CA Decides Gender Doesn’t Mean What it Used to

| November 29, 2007

No, you did read that right. In SB 777 FULL TEXT HERE California does indeed define gender differently than the male has penis, female has vagina NORM. Actual definitions are so discriminatory, don’t you know?

The relevant section is §210:
SEC. 10. Section 219 is added to the Education Code, to read:
219. Disability, gender, nationality, race or ethnicity,
religion, sexual orientation, or any other characteristic contained
in the definition of hate crimes set forth in Section 422.55 of the
Penal Code includes a perception that the person has any of those
characteristics or that the person is associated with a person who
has, or is perceived to have, any of those characteristics.

You got that?
So if a 16 year old high school boy declares his femininity he cannot be discriminated against and must be, instead catered to. So, if he (SHE!) decides to shower with the “other” girls, that would be fine, this will, Schwarzenegger signed it, in fact make it a violation to force “her” to shower with the boys (you know, those WITH the same genitalia…)
OK, so this is the crap the schools are wasting tax dollars on.
Well, you can be sure, this “Perceived Gender” idiocy won’t stop there. At some point, a convicted rapist, could, declare he is in “Fact” a woman, and, after demanding to be treated as such, join a gym, and hang out, really hang out in the women’s locker room, ogling to his heart’s content, sitting buck naked in the steam room “sporting wood” (How dare you discriminate against “her” she is a lesbian and has no control over the physical signs of her attraction…)

The liberals constantly tell us that we cannot legislate morality. A more stupid statement you would be hard pressed to find. Morals are and have always been legislated. Murder, rape, theft, these things are immoral and have always been illegal, that is legislated to be contrary to the law, in every civil society since time immemorial.

What you cannot legislate is changes to rules of nature. In nature males have one type of genitals and females another, legislation or imagination does not alter this fact. Pretending that this is a choice is as harmful to children and society as it is foolish.

Just because you may not be happy with the way things are does not mean pretending they are wildly different actually makes them different.

Category: Politics, Society

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Holy crap! Just when you think California can’t get more fruity. What if the individual is a hermaphrodite? Imagine the “Perceived Gender” possibilities….

It boggles the mind….


Hermaphrodite is the least of the problems. At least we’d know for sure what is there. Both!

But when Pedro announces his intention to become Maria or vice versa who’s to know what is what and the police aren’t supposed to ask?