clemency process is biased to favor whites. Given your other statements here, clearly you are merely voicing a predetermined conclusion to this effect vice analyzing the situation with an open mind. You have not demonstrated what you claim to be the case. You cannot do so without knowledge of the demographics of the population who actually applied for pardon or clemency, as well as details of their criminal records. Hell, without knowledge of the demographic data of those applying for a pardon or clemency, you don’t even know that there IS a problem. It’s at least theoretically possible (though unlikely) that the overwhelming majority of those applying for pardons and/or clemency are white, and that women with felony records are applying disproportionately as well. Further: it’s entirely possible that the process is biased towards non-violent offenders and/or those who commit “low end” felonies vice in favor of whites. Historically, women have tended to be overrepresented in that group. That alone could explain the apparent gross over-representation of women (approx 25% of the current POTUS’s pardons/clemency actions have gone to women, while women account for less than 7% of the Federal inmate population). A related mechanism may also explain some of the apparent “white bias” you keep claiming, without proof, exists – at least for pardons. Pardons are often issued well after a person has served his/her time. Until relatively recently, whites were overrepresented in “white collar” jobs. Classic “white collar” crime also tends to be non-violent and financial vice being violent and/or associated with organized criminal activity such as drug trafficing. Above, you indicate that the process – at least in theory – strips overt indicators of ethnicity and race from the application packet. That would further imply that the process itself is designed to be race- and ethnically neutral and that racial bias on the part of those handling the applications is minimized to the extent reasonably possible. That in turn raises the real possibility that other factors are at play, and contribute to – or explain fully –… Read more »
Larsie-Rudy-poo the creampuff, I’ve cut MRE farts that had at least ten times more brains, logic, and common sense than you’ll ever have in this life!
I posted a fact.
Check it yourself.
You are race baitor!
Plain and simple.
People like you make simple issues of black and white about balck and white!
Bullshit. Much of the hate for the president and the willingness to spread lies about him is motivated by racism.
You damn well know it.
“you damn well know it” is NOT proof of anything. I find that the ones that are calling “racism” the most have the darkest hearts. You really identify with being racist because at heart you are one yourself. Show proof of your statement or join Sharpton and Jackson in the inciter column.
….Aaaaand that’s when you lose pretty much everyone here, when it comes to actually listening to your arguments.
Saying silly things like that is just like the foolish crap which comes out of the mouths of the birthers who say Obama was born in Kenya. It’s mindlessly dogmatic and -frankly- stupid. The birthers still can’t accept that Obama won (twice) and folks like you still can’t accept that most opposition to Obama is based on politics & ideology, not race.
You’ve fallen for the progressive trick of accusing their opponents of being RACIST!!! at every opportunity. Or Sexist. Or homophobic, or Islamophobic, or… Accusing (and believing) one’s opponent to be morally wrong relieves one of the responsibility of establishing a genuine argument to support one’s position.
There is a crap ton of sexism, homophobia, and Islamophobia on this site.
My accusation was based on their saying “if Obama had a son.” Which, at the time appeared to be a snarky comment based entirely on a single similarity; race.
I was unaware of the conservative “if Obama had a son” meme that makes the comment understood among conservatives to reference a previous speech.
However, the meme is “mindlessly dogmatic and -frankly- stupid” so without knowledge that the meme exists the comment referencing the meme seems baseless and racist.
Also, if you google “If Obama had a son meme” and look at Google images, and read the results on the web you would see that the “If Obama had a son” meme itself is racist as hell.
I hope you didn’t really analyze intel and make decisions that put soldiers’ lives at risk using that kind of shitty illogic. As I stated elsewhere, thank you for leaving the US Army.
I was an exceptionally good intelligence soldier.
You and “whitey” insist on posting personal attacks based on petty misrepresentations, misinterpretations, and information intentionally taken out of context.
I was tolerating the personal attacks that were at least tangential to the topics and politics. But you now want to attack my service itself, and keep trying to to so.
