Weekend Open Thread – “Letzter Zug in die Freiheit”
In an earlier article, I’ve written about Heinz Meixner’s daring escape with his fiancée and mother-in-law to be from East Berlin via driving through Checkpoint Charlie. Today’s article is about another daring escape from East Berlin by vehicle – and one which was somewhat more spectacular.
. . .
Harry Deterling was a railroad engineer in East Germany. He also was decidedly not a fan of the post-World War II East German government.
Unfortunately, he had been a bit outspoken in his dislike for the East German regime. The East German authorities predictably were not pleased with Herr Deterling; his being shipped off to a work camp was a distinct possibility. He’d already been threatened with exactly that.
Deterling began looking for a way to escape to West Berlin as soon as the Berlin Wall went up. And he decided that he wanted to take his relatives with him.
As a train engineer working in Berlin, Deterling knew the track layout fairly well. And he heard something very interesting one day: several rail lines connecting East and West Berlin were still intact. That is, though blocked the tracks themselves were still in place. However, they were going to be dismantled soon.
Deterling now enlisted the help of his normal stoker, Hartmut Lichy. Fortunately for Deterling, Lichy also wanted to go West. He agreed to help Deterling and his relatives.
Deterling told his family and friends he was going; ditto Lichy. Twenty-three others accompanied them on the day he would make the attempt.
That day was 5 December 1961 – a bit less than 4 months after the Berlin Wall was first erected.
Deterling’s route that day was one he’d volunteered for. He’d specifically chosen to volunteer for that route because it would bring him close to the Wall on one of the lines that still was intact between East and West Berlin. He approached that point.
The train had a designated stop near the Wall. Deterling didn’t slow to stop; he accelerated instead. The guards near the scheduled stop were caught “flat-footed” and were unable to respond in time; no shots were fired.
The train hurtled down the abandoned track. It crashed through the track blockade.
The train then slowed to a stop. Everyone on board was uninjured.
They were now in West Berlin.
Deterling, Lichy, and the 23 others who’d accompanied them remained in West Berlin. Seven others on-board who weren’t “in on the plan” elected to return to East Berlin.
East German forces dismantled and more strongly barricaded the tracks used by Deterling the following day.
. . .
OK, enough Cold War history. Enjoy the WOT and weekend, everyone. “And hey – be careful out there.”
Author’s Note: The subtitle is what Deterling called his train that day. It’s English translation is, “The last train to freedom.”
Category: Historical, Open thread
Wow a few of us were ready to hit go on this one…
Somebody take the “underline” divot off the comments? If you don’t, Sister Mary Grace will find you….
Now we know. The underlining slowed down the post comment and cheated me out of my 3 pete. Yeah that’s what it was! I wuz robbed. All these negative waves, let’s see, one was “Lord let it be somebody else”, another “he’s been unbearable lately” I FIRST read that as an unbeatable typo, but now we know. Formal Protest!…Informal protest!…Collusion…Trumps fault…
VoV you have had some very good examples of proper lording over. Don’t let me down!
(been waiting for this)
5/77, your complaint has been noted. Please feel free to submit your complaint to THA’s WW HQ for disapproval. You may re-submit your complaint in 90 days for further disapproval. The Staff at THA’s WW HQ stands ready to provide superior services to our Delta Whiskies and Whiskettes; have a TAH Day!
You forgot the $100 filing fee.
Think you dropped a zero, 11B.
Maybe two.
I believe the FIRST negative comment was “Please dear lord, let it be another one”. I believe your latest FIRST got stuck in Hillary’s server.
And the other guilty party rears his head. I still have a total of 3 FIRSTS!, on the Friday WOT. That’s 3 times more than Das Hildabeast has been pres.
I never said I wasn’t guilty, I just like the accusation to be accurate.
I’m not good at lording over anyone…too much of libertarian wienie for that I think…
But I’ll take a couple of cold adult beverages and some wings to enjoy the win!!
