Doddering old fool supports doddering old fool

| December 18, 2007

The Politico reports this morning that some members of the Senate, and some of their aids are discussing the removal of Robert “I’ve seen a lot of white ni**ers in my time.” Byrd from his chairmanship of the Senate’s appropriation committee;

A group of Senate Democrats has begun quietly exploring ways to replace the venerable Sen. Robert Byrd (D-W.Va.) as chairman of the powerful Senate Appropriations Committee, believing he’s no longer physically up to the job, according to Democratic senators and leadership aides familiar with the discussions.

Of course it has nothing to do with the fact that Byrd was a Grand Kleagle in the Ku Klux Klan;

But there is broad discontent among committee members over the way Byrd has run the panel this year and the resulting problems in completing work on the fiscal 2008 spending bills, leading some members to privately push for Byrd’s replacement as chairman.

His physical condition has been slowly deteriorating for years, and he cannot walk now without the assistance of aides.

Byrd has difficultly running committee hearings, and he relies heavily on staffers for guidance

So what’s holding them up from replacing him?

A senior Democratic aide said replacing Byrd “has been discussed for the last couple of weeks,” although Senate Majority Leader Harry Reid (D-Nev.) is not in favor of such a move.

Reid’s staff, in fact, offered nothing but praise for Byrd and blamed the White House for any problems in enacting the 12 annual spending bills.

“Sen. Byrd’s experience and respect for the Senate speak for themselves. He has no peer,” said Reid’s spokesman, Jim Manley.

“The Appropriations Committee did an outstanding job this year despite an all-out effort by the White House to try to again shortchange the priorities of the American people.”

But while the respect for Byrd may be genuine and widely held, there are clearly Democrats who want him out.

A Senate Democrat who serves on the Appropriations Committee complained that the panel “has had no chairman this year.”

So because he has the experience of staying in the Senate despite the fact that he’s clearly a racist and a doddering old turd who has outlived his usefulness in the Senate, the other dodering old fool, Harry Reid can’t summon the testicular fortitude to replace him and repair what’s truly broken in the Senate. Why, do you suppose?

Well, I’ll tell you; the Democrats are all about appearances, they have no substance and as long as they prop up Byrd’s dead body in a chair, like a reenactment of “Weekend at Bernies” or a photo op with Fidel Castro, they will, cuz it makes them feel good about themselves. Nevermind that the people’s business isn’t getting done – just so long as it looks like the people’s business is getting done.

I see Michele Malkin was writing about this at the same time I was writing.

Category: Politics

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