Worst president since WWII
I don’t pay much attention to polls, and I really don’t care about this one, either, even if it says what I think – but you want to talk about it, judging by my email inbox. But according to NBC News, 1400 or so people say that Obama is the worst President since the last one.
“Over the span of 69 years of American history and 12 presidencies, President Barack Obama finds himself with President George W. Bush at the bottom of the popularity barrel,” said Tim Malloy, assistant director of Quinnipiac University’s polling unit.
While Obama’s job approval rating has inched higher to 40 percent, up from 38 percent in December, more voters gave him largely negative marks in key areas: the economy, foreign policy, healthcare and terrorism, according to the poll.
Personally, I think Nixon was a worse president than Bush, not because of all of that manufactured BS like using the IRS against opponents (which never happened), but rather Nixon’s handling of the economy – like that stupid “Wage and Price Freeze” thing which ended up making inflation worse. And his “detente” with the Soviet Union was pretty bad, too, as Ronald Reagan proved a decade later.
The worst part of the Quinnipiac University poll wasn’t included in the NBC story, but it’s at the Washington Times;
Quinnipiac found 45 percent of voters say the country would have been better off if Mr. Romney, the 2012 GOP nominee, had been elected, while just 38 percent say Mr. Obama remains a better choice. Even Democrats aren’t so sure — just 74 percent of them told the pollsters Mr. Obama was clearly the better pick in the last election.
As bad as Bush got in the public opinion polls, I don’t think anyone who was rational and objective ever said the words out loud that we would have been better off with Al Gore or John Kerry as president. Nor did anyone say “I should have voted for George McGovern” or “I wish I’d voted for Bob Dole”. So, that’s pretty bad for this president.
But, I’m sure Obama scored well among environmentalists, immigration activists and gay activists, so he’s got that going for him. I hope veterans have learned their lesson in regards to voting for Democrats. What am I saying? They should have learned their lesson during the Carter and Clinton Administrations but they didn’t.
Category: Barack Obama/Joe Biden
What short memories people have. I think Nixon was worse than G.W Bush. And how the Peanut Farmer didn’t make the list is mind-boggling. I don’t understand why liberals have such disdain for Nixon. Horrible economic policies, hassling political opponents, creating large overreaching government institutions, and spying. He was basically a Democrat. Most progressive modern day Republican President in history in my opinion.
And don’t forget that he created the EPA by executive order.
They don’t like Nixon because he was better at it than they are.
I refute the ‘learned their lesson’ observation.
I have NEVER voted for that imbecile. EVER.
I actually think he’s worse than Hoover, who said everything was just fine, and went fishing. (An exaggeration, but you know what I meant.)
Also, you left out Nixon’s 55-mph speed limit and his ‘lights out’ program, to save energy, and the Arab Oil Embargo, which resulted in completely unnecessary gas rationing and raised the price of gas from $.359 to $.759. And there was talk of an actual rise to $1.009/gal.
Not to mention the EPA.
Although Nixon did indeed create the EPA, actually only two major environmental laws – the Clean Air Act of 1970 and the Endangered Species Act of 1973 – appear to have passed during his term in office. The former had bipartisan support, as did the latter. And especially for the latter, a veto override was a foregone conclusion.
The enviro-whackos learned well from the anti-war movement how to spin, dissemble, and twist public opinion. Unfortunately, Congress and a gullible public took the bait – hook, line, and sinker.
Um, Ex-PH2 – under Carter, I remember gas (regular unleaded, not premium) at over $1.10 per gallon.
Much of what Nixon did in the way of economic tinkering was at least partially forced (as an example: other than tell Israel to go pound sand there wasn’t a damn thing Nixon or anyone else in the US government could have done to prevent the Arab Oil Embargo). Carter had several years to see what did and didn’t work – and managed to screw things up worse anyway.
Gas under Carter over $1.109 – yes, but before Carter and until the Arab Oil Embargo, regular gas at the pump had run between $.259 and $.359.
As soon as the OPECers dropped the bar, gas went to $.559, then to $.759 overnight. Gas rationing was started by Nixon. It was unnecessary, created panics and L-O-N-G lines at gas stations, and did a lot of other damage. The rumor about $1.009 started about two weeks into the AOE. The price of gas did not go back down.
If you don’t remember that nonsense, I do, because I had to keep an eye on the gas gauge and get a locking gas cap to keep my own tank from being emptied when I was asleep.