Hey analyst, I’m attacking your poor mastery of logic and presumptive decision making. After all, you failed miserably at analysing a sentence that had your typo in bold font. I’m sure you were a wonderfull asset to the Army as an O3 meme googler. Hopefully no one died as a result.
I don’t doubt the comment is used by racists for their own nefarious purposes.
However when used here by most folks who post here I take that same comment to mean something deeper.
Based on when that was first used I find the current meaning someone who is inserting themselves into a situation with a preconceived notion regarding the events of that situation without any evidence to support the preconception.
Someone who was speaking without data as though they in fact knew what had actually transpired.
In other words someone talking out of their ass without facts. That is not the action of someone who has analyzed and considered a situation prior to commenting. An impulsive, mistaken person, or any number of synonyms that work to describe that type of individual.
The shooter in this case is telling cops that he tried to shoot some other guys and only hit cops as an accident of his inability to actually kill the guys he was arguing with. The shooter is perhaps exhibiting poor judgment with those comments, similar to others who exercised poor judgment with comments about situations where they did not have all the facts, like the POTUS regarding young Mr. Martin.
That doesn’t make the comment racist, it makes it an albatross for the person initiating the comments.
Again just my opinion, that and $5 will get you a shitty coffee at a variety of locales.
Well put, VOV.
The only thing I’d add is I’ve also seen the phrase used as a “flag” when it appears that someone is injecting race into a discussion gratuitously and without justification.
I am not homophobic: I do not fear homos. I simply find their sexual practices to be repugnant. And I suppose I am a sexist inasmuch as I do treat and regard women differently than I do men, in the main. As for being islamaphobic, that’s crazy. I do not have an irrational fear of Muslims. In fact, I don’t fear them at all.
Well, intelligence genius (and I use that term with tongue firmly planted in cheek); if you were to look at the origins of that meme, you would know that it was uttered by the half black President. With that in mind; how could it be racist?
You’re a dumbass.
In your estimation… Failing to provide supporting data is one reason that so many folks here flame you.
I’ve been lurking here for a while, and I don’t see those things.I do see a lot of sarcasm, and what one might call “rough language,” but it’s only offensive to the easily butt-hurt. And if you think that’s “homophobic” it’s evidence that your perceptions are the problem, not the original statements.
Your claim of racism is basely almost soley on the unspoken progressive belief that white people can’t laugh at or ridicule black people for any reason. I’ve seen the “If I had a son” meme all over the place, and most of it is just smartass cracks on the president. But since he’s black, the smartasses must be racist!
Ditto for homophibia and islamophobia. As best I can tell from my own observations, the latter term is used by progressives about anyone who has the temerity to call out Islam in public, even they’re referring to animals like ISIL/ISIS. And -to be honest- I don’t have much problem with criticizing a religion which executes homosexuals, scars women with acid for going to school, accedes to judicial murder of unwanted wives by accusing them of adultery, and enforces the death penalty for converting to another religion. In fact in many Muslim nations it is very nearly illegal to publicly adhere to a different religion. But I am an “islamophobe” for saying these things.
You seem to have a bad habit of assuming that not only is your position correct, but it is the only possible one. This tends to irritate people. 🙂
Isn’t Holder going to get personally involved in this one too? I’m pretty sure someone’s rights got violated.
Well, considering that even bodaprez has said the continued unrest in Ferguson needs to stop, I’m sure holder’s been holding back and will probably say nothing. Didn’t he declared are few weeks ago that he’s leaving the DofJ?
Oh, dear. ‘are few’ should be ‘a few’. Sorry.