Not an option. Lording over the miscreants is required. It’s in the contract.
Yup. when you’re king of the WOT, you get to be a benevolent dickhead instead of a dickweed. But only for a week!
Why has thy Lord foresaken us?
Can we not share in your wine and bread?
As you wish, Ma’am. No need to pull the SMG gun. Please give her a glass of sherry and the seat by the fire, and all will be fine.
I thought that it was Sister Mary Elephant that was the Disciplinary Nun at Our Father of the Immaculant Reception Parocial School for wayward boys?
Congrat’s VOV, I was too tied up with work today to try and win 1st! Happy Friday to all my TAH friends and I hope you all have a great weekend!
Good post Hondo. I like this series you been giving us. Thanks!
Darn it, foiled again by the Master
On this date in history, 15FEB in 1898 … There are varying opinions re the cause of the explosion, but I believe the consensus is it was caused by an internal blast. Your opinion may vary.
15 February 1898 – A massive explosion of unknown origin sinks the battleship USS Maine in Cuba’s Havana harbor, killing 260 of the fewer than 400 American crew members aboard. One of the first American battleships, the Maine weighed more than 6,000 tons and was built at a cost of more than $2 million. Ostensibly on a friendly visit, the Maine had been sent to Cuba to protect the interests of Americans there after a rebellion against Spanish rule broke out in Havana in January. An official U.S. Naval Court of Inquiry ruled in March that the ship was blown up by a mine, without directly placing the blame on Spain. Much of Congress and a majority of the American public expressed little doubt that Spain was responsible and called for a declaration of war. Subsequent diplomatic failures to resolve the Maine matter, coupled with United States indignation over Spain’s brutal suppression of the Cuban rebellion and continued losses to American investment, led to the outbreak of the Spanish-American War in April 1898. Within three months, the United States had decisively defeated Spanish forces on land and sea, and in August an armistice halted the fighting. On December 12, 1898, the Treaty of Paris was signed between the United States and Spain, officially ending the Spanish-American War and granting the United States its first overseas empire with the ceding of such former Spanish possessions as Puerto Rico, Guam, and the Philippines. In 1976, a team of American naval investigators including Admiral Hymn G. Rickover concluded that the Maine explosion was likely caused by a fire that ignited its ammunition stocks, not by a Spanish mine or act of sabotage.
Wondered if/when this one would come up. Tanks HMC Ret. Some have questioned whether this episode, The Admiral Perry Japan Expedition, or the whole Barbary Pirates deal was the beginning of US “Gun Boat Diplomacy”. IIRC from some research back yonder, TR used this episode to push his Big Stick Philosophy.
Well just damn you Windstream. Mere nano seconds. Congratulations to VoV and winning this weeks Friday Weekend Open Thread FIRST. I know better than to appeal to the TAH Wide World of Sports HQs. The coveted 3 pete was not to be. I begrudgedly turn over the Crown. Good Job my man!
Ah well … once again the coveted First in the WOT escapes me. Curses, drat and double drat! I’ll console myself with posting the week’s trivia column early, so I can finish this furshlugginer move into the new digs. Enjoy, friends. DID YOU KNOW…? Was the actor playing Jesus nearly killed by lightning during filming of “The Passion of the Christ?” By Commissioner Wretched This week, we celebrate Valentine’s Day. Ah, Valentine’s Day … a day of love. A day of happiness and joy. A day of making sure you don’t forget to give that special someone in your life a token of how much they mean to you. In other words, a day of expense. In a recent column, I noted that about 80% of Valentine’s Day cards are purchased by women. That says something to me, but I’m not sure exactly what. And if I was, I wouldn’t admit it. The “day of love” is named after Valentine, a Roman martyr of the 3rd Century A.D. He is the patron saint of love, marriage, and also of plague and epilepsy. (Not sure how all that figures together, but I’m not one to argue.) If you’re looking for advice, my best would be to be sure you order that special someone in your life some roses, or candy, or jewelry, or something that lets him or her know how much they mean to you. (Like you really needed me to tell you that.) I’m not offering any Valentine’s Day trivia this week, though … you can find that for yourself on the Internet. Here, you get the usual run-of-the-mill mix of fun and astonishing facts, like always. So Happy Valentine’s Day, and let’s get to the trivia! Did you know … … the first successful human organ transplant took place in 1954? In that operation, a kidney was transplanted. This was long before the development of anti-rejection drugs, so to keep the recipient from rejecting the kidney, it had to come from an identical twin. … in Slovakia, families keep their Christmas dinner in the bathtub? Sounds silly, I… Read more »
I’m not sure how all that got to be underlined, but if anybody knows how to correct it, I’d be grateful.