Oh, I remember that time quite well Ex-PH2. Dad was out of work when gas went thru the work – he got caught in a post-Vietnam layoff. Put quite a crimp in things.
Again: short of dumping Israel and kissing a few Saudi Sheikh asses, there was not a damn thing Nixon or anyone else in the US Government could have done to prevent the Arab Oil Embargo. It was the combination of a (1) critical resource with (2) inelastic demand that was (3) largely controlled by a cartel who (4) decided to roughly double prices on a whim. The result was pretty damn easy to predict.
Be glad Nixon was able to convince Shah Palavhi of Iran to continue as a US ally in 1973. If he’s been as clueless as Carter, Clinton, or the current POTUS, Iran likely would have joined the embargo – and you’d likely have seen gas at roughly $1.20 a gallon in 1974.
Yes, but Nixon got the blame for the whole thing, Hondo. 🙂
Actually, my parents had a sticker on our VW that read “Don’t blame me, I voted for McGovern.” Needless to say, we didn’t talk much politics after I came of age.
I didn’t, as a matter of personal morals, criticize the CiC. Now that I’ve got a DD 214…gloves off.
F*ck him. His domestic policy sucks. The litmus test using any metric you’d like vis-a-vis foreign policy sucks too. I don’t think that the US needs to be in every corner but for sh*t’s sake, can the SoS losers fix ONE f*cking crisis? One. Just one is all I ask. Kerry and Clinton would have served us better managing a 7-11.
T-29 days for mine. (not that I’m counting or anything….)
I got my DD 214 on 2 June. I’m on terminal leave until 1 Sep. After that it is game on.
Must be serious, the WAPO devoted much time and energy defending POTUS, in light of the poll:
“One takeaway from that: Romney’s support has slipped two points since the 2012 election, when he got 47 percent support.”
Well, that makes Obama look pretty good now doesn’t it?
They said if I voted for Romney, my taxes would go up, the economy would tank, and we’d lose face throughout the world.
Whaddya know, they were right!
As far as Obama looking good, you are probably one of the idiots that voted for this a$$ h—. All he wants to be is the first Dictator here. He has already done thousands of mandates to pave the way.
First, the poll in question over-samples dems, 31%-25% with independents at 35%. Not mentioned is where Quinnipiac found these “independents”.
So, Barrycade’s disapproval is probably worse than it appears.
They didn’t ask me! I put him as the worst ever. Carter was incompetent by accident. Obama is incompetent by design. Couple that to the fact that he is as crooked as a snake and a damned liar. He has spent his whole life working affirmative action. He has brought us to ruination.
And don’t discount the mainstream media effect. While this scheming bastard gets away with all manner of impeachable behavior, all ignored by a compliant media, Bush got bashed unmercifully for the slightest misstep.
If the media effect on public perceptions were to be factored into current surveys, Obama would have popularity ratings that would make Bush look like George Washington. Just imagine what those numbers would be if our national media were doing their jobs and ran headlines every day and reported on television news every morning and evening the truth about this incompetent, affirmative action loser.
So we can only imagine if Obama is this unpopular with the media covering up his sorry performance, what will happen to his numbers if he ever gets am”Bushed” by a media that wakes up to what he’s doing to their country.
There’s just no way this polling playing field is level.
Oh, it’s kind of beginning to penetrate the fog of delusions, Poetrooper, but like teenyboppers who don’t believe their idol is a drug addict, it just hasn’t taken deep enough roots to quite sink in. It will.
Have faith, my friends. When someone says (and it’s repeated in the media) that he LONGS to leave the ‘cloistered bubble of the White House’, it will happen.
Karma has a strange way of giving you what you want so be careful what you wish for.
Yeah, well, it ain’t close to be being over yet, folks. The Emperor has the remainder of this year (2014), next year (2015), the next year (2016), and a few weeks in 2017. How’s that for sickening and frightening?
Oh, I think it’s very close to being over. It doesn’t look like we’ll have enough of a country left by 2016 for elections to matter.
And then it will be Mrs. President Clinton and then our first latina president! Can you dig it?
I can dig it’s time for you meds again..nursing staff on break?
I’d be happy to vote for her if someone could just articulate some of her career accomplishments. What is it that she has done besides talk about stuff? Anything?
(It is broadly rumored that at one time she was a pretty good lay, but that really isn’t accomplishing much, is it?)
“(It is broadly rumored that at one time she was a pretty good lay, but that really isn’t accomplishing much, is it?)”
at this point, what does it really matter what may or may not have happened 40 years ago?
