So what’s on tap for the weekend peeps?

| March 27, 2009

A little comment diving here, figured I would see what y’all are up to this weekend. I was going to do an article about the House at Poop Corner, but I will wait on that one for monday when their’s a bit more traffic I think.

Stephen Lynch is playing at the Warner Theater here in DC, and I was debating heading over to that. I was even thinking of asking our new friend LTC Tadd Sholtis from the Air Force PAO office to join me, but from the tone of his post, I suspect he doesn’t like us much. Which is actually a shame, because I respect and support the work all the PAOs do.

Anyway, some Stephen Lynch for you on a Friday afternoon. If you don’t know Stephen Lynch, then this video comes with a kinda large NSFW for bad lyrics. So, shut your office door you deadbeats.

Category: Politics

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Ha! One of my favorites! “Kill a Kitten” a nice one after a rough day at work as well; may be in constant rotation as this is my weekend to work. Nursing is phun!

Jonn Lilyea

Well, I scored tickets for Aisha Tyler at the DC Improv on the 10th if anyone wants to join us.


his site freezes my pc…
I guess he is a sensitive USAF type…


Aisha Tyler would be great, but alas the commute would kill me =)

I’m headed out tonight to see Ricki Derek and the Vegas Six at the Scat Jazz Lounge in Ft. Worth.


Well part of my weekend will be spent celebrating Earth Hour by turning on all the lights, firing up the grill and letting the motorcycle and car idle in the driveway.

Southen Democrat

We are having a meeting for habitat for humanity down in Fairfax, but I’m sure you people wouldn’t dream of wasting your time to help others…


I will be there! Seat 122 in Row J of the Orchestra section-C, I believe is what my ticket says. One last show before I go!


Nucsnipe, those are my plans for Saturday, also, I plan on burning my trash while the lights are all on.
I know I shouldn’t, but, SD, is Habitat still building houses on toxic waste dumps? Their set of houses in Florida, Fairway Oaks, were built on a dump, the unstable ground settled, the houses started to fall apart. Nice planning, Jimmah Cattah.


SD(D-KKK) Not only have I volunteered for many events to help others, I can do it without being a self important ass.


SD sayeth: “We are having a meeting for habitat for humanity down in Fairfax, but I’m sure you people wouldn’t dream of wasting your time to help others…”


Let’s see here SD. Been there, done that and still do from time to time for H for H. At least the homes weren’t erected on an abandoned dump. And? They still standing on rock solid ground……

Uh, I’ve got a couple Iraq vet’s & their families I’m assisting in getting them into livable homes. Did you know, that hurricanes (wind and water) did far more damage to the Gulf Coast Region than any conflict or war in recent history?

Eh, let’s see what else? Agitate my city council, because their a bunch of leftist *twits* and sent USAG Holder an email about his “coward” remark.


Oh yea! Sent one to the One about that too. Read on Yahoo! the AP had a short blurb from the One regarding Holder’s playing the race card.

And? Chasing phonies, wanna-be’s and societal misfit’s scamming the VA system and disparaging our country and troops while fraudulently collecting them dollars that need to be going to the those whom definitely deserve them.


That show with Mr. Lynch was fraking funny!


I wish I had gone Lucky, dude is incredibly funny. Loved it when he used to be on Opie and Anthony.


I know! This was my last chance to see him for a while TSO, and pretty soon my posting will become sporadic at best…


Sorry I’m late on this, but the best Lynch lyrics are (and this is after fighting an internal war to pimp his D&D song):


Hush little girl
Sweet baby don’t cry
Daddy is here and he’ll sing you a soft lullaby
Why can’t it all be like it was before?
How can I explain why mommy’s not here anymore?
Cause daddy likes porno and ten dollar whores
Daddy gets wasted and robs liquor stores
Daddy likes rubbing against little boys on the bus
I think that’s why mommy left us
Mommy left us
Hush little girl
There is no reason to fret
Don’t mind the smoke
Daddy just wants to forget
Soon it will all be like it was before
Any minute she will walk through that front door
But daddy plays poker and drinks lots of beer
Then he wants sex that involves mommy’s rear
Daddy has sores on his naughty parts oozing with puss
I think that’s why your mommy left us
Please don’t cry
I swear I’ll try
To be here by your side
Right after daddy gets home from the bar
Visits his bookie
And steals a new car
He’ll drive to the strip club
And if daddy plays his cards right
He’ll bring home your new mommy tonight