So lemme get his story straight. Jeffrey Williams pulls a drive by to shoot a rival thug. Yet he manages to hit one police officer in the shoulder and the other…in the face. Anyone who tells me they were stray shots I’ll have to call BS on. I believe he was absolutely targeted the officers and was apparently going for head shots if possible. I hope like hell he names the rival thug he was after, you know, as proof of his story and they find the other thug was in another county at the time. Targeting the officers or not, he shot the officers. On purpose or by accident it is attempted murder. I see the charges and say, they are going light by avoiding an attempted murder charge because of fear of backlash. From Al, Jesse, Obama (he really wanted a son ya know), Holder, Holder’s successor, the Ferguson looters and thugs and all the nationwide imported thugs, the New Black Panther, the Congressional Black Caucus and I could go on and on. Point is, you aim to shoot anyone, miss and hit someone else, the attempt was still to kill them and not simply assault them. This ass hole wasn’t shooting to wound.
It’s totally legit to try to pull off attempted murder when police are literally lined up at the location to prevent and respond to violence.
Guy is a master criminal.
You mean a sweet, calm, Ferguson protester did this? Say it isn’t so….
My, doesn’t he just look like a sullen, quarrelsome little snot?
Attempted murder? Well, probably not that charge, but attempted homicide because he ‘meant’ to kill ‘somebody’. Just using a more general term takes away the hot button, doesn’t it? Well, doesn’t it?
If the media is to be believed, he fired a .40S&W caliber handgun at a mass of police officers, from 120 yards, hitting two. At night, from a car. Pray and spray.
Lock him up and throw away the key.
too damn a convenient an answer. but am not as forgiving as others
A media outlet which shall be unnamed for now said the shooter was using a “40mm handgun”. Where do I buy one of those?
Gives a new meaning to the term, “Hand Cannon.”
M79 cut down the stock and barrel. And call it the pirate pistol.
Well, Sapper – I sure as hell ain’t gonnal fire that one using ball ammo.
A sphere of lead 40mm in diameter would weigh roughly 380 grams – or just short of 13.4 ounces. The recoil would be hellacious. (smile)
Video rolling:
“Hold my beer and watch this.”
Followed a few days later by:
“And the winner of this week’s America’s Funniest Home Video is…”
Hold my beer.
Y’know ya shouldn’t slap me, Johnny! My mother slapped me once. ONCE!
Y’know ya shouldn’t hang me on a hook, Johnny! My brother hung me on a hook once. ONCE!
Y’know ya shouldn’t shoot me, Johnny! My father shot me once. ONCE!
Taylor. What PD were you with? You said that you were a sworn and certified police officer. You said it was a small department that employed you. You said you quit because you no longer wanted to be part of the problem. So, what department was it?
Come on Taylor. What department was it? I want to check it–and you–out. It’s okay. I’m sure that they already despise you, if you were truly a police officer for any days beyond the academy. Oh, what academy did you attend? Yours was a small department so they no doubt farm out recruits for training to a state facility or an urban department. And how long were you a police officer?
He said he was in two different PDs, 2/17AirCav.
I’d like to know, as well. Ol’ lars the quitter quits a LOT of things, it seems. He doesn’t finish anything he starts, including the quarrels he starts here.
2/17 Air Cav,
so you want me to post my former departments? Why so you, and any of a dozen of other regulars who don’t like me, can call them and harass them into providing dirt on me?
Go fuck yourself.
Why would anyone do that? People on this board are have made a retirement hobby of trying to destroy the reputation of people.
Most have stolen valor and arguably deserve much of the ridicule you guys revel in expressing to others.
But you are just trying to settle a personal grudge.
I gave you my name. That is more than most on this board do or are willing to do.
No, Lars, I have not ever done any such thing and, what’s more, you must not feel too trusting of your former comrades if, as you say, they can be harassed into providing dirt on you. I told you why I asked. There is no other reason. I don’t believe that you ever were a police officer. Maybe you worked among them, in some capacity; maybe you were a turnkey in the local hoosegow. But a police officer? Not. So, what departments were you with?
I can’t find proof of the municipal department that I can link. But here is a post about the Chief that I said I did not get along with. The community openly discusses how they felt about him in the comments. It validates my opinion of him pretty well. And I do not think too highly of my former “comrades” in this department, except a few that left long ago.