Now she is saying that when they started out they were so poor that “Bill and I had to share the same girlfriend”.
R-in-R wins today’s Interwebs! Now someone please hand me a paper towel…
For R in R, ↑↑↑↑↑↑↑↑↑ Because I still can’t find the “like” button.
Um…Chelsea was an accident victim of a toga party at Hillary’s apartment.
Streetsweeper, I heard she was a result of Hillary being inseminated with Janet Reno’s saliva…
Look at Web Hubbell. Now look at Chelsea…now look at Web…now look at Chelsea again.
I think I made my point.
I’ve thought that for a very long time, Sparky.
For the sake of this nation, I hope not.
BTW that is 100% because it is Clinton. Not because it is a female. I would vote for Ex-PH2, Pinto Nag, T.C. and some of the others from here.
Jaysus, dude, how many AKAs you gonna put on that name of yours? It’s getting a little stern-heavy.
What if VWPAKAUSSLAKAIIAFV was actually Hilary Duff Clinton herself? It’d make sense, the hardon he has for her (and that effectively rules out Bill).
Just to let you know that NO self-respecting gay person I know – and I know quite a few of them – like Zero or voted for him. But maybe I just know a better caliber of gay.
.40 S&W is the best caliber.
That’s my story and I’m sticking to it.
Meh-he sucks, but he’s miles behind LBJ.
If you’re talking Nixon, 68W58 – I’d agree. Nixon was the guy stuck with the job of cleaning up LBJ’s messes.
If you’re talking the current Occupant, 1600 Pa Ave, Wash DC – I’m not so sure. I believe he’s done about as much to screw over the nation in his 5 1/2 years in office as LBJ did in roughly the same amount of time. And the current guy has 2 1/2 more years to go.
Hondo…I completely agree. LBJ good, bad and indifferent, did far less to cause permanent harm to this nation than Obama has caused. Not even a close call in my opinion. Whoever becomes the President in 2016, (I’m praying it is a Republican with balls) is going to have one hell of a mess to clean up. My sincere hope is we have a unified, House, Senate and White House Republican government in 2016. A guy can hope, can’t he?
As an aside, I am not forgetting LBJ’s complete mismanagement of Vietnam and the resulting deaths HE caused. On that note he may be on par with Obama. But on that note only. I realize it is a big note but I do not believe LBJ would have sat on his hands like Obama while watching the world collapse and American “credentials and values” deteriorate worldwide the way Obama has. Obama has been a loser in every arena of governance. Every single one. I don’t know, upon reflection perhaps they are closer in failure than I think. Obama is our problem now though. In a time of terrorism, uncontrolled borders, cutting our military security to the bone and basically telling the American people to “f@ck off, I’m here for 2 plus more years. I’ll step around the law, Congress, the SCOTUS, common sense and whatever I choose and there’s nothing really, anyone can do about me. If the country collapses from the weight of my failures, I’ll still have Secret Service protection for life, a great pension and speaking tour and a library. So, once again America, f@ck off!”.
The presidential pension was started because Harry Truman didn’t have enough money to buy gas to drive home to Missouri. It’s easy enough to revoke a pension for someone who has more money than good sense, and thinks the highlight of his job is playing golf with Tiger Woods.
No, RiR, bodaprez hates the bubble of the White House, hates his job, longs to be able to walk around unrecognized.
If anything, we should leave no stone unturned to make sure that he is forever ignored, because that is exactly what he says he wants.
Much more effective than hanging. No mess to clean up.
He won’t get a pension if we hang him for his crimes.
Hondo…two words–Great Society. That shit has fucked us nine ways from Sunday, and why he, FDR, and Wilson are the worst presidents of the 20th Century. Obama is right up there but thankfully for him hit the other side of the Y2K line.
Hondo. No, I meant that LBJ is the worst President post WWII: NHSparky hits on part of it below-the “Great Society” and with it the rise of the welfare state and the dependency mentality that is still with us. Vietnam-and with it the student conniption fit that was the genesis of the academic left that poisons out institutions of higher learning. As bad as Obama is he hasn’t topped any of that (yet).
Er-NHSparky hits on part of it
belowabove.And didn’t LBJ preside over the enactment of Medicare & Medicaid? Which has become the foundation of our WONDERFUL ACA ObozoCare??
There was never an expansion of the state that LBJ didn’t like (so long as he thought he could profit from it politically-which he usually did).
