Man Claiming He’s a Former SEAL Threatens to Blow Up VA

| February 8, 2019

Several news outlets have reported a man by the name of Rick Persaud has threated to blow up the Riviera Beach Florida VA center.  Persaud, who is 62 y/o, said he is a former Navy SEAL.

According to the arrest report, Persaud claimed to be a former Navy Seal. He said he wanted to blow up the VA Hospital because he’s tired of the hospital’s treatment of veterans.

We have checked the SEAL-BUD/S database and Persaud is not listed.  Just to make sure, we also checked with the UDT/SEAL Archives and the Naval Special Warfare Center — all sources confirm that Persaud is NOT listed as ever having been a Navy SEAL.

News stories can be found at the following:

Category: Navy, Phony SEAL

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Ah, everyone knows former SEALs often threaten unarmed non-combatants in order to get Oxy.



ummm dude? if you wanted to go to jail there are easier ways.

Daisy Cutter

Yeah, OK. I guess he figured that blowing it up would improve the service.


You gotta know when to fold em.

5th/77th FA

know when to walk away, know when to run.

Maybe he shoulda had Dolly meet him at an island in the stream?

charles w

Kenny’s not aging well. Damn fine chicken though.


His faced does look a trifle over tightened.


He just dropped in to see what condition his condition was in.

Hack Stone

Everyone considered him the coward of the county. You don’t have to blow up a federal building to be a man.


Someone please cancel the first post!

MSG Eric

As if Blowing up a VA Hospital is going to make it quicker for vets to be seen there…..

Hack Stone

If blowing up a VA hospital is wrong, he doesn’t want to be right.

(Just my part to keep Michael Bolton relevant)


If the dude really wanted/needed attention that bad, why did he not dress up like Santa and parade his limp ass in front of a V A facility? Rickey Clause, yeh, that’s the ticket.


Steve Balm?

Dave Hardin

Spartacus in drag


You never hear: “Former Army wire dog, threatens to blow up VA”. Or “Former S-1 Clerk, threatens to blow up the VA. That’s because only ” Former really cool guys ” do stuff like that.


Any wire dog I had woulda got a lot more creative than just blowing it up!


The commo guys are too busy getting drunk, chasing women, talking about Star Wars and trying to NOT get an ART-15 for GO#1 violations.



Negative. The data dinks are the Star Wars nerds. Other than that, yeahhhh but it’s after the comms are in.

Hack Stone

You can talk about us, but you can’t talk without us.


I’m waiting for some draft-card burning, draft-dodging hippie from the 1960s to show up locally, hollering ‘I want my bennies!!’


Oh, they’re out there, alright.


And I’d guess at least a few former draft-dodgers who never served are in fact getting some type of VA benefits based on a forged DD214.

DoD has (or should have) SSN data on everyone who served after the SSN was adopted to replace serial numbers. The VA also uses the SSN.

I’d love to see those two datasets compared. I’m guessing there’s a fairly large number of cases where the same SSN is NOT found on both lists but the person is nonetheless receiving some kind of benefit from the VA.

Kim J. Mettes

I was drafted in 1972 or so (I wish I had kept the “your Friends and Neighbors have selected You” letter)
Anyway I went to Butte, MT for my physical and after a doctor’s examination – I had had both ankles operated on for torn ligaments, I was judged to be 1-Y.
The Leutenant told me before I could leave I had to go talk to this guy…
The guy told me (and I quote after all these years)”we want to talk to all you young men who have missed this glorious opportunity to advance yourself” – then proceeded to tell me that I was eligible for ALL Veterans benefits including GI Bill, Trade Schools and whatnot.
I was offended! And told him I had friends who had died in Vietnam – I couldn’t look at myself if I took the same benefits as they had earned!
So, of I didn’t. I paid for my BS and Graduate Degree in Geology (39 years now in the Oil Patch).
I applaud what you guys do – Stolen Valor should have some serious jail time.


He was the most interesting man in the world….

Daisy Cutter

“I don’t always blow up a VA clinic, but when I do I claim to know what I’m doing.”


Ok so now am wondering, do you have friends in high places as it seems you must have some higher up help from somewhere to be able to get a C-130 and a daisy cutter or as we knew them, instant helo port for Medevac at your disposal.

Mike Kozlowski

“all sources confirm that Persaud is NOT listed as ever having been a Navy SEAL.”

I’m shocked. This is my shocked face.



Damn, he does look like Kenny Rogers!

I wonder if ole Rick Persaud here knows one of Kenny’s most popular songs:

“It’s a fine time to leave me your seal”. (groan)


just in case…………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………….


Prediction: He was sent home early from his enlistment as an E-3 or lower, spent a lot of time in the stockade/brig and/or UA, and has no awards and decs to his name.


I expect that if a SEAL wanted something blown up, the first sign would be the Earth-shattering “kaboom”.

(Queue Marvin)
” Where’s the kaboom? I was expecting an Earth-shattering kaboom!”

Oh well…


The book deal is pending.

Keepin' It Real

He made the bomb threat from a local WaWa convenience store.

He relied on his non-existent Navy SEAL training – he stopped in to get his bearings, 72 oz Big Sippie, and a lottery ticket before he did the deed.


Not a SEAL!

This is my shocked face. No, really.

Mark Lauer

Well, git to it. I don’t like how they treat me every six months when I go in to get my mental health med prescriptions renewed. They actually as me for an ID card. It’s as if they can’t remember me or somethin’.
Damn VA.


“Florida Man”

Hack Stone

According to Mapquest, it is about 130 miles between Riviera Beach and Merritt Island. Is that a reasonable commute distance if he were to be hired by All Points Logistics? They have a preference for phony SEALs in senior executive positions.

Carlton G Long

Kenny Rogers reference. Check.
Dos Equis reference. Check.
Fake Seal reference. Check.
Florida reference. Check.
All Pts Log reference. Check.

You are a “go” at this station.

Mr. Pete

“The LD is the LC”