Another Day, Another Triangulation
In what could be one of the most unsurprising moves in electioneering, Senator Hillary (Cankles) Clinton came out firmly against driver’s licenses for illegals. After countless news stories and blog entries about how over seventy percent of voters oppose giving legal id to illegals. How brave, Senator, how brave. After being slapped around by John Edwards in a campaign ad. SEE IT ON YOUTUBE
For his part NY Governor Eliot Spitzer pulled his proposal saying:“It does not take a stethoscope to hear the pulse of New Yorkers on this topic,” A stethoscope? Really? The howls of righteous outrage weren’t a clue? Isn’t it remarkable that both Clinton and Spitzer firm up on the correct answer so close together? Newsbusters has a story on New York Post reporter Fred Dicker telling Chris Matthews that the Clinton camp “encouraged” Spitzer to make the call.Yeah, we believe she did. We were told — I was told — at a very high level in New York politics that Mrs. Clinton’s campaign or some of her top people signaled to Governor Spitzer’s people that he had damaged her. They were wondering what the heck he was up to, why did he bring it to the floor now, and made it clear that the governor was hurting her and he ought to back down if he wanted to help her, which he says he wants to do.
If waiting to see which way the wind blows before “making a decision” is leadership, then both Clintons are remarkable leaders. But, that isn’t what leadership is. Leadership is making the decision you know is right, with no regard to how popular it might be. Leadership is having the courage to stand by your convictions, not the patience to wait for polling numbers to come in. The Clintonesque manner of leadership accomplished so much under Bill, didn’t it?
Category: Politics