Re-Bateman on guns

| December 22, 2013

Earlier this month, we responded to LTC Robert Bateman when he wrote in Esquire magazine about taking guns from law-abiding citizens to stop Alabama fans from killing each other. In case you forgot, here was his solution;

The only guns permitted will be the following:

a. Smoothbore or Rifled muzzle-loading blackpowder muskets. No 7-11 in history has ever been held up with one of these.

b. Double-barrel breech-loading shotguns. Hunting with these is valid.

c. Bolt-action rifles with a magazine capacity no greater than five rounds. Like I said, hunting is valid. But if you cannot bring down a defenseless deer in under five rounds, then you have no fking reason to be holding a killing tool in the first place.

We will pry your gun from your cold, dead, fingers. That is because I am willing to wait until you die, hopefully of natural causes. Guns, except for the three approved categories, cannot be inherited. When you die your weapons must be turned into the local police department, which will then destroy them. (Weapons of historical significance will be de-milled, but may be preserved.)

Well, apparently, Lieutenant Colonel Bateman got some email that didn’t make him happy, according to his latest piece at Esquire (yes, they didn’t learn their lesson the first time);

OK, so let us start with the facts. A total of 2,324 emails came in following my post about guns, so far. I responded to every single one of them. This was in the wake of my essay about developing some sort of rational, peaceful, non-confiscatory way of removing guns from the hands of criminals and reducing the drain on our national resources. And, as one concerned about national defense, that is how I think about the issue. I cannot avoid contemplating the drain on our national resources of the 100,000+ Americans who are shot every year as anything but a national defense issue. We are a weakened nation because of this, and I want us to be stronger.

Unfortunately, a lot of people just want to shoot guns.

Yeah his essay was totally rational – restricting private owners to 19th century weapons and assuming that we only use guns for hunting. And, oh, yeah, we’ll dismantle your collection for your inability to continue breathing. That’s his idea of being rational. Of course, this infantry officer who hasn’t served in an infantry unit for the last couple of decades, blames the NRA for the threats against him (most of them aren’t really threats, anyway; the emailers claim that “if” Bateman tries to take their guns, they’ll defend themselves – not a threat unless he comes for their guns, actually).

But you know, what does he expect, really? He makes myopic and stereotypical accusations about gun owners, and we’re supposed to sit here and take it, because, you know he’s our social and moral superior who is concerned about an Alabama fan, and we’re not willing to take draconian measures as a result to avenge the death by one nutcase who will probably be punished by society for the murder.

Apparently, the non-infantry officer wearing crossed rifles hasn’t learned his lesson about controversy. And how very Leftist Liberal of him to blame the NRA for his hate mail, instead of his own stupid yammering.

Thanks to PavePusher for the latest link.

Category: Dumbass Bullshit

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Dragoon 45

The tragic thing is that not one Senior Officer in the US Army has jerked a knot in his ass and muzzled him. To me, it really shows the moral character of Senior Officers in the Army today.


Sounds like he’s looking for his next job, to be a consultant in the MSM somewhere so he can spew their garbage and proclaim he’s military so he can speak to it intelligently.

I need my HK .40 USP because Fuck you. That’s why.


@1 these are the same cowardly officers who said nothing when SECDEF Pinetta let service members march in a Political Gay Pride parade in their uniforms.

Far too many who think they can make O-11 and one in particular who thinks he can make E-10 after being SMA…


Fine, my Bateman-style rational solution is rewriting the 1st Amendment to exclude LTC Robert Bateman.

E-6 type, 1 ea

People like this Bateman fucktard are the reason cops on the street have a more lenient ROE than troops in Afghanistan. Fuck you, Bateman.

Old Trooper

He’s definitely stuck on stupid.


@3 Eric are you serious! I had to have missed that news item. Panetta really let uniformed, active duty military personnel march in a Gay Pride Parade. WTF is coming of the DoD! I wonder if he would have said yes if it had been a pro-life or pro-gun or pro anything conservative parade?


So Bateman doesn’t like mail unless the writers pat him on the back? Isn’t that sad? What is the percentage of rabid antigun mugwumps in the general population?

Remember, this is the same magazine that wrote a sob story last summer about a guy who claimed to have severe PTSD, but didn’t do the background research to confirm it, and made a fool of itself in one issue over what turned out to be a complete fabrication.


So, he has redefined the word “threat.” No surprise. Libbies use words and redefine them however they want, whenever they want.

Unlike the rest of us, he defines a threat as anything which is not in lockstep with his views. Meanwhile, people who declare that they will kill him, have the means to do so, he gladly gives the opportunity but does not consider that a threat.

Yeah, they prove every day that they are willfully ignorant.


@9 Thank you OWB. You stated my thoughts better than I could have.


You are entirely welcome, Sparks.


@7 Sparks. Yes it happened shortly after DADT was repealed. The attached link is one of many stories about it.

Even Senators asked him “WTF?” and just like the rest of the Obama administration, it was a “Go fuck yourself Senator” kind of thing.


Jesus he is a whiney little bitch.


1. Impose a mandatory minimum 25 year prison sentence for any violent felony, with NO possibilty of parole and NO possibilty of time off. Violent crime is a young man’s hustle and 25 years is long enough to take the piss out of his rope.

2. Sterilize these people so they cannot pass their genes on and create more felons.

Since #2 doesn’t remotely have a hope in hell of ever being instituted, for all intents and purposes let’s just consider option #1.

Does this dickhead or any of the people who espouse the same thing he does, have ANY idea how much THAT would reduce violent crime? But I never, ever EVER hear them advocate CRIMINAL control. All they ever do is bitch about the GUNS.


@12 Thanks Eric.


I’d love to spend a half hour with each of his two ex-wives and get the REAL inside story on what kind of a control freak Bateman really is, among other things.

These two articles of his say more about him than a simple anti-gun mindset. His reasons for mentioning national defense and the number of people shot every year appear to be obscure, but that acts as a deflection. He was not discussing removing guns from the hands of criminals in his first article: he meant to remove them from the control of everyone who had them. I do not recall his using the word ‘criminals’ in that first article. He then unconsciously contradicts himself in the 2nd article by saying he wants a ‘strong national defense’, which implies arming all citizens, NOT taking away their arms, and yet he refers to disarming criminals.

Well, you can’t have it both ways. Either all citizens are armed, presenting a strong national defense, or all citizens are criminals if they want to be armed, and must therefore be disarmed, because they can’t otherwise be controlled.

I’m not sure, but I think there is a distinct psychological slip in that, which may have something to do with his twice-failed attempts at marriage more than anything else.

For that reason, I’d love to have a half hour with each of those two women who showed him the door.

Robert Bateman

“…two ex-wives” ? Huh? WTF are you talking about?

Oh, and with the 181 multiple/mass shootings just since January, in all states, how’s that “everyone armed” thing working out for you?

