OK guys, need your help again- “Afghan Massacre- Convoy of Death”

| April 1, 2009

Update: Looks like yes there was a massacre, and while I should have been more clear before, the part I was calling bullshit on was US involvement, and it appears I was correct. Still watching the movie, so not even sure what the allegations against the US are, except what is stated in this dopey preview thing.

Update x2: Easier video to watch can be found here.

I call bullshit on the whole thing. But calling bullshit and proving bullshit are different genus of the same species. So, little help here if someone knows someone that might have been in the AO.

Afghan Massacre
The Convoy of Death
UK: Five, Germany: ARD, Italy: RAI, Australia: SBS, Canada: CBS

‘AFGHAN MASSACRE – the convoy of DEATH’ tells of the horrific forced journey undertaken by thousands of prisoners who surrendered to America’s Afghan allies after the siege of Konduz.

Bundled into containers, the lucky ones were shot within minutes. The rest suffered an appalling road trip lasting up to four days, clawing at the skin of their fellow prisoners as they licked perspiration and even drank blood from open wounds.

Up to 3,000 now lie buried in a mass grave, but this was NOT a simple matter of Afghans killing Afghans.

‘AFGHAN MASSACRE – the convoy of DEATH’ tells of how American special forces took control of the operation, re-directed the containers carrying the living and dead into the desert and stood by as survivors were shot and buried.

And it details how the Pentagon lied to the world in order to cover up its role in the greatest atrocity of the entire Afghan War. This is the documentary they did not want you to see.

‘AFGHAN MASSACRE – the convoy of DEATH’ was produced over ten months in extremely dangerous circumstances: eyewitnesses were threatened, the film crew went into hiding and our researcher was savagely beaten to within an inch of his life.

You can watch the video at the link here.

After the jump, a Captain responds to the allegations.

Category: Politics

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you got to be kidding me, how many times do we have to go through this crap?! The media and useful idiots do not even realize that these alleged atrocities are all Middle East projections – this is what is common in the Middle East/Muslim culture, not Western culture…


I thought for sure this was an April Fools joke and as soon as I clicked the link I would see Shatner watering his lawn.

Child of Tamar

Darmok and Jalad at Tanagra

TSO Wrote: Sokath, his eyes uncovered. Uzani, his army at Lashmir. Shaka. When the walls fell.


Isn’t this where Clay More jumps in to tell us,
“I remember it like it was yesterday, the Black Water guys and SEAL Team Six dropping out of the salvaged Chinook USO chopper to mutilate those Afghanis and stuff their shredded body parts into containers…” ?? I suppose that if there are enough effing imbeciles loose in the world to attend Obongo rallies, there must be enough to gobble up this kind of pig puke.

Adirondack Patriot

If this appeared on “Democracy Now” (which is ironic since they consistently promote non-democratic regimes), it is DEFINITELY not to be believed.

Amy Goodman, the Democracy Cow, is cable’s answer to Tokyo Rose.


I remember it like it was yesterday, man. We was working the hills of A’stan, looking for insurgents…or as LT calls them “greviously offended resident natives who may or may not be engaged in overseas contingency counter-operations”. I had pulled the short straw, so I was forced to hump a damn pig and two belts of 7.62 (that’s Army talk for belts of bullets that are hooked together). It was hot as shit man. I was sweating like a Jersey girl at a Bon Jovi concert. That’s when it happened…this group of mercs came up over one of the dunes…you could tell they was CIA by their hardware and their battle rattle…all them jerks look like clones, man. They started harassing us….asking us about where the “plans” were…they wanted to know if we’d seen some hardware that had been squirreled away by some local rebel guys. We didn’t tell them much of nothing…they rode off, mentioning something about we weren’t the boys they were looking for, and that was about the end of that. Wretched scum and villians is what they were. I knew then that we was the true evil empire, man…clearly we were the on the dark side of this…always.

SPC Jesse Joshua McCalrissian
501st Combat Brigade Platoon
Mos Eisley, Afghanistan 2006-2007


LMFAO – Claymore, you never fail to damn near make me giggle like Barney Frank at a Menudo casting call!!!
Write a book bro – I’ll buy five copies. Fer rill!!!


“the documentary THEY did not want you to see”. Uh huh. Thats why its all over the internet. Damn those CIA censors! they cant get anything right!

SSG David Medzyk

It’s always “Said, said, said, said, said”. Never, “Here’s the real live evidence, right here in my hand. Copies are available.”

Damn Gorn anyway.


A Jess MacBeth/IVAW Production.


Damn you’re good. ROTF!


The incident was attributed to Gen Daoud, of the Northern Alliance.
There is no evidence of ANY US involvement.

There are questions as to the techniques, which were very “humane” compared to the standard of the day in Afghanistan, particularly of the enemy boxed up, the Taliban: which was more prone to outright executions, often precededed by torture, and rarely included any attempt at taking live prisoners.


“A Jess MacBeth/IVAW Production.” Didn’t the Wendy’s Ranger have a falling out with IVAW & supposedly making a “video” of his own to exposed how they used him… I suspect Jesse MacCrackhead will shoot it with a cell phone video camera, lol!

Just A Grunt

Okay who was the numbnuts that thought firing into the side of a milvan was a good idea? Lucky he didn’t kill everybody on the outside with ricochets.
Couldn’t watch much of the film but it is obvious this is a propaganda film financed by one of the factions inside of Afghanistan to incite hatred against another group. Tribal warfare in the 21st century and since they have the US to kick around why not take advantage of it.


Given that the Italian network RAI, who also made the Fallujah ‘massacre’ piece of drek, was in on this, I would say our enemies outside Afghanistan are the ones financing it.