Yes, and I pointed that out here: http://valorguardians.com/blog/?p=52902&cpage=1#comment-1584208
I cant believe you folks are so racist as to point this out. Criticism of Ear Leader is not allowed and I suspect you will be hearing from the IRS shortly. All hail our liberal overlords
My response to IRS: the hard drive with all my receipts just crashed….
Peasant #1: Who’s that?
Peasant #2: Must be a king, eh?
Peasant #1: How can you tell?
Pesanat #2: Hasn’t got shit all over him.
— Monty Python and the Holy Grail
I’m pretty sure I just saw Jimmy Carter dancing the in street over this news.
His legacy has to love this.
Two more years.
We can make it.
I just intend to stay drunk.
I hope they have some older folks to balance this out. Fact is, people under 40 have little idea of life under Carter/Reagan, as I have little perspective of life under LBJ/Nixon.
These millenials are depending on history books written by people who had a visceral hatred of Reagan for perspective on the man.
Okay, NHSparky.
LBJ: Selma, Alabama; the march to Washington; The Civil Rights Act of 1964; 3 civil rights workers murdered in Mississippi; draft & war protests; Martin Luther King’s ‘I have a dream’ speech; assassination of Martin Luther King; race riots Washington, DC, Chicago, Watts, Harlem; continuing the space program because LBJ did not want to go to sleep by the light of a Communist moon; Marines land at Chu Lai; uptick in Vietnam war; LBJ’s ‘I will not seek or accept’ speech.
Nixon: Apollo missions; Tet offensive; Agent Orange; carpet bombing; the Eagle has landed – 1st moon landing; Arab Oil embargo; gas rationing; the Chevy Chevette 4-cylinder and Chevette Scooter; Japanese car imports; end of the Viet Nam war; Deep Throat and Watergate; 18 missing minutes on those tape recordings; opening relations with Red China; Nixon forced to resign from office; “I and not a crook” speech; no one in New York City wants him as a neighbor.
I have some of that a bit out of order, but you get the drift.
I left out:
LBJ’s Great War on Poverty (welfare) and the start of Medicare tax.
Nixon: took us off the gold standard, making it legal for people to buy gold as a commodity.
I had a Chevette. My parents traded in the Galaxy 500 station wagon for a Datsun during these times.
Worst president was tricky dick nixon for committing treason to prolong the vietnam war so he could win 1968 election. He committed many other crimes as well. Next worse was old 666 himself bonzo reagan again for treason for having bill casey make a deal with iran to hold are hostages till after 1980 election. Also iran-contra treason which overlapped. Third was shrub for the lie about iraq building atomic bombs with mushroom clouds over our cities when he knew it was not true. Also allowing 9-11 to happen because neo-cons needed a “second Pearl Harbor” penac 1998.
“… tricky dick nixon for committing treason to prolong the vietnam war so he could win 1968 election…”
Um, I pretty sure that Nixon wasn’t president until 1969, John Kerry.
He’s talking about Nixon allegedly using Anna Chennault as a back-channel messenger to tell Thieu not to buy the BS LBJ was selling about peace talks in 1968.
Of course, virtually every historian (and anyone with common sense) who’s looked at the matter knows full well that what Nixon allegedly passed on to Thieu was nothing he didn’t already know. Nixon’s advice was merely that the rumors he was hearing were that LBJ was looking to sell out South Vietnam. And no, vwp – Kissenger didn’t tell Nixon (or Chennault) any deep, dark secrets. He didn’t have that access.
Now, about 9/11 – put the blame where that one belongs, vwp. Bill “BJ” Clinton is to blame for 9/11. He neglected Islamic terrorism for 8 years, treating it as a “law enforcement” matter. This was even after (a) the 1st WTC attack in 1993; (b) bin Laden’s 1996 declaration of war against America, and (c) three different chances to take out bin Laden (which BJ and the Boys didn’t execute).
It’s not possible to fix 8 years of mismanagement and neglect in less than 8 months. Not even Superman could do that with the Federal government.
But at least BJ only was responsible for only about 3,000 American deaths. LBJ? Try over 58,000 – for getting us into a major war by a combination of stealth and outright lying to the American public.
I love to how long it takes VWP to process things and then respond. It takes him light years. I like to think that he is bumbling and stumbling around his panel van trying to locate his keyboard, knocking over jars of piss and adjusting his tin foil hat, looking for a copy of a Peter Kuznick book.
Can someone tell me what ‘penac’ means?
I ca’nt find that in any foreign language dictionary.
Is it an alien message being channeled through the fog in vwpissedinhispants’ liquefying brain?
