U.S. Military to have Observation Posts in Northern Syria

| November 25, 2018 | 10 Comments
U.S. Military to have Observation Posts in Northern Syria

ISIS had a propaganda video out, years ago, bragging about the size of their caliphate. Today? Those that made that propaganda video are either dead, have ran from the battle, or are doing something else. Their Caliphate? Mainly centered on the Syria-Iraq border. They talked a big game about how they were hammering us. But, […]

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Defense Secretary James Mattis Plan to Defeat ISIS

| February 28, 2017 | 68 Comments
Defense Secretary James Mattis Plan to Defeat ISIS

As readers here know, our enemies and adversaries are watching our moves, basing their own actions on what we do. They’re emboldened to act against our allies and us all over the world. This is partly based on our falling short of fully engaging against our global threats. One of these threats is a collection […]

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Next Generation Jihadists: A Rant

| May 12, 2016 | 23 Comments
Next Generation Jihadists:  A Rant

There is an obvious push by radical Islamists to spread their barbaric belief system across the globe.  They call it the Caliphate, and they have aspirations of a world subjugated to their interpretation of Islam.  None of this is new stuff.  We’ve been watching and reading about it for several years now. This being the […]

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