Members’ Gallery

Brought over from this link.

doctorrich sends us his picture. He says he loves the Army and I know that feeling;

SGT K sends a picture from 2006 in Iraq;

CI sends; “Me with ‘Blue’ at COP Gator in Doura, Baghdad. The fellas at the COP belonged to Blue, instead of the other way around.”

SFC Holland sends this one that he says was taken 25 July 2012 in Helmand Province, Afghanistan;

Bubblehead Ray asks that we not be intimidated by his “massive fruitsalad”

Lucky sends this from Iraq 2009-2010;

SJ sends us this picture from his days in Vietnam at Phu Bi (Camp Eagle) in 1968;

Ne Desit Virtus getting ready to send some pain! Khowst province, March 2009;

Stu sends “Taken Christmas night 2005 at FOB Rustamiyah after mortar attack awaiting all clear and damage assessments. I got the important things covered, smokes, coffee, close quarters weapon, what more does a fella need?”

From Rooster2005 “This pic is from Iraq, Anbar Province 2005. Occupied Hide Site – Team Rooster”;

DefendUSA (in the middle);

Nichevo “somewhere between Kabul and Jalalabad in November of 2011”

AW1 Tim; “Here’s the best one I have of me to hand. This was taken in, I believe, 1979. while in Rota, Spain with VP-10. This is Combat Aircrew 10, and I am first row, 3rd from the left.”

COB6 ordering 6 beers in Ranger formal wear;

BOHICATwentyTwo; Camp Spearhead, Kuwait. 2004;

TopGoz; “This is a picture of me standing on the roof of the JOC at Bagram Air Base in March 2009, three months prior to my retirement.”

John: “taken in 1970, at the Communications Repair Shop, Headquarters Company, 501st Signal Battalion (Airmobile), 101st Airborne Division (Airmobile), at Camp Eagle (between Hue and Phu Bai), Republic of Viet Nam.”

Kilo “in Iraq (FOB Rustimiyah) in 07. No combat patch because I was Air Force”;

Just A Grunt “at the NTC circa 1985 pretending to be a Russian”;

Dai Uy… “circa 1967 46th Company, Camp Nam Pung, Sakhon Nakhon, Thailand”;

Lee1/75 Kunar Province, Afghanistan (2010)

YatYas, “a retread Gunny and staff weenie visiting FOB Lima near Karbala in 2005”

Pathfinder “running a reflexive fire range Kunar Province, Afghanistan 2010”;

Currahee John with “Co. A 1/506th INF (AA) “Currahees” at Howard AFB in Panama, 1978. This was taken at the end of JOTC (aka Jungle School, with the nifty pocket patch), waiting to board a plane to go back to Ft. Campbell. ”

Fiesty_Foust “Over watching a highway in Iraq 2007”

TSO sends; “TSO with the Strom Thurmond of Ghazni Province, 2005”

Virtual Insanity in front of his trusty OH-58C at Fort Polk, LA in 1986…18 years before retirement.

NHSparky in 1995;

Jorge in 1987;

George loves 25mm AP HE rounds because they’re painted like candy corn and he says he went from PFC to SGT twice;

Just Plain Jason;

The Red Ghost;

Jon the Mechanic in 2010 with his new lovely bride;

LIRight and his newly-minted SF son in 2010;

I think this is af_res_dep in the wrong uniform;

Elric sends “Taken in Rawah, IZ in Aug 2005. One of my better memories of that tour. I used to carry the beanies on my Stryker to give to kids on cordon and searches while we did tactical questioning on the males. That and Jolly Ranchers (which probably is a war crime).”

SGT Ted sent two pictures, one would have you oogling his bride or trying to bust him for SV, so I went with the other of SGT Ted in Karbala during 2003 “while serving in the 870th MP Co, when we were attached to the 3/7 Marines of the 1st MEF. I was piping for an Iraqi Police Graduation Ceremony.” The only downside is that it will make TSO wet his pants with joy. Sorry it took so long, Ted, but you were in my spam folder;

Jacobite sends; “I’m on guard duty outside the main gate to Tallil Airbase, Iraq in late 2003”

Old Soldier54 sends; “Po River Valley, Northern Italy. Winter around January ’74.”

Ben sends; “Taken in March of 2007, myself and SPC Walter in position on an SKT, outskirts of Baqubah.”

rhill325 sends; “this is me at FSB Mace, RVN, as a member of the 199th Light Infantry Brigade MP HHC MPs–taken in mid 1970, standing up behind an M60.”