Oh, look. He’s a 9/11 truther as well.
If you suddenly catch fire don’t come running my way. I’m not about to waste piss on your worthless existence.
After he burns out-then I piss on him.
VWP…You are getting almost too stupid to reply to. So, if the Presidents you named as terrible, did those dirty deeds, what then did your true loves, LBJ, Carter, Clinton and Obama do or have done for this country that is so wonderful? Please try to be specific and use spell and grammar check…please.
Yeah, that ain’t gonna happen, Sparks. VWP can’t find spell check, his knowledge of grammar and history are non-existent. The best he can do is another drug-induced rant about something he thinks he might have heard in a song down at the head shop.
I think he needs the antennae on that tin foil hat adjusted a bit.
This guy has to be doing this for fun, just to set others off..
I have known some hard-core libtards that were not this far off of the scale.
There is no way he can truly believe the crap he posts on here.
Blaster, he’s so stoned, he doesn’t know which way is up or down.
Seems that way.
Are you sure your not being willfully ignorant of actual history? All the examples you have given are Alex Jones type stuff
One of the few times I see the “Recent Comments” completely full with the same thread posts. Tells you the heart felt responses and opinions we have about Obama.
Well to paraphrase, to know him is to NOT love him….
VOV +100000000000000000!
I wasn’t alive for Carter’s presidency, so I think its not crazy for me to say that Obama’s the worst in my lifetime. I can see why Carter didn’t end up at the bottom of the heap though. Most presidents fare better in polls after they’re out of office and Carter has been pretty productive in that time. I generally don’t agree with the man, but he strikes me as honest and decent, which is more than I can say for the other Democrats that have held office since.
Overall I figure Obama ranks in the bottom five. Definitely better than Buchanan and Harding, and Andrew Johnson, not so sure about Pierce.
You didn’t miss one damn thing with Jimah being pOtUs…
Carter is about as far from “honest and decent” as they come, both before and after his single term in office. In the 1960s, he was an open supporter of segregation and considered a protégé of George Wallace, which helped him in no small way get elected as Georgia governor. Once in that office, he immediately shed that disguise and adopted a completely opposite stance as a “progressive reformer,” doing the sort of damage you have come to expect from that crowd. Without going into a bunch of details, suffice to say that he is also widely viewed as Georgia’s worst governor. Which, considering Lester Maddox and some other clowns who held that office, is saying quite a lot. It is interesting to visit Plains, GA, and tour his boyhood home, it really gives you some insight into his personality. He promoted an image as “just a peanut farmer,” when in fact his family never got into that particular line of honest work in any serious way. They, instead, were the crop brokers and owned the local community store, charging prices to the locals (who had no other options) that helped insure that they stayed poor, on the farm, and dependent on the good graces of Jimmay’s daddy. It is enlightening to see the tennis court on that spread, built during the worst parts of the Great Depression, where Jimmay and his siblings whiled away the boring hours of Not Working, very much akin to Obama’s golfing during this current depression. It is also enlightening to go to nearby Americus and visit the palatial estate downtown housing the headquarters of Habitat for Humanity, a group he used to rehabilitate his image post-presidency. It is well worth pondering where the money came from to build that massive edifice; perhaps HfH is not all it’s cracked up to be, either? (Hint: it is not) Jimmay can’t even resist messing with his claimed Christian faith, he led his Baptist church out of the SBC (quite a feat for a Sunday School teacher, most times that sort of leadership lies with the church pastor,… Read more »
When contacted, the following presidents all exclaimed, “Yep … we were pretty bad too, but he is the worst and we are glad to be dead now”:
James Buchanan
Andrew Johnson
Franklin Pierce
Warren G. Harding
Millard Fillmore
Herbert Hoover
Martin Van Buren
Zachary Taylor
John Tyler
re: Nixon, gas rationing, and the OPEC oil crisis On October 6th 1973, Syria and Egypt attacked Israel without warning from the north on the Golan and from the south in the Sinai — both territories that Israel had seized in 1968. When Israel ran low on aircraft, bombs, and other stuff, the US resupplied them. In response to that support, the OPEC countries reduced the oil flowing to the US triggering gasoline rationing. Kissinger busted his butt to avoid supporting Israel in 1973. After the 1968 war – that Israel started all by itself – the US government was extremely wary about supporting Israel. When it became apparent that Syria and Egypt were going to start a war, the US told Israel that if they responded in any way before they were struck, the US would be unable to help them at all. Nixon was FAR too busy dealing with Watergate to