Bob Bateman


A little late to the party, aint’cha Bobby? Tell us all about those “mass shootings.” Tell us how many were by nut jobs and how many were by gang members or other criminal behaviors. Tell us how may of those were by the majority of the law abiding gun owners in this country.


Name the locations of those ‘mass / multiple’ shootings, or you have nothing but fabrication and distortion in your pocket.



“non-confiscatory way of removing guns from the hands of criminals ”

Um, no dude. You said you wanted EVERYONE’S guns and were going to take them from our estate after we died. Whether we’re alive or not, if you take them from us or our survivors without our consent it’s still a confiscation.

Just An Old Dog

This guy needs to take the crossed rifles off his uniform and replace them with crossed vaginas.


@17, you beat me to it. I’ll bet that Bateman, and those like him, don’t even see the hypocrisy there.


Talk to the women. They’ll tell you what’s really wrong with him.


#18 wins the Internets!

Green Thumb

When was the last time this clown was in Alabama, Phenix City? Maybe Auburn/Opelika? Probably looking for some trim.


I have an odd feeling that he does not “get” Bama.

Hell, count the casualties over the years from the Iron Bowl.


Eagle Keeper

“Sterilize these people so they cannot pass their genes on and create more felons.”

I’m all for SERIOUS penalties for violent crimes. But news flash, sterilizing violent felons won’t halt the appearance of more violent felons 20 years hence.

It’s a sin thing.


Sounds like our boy here didn’t stop to realize the hole he’d dug for himself was more than deep enough already.


He has a child?

Oh, dear God, please turn her into one of the mouthiest, snottiest, brattiest little brats on the planet, someone who goes into screaming temper tantrums at her garrulous old fart of a father in some public place like a big shopping mall and calls him a stupid, fat, douchebag right to his face.

After which, she takes all of her allowance out of her piggy bank, gets a bus ticket, boards the Greyhound, and goes out to Wyoming to live in a yurt with dairy goats.


You will never take my guns. Once all the criminals are disarmed. … I still will stick to my second amendment. .. Our for fathers gave us the right to bear arms…. I cant fathom some peoples thoughts. Of taking our rights away. What gives u the right u turds of life. Fire arms protect this great country.
What kind of a world do u want to live in.. really.

Just An Old Dog

The guy is a NATO staff weenie on a long ( and for the Army’s sake, hopefully) his twilight tour. He did have his Battalion Commander counsel his ass as a young Lt about his penchant for writing long obnoxious articles. Of course an egotistical shit-sack like him totally misread it as “encouragement”. After his brief tour in the infantry he was made a permanent staff member and had his MOS changed, thank God. No command just tours as history prof at West Point and given a chance to further his education at Georgetown.
Scariest thing about him is he writes his opinion pieces like he thinks he is writing an operations order that will be put into place. He admits having a problem and times with drinking and hates guns and southerners, which leads me to believe his wives both left him for a gun-totin’ good old boy.
As for him reading and responding to 2,324 emails,,, he probably did a cut and paste or auto response at the most. Just think about the sheer volume of that many emails and the time it would take to read and respond to each one, taking just 15 minutes apiece it would take over 70 days, around the clock. A full out liar too.

Robert Bateman

Ask any of them. Want a few hundred of their e-mails?


6 months.
These comments have been here for 6 months and you suddenly decide to generate google traffic by necroposting.

Yeah, strategy.

I served 7 years as National Guardsman and was called up for Desert Shield/Storm. Enlisted in 2004 and, give or take a couple of days, 15 years after the ODS call up, I’m crossing into Iraq for OIF05/07. Both times a 19D. How’s that for ‘nutting up’?


This guy is as much of an Infantry Officer as I am an Expert Infantryman. I was mistakenly assigned to take the tests and whatnot with the rest of my unit (I was attached as Supply to an Infantry unit). I passed all the tests, but was told by my CO that they couldn’t award the the badge because I had to be 11-series qualified… There were some Infantrymen who didn’t pass, for crying out loud.

My point is, this guy may have gone to all the classes, but that means little to me. If he didn’t hold any kind of Infantry command during war, then he is just talking out of his fourth point of contact. He is nothing more than an over-promoted 2LT saying, “in my experience…”

The Other Whitey

I won’t comment on Bateman’s marital misadventures, as I know some great guys who are currently on wife # 4, 5, or 6. Nor will I speculate on his phallic deficiencies, since I myself will never be mistaken for a black dude in the dark (that’s why I married an Asian chick–she’s easily impressed! Just kidding, Honey, I love you!). These in and of themselves do not necessarily make him an asswipe.

His conduct makes him a complete asswipe, as does his self-righteous attitude about it. Like most everybody else here (VWPussy notwithstanding), I strongly disagree with the bastard and have not been shy about expressing it. But since I’ve never been in the military, I have been reluctant to cast aspersions on his service until now, asswipe or otherwise. At this point, however, fuck it. If Bateman is the hardcore badass warrior poet that he claims to be, then I’m a Chinese jet pilot with a side job as a porn star. I have a strong feeling that I’ve fired more rounds this month than he has in his whole wasted life. I also feel like I’ve probably been a lot closer to mortal danger, and on more occasions than he has. Maybe I’m wrong about that, and somebody please correct me if I am, but that’s the feeling I get.

I’ve said it before and I’ll say it again to Bateman and his ilk: Nut up or shut up. Put your money where your mouth is. If you want my guns so badly, come try and take them YOURSELF. Don’t try to send somebody else to do it for you like a coward. You man the fuck up and show up in person. MOLON LABE, motherfucker. Come get some. See how that works out for ya.

Robert Bateman

Actually, Mr Anonymous, I did “nut up.” I joined the military, became Airborne, Infantry, Ranger, Air Assault…what about you? What did YOU do to “nut up” in defense of your nation? Desert Storm? Iraqi Freedom? Afghanistan? Oh, yea, I’m sorry, I forgot. You did nothing. Coward. When your nation needed you, you did nothing for more than a decade. Nice.

Bob Bateman

Lilyea, you know perfectly well, and have for half a year, that I’ve been in strategist positions for the past 13 years. Never claimed to tactical-level stuff.

Now, as a contrast, just curious, do you know how Kratman got his CIB?

Says on his own website that he, a straight-leg infantry officer went from Recruiting Command to 5th SF Group for DS, and he says he was not a staff officer…but I never heard of a non-SF, not Airborne, augmentee from Recruiting Command being given a Line Officer assignment, in combat, with SF… here is his own page:

Note photo, IN branch and no ABN wings.

Curious on how you read this one, since you like him and I do not think he is being truthful, but you must believe in his story. So what is his story? How did he get a CIB?

Bob Bateman

And, John, I did deploy, to both Iraq and Afghanistan. Look it up…oh, wait, you already did and you know that I went to OIF and OEF, serving full tours in both, not parachuting in and out.

