Obama: ‘Pillow talk Isn’t Experience’
“I think the fact of the matter is that Sen. Clinton is claiming basically the entire eight years of the Clinton presidency as her own, except for the stuff that didn’t work out, in which case she says she has nothing to do with it,” Obama said, and added, referring to his relationship with his wife, Michelle, “There is no doubt that Bill Clinton had faith in her and consulted with her on issues, in the same way that I would consult with Michelle, if there were issues,” Obama said. “On the other hand, I don’t think Michelle would claim that she is the best qualified person to be a United States Senator by virtue of me talking to her on occasion about the work I’ve done.”
Sadly, the voters of New York weren’t as savvy as Michelle Obama…
Yes, Mrs Bill Clinton, not to be confused with any of the mistresses of Bill Clinton, has little actual experience. Being on the sidelines is not the same as being in the thick of it.
But, talking about things is not the same as doing things. None of Johnny Carson’s wives could have made the Tonight Show what it was, and Melinda Gates would likely run Microsoft into the ground. Why then is Mrs Bill Clinton supposed to be able to do the same things her husband did?
Bill Clinton was many things, and charismatic was the most important one. Something about him made people like him, in that aspect, Hillary couldn’t be more different than her husband.
Chappelle’s Show is now in syndicated re-runs, which is great, because I never watched it on Comedy Central. They did a sketch about professional boxers, but, all of them were gay, it was the “Friday Night Sissy Fights” which, is what this over extended election season is beginning to look like. Which of the hack candidates (those who, like republicans Tancredo and Hunter and Democrats Biden and Kucinich have no chance of winning) will take a slap at one of the actual contenders next? Which one of the contenders will slam Hillary next? Who will slam Rudy harder Republicans or Democrats?
Who gives a crap?
There hasn’t been ANY substance YET in this idiocy and I see no reason to expect any soon.
ABC News story
Category: Politics