Kansas shootings add to concerns over ex-military and extremism in U.S., experts say
The Master Chief took some time today to forward me this article. It’s not a pretty picture in and of itself, seems certain “experts” are using the tragic event to push their own agenda. If this sounds familiar, it is. Dancing in the blood of the innocent, and in this case, the guilty as well, is a common tactic with those who take away our rights under the Constitution. Read on:
By Judy L. Thomas
David L. Madden, an ex-Marine and suspect in a 2015 missing person case, shot a Rice County sheriff and undersheriff Monday. He shot himself and killed his father at his father’s home near Raymond, Kansas. By Chance Swaim
The suspect in the shootings Monday of a central Kansas sheriff and undersheriff was a former Marine who once kept an AK-47 machine gun under his bed and stored two dozen pipe bombs and other explosive materials on his property, federal court documents reveal.
David L. Madden, of Alden, Kansas, was found dead in the home of his father at 12:10 a.m. Tuesday after a 6 1/2–hour standoff with authorities. Madden’s father, Thomas Madden, of nearby Raymond, Kansas, also was found shot to death in the home.
The harrowing event that put many rural Kansas communities on edge played out on the same day that federal authorities in California accused a U.S. Army veteran of plotting a terrorist attack in Southern California. And it came less than three months after prosecutors in Maryland accused a Coast Guard officer of being a “domestic terrorist” who was amassing an arsenal of weapons and drawing up a hit list that included prominent Democrats, two Supreme Court justices and television journalists.
The mounting cases of violent acts involving veterans of the armed forces continue to raise concerns among those who monitor extremists, and some say the military isn’t doing enough to root them out.
“The Department of Defense is a very large organization with over a million people in it,” said Daryl Johnson, a former senior analyst with the Department of Homeland Security. “So a very small percentage of them are going to be reflective of society, and have some extremists in their ranks. But that equates to a few thousand people. And these are people with access to classified information, with special military training in weaponry and the arts of warfare, and some have combat experience. Even one is too much.”
So there you have it. Military service paints us all with the domestic terror brush- look, three incidents in under three months! Something must be done to halt this epidemic. And people like Johnson know exactly what that should be.
Thanks, Master Chief. Read the rest of the article here: Kansas City News
Category: Guest Link, Gun Grabbing Fascists, Home Grown Terror, Marine Corps, Veterans in the news
How many people in the military?
Almost 2,000,000 people.
How many in the civilian population murder people, take on law enforcement and/or commit suicide?
I don’t want to google but I’d be willing to bet the percentage is significantly higher.
/jes sayin is all.
And you left out retirees …
The number is large.
If you look at the transgender suicide rate, you’ll find that it is the highest of all subsets of humanity.
The actual number of TG clowns is about 0.5% of the population and the left puts them out as the highest form of humanity in existence.
Living in Austin the one thing I can tell you is that they are the ugliest things on the planet.
The left wing morons hate themselves and everything about themselves and that is where the problem lies.
They have been indoctrinated by an educational system and parents that give in to their every demand, no matter what it is.
If we don’t get it stopped soon, we really are screwed…
Daryl Johnson…uh, go fuck yourself. Peaceably, of course.
He is a self described EXPERT and former mid-level govt employee.
No major certifications!
That is a clue.
Democrat pension-grubber… Bernie-bot.
He may Sally forth and feast upon a satchel of Richards.
Great. Let’s just stereotype an entire population group of people because an extremely small group of jerks have an agenda, even though the rest of us don’t.
I must be dangerous: I buy bananas and bell peppers on sale, and scan the sale papers for bargains.
Ban bumpstocks!
Ban high capacity magazines!
Ban all weapons of war!
Ban mail order ammo!
Ban assault rifles!
Ban hollow point bullets!
Ban everything I don’t like
Shades of returning Vietnam vets all over again.
Doesn’t matter that it’s bullshit, the narrative must be maintained.
I have been dealing with this shit since DEROS class of 1970.