Did The Other Whitey go to Iraq or Afghanistan, as you demand?


Nice attempt at trying to change the subject (again), Bateman. When The Other Whitey said “nut up”, that wasn’t a synonym for “join the Army”. It was “you want my guns, come and get them yourself.” Nice attempt at changing the subject, though. Hey how about that Kratman guy?

The Other Whitey

Okay, (Master)Bateman, if we are going to continue this little dick-measuring contest, we need a referee. I would very much like to hear the opinion of actual combat veterans (i.e. not you) about this.

I usually would never say or think this about anyone who is serving or has served, but I’d be willing to bet that I’ve done more than you have for this country of ours. I’ve worked, sweated, bled, and burned at my job for the last decade and a half. True, it’s all been here at home.

You seems like the kind of guy who would try to get a Purple Heart for carpal tunnel syndrome if you thought you could get away with it. You throw out Infantry credentials at every opportunity when you got out of the Infantry at the earliest opportunity and took jobs that would keep you as far from danger as possible, while sucking a couple of promotions out of somebody’s (possibly plural) cock. I believe the military has a word for guys like you. What is it? Pogue? Yeah, that’s it.

You don’t stand on the wall, Bateman, you hide far, far behind it.

That Guy

I knew a Ranger who was an English professor. Oh, but unlike yourself, he had a CIB. I knew a Ranger who was a consultant for Fortune 500 companies. He also had a CIB, and he was a West Point grad.
‘Serving a tour’ isn’t ‘nutting up’.

Green Thumb



Well, if we’re going into dick-measuring, my cat Mikey has a bigger one than you do, drama priness biteme, and his has spikes.

Tom Kratman

Cross posted from Mike W’s Sacred Cow Slaughterhouse:

Bateman: If you’ll look above, pussy-boy, it ought to be obvious – I said it plainly enough that even someone of your limited reading ability should understand – that, until you find enough of your own manhood to make your accusation plain, your amusement value to me is too small to bother with. I will, of course, continue to insult you publically whenever I feel like, but to get a response you have to be enough of a man to make an accusation.

Of course, we know why you won’t make the accusation. Deep down, in that little pea sized brain, you know that I do have a CIB, and was legitimately awarded it. Forget the jealosy part, though I am sure that’s a part of it. Mostly, though, you’re afraid – just a trembling little coward – of the lawsuit that follows a straight up accusation. Pussy.


Showing up is not doing something for your country. Showing up only shows a willingness to do something for your country. You had the opportunity to do something and opted out thus demonstrating your unwillingness.

You might also want to work on your comprehension skills. He did not say that he had done nothing for his country – he only said that he had not served in the military. With statements such as this you simply look like an arrogant, ignorant fool who uses his military service as a weapon against those he is supposed to be serving.

Bob Bateman

“Showing up”? LMAO. A Civilian who has never been to Iraq or Afghanistan asked me to “nut up or shut up”…John Lilyea defined “nutting up” as deploying. And I have, for full tours in Iraq and Afghanistan…whereas the original civilian poster does not meet Lilyea’s definition…where did I opt out in my tour in Afghanistan or Iraq? Eh? Or did you not catch that part?


OK, then let’s use YOUR definition. Fine with me. By your definition, it is nearly unanimous that most of us here have more “combat” experience than you do. No, I did not deploy to Afghanistan OR Iraq. But then, I enlisted in early 1973, so was getting a bit long in the tooth by then. I did get heavily involved in the aftermath of 9-11 and spent a good bit of time in and around DC starting on 9-12. Yeah, a bunch of us drove there, which was itself an interesting experience.

Wanna talk about all the other interesting things which occurred along the way? Come on back to this side of the pond and we can discuss it. Maybe. Publicly bragging about such things is just silly. Proving to a fool that he is unworthy to lick the boots of most of the posters around here is a waste of time.

It’s Memorial Day. Instead of honoring the veterans who secured your right to act stupid in public you are shining light on yourself by posting here. That alone says all that any of us needs to know about you.

Get over yourself, young man. There really is time for you to grow up, grow a pair, or just learn to sit back and keep your mouth shut.


Yes, Bateman, you deployed. To two of the safest locations in theater: KAIA and IZ/VBC in Iraq.

I’ve been to both. Neither was a particularly unsafe of a location. From what I saw while I was there, Bagram AB was probably less safe than KAIA – and it was one of the safest places in-theater. The biggest threat I saw at either was very occasional IDF at VBC and/or the IZ.

Otherwise, from my perspective each was little different than serving at any other multi-star HQ. More worries about bureaucratic infighting and pleasing the General than about actual combat.

I’ll also observe that both HQ to which you were assigned were thought of as being (1) quite political, and (2) being relatively ineffectual. They also reputedly tended to attract a lot of “tourists” looking for an “easy” combat tour. I’m guessing you felt right at home in both.

Oh, and by the way, Bateman: it looks like reading comprehension is something you do indeed need to work on. The “nut up or shut up” comment above was not in reference to your military service; anyone with a 7th grade command of the English language can see that. It was a direct reference to your publicly-stated desire to outlaw – and presumably confiscate – legal privately owned weapons. The “MOLON LABE, motherfucker” a bit later in the paragraph kinda makes that impossible for anyone but a abject fool to misconstrue.

If that was an attempt on your part at changing the subject or at misdirection, it failed. Miserably.


Bateman, did you actually look at this site or did you just click on a link to this article? “This Ain’t Hell” is a mil-blog. 90%+ of the people that post on this site are either military or former military. Telling us about your chest candy isn’t going to impress anyone here. You apparently work in planning. Perhaps a bit of reconnaissance would have kept you from making an ass of yourself.

Bob Bateman

Except The Other Whitey…did no military service.

Or are you contending, despite the fact that he says he did not, that he did serve in Iraq and/or Afghanistan? Do you research rusty.


What an idiot.

Ever been in a burning building? If you have, did you wait for someone to come rescue you? Until you have chosen to enter a burning building, approach a burning rail car, cooled down a burning tanker, or anything of that nature, perhaps, following your own apparent requirements, you should just quit talking with or about Whitey. You know, because you are not qualified to discuss anything with him. You do not have the creds.

Meanwhile, the rest of us will happily engage in conversation with whomever we choose. Whether you like it or not is of no interest to me, and I would guess 99.99999% of the posters here. (You and a couple pet trolls account for my guesstimate of slightly less than 100%)

Bob Bateman

BTW, what “chest candy” are you talking about? I don’t recall me, or anyone else, talking about my awards and/or decorations. So what are you on about?


Well, you certainly seem to be shaking other peoples’ fruit salad for attention. Why not a focus on your own?


@26 It’s simple math. Even if only in his off hours he spent a couple minutes on each email it would require every free moment of his life from the time the article was published to now for his statement to be true.