Proof of the sheriff’s department. This department was OK. The chief was an honest man. They did focus on revenue that is for sure. Mostly from traffic citations and drug enforcement grants. There was oddball procedures sometimes. But I think that is a systemic problem in the area due to low pay and high turnover.
Sorry, the “sheriff” was an honest man.
Lars, aside from this instance, can you name any other time anyone on this blog tried to “destroy the reputation” of anyone who wasn’t a verified valor thief?
I had 22 people view my linked in profile soon after it was posted on this thread. All but a few were anonymous. Humorously, one was a Pelosi intern.
My concern for the intent of anonymous people who are asking for specific personal information on the internet is valid.
I doubt many on this board would be willing to post, and verify, as much detail as I have. Under their real name.
Yet, I am still called a liar, fraud, and a troll.
And based on some of the comments I strongly suspect one of the posters calling me a fraud never served.
“My concern for the intent of anonymous people who are asking for specific personal information on the internet is valid.”
I was not among the visitors to your profile. I guess I don’t much care, but how does a visit to posted info validate your concern? Or are you presuming that a visit to your public profile means that someone will, therefore, initiate inquiries about you? Inquiring minds want to know.
A Pelosi intern, huh? A fellow Political Economy graduate? There’s someone more worthless than yourself; a Pelosi intern.
…And I fail to see how anonymous lurkers on the intertubez equates to someone trying to (your words) “destroy [your] reputation.” The only cite you provided does nothing to support your claim.
That kind of thinking reaches an almost bernathian level of paranoia.
So who -specifically, on this blog- has tried to destroy your reputation? Or sully it, or shilly-shally with it, or even sign you up for email porn feeds?
True – insult the living crap out of him, demean him, deride his intelligence, and belittle his every statement – but by God no one is sullying his reputation!
Lars is full of shit, no way he was a cop. And if he was, he got fired for running that mouth of his….just can’t shut up….gotta stir shit up. That’s Lars.
He’s a Troll, comes here to argue and leaves….Troll.
This would be my opinion also. He didn’t mention his POST Cert’s at all on his linkedin page. No mention at all of his alleged LEO career…
Being a cop is not inherently a “positive” on a resume. I can share it if it is relevant, but it rarely is.
And I did not have a career. I never intended it as a career. It was a detour during my divorce. I thought it would be just another form of “service” to my country and community. I had wanted to deploy for a while but my divorce kept me from doing it because I did not want to be dealing with that while deployed.
So I decided to become a cop, if I liked it I might have stuck around longer, and did occasionally consider it as a career. Some days were very good. But overall I did not like the constant emphasis on revenue generation. I do not believe revenue generation is a legitimate priority for police departments. That absolutely should not be the role of law enforcement in a democracy.
I much prefer other forms of public service.
Ossifer Lars, The Patrol Car Lawyer! That’s a good one! Do you write your own material?
I didn’t get fired but did find myself in constantly in conflict with the chief and a piece of shit (and coincidently stolen valor) cop that was a family friend of the chief.
The chief was a absolute shitbag. No question. He resigned a few years after I left.
Quitter? So someone leaving law enforcement to go back on active duty and deploy is a quitter?
Bullshit, and you know it.
Constatn conflict?
How about constant troublemaker instead?
Congratulations, dumbass! You’ve turned a thread about an entirely different subject into another thread about you. You got to be the center of attention again, and like any obnoxious 7-year-old who won’t leave his older sister alone, you’re catching hell for it. It may not be the sort of attention you really wanted, but attention WAS what you wanted and guess what, sport? YOU GOT IT!
It’s all about you, you, you.
Hey, look, everybody! I went boor hunting and got one without firing a shot!
Bullshit. I posted my opinion then got attacked relentlessly, called names, and was accused by multiple posters of lying about my service, and my time as a police officer.
I did not change this thread to something about me. I responded to their posts. They turned this thread into a mass accusation that I am full of shit. And trolled me into responding.