Whitey Wingnut sends; “Here is a picture of me when I was deployed in Afghanistan back in 06-07 at Camp Cobra/Dubbs”

Twist sends; “This is a picture of me out the “Airguard” hatch of my Stryker during Operation Together Forward in Baghdad in 2006. During the operation my BDE cleared all of Baghdad. If it had 4 walls and a door, we cleared it.”

Jon Not To Be Confused With Jonn sends this one;

Eggs sends; Kandahar, Summer of 2005

Bobo sends this from his CGSC yearbook;

3C3P sends; “I served from 81-01 and retired as a SFC. Served many years in the 82ns ABN with
A/1-17th CAV, 2nd and 3rd BN’s/505th PIR and retired as the CURROP’s NCOIC with G-3 18th ABC. This picture was taken in ’82 on Range 53 or 54 (M60 zero and qual) at Ft. Bragg.”

Mudwhistle says; “I don’t post much, just lurk quite a bit but I figured what the hell, here’s me screaming at Wogs during a line crossing onboard USS Shiloh around 2006-2007. Not the most recent but one of my favorites.”

NoSlackDelta – “.50 cal gunner in D. Co, 2/327 INF, 101st Airborne. 2003-2007. Tour in northern Iraq (Kirkuk and the immediate area north of the city) sept 05 – sept 06. I’m on the right, this was take right before our platoons first mission/patrol in Kirkuk – Sept 05. Had just arrived in country so no combat patch there.”

BooRadley sends one with her new Navy Corpsman son. I remember him when he came up to about my waist;

Grunt Sergeant sends one from his in-country R&R. Guess which war;

Chris sends us from Facebook; me manning the Ma Deuce during the breaching operations at the start of the ground war [Desert Storm].

CSE CSC writes; ” The photo is from Camp Fallujah, Iraq, March 2007. For a while my convoy security team had a habit of stealing signs from various places. I think that sign might have originally been at Camp Victory, Baghdad Intl Airport. Hopefully nobody missed it.”

AF MSgt; This was taken in February 2010 about 200 yards from the Space Shuttle a day before lift-off. I used to be part of the JTF for search and rescue and recovery of the Astronauts if they had to bail out during launch.

MSGRetired; “That’s me on the left 2006-2007 Mosul Iraq . I believe that pic was at the Iraqi Army base Al Kindi.”

Streetsweeper and Melony; “…several days after our wedding (9/9/2011) attending the Paulding County(GA) Public Safety Appreciation Day, Dallas , GA. You will note I had gained a few pounds since we last saw each other in DC, Jonn.”

Hack Stone: “My first renlistment, 1st Tracked Vehicle Bn, Camp Schwabb November 1984. The guy that reenlisted me was Capt. Robert P. Russell. Years later, I saw him featured on A Current Affair. They even made a televison movie about him. ”

Steadfast and Loyal; “This is me at my promotion to captain in 2000 I believe. ”

The long awaited Nicki while she was terrorizing Kosovar children in 2007;

Biermann writes; “…the picture taken at my son’s commissioning at West Point will have to do. Last time I wore that uniform was 1997 at the NCO Academy, never did really care for the class A’s”

Trent sends; “my little girl and I from the August 2010 Oregon OCS commissioning ceremony.”

Hotel1 sends; “Oct 21, 1977, Dress Blues. Captains/Admirals Orderly, USS Independence CVA 62. Ships letter that we were “encouraged” to send family at ENDEX for Med floats had a line from the Captain that said, “come visit us when we dock”.
My family lives in the Canadian end of NH so did not expect visitors. Volunteered to stand watch so other Marines could visit family on the pier. My grandparents decide to take the invite literally, and flew in from AZ. And, got a tour of the ship.”

Old Tanker sends; “Getting 7.62 belted together for the gunners coax right before Desert Storm…”

From Paul; “This picture is from Iraq 2009 with PA Army National Guard. I’m the guy on the right.”

Our favorite Gold Star Mom, Mickey Bryant;

Laughing Wolf sends; “taken of me in Iraq in 2007 while I was there as a civilian”

Jabatam sends; “This is me posing with the poster of Kat Von D that we had in the roof of our Caiman MRAP…Baghdad 2008”

Bill sends; “LCPL Benson and his “pig” (M60 Machine Gun) thinking thoughts of mayhem. HMG Plt, WPNS Co, 2/6 on UDP, Camp Schwab, Okinawa, Japan, 1986.”

