Re-Bateman on guns

| December 22, 2013

Earlier this month, we responded to LTC Robert Bateman when he wrote in Esquire magazine about taking guns from law-abiding citizens to stop Alabama fans from killing each other. In case you forgot, here was his solution;

The only guns permitted will be the following:

a. Smoothbore or Rifled muzzle-loading blackpowder muskets. No 7-11 in history has ever been held up with one of these.

b. Double-barrel breech-loading shotguns. Hunting with these is valid.

c. Bolt-action rifles with a magazine capacity no greater than five rounds. Like I said, hunting is valid. But if you cannot bring down a defenseless deer in under five rounds, then you have no fking reason to be holding a killing tool in the first place.

We will pry your gun from your cold, dead, fingers. That is because I am willing to wait until you die, hopefully of natural causes. Guns, except for the three approved categories, cannot be inherited. When you die your weapons must be turned into the local police department, which will then destroy them. (Weapons of historical significance will be de-milled, but may be preserved.)

Well, apparently, Lieutenant Colonel Bateman got some email that didn’t make him happy, according to his latest piece at Esquire (yes, they didn’t learn their lesson the first time);

OK, so let us start with the facts. A total of 2,324 emails came in following my post about guns, so far. I responded to every single one of them. This was in the wake of my essay about developing some sort of rational, peaceful, non-confiscatory way of removing guns from the hands of criminals and reducing the drain on our national resources. And, as one concerned about national defense, that is how I think about the issue. I cannot avoid contemplating the drain on our national resources of the 100,000+ Americans who are shot every year as anything but a national defense issue. We are a weakened nation because of this, and I want us to be stronger.

Unfortunately, a lot of people just want to shoot guns.

Yeah his essay was totally rational – restricting private owners to 19th century weapons and assuming that we only use guns for hunting. And, oh, yeah, we’ll dismantle your collection for your inability to continue breathing. That’s his idea of being rational. Of course, this infantry officer who hasn’t served in an infantry unit for the last couple of decades, blames the NRA for the threats against him (most of them aren’t really threats, anyway; the emailers claim that “if” Bateman tries to take their guns, they’ll defend themselves – not a threat unless he comes for their guns, actually).

But you know, what does he expect, really? He makes myopic and stereotypical accusations about gun owners, and we’re supposed to sit here and take it, because, you know he’s our social and moral superior who is concerned about an Alabama fan, and we’re not willing to take draconian measures as a result to avenge the death by one nutcase who will probably be punished by society for the murder.

Apparently, the non-infantry officer wearing crossed rifles hasn’t learned his lesson about controversy. And how very Leftist Liberal of him to blame the NRA for his hate mail, instead of his own stupid yammering.

Thanks to PavePusher for the latest link.

Category: Dumbass Bullshit

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Gee, Bobby, could it be your condescending attitude and incredible desire of yours to get into some sort of dick measuring contest, so you can show off that cute little pink eraser nub of yours that turns people off?

2/17 Air Cav

Bateman can’t write three sentences word without using I or me. He’s a first person kind of guy who manages to inject himself into matters, at best, tangential to him. And that translator story? She (Myrna?) was an adult. She made choices. She knew damn well her life was in danger. I’m guessing she knew she had children. But she ran out of ammo one day. I guess that means she had a gun. To. Defend. Herself. Hell, Batreman wouldn’t let his own daughter in her house, if circumstances otherwise permitted it. And repro-Bateman fancies himself to be apolitical but can’t mention his rank and current employer enough times when determines that the gun issue, among other matters he has chimed in on, isn’t political. I don’t like the guy. He’s egocentric and still doesn’t know what he wants to be when he grows up, if he ever does.


For Petes sake… It’s Memorial Day and this is the moment for an uninspiring staff officer with a penchant for self promotion to start trolling for a debate about himself?


You noticed that too, JAGC?

2/17 Air Cav

Well, HE lost a civilian translator. That’s HIS Memorial Day. And it’s all about HIM.


LTC Twit came up on my FB feed first thing in the AM this weekend responding to a comment.
I ignored him until this morning.
Told him the Westboro Baptist Church needs a new patriarch.

2/17 Air Cav

“I serve my country, and have done so with body and soul on the line for 18 years.” On what line? And he covered body and soul but omitted his heart. He reveals why in the next sentence that he wrote in his ‘apolitical’ 2007 piece: “I am ashamed of my country.” An officer in the US Army wrote that he is ashamed of his country. Nice. So ashamed, he resigned? Hell no. That would deny him cricket fees. Tally ho, motherfucker.


As well as an immediate retirement pension, 2/17 Air Cav. He didn’t have 20 years active service then.