And you were under no obligation to respond. You were, in fact, under no obligation to stick around if you didn’t like the opinions expressed on this blog.
YOU decided to keep coming back. In the process, YOU used inflammatory language for no other reason than provoke people into arguments.
YOU did that. WE DID NOT.
Stop pretending it isn’t about you and being the centger of attention.
If you don’t like the opinions expressed here, you are QUITE free to start your own blog.
“And trolled me into responding.” I need to write that one down somewhere for future use.
Well, taylor, you ARE full of shit.
I have shoelaces that are more interesting than you are.
I have brassieres with a higher IQ than yours.
The grackles on my front steps have more interesting things to say than you do.
Or maybe you’re just an obnoxious fuckwad and nobody likes you, Lars.
TOW, you took the words right out of my mouth.
Aww, c’mon, JimW! You’re being far too easy on ol’ larstheirrelevant.
He’s just a lazy fuck who wants everyone to do everything for him, including sit on his face.
During search incident to arrest, the arresting officer discovered a bag of weed in William’s front left pants pocket.
William’s exclaimed, “no way … yo dog, dees ain’t my pants!”
Actual SLCFU report.
They’re hanging halfway down the crack of your ass, they are too.
I have an idea for a thread that is guaranteed to have no comments. It will be called “Why I respect Commissar’s opinions.”
LOL x 04.00
When the Brown / Wilson incident happened, many people (including people on this site) cautioned against a rush to judgement on Wilson’s guilt or innocence.
I don’t know if Jeffery Williams is guilty of a crime. As the police are still investigating, he should have the same presumption of innocence that was called for with Officer Wilson, and the same presumption of innocence we all would want if we were arrested for something.
Nice sentiment except that he has admitted to firing the shots that struck the officers and the gun was recovered from him. The legal presumption still exists, of course, but he is guilty as sin.
Here’s Commissar’s LinkedIn in case anyone is interested
See, I was wrong, I told Hondo that I thought that he was a veterinary dietician.
That, and he’s a crashing bore.
Dude went to “US Army Infanty Center and School”
This changes everything. He might be a MESNA member as well!
Really? So you are ridiculing me for going to the ICCC?
You may be the first person to ever ridicule someone for that in the history of ever.
Did you notice that one word in that comment is in bold print? Can you think of a reason that GDContractor might have decided to put it in bold print?
Lol. Wow. I never noticed that typo.
Yeah, fair enough, it was pretty stupid.
Maybe you didn’t typo that…maybe it auto-magically appeared.
If all that is true, he was OLD going through the ICCC.
I was. I was prior enlisted.
Yep. OPSEC 101: Post on social media sites that one has a TS clearance.
Reckon that’s supposed to impress someone.
Of course I could be wrong – he could be referring to the fact that he once watched that Val Kilmer spoof, “Top Secret”.
Chicks dig a Top Secret clearance. I should know.
I never posted that. Linked-in automatically feeds people you are linked with a prompt that lets them verify the skills or characteristics they personally know you have or had.
When someone verifies them they are auto-magically put on your profile.
I does not matter because I let my TS-expire and I have no intention of going back into that field.
Yeah, the field of “making shit up” is far more lucrative. How’s the weather?
Point out something I “made up”
Pointing to this: http://valorguardians.com/blog/?p=58753&cpage=1#comment-2496141
I did not “make up” the 400%. I posted the source.
The source was likely wrong.
I did not know that.
That’s because you’re either deliberately dishonest, or nowhere near as smart as you think you are, Larsy. Either way, fuck you.
TOW, I have sweaters with higher IQs than lardbutt.
If you do not want these threads to become about me, perhaps you could stop talking about me on these threads.
That would be a step in the right direction.
Kid, you are the newest chew toy in the box. As long as you keep bringing the worn out left wing talking points, you will continue to be chewed to a pulp.
Note to last the dumbest clunk evah:
I wasn’t addressing you.