What gets me is this douche’s complete lack of respect for property rights. He thinks confiscating property after someone dies from his living descendants is not confiscatory? Seriously, what kind of Orwellian double-speak is that?


What gets me is his complete lack of respect for other people, in particular someone who said “I was not in the military, I was a firefighter”, which is an occupation far more dangerous than anything bateman has ever had to face in his entire life.

Okay, I was a WAVE in the 1960s and 1970s, and my chances of getting stationed overseas were limited, because the Navy did not send women in to combat zones – not even the Nurse Corps, they were on the hospital ships offshore – at that time. The Army did so, however, and if that dorkwad bateman thinks those women weren’t in danger, as were the nurses in WWII and Korea, then he’s the biggest asswipe on the planet.

I don’t think any of us have made any excuses for what we’ve done or where we’ve been. But since bateman seems to think he’s got a right to denigrate anyone who hasn’t done what he’s done – i.e., sit at a desk and kiss ass like the rest of the REMFs — he should know that his credibility is rapidly going down the toilet with everything he posts.


ex-PH2, you have nothing to apologize for. You stood up for the Constitution and the principles that made this country great. That’s far more than Bateman has done regardless of the fact that he deployed to a combat zone. Hold your head high, sister. And fuck Bateman with a jackhammer.


ArmyATC, don’t tempt me.



Nicki: it’s the same Orwellian double-speak used to justify the estate tax that the Federal government and many states have. And it’s just as f**king morally wrong.

Privately held legal property is just that – privately held legal property. If someone dies and has legal heirs, it is categorically morally wrong for the government to confiscate their property for no other reason than the rightful owner has died.

This jackass Bateman probably never met a tax he didn’t like – so long as he wasn’t the one paying it, of course.

Tom Kratman

Assuming I have the ID right, you have mail.


You now have a reply.


Hondo, I bet you’re right. It’s just amazing to me that he actually thinks confiscating private property is “rational, peaceful and non-confiscatory.” I don’t see how it’s any of those things.

And the whole “Oh, look! Poor me! NRA published a piece critical of me, so it’s their fault I’m getting death threats.” Frankly, I have my doubts that these are real emails he’s publishing. Obviously, if death threats were sent, it’s absolutely repugnant. Nonetheless, let’s hold millions of peaceable gun owners and gun rights advocates responsible for the actions of a few? Never did like the mass punishment thing.

He’s got a huge victim complex, and he doesn’t like reaping the consequences of his actions. Plus, I guess he never learned the first rule of holes.

Bob Bateman

BTW, what “chest candy” are you talking about? I don’t recall me, or anyone else, talking about my awards and/or decorations. So what are you on about?


Was it a smoothbore drill that killed Mayada Salihi? What was the caliber? Keyless chuck? How many extra drill bits were the do-it-yourselfers carrying at the time?

Bob Bateman

Nicki is talking about the shooting, then the execution, of my friend and interpreter in Iraq, Mayada Salahi. She was shot with an AK, then raped, then ultimately executed with a power-drill, although the autopsy was not clear if the shooting, or the rape/abuse killed her before they took a power-drill to her body.

Very classy of you “GD Contractor,” to remind all of us about the rape of my friend. And that helps you how?

Hondo and John must really like you, for your approval of rape and execution of women, as you just posted.

Bob Bateman

Sorry, that was not Nikki, but GD Contractor

Bob Bateman

Now, let me tell you the story of Mayada Salahi. I have told this before. But then I have told the story of Gettysburg before. Both bear repeating, for much the same reason. When American humanitarian Marla Ruzicka was killed in Baghdad just a few miles from me I wrote about her back in 2005, as did many others, and she was known. When an American or European journalist is killed, the system works and they are known as well. Similarly, when a Soldier or Marine is killed, they merit ink and public eulogy once their names are released. But in these wars, where the news comes in every day, it displays a sameness that confuses. It is “59 Iraqis killed by bomb” today, and on another day, “fourteen bodies discovered in Baghdad.” We get much the same from Kabul, Kandahar, and all around Afghanistan. When my wife was under attack at the US Embassy in 2011, that made worldwide news and there was considerable follow-up. When 30 die in Kabul from a suicide bomber, it’s a blip in the news cycle, at best. Sadly, unless they are high government officials, at most all that is known of these victims is their town and, sometimes, their profession. They are anonymous, and with their anonymity, easier to deal with from an emotional point of view. Few accounts let you know an average Iraqi, or an average Afghan. I cannot change this. I have no magic wand to wave and change the rules of the game of the major institutions of day-to-day journalism and the market so that the corporations which constitute the news industry forgo some of their profit in favor of tripling their coverage in bad places around the world. I cannot remove Adam Smith’s damned-near-visible hand from this process. But I can tell you about one Iraqi — just one — and leave it to you to extrapolate. Mayada Salihi: Red hair, raised in Baghdad, divorced mother of two adorable kids, herself the daughter of a divorced Shia mother and Sunni father. A scrapper. A Baghdadi through and through.… Read more »


So the Army and the government could not protect her? Huh, go figure.

Hey, I am classy. Just as classy as you worthless fucks who trot out the Sandy Hook victims by name every time it suits your agenda. Fuck you Bobby.

I do remember Mayada Salihi, however inconvenient it is for you and your illogical stance on lawfully owned weapons.


“Hondo and John must really like you, for your approval of rape and execution of women, as you just posted”

Where do you read approval? I don’t. Neither do I approve of military officers and/or other representatives of the US Government making commitments and promises to civilian (Iraqi or otherwise) that they have no intention or ability to keep. You couldn’t keep Mayada Sahili alive (or scores of other interpretors), so pardon me if I don’t hand you over all my weapons.


There it is. Bobby would have us disarmed (isn’t he going against the very oath he swore to defend and protect the Constitution?) because the government will protect us. yet his precious authority couldn’t protect his friend. The lack of logic in his statements is mind boggling considering the rank and education he’s attained.


bateman, you sorry asshole, you are SO FAR out of line in what you said, you will NEVER get back.

You are possibly the most despicable attention whore I’ve run into in a long time. You even outdo that DRama Queen of All Attention Whores, Dan Bernath. Go take up residence with him, you slimy hagfish egg. You deserve each other.

Tom Kratman

But, Bateman, as mentioned on Esquire _you’re_ the one who wants women disarmed, hence made more vulnerable to rape.

You pussy.

Veritas Omnia Vincit

If guys like this ran the world there would be no spicy food, no activities more dangerous than ping pong, and everyone would be driving a f#cking Prius….

The whole problem with freedom for these types of people is the freedom….the freedom to be stupid, the freedom to eat what you want, drive what you want, and own what you want scares the f@ck out of these limp wrist sissies….likewise he thinks he has the right to free speech, but he absolutely doesn’t like anyone else expressing their free speech if that speech runs counter to his version of Nirvana….