worry about Israel. The special prosecutor Archibald Cox had subpoenaed the Oval Office tapes and Nixon was trying to fire him. On October 20th, Nixon fired AG Richardson and demanded that Robert Bork (the solicitor general) fire special prosecutor Cox. Nixon was not a good president – no disagreement from me on that point. But, in my opinion, the oil crisis happened because the US decided to prevent the Egyptians from overrunning Israel. Could he have smarted is way out of that? Maybe, but again in my opinion probably not. When Egypt and Syria started the 1973 war, the Soviets were as surprised as anyone and were SERIOUSLY torqued at Egypt. Somewhere about October 25th, a cease fire was in effect. Ariel Sharon commanded an Israeli division on the west bank on the Suez positioned to seriously threaten a large part of the Egyptian army and he continued to maneuver. The Egyptians were concerned that they would lose those forces and asked the Soviets for assistance — there was much kissing up. The Soviets prepared to support Egypt with a large force, Kissinger (NOT Nixon) took the US military to DEFCON 3. The Army prepared to deploy… Read more »
I would have to take pretty gross exception to the part about Israel starting the Six Day War, though. Before the beginning of the hostilities, Nasser ordered the UN peacekeepers out of the buffer zone between Sinai and Israel under threat of military force and closed the Gulf of Aqaba to Israeli shipping. Both those things were acts of war all by themselves—and this is without mentioning how Nasser was making speeches for weeks about how Israel’s day had come and how the United Arab Command was about to annihilate them militarily. Israel might have attacked first (their lack of strategic depth would have meant that they likely would have been defeated and utterly destroyed if they had waited for the UAC attack), but they were forced to that point.
I guess we will have to disagree. I’m thinking that the Israeli attack that destroyed the Egyptian air force on the ground was the opening shot. I understand your point about the other provocations but those sorts of thing had been going on for a while. I’m thinking that destroying 236 aircraft, mostly on the ground and mostly in the first few hours of June 5th is a different character than what led up to that.
Since the 1956 war, the Jordanians, Egyptians, Syrians, and Lebanese had all been trying pretty hard to destroy Israel. I was in primary and secondary school and I remember the daily news items by Cronkite about the region.
More importantly, everyone concerned believed that Israel started the 6-day war — Israel, the surrounding states, Europe, the US and the Soviet Union. When 1973 was heating up, the US knew that Egypt and Syria were planning something. The US told Mrs. Meir that if she acted before they struck, the US would be unable to help – Israel would be on her own.
You can point to 1967 pre-war provocation but Israel started the 1967 war, that was the political reality and no other facts could overcome that.
I recommend reading “The Lion’s Gate” by Steven Pressfield. It’s an excellent book on the Six Day War. But by the time Israel implemented Operation Moked (the campaign against Arab airfields that smashed the Egyptian Air Force in three hours), the die was cast. Jordan, Syria, Lebanon, and indeed every Arab nation had pledged troops openly to the UAC for the purpose of annihilating Israel. Nasser and other Arab leaders were openly stating that the purpose of their troop movements was to invade and destroy Israel once and for all. Nasser moved the UN out of the DMZ for a reason; he wanted to cause as little of an international incident as possible when he attacked. For all the other Arab nations’ attempts to harass and discredit Israel, nothing compared at that point to the provocations that were made in 1967. Israel had to preemptively attack or else be annihilated; they simply didn’t have a choice. The reason for this is Israel’s strategic depth, or lack thereof; it simply couldn’t allow the Arab armies to advance over the border because if they gotten any sort of momentum, they would have been in Jerusalem and Tel Aviv by the end of the day. Such is the virtue of being a country six miles wide and thirty long (and having a military at as vast a technological disadvantage as Israel was to the Soviet-supplied Arabs in 1967, and indeed in 1973). Any war that was fought had to happen on the enemy’s ground, which was what the Israeli defense minister Moshe Dayan realized. The reason Israel agreed to hold off in 1973 was because the land they seized in 1967 gave them a far larger amount of depth to defend (it did, after all, triple their size). If they had tried the same strategy in 1967, they would have almost certainly lost, especially with the huge technological breadth between them and the Arabs. Israel’s army at this point was using AMX-13’s and late model M8 Sherman tanks left over from WWII and half tracks; by comparison, the Soviets had supplied the Arab… Read more »
Not sure how many in this forum were actually alive at the time, but the Israeli strikes on Arab airfields was considered a highly successful retaliatory strike at the time, not a a preemptive attack.