Marine_7002 sends; “…taken in late 1975 at Camp Fuji during Operation “Richochet 1″ when I was a Sergeant in the 1st Marine Aircraft Wing G-3 as an operations admin POG (we were supposed to go to Korea for cold-weather training, but some diplo/political/international frab-up prevented us from going, so we went to Fuji instead). I was a Sergeant then. The accomodations were Quonset huts (with a view of Fuji out the back window…a nice way to wake up in the morning) and shower/head blocks at the end of each row of huts. We used beer cans to decorate our Christmas tree in the hut. They make colorful ornaments, and we had tons of fun emptying them!”

detn8r sends; “this is a picture of my Son pinning my EOD badge on my Chest in 1990. My first greatest accomplishment pinning my second greatest on my chest.”

Joe says he was 18 years old when he went to ITR;

Sporkmaster sends;

“I have been posting as Veritas Omnia Vincit at your blog for a few weeks…here is a photo of me at basic training in 1978, I am the pale white kid on the far right, this is just before basic graduation and off to Benning for AIT…you can post this in the members gallery if you wish, if you need something else from me let me know. ”

OEF_Veteran sends; “Taken in Farah Afghanistan 2004 inside Alexander the Greats citadel aka a giant fracking weapons cache.”

Here is Zero during one of his many visits to Alongapo/Subic circa 1966. Went to “B” school and made E-5. Also cross-decked twice and got to spend well over a year in and around the Gulf of Tonkin. USS England, USS Parsons, USS Mahan, USS Worden.

Taco Bell in Jalalabad, Afghanistan ’08, loving life;

RayRaytheSBS sends a most hoo-ah picture;

Thunderstixx sends; taken at Ft. Greeley Alaska in 1975 on a field problem in the Alaskan Summer. We had just gotten off of a Chinook and were at approximately the 11,000 ft. elevation level.

We had been in the field for a couple of weeks so that is why I look so filthy, and of course I got away with the long hair for as long as I could back then !!!

I was in from 74-77 and was also stationed at Hucklberry Creek Mountain Training camp in Mt. Rainier National Park in Greenwater Washington for the last year I was in the Army. 1977. I taught skiing and mountaineering to Navy, Marine’s, Rangers, and regular GI’s. It was the best job in the Army, I swear !!!

Kateser: Picture is from OEF 2009-2010, taken on BAF with one of the first MATVs to hit theater (snuck into the AfSB yard for a look before being able to draw some of our own). Currently back in AFG on KAF, but that picture would be of me in front of my computer with a headset on listening in on some meeting or in front of the poo pond…Not nearly as hooah.

Gregory S. Hall sends this picture of him in Somalia;

Huey148: My pic taken after getting off the plane in Kabul to do some CASOPS training for CJTF-82 at Bagram back in ’07. Yeah, thats right, the Air Force couldn’t even land me in the right place…I got off the plane and was like “Kabul? WTH?”

And the the picture that started all of this of me and my squad in February 1976 right after we came back from Operation Jack Frost ’76 in Alaska. That’s me second from your right in the front row;

From Cacti35; near Duc Pho in 1967 C Co 2/35th Inf. 25th ID (switched to 4th ID about this time.

ChipNASA sends; Oh Hai, it’s USAFR Aerial Port RAMBO!

GM2 Jason Doll, WESTPAC 2003 USS Sacramento AOE-1, Weps Division

EPSON scanner image

Ne Desit Virtus sends two photos; I’m the guy on the left in the CinC Guard uniform (aka “wig and tights”), it was taken at Yorktown in 2005. The other was taken almost ten years ago at Camp New Jersey in Kuwait prior to the invasion.

Ne Desit Virtus

Ne Desit Virtus1

Former 3364’s first and only reenlistment;


This picture is from Iraq 2010-2011 OND with OR Army National Guard. Most likely taken at JBB.


SJ and his beautiful bride, Danielle in 1983


From Mark; Here’s a pic of me just prior to my retirement at my second son’s graduation from Marine Corps Recruit training at Parris Island, SC 2011, along with my oldest son who is a 1LT with the Air Force as an AWACS combat controller and currently deployed to the Southwest Asia theater.


USMCE3TLCPL; I’m the oddball on the right side of the pic that almost looks like I was added in. (I swear I wasn’t. Even the guys in my platoon give me hell over that all the time for lookin’ like I don’t belong) as I remember it had hit over 130 degrees that day and we were unable to take any pics in clear daylight as we had all sought cover in the shade in the PB.


[GunzRunner] (on right) trying to look like a badass Gunny while at AlAsaad in 2009.