The founding fathers were revolutionaries who were willing to risk their lives and their fortunes for the chance to live as free men without government interfering in every aspect of their lives. Bateman and his ilk fail to understand just what that means, these were not the kind of men who sat in their easy chairs hoping the government would fix everything, these were the kind of men who told you to your face what they thought of you good or bad and figured you were man enough to hear it and not be a giant swaddled pussy when you did.

Live free or die is pretty bold statement, Mr. Bateman has no idea what that really means he just thinks it’s a quaint statement from the “olden” days that was put forth by kindly old white haired men….he has no idea it was a statement filled with venom and promise of violence to England should she try and continue to force her will on the colonies…Mr. Bateman should ask for his college money back because he clearly got f@cked out of a decent education.


Oh, and the comments are PRICELESS! Small dick references, Bateman trying to castigate Tom Kratman, who chews him up and spits him out… it’s hilarious stuff!

Bob Bateman

Just curious, do you know how Kratman got his CIB?

Says on his own website that he, a straight-leg infantry officer went from Recruiting Command to 5th SF Group for DS, and he says he was not a staff officer…but I never heard of a non-SF, not Airborne, augmentee from Recruiting Command being given a Line Officer assignment, in combat, with SF… here is his own page:

Note photo, IN branch and no ABN wings.

Curious on how you read this one, since you like him and I do not think he is being truthful, but you must believe in his story. So what is his story?


Nobody cares about Tom Kratman. Period fucking dot.


Tom Kratman

My wife seems to, George, which is probably more than Masture-Bateman can say about his.


And rightly so!


Are you fucking serious, mangina?

You honestly believe I’m going to have a serious conversation with you about LTC Kratman? You’re off your fucking gourd!

Please go back to cleaning your labia. No one wants you here.

A Proud Infidel

Bateman needs to replace the “U.S.” on his uniform with dots of chicken shit!! Hey, how about this, let’s outlaw firearms theft and murder? *OOPS!*, that’s already illegal, and it didn’t prevent Sandy Hook, did it? Placing bombs in trash cans is outlawed, but it didn’t prevent the Boston Marathon bombing, right? Bateman is the kind of TOCroach that could suck the glazing off of a jelly doughnut at 500 meters!


He’s been challenged to provide evidence of the “death threats”. So far, he’s suggested taking the “debate” to private email.

Heh…. so much for good faith and transparency.


Death threats?

What’s he doing, reading psul the uncool’s ‘Guide to Internet Attention Whore Wimpery’?

Death threats????? Oh, for God’s sake, masterbaterman, grow the fuck up, will you? Nobody here gives a crap whether you live or choke on your own saliva.

You revived a dead thread so that you could do what? Tear into other people who are used to dealing with ego-freaks like you on regular basis?

Enjoy riding your oak leaves for the time you have left with them, because in a drawdown atmosphere, masterbater, you’ve made yourself stick out like a sore thumb as a candidate for ‘no, let’s send him packing’.

Doc 03911

Kratman is POUNDING THE SNOT out of him! It’s actually embarrassing.

Bob Bateman

Just curious, do you know how Kratman got his CIB?

Says on his own website that he, a straight-leg infantry officer went from Recruiting Command to 5th SF Group for DS, and he says he was not a staff officer…but I never heard of a non-SF, not Airborne, augmentee from Recruiting Command being given a Line Officer assignment, in combat, with SF… here is his own page:

Note photo, IN branch and no ABN wings.

Curious on how you read this one, since you like him and I do not think he is being truthful, but you must believe in his story. So what is his story?


Just curious, do you know and understand the Constitution you swore to protect and defend?


Just curious, why do you think I would actually answer your idiotic questions, jagoff?


Just curious, bateman, since nobody gives a damen about Kratman, whoever he is, why do you keeping changing the subject?

Apparently, Kratman has more credibility than you do. I find that easy to believe.

Jealousy is a a terrible thing, bateman. Learn to deal with it in a more mature manner.

James Dunn

Five bucks says this moron is looking to get promoted and writing this PC crap is one of his tickets up.God I’m glad I’m retired…


Kratman rocks.

Bad bad bad decision to try and brace him in a war of words.

10 will get ya 20 that Kratman could beat the snot out of him physically as well.


Bob Bateman

I’ll ask you the same question…Just curious, do you know how Kratman got his CIB?

Says on his own website that he, a straight-leg infantry officer went from Recruiting Command to 5th SF Group for DS, and he says he was not a staff officer…but I never heard of a non-SF, not Airborne, augmentee from Recruiting Command being given a Line Officer assignment, in combat, with SF… here is his own page:

Note photo, IN branch and no ABN wings.

Curious on how you read this one, since you like him and I do not think he is being truthful, but you must believe in his story. So what is his story?

Old Trooper

While I have stayed out of this dick measuring bullshit for quite some time, because I want to stay focused on the subject at hand, I do find it amusing that someone that is supposed to be a field grade officer is retorting in a rather high schoolish manner to anyone and everyone that mentions Kratman’s name. And on Memorial Day for cripes sake!

Now, as for the subject; I can give you all sorts of data and statistics that would bury your argument in a matter of seconds (the FBI stats, alone, would do it), but I want to touch on the morality angle. What gives you, Bateman, the right to tell a woman that has been raped that she isn’t allowed to carry a pistol for protection? What gives you the right to tell a single mother that she isn’t allowed to protect her family as she sees fit? Most women aren’t able to physically fend off an attacker/rapist as easily as you want us to believe. How about someone who is elderly? Are they supposed to do your karate ginsu move with their shiny new Katana? Yeah, when seconds count, the cops are minutes away. Plus, it has been determined by the courts that the police have no Constitutional obligation to protect the individual citizen (Castle Rock vs. Gonzales). So; who do you claim is going to protect them, since you don’t want them protecting themselves? How about that young troop in London, who was hacked to death in broad daylight by a couple of thugs as everyone stood around watching it happen? Yeah, I could picture you being one of those people, standing there with your Air Force gloves on, looking at your shoes.

To put it succinctly; you don’t have the right to tell me how I can best protect myself and my family. Kepp your limp wristed ass in the UK if you’re that afraid of your shadow.

Old Trooper



Yeah, I know all about Tom Kratman, masterbater.

You aren’t fit to kiss the ground he walks on.


But, but, he was so well loved by his troops, and so good at managing violence, that they all called him “the Old Master.”

(I stole that from a commenter on the Liberty Zone)

Eagle Keeper

No, that was “the Old MasterBATER …”

A Proud Infidel

I’m sure his subordinates’ favorite nickname for him was “Old Jack OFF”!


This cockbite Bateman bragged about being very good at planning and executing violence. So we should tremble at and yield to his spewing.

He fails to realize he does not have a monopoly on that skill. There are more than a few of us bitter clingers who are also adept at this, likely better than he is,and have spent much more time, much closer to the pointy end of the spear than he has.