He achieved that 20 years active service a couple of years (more or less) later. I guess he’d gotten over his shame by then.

2/17 Air Cav

How the hell has he not been called on the carpet? How does a United States Army officer write–for all the world to see–that he is ashamed of his country and effectively call into question the decisions rendered by his superiors, if not the CIC himself, and remain in uniform?


2/17 Air Cav: BTHOOM (beats the hell out of me).

Only thing I can figure out is that by that point in his career – 18 years, give or take – he might well have already (1) made LTC, and (2) also have made the statutory 18-year retirement sanctuary. So maybe he did get called on the carpet for it and managed to survive with only a “zinger” OER.

If so, the 2009 change of Administration in retrospect may have been a very lucky break for Bateman. It might also explain why he opted not to retire then.

Just a guess on my part, obviously.

2/17 Air Cav

He claimed 18 in a 2007 piece so he has 24/25 in now, I guess.


That would be my assessment as well. He graduated from college in 1989 (on an ROTC scholarship, I believe). If so, he would have received a commission that summer under normal circumstances. That means he hits 25 years active service this summer.

If all he got was one “zinger” OER, IMO he might well have survived that – particularly in a low-density specialty with large and expensive training requirements.


This clown is a RO. How hasn’t he been RIFed yet with today’s drawdowns? Is he that good nut licker?

Tom Kratman

One of my fans is the son of a three star I went to IOAC with. I asked him to inform his dad. Apparently, for whatever reason, that filty shit, Bateman, cannot be silenced by the US Army, even at three star level. It doesn’t make me “ashamed of my country,” but it sure as hell makes me wonder what the fuck is going on with my Army.

Green Thumb

This guy is a marginal Soldier, officer and all around shitbag.


Green Thumb, thank you.

I think he gets away with it, in part, because the Administration, in support of liberal agendas, wants Americans disarmed and the Second Amendment gone. But that does not speak to his superiors in the Army, up to the Pentagon. They too have a responsibility to keep control of their troops. I know he is riding the thin line of the First Amendment by righting as an AD Officer. Still, there is a limit to what thinking GOs will or should allow. At least when I was in, you could vote, you could bitch but NO ONE could have gotten away with his writings and opinions and stayed in uniform. I guess things have changed.


More likely he’s on ‘the list’ of people who will be asked to retire or get fired, because of the drawdown.

He has no credit, he’s a self-serving buttkisser, and he’s already said he’s ashamed of the USofA. He’s useful only to himself.

This is not the kind of employee to keep around for any reason at all.


Ex…Excellent points.

2/17 Air Cav

I am miffed and perplexed regarding the absence of some serious kickback on this guy. Ashamed of his country? Think about that. What does it mean? A country is an inanimate object, isn’t it? So, is he ashamed of our land mass? Maybe only Hawaii and Alaska. Or does he mean American foreign policy? Perhaps American troops involved in what he called an “invasion.” Yeah, that may be it. He loves writing about himself–until the responses get a tad uncomfortable. Then, as someone pointed out, he deflects and misdirects attention elsewhere. To think we’re paying this guy’s salary.


Just seems like there is more than enough there to bounce him out into the civilian world. If nothing else, if he does as much writing as he claims, some of it surely is done on “company” time. That should be all sorts of illegal no matter the subject.


O wonder if ol’ Bobby Boi is going to write another anti-Constitution using comments posted here as “evidence” that guns should be banned? Of course he’ll end up writing about himself, how he’s being crucified by those mean old gun nuts who are threatening him.


I would counter that by pointing out that no one here has threatened him in any way; that he has denigrated everyone else’s service, including making derogatory remarks about a firefighter; and that not everyone here has guns at home.

Some of us have cast iron skillets instead. 🙂

Green Thumb

In following this assclown’s posts it is becoming very obvious why he has not commanded since his 2LT time.

Just an Old Dog

Bateman is an egotistical shitbag who was shuffled out of the infantry as soon as they could get rid of him. He’s spent his career going to schools and serving as an insignifigant staff member.
He never heard the words”LT Col” where do you want us to deploy C Company, and do you want the 3 to go over the FSP with you?
What he hears is “Bob, bring us the bagels tommorow, and dont forget the genral likes Irish cream for his coffee.”


I would guess the only reason he even went infantry was to punch a ticket for higher rank. I think that guys whole career has not been about serving the nation, but punching tickets for his own self promotion. I wouldn’t be surprised if this twat waffle doesn’t retire soon and try to enter politics. He’d be a perfect fir in today’s political climate, A liar and self promoter.


ArmyATC, twatwaffle is one word, like bungholery and crapweasel.