Anonymous in JAX sends this picture of her and a local insurgent penguin in Iraq;

me & mr. penguin

Average NCO sends; This is a photo of me and one my classes from my trip to Africa last Spring. It shouldn’t be hard to figure out which one is me.


CavScoutCoastie: This was taken at Camp Udari, Kuwait in the spring of 2004. I think they renamed the Udari complex to Buehring or something similar shortly thereafter.

I’m sure you’ll have this question many time so I’ll answer in advance. Yes, autographed copies are available.


Not Julie;


Frankly Opinionated, Julie Weir, Proud Infidel and Patriot, and Valkyrie

TAH Fan Club somewhere in Florida

From SFC Rowe; Here is a picture of me and the great group of guys I worked with on this last deployment to Logar, Afghanistan.

Scott Rowe

Just An Old Dog; Me as 81s Plt Sgt Weapons Company 3/4 Camp Fuji 1997

just an ol'dog

NavCWORet at my retirement ceremony in 2013 at USS MISSOURI Memorial in Pearl Harbor;


Wildhorse 37 (Ancient); Picture was taken in 2009 in Laghman Province, Afghanistan

Wildhorse 37 (Ancient)

This is me (CATM) next to my .50 after I caught the pest management team on the flight line. I asked them if they wanted some photos with the Ma Deuce in exchange for letting me roll around with their Pest Management magnets on my uparmor at Camp Sather, Baghdad International Airport. Turned quite a few heads when people saw this, even the Army was laughing at our humor. The stuffed animal is a Christmas moose we zip tied to the top of my sunshade as we were from Eielson Alaska.

CATM - Pest control

CBSenior in Iraq 09. Taking a break from Driving down IED Alley.

CB Senior

Pineywoods NCO; This was me in July 2008 after IRT Training at Fort Hood, Texas. I was a squad leader as we were preparing for the deployment in support of OIF 08-09 in Al Kut, Iraq with the 41st Fires Brigade.

Pineywoods NCO

Guy: Taken in 1992 at Camp Kodaira — the Japanese Ground Self-Defense Force (Ji-Ei-Tai) Intelligence School. I was detailed there to teach English for one week and really enjoyed interacting with the young Japanese officers.

ToastyCoastie; a photo from many moons ago as a confused blonde E-3 at Portsmouth VA

Toastie Coastie

351BG; This is me, second from left, standing. Crew training complete. I was a 20 year old 2nd LT and pilot. We didn’t know where we were going but ended up in Polebrook England.

Robert Bowen (351BG)

TalonIILM Back in the day;



Paul and Truck

From Bullet Brother;

Bullet Brother

From Peter; Photo is me with a Soviet BRDM at Kandahar Airfield.


MAJ Arkay with her Wang word processor at the 165th MI Battalion (CI), 66th MI Group, Frankfurt am Main, FRG, about 1982.


Airdale USN is what I go by on here. This is a picture of me in 1990 when Desert Storm just started, I was in Auxiliary Security Force as a AD3 at the time at NAS Norfolk.

Airdale USN



ARMYSGM: Third Brigade, First Infantry Division OPS SGM from 2009-2014. Now retired in West “By God” Virginia.


From Chip;

Sandman; Momma wanted a picture in uniform, and what momma wants, she gets 1993

CAPT “Bones” McCartney & wife on return from 1 yr deployment with II MEB (Task Force Leatherneck) in Helmand Province, Afghanistan, 2010

Captain Bones

Old Nam Doc on the right. Outside Danang 1969;

Old Nam Doc

Cloudpounder – Me and My Katooters in Teagu, South Korea 1989-90 3rd From the Left. In Case You Can’t figure Out Which One is Me??


Echo7Papa; Me up on my tank turret after returning from patrol in Habbaniyah, Iraq 2006 (I was a Sgt. on that tour, gunner on an Abrams tank).


From Martinjmpr; Here are two. One was taken as I was standing in the door of a C-130 as a JM over Malamute DZ in Alaska in 2001, the other is me standing on top of the Citadelle, a fortress in Haiti built by King Henri Christophe between 1805 and 1820 to defend against an anticipated attack by Napoleon. Photo taken in 1995 when I was deployed there with 3/3 SFG for Operation Uphold Democracy.



Nik sends this picture;


Ret_25X…here’s a pic from 1992…when I was still a baby SSG


Greybeard at Fort Benning;

Cris from April 2003

Jeff from 1963 – 1966

From George;

From TSGT Annabelle;