Hondo you forgot about reagans and caseys treason with iran to hold the hostages till after 1980 election so people would vote for reagan. It was bush not clinton that told cia “alright you covered your ass!” when given report titled bin ladin determined to attack america with aircraft. in august 2001. Exph2 that is progress for new american century a neocon group that clinton through out of his office when they suggested going to war with iraq and thats when the neocons said they needed a second pearl harbor.
VWP, why don’t you shut the fuck up and get busy hauling the “refugee children” to Newtown, CT like you said you would. Come on man, get with the program! Anybody can talk a line of shit. Hell, you prove that every day right here on TAH. Now get up off you lazy ass and put your principles into action. Your EBT card should be all juiced up as of the first of the month. Get going, jackass!
For the love of God…the only 9/11 warnings anyone ever got was a vague notice in August of 2001 that a group of al-Qaeda terrorists was going to do something soon somewhere in the United States. That was it. Nobody knew where or exactly when the attack would come, what form it would take, or what individuals would implement it. There’s a term in the intelligence community called “actionable intel”. The 9/11 tips and that national security briefing Bush got wasn’t that. There was nothing in there that could reasonably have lead the government to stop 9/11 in its tracks even if they had devoted all the resources of the US intelligence/military apparatus to following up on what info they had. I know this may be hard for you to accept, but there’s nothing Bush could have done about 9/11. Get over it.
How is it a high school student knows more about what’s what then this so called expert. I’ve said it before and I’ll say it again: HSS, kid you’ve got a bright furture ahead of you!
HSSoph isn’t stoned out of his mind, Ish.
Thanks all. Just basic historical knowledge (smile).
Nope. That rendition makes no more sense than it ever has. Your nonsensical drivel pretty much proves the correctness of the term “moonbat.”
First rule of order: vwpisspot, you completely stoned crapweasel, you don’t get to address me directly any more. I don’t like you.
I despise people who, like you, think it’s just too cool to be so braindead from ingesting, inhaling, and/or snorting pschotropic chemicals like computer keyboard cleaner that you make no sense and are a physical danger to everyone around you.
And you are functionally illiterate which makes it worse, because you make no sense with your gobslobbering drivel.
Everything you use as an answer comes out of fishwrap hippie drivel press, and has no basis in reality. You are, in fact, so dimwitted in your responses to everything that no one believes for one second that you were hatched out of your petri dish before the year 1997, IF that.
So go on making an ass of yourselrf. Try using the tabloids as a resource. You might find crop circles fascinating.
But you? Just a megaclase pathetic loser with a brain the size of a split lentil.
And I’m being kind when I say that. I’m not sure your brain is even that big.
Awesome. His inane ramblings are so old. His revised/make believe version of history is laughable.
“you forgot about reagans and caseys treason with iran to hold the hostages till after 1980 election so people would vote for reagan” — unsupported hearsay, even the NYT doesn’t buy it. FWIW, I think that you are giving Bill Casey more credit than he deserves but thanks for another fantasy story, first I heard that one.
I’m sure that you are a fan of Wiki. Look up “project for new american century”. Read the section titled, “Calls for regime change in Iraq during Clinton years”. It sounds a lot more like ordinary political give and take than some fantastic “get out of my office!” and “second Pearl Harbor” fairy tale.
So whatever it is that you are smoking, these are great stories. Can you tell me again the one about how Carter was a great president? It has such a happy ending.
Did you forget about the IRS illegally leaking Romney’s tax info in 2012, or did you intentionally omit it?
Choose wisely, duckweed.
At the time it was widely held that the only reason the Iranians released the hostages as they did was because they were afraid Ronnie was ready and willing to go to war over them (as ball-less Jimmy should have.) Had Jimmy been re-elected we would probably still be negotiating for their children’s release today.
I found out about this poll via Emily Miller’s facebook feed. Feel free to vote your conscience (the way I read it, this is not about “open carry”):
Here is my contribution to that poll…Screw Mr. Little Big Ears and all his marxist bunkbuddies. In the ear, with a frozen trout! Oh yea…VWP? Stop huffing spray paint, bro. Specially that brown stuff…Its leaving several brown rings around ya lips…
I’ve never been political and could care less about polls. Never really paid any attention as to who was the CiC and what party they belonged to. I can only say that when Ford gave a blanket pardon to all the draft dodgers did I speak out about who was in the White House. That is all.
I hope you were trying to be funny, but it was Jimmy Carter who pardoned draft dodgers on his first day in office. I was in the snackbar at Howard AFB and read it in the International Herald. Yeah, I remember the moment.