If you don’t want this or any thread to be about you, then start your own blog.
The problem, Lars, is that you didn’t even bother to conduct a cursory check before running your yap.
Common sense should have told that claim you was quite likely bogus, and a cursory check would have shown that to be the case. Even the Wikipedia article on “Assassination threats against Barack Obama” debunks the “unusually high number” claim – and provides references – in the article’s freaking intro.
You’re attending UC-Berkeley. Are unsupported assertions considered acceptable as “facts” in academic work at Berkeley these days?
I took the article as accurate. Mostly since it was not a US article so has less cause to politicize the issue. There were actually several articles pointing out the same stats. I chose the one that had an early date from a source that has no skin in the game so to speak.
What I do not understand is why the hell you are not jumping on people for not “fact checking” easy to verify things like number of presidential pardons, or number of executive orders. Even when I provided indisputable proof Obama does not do either at a higher rate than previous presidents nobody admits it.
At least I fess up when my data is wrong. I don’t recall a single person on this forum fessing up when they post false info.
It is fine to be factually wrong on this forum as long as your misinformation fits a conservative narrative. If someone posts something liberal suddenly everyone demands data. And when the data is presented and they cannot find a way to disprove it, they flat ignore it and just attack the person personally.
I have posted tons of links and a crap ton of data. More evidence than any other poster on this board. When information I link is not accurate, I admit the error.
1. You are the one who brought up the issue of the relative frequency of Obama’s pardons. I don’t think anyone has asserted you were wrong about that point – perhaps because others, you know, did their due diligence before confronting you about same and noted you were for once correct.
2. The point is largely irrelevant. The relative scarcity of pardons by this POTUS has no bearing on the issue of potential bias in granting same – which you also brought up.
3. The original observation by FatCircles that started this discussion was, somewhat bluntly, a reminder that the POTUS has the power to pardon. It may or may not even apply in this case, since presumably the perp here will be tried on state vice Federal charges. I’m pretty sure the POTUS doesn’t have the power to grant pardons or clemency for state convictions – his pardon authority appears to be limited to Federal offenses by Article II of the Constitution – though he may have the power to restore afterwards the Federal voting/other rights of someone convicted on state felony charges. )I’m sure one of our practicing lawyers who comment here can and will correct me if I’m wrong here.)
In short: you were the one making the assertions in question here. It’s your job to defend them.
And yes – if I see another error of fact posted in comments here, I’m generally willing to challenge the individual on same. (If they’re not being obnoxious jerks, I also generally do so politely.) But I also can generally recognize satire and hyperbole, and don’t bother to correct what I consider obvious cases of either.
First off, let me be the first to say boo fucking hoo.
Secondly, you predicated an entire assertion of racism based on your claim that death threats against Obama had increased by 400%. Turns out your data was wrong. Wrong data, wrong premise, wrong conclusion. That’s how logic works.
You do not need to apologize for citing an inaccurate source. You need to apologize to everyone here you painted with the “Racist” brush.
I asked you what is the difference between your dislike for Allen West and my dislike for Obama. Absent the erroneous claim of “400% increase in death threats”, your reply appears to be “Well, I really hate Allen West”. You have opinions, just like us … but you, Commissar, are the one Googling up images of people solely for the purpose of looking at their skin color, not us.
You have consistently been an arrogant idiot since you showed up at this site. In the case of the VA cartoon, you claim that we need to know what was the “artist’s intent”. You also decree that there exists a military uniform, yet when pressed about it, it becomes a “stylized” uniform. In the case of the gate guard greeting, you claim that “Have a blessed day” is a religious greeting by definition… in spite of what The Urban Dictionary says. In the case of what was said in this thread above, ignorant of context once again, you allege racism and reinforce your premise with bad data.
I have always respected the Military and those who have served. Consistent with that sentiment, I want to thank you for leaving the US Army.
” I don’t recall a single person on this forum fessing up when they post false info.”