Tom Kratman


That he was eased out seems likely. The following was posted on Mad Mike’s Sacred Cow Slaughterhouse in March and yesterday:

Dwayne Aaron · Digestive Health Specialists
Joe Sylvester I actually served with this putz, err I mean Officer while assigned to C Co 4th Bn 87th Infantry Regiment, 25th Infantry Division, Schofield Barracks Hawaii from 90-91. He was my Platoon Leader then and left us as a 1LT. That was 23 years ago and he’s still just a LTC? That shows you the caliber of Officer he is.
Reply · Like · 4 · March 5 at 4:51pm

Robert Bateman · Top Commenter · NATO Defense College
Dwayne, I remember you. Out of curiosity, what did you do after 3/C/4-87? Full 20?
Reply · Like · Yesterday at 5:01am

Tom Kratman

For the musically inclined:

And for Bateman, a song, a child’s song:

It’s a mind that’s cramped; it’s a mind that’s small,
It’s a poseur’s mind; that’s no mind at all.
It’s a foaming mouthed hack, unacquainted with Jack.
It’s Bob Bateman after all.

Mastur_Bateman after all.
We have guns so Bateman bawls.
He’s got no guts, none at all.
It’s just Bateman after all.

He’s a man deficient in honesty.
He’s a man (well, just only technically).
He’s a dolt; he’s a fool; he’s a moron who drools.
It’s old Bateman after all.

Mastur_Bateman after all.
We have guns so Bateman bawls.
He’s got no guts, none at all.
It’s just Bateman after all.

He’s a left wing toad with a Nazi bent.
Of integrity he is quite bereft.
He’s the scum on the pond, the dog shit on the lawn.
Mastur_Bateman after all.

Actually, I recycled it. He doesn’t deserve his own song.

Now make your accusation in plain, Bateman, you pussy.

The Other Whitey

I see (Master)Bateman took his ball and went home. What a surprise, he’s a pussy and a bitch…

Tom Kratman

Have you tried calling him properly? Let’s see if this works:

“Meow, meow, meow, meow! Here, kittykittykitty. Here pussypussypussy.”

If he doesn’t come then perhaps he’s taken my advice and borrowed the nearest Brit unit’s mess Webley.


Hey, guys!

Don’t lump Master Limpdicksky in with my cat Mikey.

You have to use the proper language on Drama Princess Glitterspitter Masterbateman.

Here goes: Hey! Bateman! Your neighbors have guns! They go over to Forthampton Shoot’s weekend entertainment and bang off a few rounds! You’d better move, before something goes flying through your kitchen window!

2/17 Air Cav

Kratman. Who the hell are you, anyway?

The Other Whitey

I don’t know who he is, but (Master)Bateman was talking all kinds of shit about him until he showed up. As soon as (LTC?) Kratman offered a rebuttal, the asshole disappeared.

2/17 Air Cav

Well, that and zulu time, perhaps. I gather that Krat-Bate/man know each other but I’ll be damned if I’m going to waste my google-fu on it. I am hoping to learn what their beef is about but, I guess truth be told, I don’t really give a shit. I just hate to see two guys pissing on each other at the expense of TAH.


Clicking the link in Kratman’s name in the comments might answer a few of your questions, 2/17 Air Cav.


Apparently he and the topic of this discussion have a long running feud, or something. Looks like the K-man may be more like us and finds the master batterman as offensive as do we.

With you in that I have other obligations at the moment which do not include researching someone else’s battle. Am willing to go with “the enemy of my enemy is my friend” for the time being.

Tom Kratman


The short answer, for your purpose, is that, probably more than any other single individual, I’ve been crapping on Bateman for his execrably unprofessional Esquire ads.


You’ve been crapping on Bateman even more than Bateman has been crapping on himself, which is quite a feat! Lol at “Esquire ads”. Carry on please!

The Other Whitey

Please, by all means, continue crapping on the craven son of a bitch.

2/17 Air Cav

Okay, thanks for that. Crap away, then. He is ashamed of his country, you know.

Tom Kratman

“Ashamed.” I saw that. Jesus….just Jesus. What a disgusting piece of rat filth masquerading – poorly – as a commissioned officer.


Since the UK is officially 8 hours ahead of us here in the good ol’ US of A, I have to assume that Masterbatesalot is pounding his little pinke ears on his pillow at this particular moment in time.

So I’ll leave this little note right here for him to find it when he goes to review his fan mail here.

Hey, Bateman, you overblown, sackwitted, hagfish-trolling codpiece clamp, you need to check this link I’ve left for you. I think I’ve more than adequately refuted your silly notion that no one in your ville has any guns. See below, you ego-centric half-wit:

And while you’re sorting that out, check the names of gun-related businesses I so kindly provided for you to peruse.

Are your eyes brown? Could that be owing to your being topped off with it?