Oops, my bad Jonn. I really thought it was Ford who did that. Just shows you how my disinterest in politics has warped my mind over the years. At that time(Carter’s Inauguration) I had been in Germany for 30 months of my first tour over there and only had the Stars & Stripes paper to keep up with current events. Thanks for the correction.
Ford’s claim to fame was Win buttons. Whip inflation now.
I remember those “WIN” buttons too. My high school history teacher had one but wore it upside down. When I asked him why, he said, “NIM – No Instant Miracles.”
To NYC in ’75…drop dead!
No sweat. I remember the moment because I was having breakfast with some Vietnam vets who went quiet at the news. I regretted my vote for Carter ever since.
Correct, Jimmuh used pardning draft dodgers as a campaign promis, and he did so on his firt day in office.
My father-in-law was a blue-dog Democrat who would vote for the Devil himself if he was running on a Democratic platform.
He refused to vote in 1980 because Carter amnestied the draft dodgers.
Il Douche will live on in history now.
@Kilo Yassir Arrafat told jimmy carter about reagan’s treason with iranbut carter thought it would destroy republican party(we should be so lucky) he knew because he was in on the deal! hs sophomoric. Two hijackers were living with fbi informant in san diegeo their names our in sd phone book. a.g. ashcroft told not to fly commercial airliners in july 2001. one terrorist in on plot goes to fbi in philadelphia and tells them about attacking world trade center with jet airliner fbi gives him lie detector test he passes sent to washington given second lie detector test he passes again he is then deported to shut him up! sec. of state “who could think someone would crash airliners into buildings? She is then shown a picture of her walking past anti-aircraft battery in milan italy to hoot down any aircraft trying to crash into building a week before 9-11! All this is true and can be looked up.
Yes VWPissbucket, we see that you blew enough winos behind a bus top for five cents apiece to buy another tube of airplane glue and a cheap can of spray paint for a chaser, thus you’re back displaying your idiocy for all of us to see.
Seriously-“Drunk History” is a pretty funny Comedy Central show, but part of the joke is that the comedian knows he or she is talking garbage. Brainless, stoned, pig-ignorant, lefty history is not actually funny so much as it is incredibly pathetic and sad.
I’d try to explain the difference between Intel “chatter” and “concrete” to you, but I don’t think it would filter through your fog. Your narrative neglected to mention the flight school in FL.
Oh, that was chatter, too. Too late to act upon.
Jesus Christ VWP you fucking waste of space tard oxygen thief. What about the chemtrails too, fucktard?
Son, I would have a better chance trying to understand a squirrel’s opinion on Hamlet then translating that mess into real English. Lay off the MD20/20 and try again when you’re able to see only one keyboard
Can you provide any proof for the claims you have made in this thread? I am curious about whether you have some or are just speaking out of your ass to bait the animals.
arafat news reports look it up on internet philadelphia story cbs news program all others 9-11 commission report.
VWP … I know while sitting half naked in your dimly lit and infested trailor, rat poison looks very similar to crack. I also know that Sams Club gin comes in the same large one gallon jugs and spring water. Considering the lack of running water in your trailer and your desire to smoke just about anything to get a buzz … Do be careful not to mix the two wrong ingredients!
VWPussy, don’t expect me to believe you actually read the 9/11 Commission report. Furthermore, Yasir Arafat was always a self-serving murderous turd who couldn’t move his lips without lying. That’s like calling Kim Jong Un a reliable source on the living conditions of North Korean peasants. But who am I kidding? You would be stupid enough to believe that shit.
Go fuck yourself.
Well, here’s a little chaser for the popularity poll story.
It seems that those surveyed not only rejected bodaprez for being The Worst Ever President since WWII; they also embraced Ronald Reagan as The Best President Ever since WWII, miles ahead of Bill ‘F@ck Me’ Clinton.
These are the numbers:
Worst ever: Obama 33%
Bush 28% (that means NOT the worst)
Best ever: Reagan 35%
Clinton 18% (that means NOT the best)
So that kind of confounds the dope-smokin’ acid-droppin’ crabs-infested mush mouthed toad snot-spitting dimwit self-labeled vwp-whatever-floats-your-boat-this-year. Sit on it and roate, crapweasel.
Obummer really only advocates for about 15% of this country if you really break down and study the numbers.
The best ever was George Washington. Refused the offer to be made a King and voluntarily left office to go home. How many Presidents can you say that about?