I dunno, Larsy. Pick any one of your posts on TAH, fucknuts.
By the way
“I does not matter because I let my TS-expire […]”.
Is not how it works. But you’re an S2 guy so you probably already knew that.
Bullshit. You keep nitpicking me with nonsense. This is the Linked-in profile of the US Army G2 https://www.linkedin.com/in/marylegere.
You want to keep talking shit about what an S2 should or should not know?
First, NSA guidelines permit listing your security clearance https://www.nsa.gov/public_info/_files/resumeDosDonts.pdf
Second, I did not put anywhere on my Linked-in that I had a security clearance (and neither did she). People who I am linked to verified skills from a list the site associates with you based on key words you used that others used in the past. When someone chooses “security clearance” or “top secret” as a ‘skill’ to verify it shows up on your profile. And a shit ton of people who are still actively holding a clearance have this on their profile. Probably damn near everyone.
Third, any foreign power would already know I had a clearance and the level of clearance based entirely on my previous job titles and training.
Fourth, for me, it does not matter, because my clearance is expired. I no longer have access.
So the only “risk’ is a power trying to persuade me to give information entirely from memory. This is an exceedingly low risk that would exist due to my job titles with or without the security clearance tag. Besides, outdated information entirely from memory given under duress is of negligible value and zero reliability.
So stop trying to act like this is some super squirrel spy thriller. There are many tens of thousands or people who work in fields that have security clearances. Tens of thousands of those people have linked-in profiles. The vast a majority of those with linked-in profiles have someone who added that tag to their knowledge of the person’s skill set.
And none of this violates any regulation or law. In fact it is utterly routine.
You said “I let it expire”
I said “That’s not how it works”
All the other baggage you bring to the table is just that, YOUR BAGGAGE.
Aww, Lars! Don’t go away mad! Just go away!
Lars. You’re done but remain in the oven. You have managed to piss off some of the more reasonable people here. Why is that? Do you think that we all conspire to target you? Well, we don’t. So, rather than my explaining it to you, I’ll leave it to you to consider why you are being pummeled. If you do, you might start with your early posts and move from there. You might also take a break and come back when you can present your views of things in a reasonable manner, with some support. We like us some good go-rounds here, as you should know, but when people conduct themselves like assholes, they tend to be rather quickly called assholes.
And for the record, those of us with a small clearance got the chicks too… we just had to work harder. 😉
This OT comment directed to 2/17 Air Cav.
Sir! May I be so presumptuous to ask if you have watched the movie Idiocracy yet? If not, please check out the link to a brief video that Charles posted here: http://valorguardians.com/blog/?p=58738&cpage=1#comment-2495119
On the other hand, if you did watch the entire movie, what did you think of it?
I need to see that movie, now that I have gotten a taste. (Collins!)
Glad you liked the clip. I will maintain pressure until you see the entire movie. You may not know it, but I can be a pain in the ass. 😉
True story about the Collin! clip: When I was working at FOB Airborne, a guy I worked with (USAF NCO Ret.) had to fly to FOB Shank for a day to talk to CID as a witness. We told him we would buy him a stateside case of beer if he worked “Well you see, a pimp’s love is much different from that of a square” into his witness narrative. He thought he was going to Shank to provide info about contract fraud. Turns out, CID wanted to talk to him about KBR pimpin (he had worked for KBR in the past). He played it straight and no beer changed hands.
Lars went to Army psycho school….that’s why he thinks he is so smart….no cop time that I can see….he is an activist left wing TROLL! Spews garbage across the internet….he is a Troll. Lars screen names protect good people from idiots like you. You must get a lot of crap email from people that detest you….you get off on that? No need to respond Lars…I only talk to trolls when I want.
Looks like the gov’t people in the state of Missouri don’t like the DofJ’s attitude toward their state, or toward their municipalities. From HuffPo:
So “Lars” hijacked yet another thread. How…soporific. Forward!
Yeah, I mean wow man. wow…