Robert Bateman

Do tell, anonymous “Butch” about your military experiences. We’re all dying to hear.


We heard about yours and we *yawn* were not thrilled. Seriously, I had 2 deployments before I was E5. You have as much combat experience, and insight for that matter, as a North Korean LTC. I don’t think you speak for us.

Bob Bateman

And where were those deployments to Michael?

Just curious.


Iraq. And two stateside deployments to Hurricane Gustav and the Arizona border. How about you? What combat deployments did you do? Just curious.

Bob Bateman

Iraq, 2005-2006, Afghanistan 2011-2012.

Not counting the peacetime and/or disaster “deployments” for various hurricanes/peacekeeping/etc.

Easy enough to check these.


And those deployments somehow give you some authority to speak out against the Constitution you swore to protect?


STFU and get some time on the pond, “sir.”

Trust me, you really don’t want to go there.

Bob Bateman

“The Pond”? No wars at sea that I know of…


Bobby, perhaps you should have done a deployment or two with us. You might have had a rude awakening about 25 years ago.

The Other Whitey

(Master)Bateman was never offered the opportunity to pretend he was important on a ship, so it didn’t count.


Well, well, well. Looky here, everybody.

Masterbatesman found his little ol’ self on TAH and answered with – gasp! – angry retorts and the usual snide attempts at discrediting someone else’s point of view.

Bateman, you’re an idiot. If you think people in the UK don’t have gusn, you need to take a trip to Devonshire when shooting season starts. Whole villages go hunting, and enjoy every second of it. You are SO wrong, it’s pathetic.

I said this before, don’t let that little beribboned princess of yours join Pony Club. They ride to hounds on hunting weekends and it’s a rite of passage to get bloodied at the kill.


Now, Ex-PH2, remember these words from Proverbs (14:7): “Go from the presence of the foolish man when thou perceivest not in him the lips of knowledge.”

For you, Bateman, I’ll explain that to you. It means, “Don’t waste your time arguing with an idiot, Ex-PH2.”


But, Hondo, it’s so much fun to point out specific flaws in the idiot’s thought processes, if such processes do indeed exist.

Bob Bateman

Ex PH-2: UK: 6 guns per 1,000 people.

Come here and see it.


Obviously, you’ve never been anywhere in the countryside during shooting season, you imbecile.

You don’t seem to know the difference between long guns, like hunting rifles and shotguns, and short guns, like hand guns.

But you’re afraid of everything under the sun, including people who think for themselves, so PLEASE don’t come back to the USofA any time soon.

Oh, did you know that Sinn Fein and the IRA are becoming active again?

Are you even remotely aware that someone can walk up behind you at night and whack you in the head with a baseball bat?

There is NO SAFE PLACE anywhere on this planet, Bateman. NOWHERE. Never has been, never will be. And taking guns away from people who legally own them because you’re afraid of anyone who is self-confident and has more innate authority than you do is NEVER GOING TO WORK. There is always someone waiting around the corner, on the bus, on the Tube – everywhere, in fact — to take advantage of your sheer stupidity.

Bob Bateman

I live in the village of Forthampton, moron. GL19 4RB. Look it up.

the Al

Tell you what Bob- since you seem to enjoy England’s gun control laws, you can always renounce your American citizenship and immigrate there.


Again, you completely miss the point. If you think you are safe anywhere, you are a moron. Did you read about the shooting in Belgium just a few days ago? And that was in a country with gun laws that are every bit as restrictive as your precious England.

Powerpoint Ranger

Does Forthampton supply you with an understudy, so that they don’t go without an idiot when you’re on leave back in the States?


According to Forthampton Shoot’s clientele, it’s a great place for year-round shooting, hunting, and entertainment in form of sport shooting. Here are some quotes from happy customers:

If your looking for some out of season fun I couldn’t recommend Forthampton, Barry West or his team more! A great simulated day, clays over proper drives with the day tailored to the guns. Would recommend Forthampton to any one.

Mr. Anthony Bulger – May 2014

“ I had the pleasure of an evenings duck flight in September 2013 with 4 other guns. A wonderful experience when the sun began to dip beneath the horizon and the birds started to whistle past. A sustainable, sporting and fun evening; would recommend and will be booking another evening for this season. Many thanks

Mr. Matthew Hawker – May 2014

“ I had a great day at Forthampton last week. The variety of different drives and the challenging game led to a truly enjoyable shoot. In the windy conditions we had that day the choice of drives was key and Barry called them all correctly and expertly. The company at Forthampton was friendly and interestingly diverse. This shoot will certainly continue to prove very popular and I wish Barry success for the next season.

Mr. Simon Oddie – Jan 2014

“ I was just browsing GOP looking for a nice day to start the New Year and came across a promising event at Forthampton, Tewkesbury. I wasn’t disappointed. Barry West (Minal) has recently taken this shoot over and what a great job he has already done. A wide variety of topography from drive to drive all showing testing, January pheasants and jet-propelled partridges. A super bunch to shoot with too. Will most definitely take a day or two next season. Highly recommended. Thank you Barry and all the team for making it such a splendid day.

M.V. – Jan 2014

These were posted THIS year. Looks like you don’t even know your butt from a hole in the ground about the village you claim to live in, Drama Princess Glitterspitter Masterbater.


Oh, and for anyone interested in patronizing local businesses, there are the following:

Guns on Pegs
Ian Coley’s Gun Shop
Boxall and Edmiston,Gunmakers
Bespoke British Best Guns
(Is gunsmiths more appropriate?)
E.J. Churchill Shoot School
Shoot Pay, for people who want to pay for their shooting time online.


Bateman, you miss the point. This isn’t England. Do I need to explain further?


Bateman: since you decided to “grace us” with your “august presence” today, I thought I’d violate my own advice above and reply to you. I’ve reviewed your public UK LinkedIn profile (I’ve also taken the liberty of archiving a copy, just in case it changes). I’d like to give my analysis of a few things you say there and elsewhere, based on my analysis the info in that LinkedIn profile. It’s all my opinion, of course. 1. You call yourself an “orchestrator of violence” (or words to that effect). That, sir, is IMO absolutely incorrect. According to your LinkedIn biography, you have not had an assignment in a position that can IMO even remotely be called responsible for “orchestrating violence” since prior to mid-1996 – or for roughly the past 18 years. Commanders and their operations staff (e.g., S3/G3) “orchestrate violence” – e.g., they direct and command troops. All other members of their staffs do not. What those other members of the staff do is support the Commander and S3 as those two individuals, along with the current operations cell of the S3/G3, “orchestrate violence”. Here’s a list of your assignments since mid-1996, taken from your LinkedIn profile. a. Student, Ohio State University – Army-funded 2-year full-time grad school assignment to prepare you for duty as a instructor at West Point b. Associate Professor, United States Military Academy – not a command or S3 assignment c. Research Fellow, Center for Security and International Studies (CSIS) – academic research; definitely not a command or S3 assignment d. Strategy and Doctrine, Department of the Army, G3 – this portion of the Army G3 plans future strategy and develops warfighting doctrine. It has little or nothing to do with directing and managing current operations. e. Strategist, Multinational Security Transition Command – Iraq (MNSTC-I) – again, this position developed strategy. It had little or nothing to do with directing and managing operations. f. Analyst, Office of Net Assessment, OSD, Pentagon – from your own description of your duties: “conducted independent research and net assessments on these topics looking out in the 20-50 year time… Read more »


If his time on the ISAF staff was in the right window, he was also one of the few Americans service members in Afghanistan for whom GO 1 didn’t apply, so he was free to hit the beer halls that were strategically placed throughout the ISAF compound.