You are correct.
The love em hate em fest is manic depressive
It was easier in the 1970s though…nobody thanking you for your service or offering drinks and meal payments….these days the bullshit lip service they pay to young veterans gives a false impression that the public actually gives a shit what happens to those young veterans.
It sets up a false sense of public trust. There was none of that 40 years ago. It was easier because you knew no one gave a shit about you except your fellow vets and your family.
I couldn’t agree more. I call it “bumper sticker patriotism.” I saw it when I returned from Iraq with a set of wheels instead of the use of my legs. All those “we support the troops” yellow ribbon bumper stickers and I couldn’t get a single group or even individual to help me build a wheelchair ramp at my front door. I wasn’t asking anyone to build it for me. I just asked for help putting it together.
And people wonder why I REALLY dislike journalists.
I liked Lara Logan for many years. Nice to see she has principles to go along with her brass balls and continues to go where others will not.
Otherwise, with damn few exceptions, I concur.
Nate Thayer is a straight shooter, too, so they’re not ALL bad.
“…most journalists.”
We did some digging, and for those of you who know who I am … I can touch certain things!
Anything that came out of the EXPERTS mouth regarding Veterans or military needs to be ignored at least and at best questioned.
Ex: former, used to be.
Spert: a drip under pressure.
I realize a turd in a punch bowl ruins the batch but why don’t we also apply that standard to all the leftist terrorists in the past starting with Bill Ayers or Ted Kaczynski or long before them?
Because if the left didn’t have double standards, they’d have no standards at all.
They certainly seem to have no problem championing illegal aliens who have multiple arrests, wanting them to remain in-country; professing “we can’t just throw them over to ICE.”
If the MSM made the same efforts against said illegal aliens as they do about “military veterans who are dangerous to society,” then that would be fair and honest journalism (even though I disagree with their position). But that honesty would interfere with their social agenda.
This is the same horseshit Janet Napolitano’s corruptocrats came up with at DHS about nine years ago. I still have a copy of the DHS memo of 0bama’s regime wherein it states that we former military types are the greatest terrorist threat to the country.
Gee, I’m glad to know that, rgr769.
I really must be a hard case, then. I’ll make sure that I publicize my economy of style. I also cook.
I self-identify as a “arsenal” having, “domestic terrorist” that “[dances]in the blood on the innocent”…meaning I love to use my “arsenal” to “terrorize””innocent” Meleagris gallopavo.
Unfortunately, took a shot at one today, I don’t know to what featheréd god that f*cking turkey prayed, but nicked him and spent 5 hours wandering in circles trying to find him, hate the idea some poor bird is bleeding and suffering because of me. Ain’t right.
Time to check that POA/POI/grouping thing and ask Artemis for a blessing.
(And for that Judy Thomas fellow, kiss my ass)
Turkey season here as of 29 APRIL.
Becoming a nuisance for anyone keeping horses. They love horseshit and over winter in the pile.
Saw one stuck on an 18 wheeler pulp truck cow catcher.
Probably still alive all the way to the Mill.
They’re a nuisance here in CT too. I’ve seen more than one traffic slow up due to ‘em, would image they’ve taken out a couple front 5 mph bumpers.
But you go to the forest, forget about it.
I bite my thumbs at whomever calls them stupid.
This is the same “vets should be watched closely” crap that came up after McVeigh.
And yet they ignore the unending steam of mass shootings in Chicago. (And some other Donk strongholds)
3+ victims in one event is a frequent Chicago weekend “same-ole-same-ole”
Hardly a peep.
But let the blood spilled be pale-folk, and the media go apeshit. Incessantly.
Racist sheisskophs
It was a slow April in Chiraq, only 60 people shot and killed, 189 shot and wounded, nobody knows how many might have been shot at and missed. http://heyjackass.com/
The Military doesn’t do enough to root out extremists… with the exception of Muslims ( Case in point Hasan) if you so much as take too long folding a white sheet your ass is grass.
