KosKids buy Chavez’ fake coup story (Updated)

| November 29, 2007

The article I picked up from the Canadian bogus organization that calls itself “Global Security” has spread across the ‘net. The article claims to be sourced from Chavez’ counterintelligence agency who intercepted a letter from a CIA agent named Michael Steere supposedly stationed in the US embassy in Caracas. But anyway, the KosKids are up in arms;

A memo from CIA officer Michael Middleton Steere, addressed to CIA Director General Michael Hayden in Washington DC, has been intercepted by Venezuelan counter-intelligence; and it shows that the US plans to attempt another coup d’etat against the democratically elected government of Venezuela on the eve of a historic constitutional referendum that will democratize political power to the grassroots of the majority more thoroughly than anything we have seen in this hemisphere… ever.  This outcome by a major oil producing nation that has confronted the US government is intolerable to the American political class, not merely the Bush administration.  It is part of a continental drift of Latin America away from US domination; and it has world historic significance.

It is very important that this CIA plot get maximum exposure immediately across the net, because the US media, the Republican and Democratic Parties, and the US dominant class, will do everything in their power to assist the desired outcome of this illegal and immoral interference by the United States government in the democratic self-determination of Venezuela.

Widespread, rapid distribution via alternative media has the potential to expose and disrupt this CIA plot.  You can do something right now.  Get the word out.

Read more here, and stay abreast of developments.  A Google News search of “Michael Middleton Steere” will help keep you updated.

Be part of a real politics of resistance.  Help expose this international malfeasance now.  Be an ally to the Venezuelan people, whose government was democratically elected (unlike our own).

The web address is; http://www.dailykos.com/storyonly/2007/11/28/18227/641 but you’ll have to paste it in your browser.

First of all the story is obviously false. If there was indeed a plot against Chavez in the US Embassy, there’d be no hard copy for the Venezuelan counterintellegence agents to get a hold of – this isn’t the 1950s. Do they think the CIA still acts under conditions in John LeCarre novels? Am I the only one who thinks that it’s odd that this story breaks just as Chavez is losing support for his Constitutional rewrite?

Secondly, even if it were true, who do these punk ass crybabies think they are to undermine our nation’s intelligence operations? Well, the Kos diarist is Stan Goff who has a website called “Insurgent American” so I suppose he fancies himself some kind of revolutionary and the commenters invoke Che Guevarra – so we know whose side their on.

But the story is so obviously fake, Stevie Wonder can see it from space. 

Venezuelanalysis.com has been busy writing stories about the coup plot, stories about anti-chavistas killing poor chavistas, and warning of the risk of anti-reform deception in the vote Sunday. The norteamericano propaganda mill is working over time.

UPDATE: How could I have missed this? Kate from A Columbo-Americana’s Perspective points out that the memo was in Spanish. Why would the CIA be sending it’s memos around in Spanish?

Even the New York Times let a column through today that question the veracity of the memo;

State television also broadcast coverage this week of a memorandum in Spanish claimed to be written by the C.I.A. in which destabilization plans against Mr. Chávez were laid out. A spokesman for the United States embassy here was unavailable for comment on the report.

Others analysts, including investigators who had previously uncovered financing of Venezuelan opposition groups by the United States government, expressed doubts about the authenticity of the memo, dubbed by Venezuelan officials as part of a plan called “Operation Pliers.”

“I find the document quite suspect,” said Jeremy Bigwood, an independent researcher in Washington. “There’s not an original version in English, and the timing of its release is strange. Everything about it smells bad.”

Of course, the standard Kos response will be that the Times is part of the Bush machine.

Category: Hugo Chavez, Politics

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The Krazy Kos kiddies will never let the facts get in the way of a good fake America-bashing story. The thing about these kinds of hoaxes is once they’re planted, they grow like weeds across the internet. The more bizzare and contrived the conspiracy, the better. And don’t even try to confront them with facts that debunk their wild-assed theories, (I’ve tried) because that only means YOU’RE part of the Big Brother cover-up.