He only has 3 more years to MRD. I’m guessing that, with his current assignment, the FA 59 branch manager doesn’t see a promotion in his future before then.


Personally, I’m hoping one of the upcoming SERB boards gets him. But given the expense of training a FA59, he may manage to avoid that.

I will frankly be shocked if he makes O6. But stranger things have indeed happened.


Bobo, Bateman definitely looks out the left window. ☺


Hondo, nice job disassembling this fuckckracker!


Thanks, Nicki. Seeing people embellish their service and accomplishments does rather bother me. And when I read his LinkeIn bio, it was clear to me that IMO that was exactly what Bateman was doing – embellishing what he’d done to hold himself out as some kind of “combat expert” for a largely clueless audience. I just didn’t happen to be among the “largely clueless” crowd.

Bateman may have studied war, but he has little actual experience it its practice. I’d thus give his writings about the conduct of war pretty much the same credence as I would a sex manual written by a 48 year old virgin who’s visited a few strip joints.


What he’s doing is basically trying to establish cred. “I’m a war expert. I’m an LTC. What I say about guns and the Second Amendment should count more than SCOTUS justices, because I’m such an expert!”

He’s nothing more than a fuckrocket ready for take-off into douchelandia.

The Other Whitey

Hondo, please correct me if I’m out of line here, but would it not be safe to say that I’ve faced a lot more personal danger than (Master)Bateman?

And if I can say that, then the majority of folks here at TAH definitely have this shitstain beat.


Dunno, Other Whitey. Don’t know your history. The IZ and VBC did take IDF (and casualties) at times when I was in Iraq in 2007-2008. I understand the IZ (and Baghdad in general) was quieter during 2005, but how much quieter I don’t know. And my understanding could easily be wrong.

Afghanistan has gotten more dangerous than when I was there, and was probably more dangerous in 2010 than when I served there. However, my impression is that ISAF HQ, Camp Eggers, NKC, and KAIA and their immediate surroundings were all still reasonably safe, and only rarely saw any kind of threat, in 2010. That impression could also be wrong.

Having said that: I’m reasonably sure a fair number of TAH readers have indeed seen far more personal danger than this guy (or than I have, for that matter). I’m pretty sure some of our readers have both decorations for valor and/or purple ribbons with white edges. And I know some have served tours where they were routinely outside the wire, on the ground, for long stretches.

The Other Whitey

I’ve never been in the military, just been a firefighter since before I graduated high school. Wasn’t trying to toot my own horn or otherwise be a douche, just making a point regarding (Master) Bateman and his self-aggrandizing bullshit.


TOW, if anyone says firefighters and first responders are never in any danger, then he should visit the cemeteries where they are buried, after losing their lives doing their jobs.


I am not ashamed to admit that I am not brave (or crazy) enough to run into a burning building.

No way. Not this guy.

I do not have the skills to fight an elemental force of nature.


Other Whitey: understood, amigo. I have a thing for being evenhanded – even when one party to a dispute very likely doesn’t deserve that courtesy. And no, I’m not talking about you being undeserving of that courtesy.

Firefighters and cops do indeed place themselves in harm’s way at times. As do soldiers.

Trying to compare the two is IMO like comparing apples and pineapples simply because both have the characters “apple” in their names.

The Other Whitey

Copy that, Hondo. Hope I didn’t come off as a douche.


You did not. Absolutely did not. 😉


You didn’t. I just wanted to make it crystal clear why I didn’t take a clear position one way or the other on the question you posed to me.


Note how Bateman never responds to your calling him out for his misleading use of the phrase “orchestrator of violence”, and tries (repeatedly) to change the subject. “But hey, folks, enough about me – how about that Kratman guy?”


Guess that’s what he learned at strategery skool.


Adolf Hitler, Joseph Stalin, and Pot Pot were orchestrators of violence.

Masterbaterman the Drama Princess Glitterspitter, is not even close to that caliber.

Bob Bateman


No, I have nothing that says I experienced combat at the tactical level, and never claimed as much. Ever. Anywhere.

Now, how about Tom Kratman? He wears a CIB in his picture on his own websight:

And he denies that he was a “staff officer”, when asked, during his claimed assignment as an augmentee to 5th SF Group during DS. Now I don’t know about you, but I never heard of a straight-leg infantry, NON-SF qualified, officer serving as a LINE officer in SF, during DS. But I guess stranger things have happened.

Unless you know better? You do believe that a straight-leg (see his self-published photo, there’s no ABN there) (I’ve saved that too) non-SF officer was a line officer, as he implies? And why won’t he explain where/how he got the CIB he wears in that picture and he posts on his page?

Let me guess, it was a “top secret mission” and he can’t tell us about it.

Bob Bateman

PS~ And Bobo, I was at ISAF Joint Command, aka IJC, not at ISAF itself. No beer halls that I ever heard of at IJC HQ on Kabul Airfield, but if you heard of some, you must have been plenty wired in.

TOW, can’t tell. I suspect my WIFE has seen more combat than you, but unless you put up a bio, that’s moot. She did the last year in Sri Lanka, got car-bombed there, then again in Kabul in ’10, and was in Kabul at the Embassy during the attack in ’11, then her last joy was in January ’12, again in Afghanistan. How about you?

(Here is his bio, btw, in case he changes it. I too love the ability to take snapshots.)

Bob Bateman

Kratman comments here, and several of your readers all commented on him…so I came to the place where he was most popular/known, to ask.

And thus far I’ve seen one kid with one tour in Iraq, and a fireman, so yea, no, not really impressed here by your claim to lots of veterans. Like I said, my wife’s multiple years in combat zones outstrips those commentators I’ve seen here so far.

And John, are you now asserting that I was not in Iraq, 2005-2006, and Afghanistan, 2011-2012? Or are you asserting that I was not out on the road in those places? Or are you asserting that those places were not combat zones? Which is it John, your readers want to know? (Especially that kid who you de facto said was not a man because he did not “nut up” by going to a combat zone…though you tried to make that look like me.)


Iraq 2005, I doubt you were out ‘running the roads’.