The fastest way to get out is get tied in with a white supremacist group.
The Military (or any other employer for that matter) has no way to tell who is an extremist initially unless they have a criminal record.
Once people leave the military ( most in their early 20s) they can be exposed to all kinds of influences and experiences that radicalize them.
They tip their hands. They want more left-wing indoctrination and conformity.
Any deviation from the Party is “extreme”. The military has long been a bulwark of sanity against leftist nonsense, and they mean to end it.
Seems the Venezuelan military has an infiltration problem far beyond ours.
But I now realize we have a problem of our own. Obama has both hands in it.
He wanted a “compliant” military for his evil plan. Did not get it. Time to clean out the remaining spores.
From the KC Star article: “Madden’s records released Tuesday by the Marine Corps do not indicate that he was ever deployed to Iraq. The records show that he served in the Marines from June 19, 2000, to April 15, 2004, attaining the rank of Private First Class, E-2 on Oct. 9, 2003. He was a light armored vehicle crewman, according to the records, and received a National Defense Service Medal, a decoration to recognize all military members who have served in active duty during a declared ‘national emergency.'”
Madden was a dickstepper who lost rank through NJP. He lied about participating in the Battle of Fallujah. Madden weakened the prestige of the coveted NDSM but the brotherhood will endure!
Ah….ha. So he served his 4, got out just shy (assuming he used 60 days of terminal) at the ex halted rank of Private First Class. Which means he probably ice skated over his own crank. Naturally, CNN will side step that and spot light the fact he was A. A Rifle Marksman/Sharpshooter/Expert/Sniper B. Highly Trained C. Trump Supporter D. “Unhinged by what he saw in ‘Combat’
Given a quick search of MarAdmins from 2002-2004, the average cutting score for Cpl for 0313 (LAV Crewman) for that time frame was a low of 1551 high of 1669. It was also closed for 3 consecutive months and 4 months total. So while not IMPOSSIBLE to pick up Cpl in a 4 year hitch, it’s improbable. Given the fact this dickweed got out as a PFC, i’m betting he showed his ass one too many times and got his peepee slapped because of it. Fuck him.
What were the MOS of those three ex service members involved in those 3 cases?
Sometin tell me carpenters are at it again.
DD-214 = ISIS from CNN
“DD-214 = ISIS from CNN” – but then, you have to ask ‘why?’. What is the motivation behind that? I realize that no one at CNN has a working brain cell, but I did not realize how twisted they’ve become.
They’ll be sorry they said that, some day. They’ll come running for protection… and we won’t be there to provide it.
Now I’m no grad student, but this article substantiates what Commissar has been trying to tell you white Christian veteran racists for years! You’re a danger and a menace to a free society!
Now, as for myself, I was just a contractor…
For the record, IMHO Madden looks like his Momma and Daddy are also his Aunt & Uncle making him his own Cousin.
I’m currently on the neighborhood squirrel
“Watch List” to include chipmunks
After shelling out 2500 bucks repairing the electrical on my wife’s car I made the decision
That it was time for the population to go down
Being that I now live in Kansas, I got to hear about this almost immediately when it happened.
They’ve had to go out and check on this guy multiple times, they knew he had the AK under his bed. He states he found it while deployed and found a way to keep it and bring it home. They’ve found buried crates of pipe bombs and other explosives before. This was powder keg waiting in a very small town of under 200 people for the population.
Does this mean I can get away with going directly to the front of the line while common citizens cower in fear? Can I get free stuff? Cool! Hell’s bells, I ain’t proud, if I can’t get respect, I’ll take fear.
I think the writer of that dreck, Judy Thomas and that moron, Daryl Johnson are more than deserving of the “Great Continent of Insults.” I know it’s usually reserved for fakes and phonies. But might this not be a special case?
Word ^^^^^
Meanwhile, how many millions of active duty military, retirees, veterans, spouses of same, and other folks who can spell Marine correctly did NOT commit any crimes this week?