China Animation Rewrites Coronavirus History

| May 3, 2020

The coronavirus is the latest list to Chinese Communist Party caused humanitarian disasters. (Rebel Pepper © RFA)

China is trying to rewrite history related to the new coronavirus. The CCP is proactive in this rewrite. China discovers a viral disease that could go pandemic. They take immediate action. China is prepared to deal with the pandemic and is actively engaging in it. Being the “savior country” that they are, they try to warn the United States. The later doesn’t take the virus seriously.

Edited out from this history? The US and the rest of the world basing their initial actions on false Chinese reporting. Nothing in their video about China causing the World Health Organization to parrot their coronavirus propaganda or the CCP’s coronavirus coverup.

From Thomson Reuters Foundation News:

In the animation posted online by China’s official Xinhua news agency, red curtains open to reveal a stage featuring Lego-like figures in the form of a terracotta warrior wearing a face mask and the Statue of Liberty.

“We discovered a new virus,” says the warrior.

“So what?” replies the Statue of Liberty. “It’s only a flu.”

As the warrior issues warnings about the virus and counts off the grim milestones in China’s outbreak, the Statue of Liberty replies dismissively with echoes of Trump’s press conferences in which he played down the severity of the illness.

“Are you listening to yourselves?” asks the warrior as the statue begins to turn red with fever and gets hooked up to an intravenous drip.

“We are always correct, even though we contradict ourselves,” the statue replies.

“That’s what I love about you Americans, your consistency,” says the warrior.

Lego’s came out and said that they were not involved with the video. Can’t fault Lego anyway, China doesn’t care about copyright, just copying and stealing. You could read more of this article on Reuters.

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Category: China, COVID-19

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Combat Historian

To paraphrase the HK protester: Don’t trust chicom; chicom is ASSHOLE!!!


Disinformation from a Communist country? Say it ain’t so!

A Proud Infidel®™

Gee whiz, where’s whatshisface to come and tell us once again that China isn’t communist?


Commies gonna commie (lie and rewrite history).
comment image

The Other Whitey

This is from the same Chinese Communist Party that happily collaborated with the Japanese invaders for nearly a decade, then pinkie-swear ever since that they were carrying on a heroic resistance (that was actually the Nationalists, who are now Taiwanese). Unit 731 bought a lot of their “human test subjects” (torture victims) directly from Mao—cheaper that way than going to the trouble of rounding them up themselves.


Wondering why the ChiCom bug hits so much harder in New York?

Of course, they are padding the numbers.


Bolshevik Bill, the Brooklyn Bigot, is just doing Commie Math

2+2 = 5

A Proud Infidel®™

He’s doing that whenever he’s not hammering and harassing Jewish People for gathering while not doing shit to muzzies when they do the same!

A Proud Infidel®™

Here’s a link about scumbag DeBlasio using the NYPD to harass Jewish People:

Green Thumb


That’s bad.


Terrible source and the funeral directors know fuck all about cause of death.

This is not evidence of padding.

Maybe the directors can explain why they have such a massive increase in burials lately.

That says a lot more than the bullshit this story talks about.


But you, of course, know the truth. The truth of all things. I’m appalled that you’re not worshipped as a diety.


He is worshiped as a deity, SFC D. By himself.

The rest of humanity considers him more the reincarnation of Koalemos than anything else. I don’t think that particular Greek deity has many worshipers today outside of Leftist fellow travelers.


USNS Comfort treated 182 total casualties. Nearby Army field hospital treated zero.

Why is the Wu Flu seemingly so much more lethal in NY, versus other large cities here? But only in facilities subject to local control.

What would -Funeral Directors- know about -death- trends…

Keep honking that Kazoo, Komrade! Rage away!


Funeral directors see death certificates on a daily basis. Many if not most have done so for a decade or more. On the basis of that experience, they’d have a damn good idea of the normal breakout regarding causes of death in their local area.

Give that experience and their daily duties, they’d also be uniquely placed to notice a major change in the pattern of entries listed for “cause of death”. In particular, they’d be in a unique position to notice a new cause of death displacing many others that normally occur.


Weirdly, Florida has vastly more old folks, more folks overall, lots of travelers from other nations, lots of transients, and a less draconian response.

Yet -far- fewer deaths.

NY, and especially NYC, screwed up. Panicking did not help. Mandating senior care facilities accept infected folks was stupid. Now, covering their butts they pad the stats to make their actions seem wise. Also the effective ChiCom Coof compensation is higher than other ordinary illnesses.

If they were not cooking the books, their stats would line up with other similar cities. Their stats -do- line up before this illness.

So did they f### up, or cook the stats? Both?