Knew a kid from the US Virgin Islands. First time he’d been outside in the snow was the graduation ruck march at Knox. He was killed by indirect fire in Iraq in 2005. He was out ‘running the roads’.

What was that you said about ‘nutting up’?


I’m still trying to figure out which of our commenters here Bateman thinks is Kratman.

Best I can tell, I don’t think Kratman has ever commented here at TAH. I guess I could be wrong about that. But I certainly can’t find any posts by a “Kratman” in the comments here.

However, since I don’t do Facebook, maybe he’s commented on the site’s Facebook page and I missed it. Or maybe Bateman’s just a bit “off”.

Bob Bateman

Nice, I’m blocked from comment.


Nice, you’re an idiot.


No, it’s just the internet is smarter than you.


This clown states that he’s blocked by posting that he’s blocked? Is he really that stupid? God help the US Army with morons like him as officers.

Alfred E. Neuman

Hey, I’m blocked too! If you are still blocked come morning, post a comment here and let me know. And I’ll do the same for you. We geniuses have to stick together! Thanks.

PV2 Tentpeg

Now, now. We know his troops would follow him anywhere, but only out of curiosity!


The Other Whitey

Bateman (sorry, I’m under no obligation to address you by any rank or honorific, and your conduct has not earned any respect from me), I didn’t say “combat,” did I? I said “personal danger,” of which I have faced a fair amount. And I didn’t ask about your wife, I asked about you. If you want to bring family into this, my father-in-law has spent more time in combat and in captivity than anyone you ever met, he even escaped from NVA and Khmer Rouge POW camps, but that’s not the point here. I have never been in the military and make no claims otherwise. Nor do I attempt to equate my job to military service of any kind, especially not in combat. But it would appear that you have never been shot at either (this assessment being made by many, many people who have been shot at many times). Yet you make claims about how you “orchestrate violence” when the closest you’ve ever been to it is being a General’s coffee bitch. You make this claim while pissing on the oath you swore as an officer in the United States Army, an oath remarkably similar to the one I swore when I received my badge. You know, to uphold and defend the Constitution of the United States against all enemies, foreign and domestic. That doesn’t mean only the parts of it that you like, asshole. You make generalized death threats against people who disagree with you (like your now-infamous “cold dead hand” assertion) while touting your supposed experience and expertise, all while trying to claim some kind of moral high ground. My response to that is that I’m easy to find, and you are welcome to come and try to disarm me *YOURSELF*. Something tells me you’d rather force some poor sheriff’s deputy (or, in violation of all kinds of Federal law and proving why we need the Second Amendment, some poor PFC) to be your unwilling henchman. You have blatantly stated that you would start a second civil war to impose your ideas on the unwilling population of… Read more »


Bravo, TOW. You have more honor in your little tow than Bateman has or will ever have. As you say, he’s a disgrace to the uniform he wears. If he truly wants another civil war, he can feel free to stop at my front door first and attempt to confiscate my firearms. I know he doesn’t have the courage to do that though. We all know creatures like him. They run their mouths constantly, yet lack the courage of their convictions when it actually comes to doing what they say. They will hide behind better men than themselves.


So, Batemen, your wife has seen more combat than you have?


Oh, hahahaha! ArmyATC: +++1!

The Other Whitey

Which wife?

Green Thumb

The neighbors.


Based on Bateman’s own description above, ArmyATC, that would appear quite likely to be true. (smile)



My time in Afghanistan was from 2007-2008, just up the road from KAF, so things might have been different when you were there. During my tour, anyone assigned to USFOR-A was under GO 1. Any American assigned to the NATO command wasn’t under GO 1. I heard that McCrystal ended that stupidity, so you might have missed the good deal.

Bob Bateman

Oh, and really, Kratman went from Recruiting Command (that hotbed of officer talent) to line duty in 5th SF group in Desert Storm? (Where else could he possibly claim the CIB?)


Who cares? Nobody is paying the least attention to your sloppy intardwebz slight of hand.

You are the topic here, sunshine.


Seriously? You’ve got a hard-on for Kratman (well, as much as you can with that tiny excuse for a dick you’re sporting there, Sparky) that’s unhealthy.

Give it up masturbateman – you aren’t fit to lick Tom Kratman’s shoes.


Bateman: you really do need to work on your reading comprehension. You also need to figure out a less-transparent, more subtle way to use the tactic of smokescreen/”red herring”/change the subject/raise a non sequitur.

I was not talking about Kratman here; that was another commenter who mentioned him. I don’t know Kratman, nor do I particularly care who he is. Above, I wasn’t discussing him.

What I was discussing was your (1) IMO blatant misrepresentation of yourself and your experiences, and (2) your willingness to advocate, as an active duty military officer, disregard of that same Constitution you’ve sworn an oath to uphold and defend.

Do you often refuse to obey orders or enforce policies with which you disagree?

The first (dissembling) I find merely reprehensible. The second (political speech while using your official position to bolster same) is worse. The last (disregarding the Constitution you’ve sworn to uphold and defend) is IMO disqualifying for service as a military officer.

You should be very glad I will not be a member your next SERB or promotion board.

Please consider remaining in England permanently after the Army kicks you to the curb.


So… he’s mad at some guy named Kratman, who is probably better wired than he is, because Kratman basically told him to go pound sand up his mangina?

Just trying to understand here.

Laughing Wolf

Ex-PH2, check your e-mail 🙂


Did so, LW. Thanks!!!


Oh, great. Out comes the “He’s a bigger douchebag than I am” defense. Yeah, well, not such a good argument. Expected of a 4-year old, but not a grown adult, which evidently you only pretend to be.

We are discussing YOUR inadequacies, fool. The willfully ignorant are perhaps the most pitiful members of our society. Many of us taxpayers resent paying for yours.

That Guy

This seems to be a classic Bateman tactic. Deflection.
I have no idea who the hell Kratman is, or what he has to do with this discussion. Sounds like deflection. I have no idea why Bateman needs to bring up his wife, but whatever. If we can bring up the combat experience of family members, I can claim something like 30 years of military service in all wars since World War II up to the mid 90s.
As someone who went to ROTC during college, I can tell you that the cadre there were, by and large, complete fuckups, as was made clear to us any time we went to any FTX. We had a COL who was massively overweight. Our one decent cadre member was a single SSG who was from an armored unit, but was never clear on which. So ROTC leadership, and the people it produces, are not very impressive to me.


Yeah, that ROTC thing has long been a joke in the military. I’ve actually know several really good officers that came from ROTC, but you had to know them for years for them to claim it. 😉


Tom Kratman is a military science fiction author. He retired as an LTC in 2006.

Masturbateman trembles with either desire or fear (or both) at the thought of Kratman.


Oh, Nicki, I smell a LOT of jealousy in Drama Princess Bitemehard.

He’d just like to be that good at it.


Oh yeah! His vagina is very sandy when it comes to Kratman!

