Man Who Shot George Wallace To Be Released From Prison

| November 9, 2007

After serving thirty-five years of a fifty-three year sentence, Arthur Bremer is soon to be released.
Wallace, a fiery segregationist during the 1960s, was wounded on May 15, 1972, during a campaign stop in Laurel, Md. He abandoned his bid for the Democratic nomination, spent the rest of his life in a wheelchair and died in 1998.
Bremer was convicted of attempted murder.
Sentenced to FIFTY-THREE YEARS for ATTEMPTED murder?! He actually served 35 years of that! That, alone is remarkable. Actual murderers have gotten shorter sentences and have served far less time.
Don’t look for too much depth on this story in the MSM, they’d rather we forget Wallace’s racist past…

Link to AP story

Category: Legal, Politics

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Isn’t Reagan’s would-be assassin already enjoying regular release from prison?
And yet Bremer served (deservedly) 35 years?
Why the disparity?