Blast From The Past: Russell “Rusty” Berry-Yet Another Phony Navy SEAL

| April 29, 2019

Today’s Blast From the Past is Russell Berry. He wore a vest with Navy paraphernalia such as a SEAL trident and the US Navy Polaris Badge. A records check was done on him. It turned out that the only thing that he earned was the Navy Sea Service Ribbon.

The original posts on him could be found here and at Military Phonies. His latest updates can be read in the Times Union and in Legacy.

Here’s what Dave Hardin said in the original post:

The folks at MilitaryPhony send us their work on Russell Dean Berry, who goes by “Rusty” but has also been known as “Jimmy Lee Cooper.”

Rusty sports a lot of U.S. Navy bling on his riding vest – U.S. Navy SEAL trident and a U.S. Navy Polaris Patrol Pin…

The sub pin can be seen more easily here…

Compared with…

It was also discovered that he went by Jimmy Lee Cooper. More about that in a minute.

After Jimmy could not be identified in the BUD/S – SEAL database, his records were ordered through a freedom of information act request.

No mention of BUD/S or SEAL training. No U.S. Navy Polaris Patrol Sub duty. He was an FTG – Fire Control Technician, nothing wrong with that but it’s not anything like being a Navy SEAL.

Rusty/Jimmy supplied somebody with his DD-214 and it seemed to match the FOIA results summary page, but there is no indication of SEAL training on it either.

Russell Berry / Jimmy Lee Cooper has had some run-ins with the law. The name Jimmy Lee Cooper seems tied to him. He has a burglary charge around the time he went in the Reserve, but he was released from the Navy for having a mental condition. He didn’t earn the right to wear a Navy SEAL Trident – but he did earn himself a reenlistment code of RE-4, which means he could not serve in any branch of the military again.

We wonder if there are any felony convictions in his past because we doubt he should be playing with things that go bangy – bangy.

Category: Past Posers

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Still wearing the trident on his FB Page.

Daisy Cutter

His obituary does not mention SEAL or for that matter Navy service.

As IDS SARC points out, he still has photos of him wearing the Trident on his Facebook page.

I wish I could remember his overall reaction to being outed. I can’t.




I completely missed the links to the death…derp


Wilted Willy

I wonder what this scumbag died of? Maybe a bullshit overdose? All I can say is Thank God and Greyhound he is gone!


Rode his MC directly into the path of a stationary tree.

The Stranger

Whiskey bottle,
Brand new car,
Oak tree you’re in my way…

“That Smell” – Lynyrd Skynyrd


Oh well … I am more worried about the tree. I hope the tree will recover. I am not a tree hugger but I can not stand irresponsible and deliberate vandalism to any tree.

Wilted Willy

Did the tree Bark at him??

5th/77th FA

just damn WW. Good one!…And Oh BTW good riddance to this dipshit. I remember that meat grazing (sic) grin. I think I read somewhere that grin was the same expression he used as the greeter at Brucie’s Bath House (Entrance in the rear)

Wilted Willy

Maybe in his Navy career, he was a Rear Admiral??

A Proud Infidel®™️

Oh well,… ‘bye.

Dragoon Marksman

I couldn’t think of much to say about this phony either, so I just thought I’d piggyback on your comment, Infidel. Hope you don’t mind.


I’m glad his family didn’t repeat any of his nonsense claims and embellishments to the press for the obituary.

Combat Historian

Wonder if they buried him in the biker vest with the phony bling; that would be literally taking his stolen valor to the grave…

Comm Center Rat

This fake SEAL probably told his motorcycle buddies he rode with Jax Teller and SAMCRO.


More than a cocksucker. A dead cocksucker.

Na ha!


He earned the nickname playing rusty trombone for the boys down at Brucie’s Bath House (entrance in rear)

Green Thumb

A Berry Big Turd, indeed.

Jeff LPH 3, 63-66 A Gang Snipe

Not a Berry nice person. By the way, can anyone tell me what a sea service deployment ribbon is?? Is it a ribbon one wears if his/her ship is deployed for a time period at sea??


Yes 90 days away from home port … only one can be awarded per deployment if my waning memory is correct.

For example, if you deploy on a ship away from homeport to Med for 6 month deployment … one ribbon is awarded.

Someone correct if I am wrong.


That’s pretty much it Master Chief

Caveat: First award during a sea rotation can be given just for being attached to a regular ship for a year even if it doesn’t deploy. That’s how some folks earn a SSDR and never actually go anyplace.

Just An Old Dog

Sea Service Deployment Ribbon also awarded to Marines who are part of the Fleet Marine Force who deploy outside CONUS with an FMF unit for a set period of time. One need not be aboard a Naval Vessel to Qualify.
Marines serving more than 24 months overseas in one deployment will rate a star in lieu of second award.
Marines Serving in Non-FMF units ( Marine Corps Bases) and MSG rate the USMC overseas ribbon when stationed outside CONUS.
Alaska and Hawaii are considered within CONUS for both awards/

Jeff LPH 3, 63-66

Thanks for the info MCPO NYC.


With all the many thousands of military posers out there, we need a new nationwide motorcycle club. It could be called: “Hosers and Posers” Its motto could be “military legends in our own minds.” Every year they could have a memorial ride to commemorate the phonies who have died. To join, one has to falsely claim SEAL, Ranger, Special Forces, or Marine Recon, plus at least one of the following: Purple Heart, MOH, Silver Star w/ V device, or POW

Cameron Kingsley

Good Lord! Scroll down far enough and there’s an article about a prisoner that decapitated his cell mate. Guy has some interesting facial makeup.

FC2(SW) Ron

Dead? Ah, fuck’em. The cocksucker wasn’t worthy of my brilliant use and mastery of profanity laced commentary anyway…. As I recall in a previous post someone mentioned such language indicated a lack of education. I will state for the record, I have a Masters degree (it’s legit) and was a Fire Control Tech before the “blending” of the rates. This made the bubbleheads happy because they retained the title when the skimmers were all made “FCs”.