Go figure. Every hospital gets a 20% upcharge to Medicare for every patient who is characterized as having died of the virus. The hospital is certainly not going to was a test for the virus on anyone who has died before being tested. So I believe they are cooking the books. Of course, we don’t have the psychic powers of Squidward, the West Coast Oracle.


…waste a test….


Mandating senior care facilities accept infected folks was stupid.

Indeed it was – monumentally so. But you don’t hear much if anything about it except from the national media – only from local press in NY.

But I bet if Cuomo had (R) behind his name for his party affiliation you’d be hearing about it in the national press daily.

Mandating that nursing homes and other elder-care facilities accept people who have tested positive for the 2019 Wuhan coronavirus was completely asinine, bordering on criminal. That requirement was virtually guaranteed to kill hundreds if not thousands as an easily foreseeable result.

But that’s the kind of decisions you get with government-managed health care – because the people running it “know better than you do what’s best for you”.


Remember, Lars wanted a bunch of us Boomers to die of the virus so he and the others in the Free Shit Army would be “guaranteed” to collect their free shit. I guess that the real data is breaking his cold, dark little heart…


Now, to be fair Poodle never explicitly said he wanted a bunch of the “baby boom” generation to die (and presumably also those older who are still alive).

He merely said he was “thankful” that the 2019 Wuhan coronavirus would kill proportionally more from that demographic group because that group didn’t support one of his pet political causes (universal health care paid for by taxes forcibly imposed by the government).


Yeah, well, Hondo, some day, that Berserkley jackass will die, and no one will remember his name (LARS a/k/a COMMISSAR) or anything he said or did.

Our taxes go into paying for his FSA stuff, which means that HIS taxes will go up substantially when the Boomer Gens are all gone.


An extra flu season of deaths, on a system barely functional in a good year.

They are swamped because they are so corrupt, and screwed up. Now, they exaggerate to conceal their error, and to gain.


“Terrible source”….I have “news” for you sunshine…your “sources” are all propaganda mills.

I have more bad news for you sunshine…the professionals who run funeral homes may be some of the most knowledgeable in America about cause of death in their communities.

More bad news sunshine; this fact has been known by all since at least early April.

Yes, sunshine, your precious dictators are cooking the books to steal even more of that sweet, sweet federal cash.

Go home, sunshine, you are a willing participant in the theft.


How about this one from the CDC? It shows the cause of death.


de Blasio forced nursing homes and other elder care facilities to accept known Wuhan virus patients, ensuring the virus spread to the most vulnerable in society with related deaths. That gives you more to be thankful for, fucking asshole.


Now why would anyone pad the ChiCom Coof numbers? It’s not like Medicare reimburses up to three times as much for it.

The Other Whitey

Lars, do you just try to sound like a dipshit, or did that actually make sense in your tiny addled mind? Do you have any idea how funeral homes operate, what the process entails, paperwork, etc? Obviously not.

Once again, you’re talking out your ass from a lot of ignorance while claiming expertise.


You put the body in an overpriced box, play sad music, and bury it. How hard can it be?

Jeff LPH 3, 63-66

I eat off off paper plates everyday and don’t eat off of china.

Green Thumb

My teapot in Iraq was a Chinese knock off. Used it to make Chai.

Crap as well.


Check test 1-2.
Is this microphone working ???


Another reason to distrust all retired GO/FO types and all democrats.


McChrystal working for D-rat agitprop. Who knew he is a fan of the people who took him down. Maybe they have confined him in a re-education camp. He could have spent some time in that room where Winston Smith was convinced 2 + 2 = 5. Now he absolutely loves Big Brother.

Combat Historian

The PRCs are the Enemy of Humanity. Treat them like the utter diseased pariahs they are. Oust the chicoms from our shores and reestablish full diplomatic, military, and commercial relationships with our friends the Free Chinese on Taiwan. Move all of our non-critical manufacturing from the bloody chicoms to Taiwan and our other allies. American institutions and corporations that continue to trade and take blood money and push chicom agitprop are treasonous traitors that should be treated with the contempt they truly deserve. We are in a de facto state of war against the chicoms and their domestic treasonous lackeys, and our foreign and domestic enemies should be treated as such…


Looks like Taiwan is going to be getting more attention.


Well, that should put a knot in someone’s undies.

Veritas Omnia Vincit

Maybe this is the time we learn something about the true nature of dealing with lying commie bastards, but I am not yet convinced.

Time and again we’ve seen them lie about their manufacturing processes, lie about their product safety processes, lie about damn near everything they claim to be telling the truth about and yet we’ve done nothing.

No sanctions of substance, no pressure on corporate behavior, nothing….

Here’s hoping I’m wrong here and that we learn a valuable lesson this time around and our government works against those who own the government and for the voice of the people and their perspectives.