“not sure how all that figures together”…..Here’s a theory…Love is an epileptic fit….Marriage can become a plague. Marriage is kinda sorta like a card game. You start out with a coupla hearts and a diamond. After awhile you start looking for a club and a spade.
Keep ’em coming CW; we’ll keep reading ’em!
Firth of Clyde!!! Why is all the copy underlined?
Saw this on Accuweather, and I”m with Judy on this.
There is a glitch on the Web page. An underscore command was added, probably for the end of the article item, and never closed. This all subsequent text is underlined.
This is so funny…everything being underlined…Best WOT Ever..
Ok, time to fess up. Hondo? Ed? Dave?
I fixed it, and that’s all I’m sayin’…
Underline was becoming a conversation piece…
Now if Ed can only fix the Navy for next year’s game…NOT!!!
😉 goarmybeatnavy
Oh, well.. as the ole saying goes, “Be careful what you wish for…😅😂😆😄👍👏👏
Don’t matter, he can’t fix the Navy Football team (sic)(goarmybeatnavy) and he WON’T fix the Friday Weekend Open Thread FIRST that I wuz robbed on a 3 pete.
Hey I just thought of something. If VoV is now a contributing poster that makes him extry admin, which would disqualify him, as a member of staff, from being eligible for the FIRST. Where dahell is Claw and 2/17 Air Cav when I need a ruling? Has it been 90 days yet? Formal protest!…Informal protest…We wuz robbed!
Must I repeat myself?
But you are fortunate, the THA WW Hq Complaints Board has heard your claim. Since they were waiting for another pitcher and platter of hot wings while the Women’s Beach Vollyball vid was booting up, they found your claim amusing in the extreme, and even waived the 90 day cooling off period.
And denied it on the spot. So it goes.
Seems VoV does not have access to TAH’s dashboard; and therefore is not privy to all things there, including WOT post times.
Sorry, F. Lee Bailey, VoV sends his essays to me, and I post ’em up.
But thanks for playing, Barracks ‘Lawer.’
Kuoirses, foiled again, on a technicality.
But you’ve got to admit
that the argument fit!
(wanders off mumbling something about next week, kicking at rocks)
My bad. Thursday was a busy day (helping finish a wall segment – no, not that wall – plus last-minute preparations before spending 12hrs or so behind the wheel Friday). While tweaking the article to add the subtitle, I inadvertently used an “end of link” tag in place of the intended “end of underline” tag in the author’s note at the end.
Thanks to AW1 Ed for fixing the gaffe.
Glad to help. Go Navy!
(Just seeing if the “underline showing on other posts will show up on mine)
Oh yeah, 40teenth.
Congrats VOV!
Here’s a Friday Feel Good Story:
President Trump to a Liberal News Reporter at this morning’s Press Conference:
Love it…
“An underline is a section of text in a document where the words have a line running beneath them. For example, this text should be underlined. Underlined text is commonly used to help draw attention to text. Today, underlines are commonly used to represent a hyperlink on a web page.” (grin)
Am taking bets on who initiated the underline.
Sorry, Hondo…but I think it might have been you…
Would that be the
(Puts on sunglasses)
Over/under line?
Have a great weekend y’all!
Underlined, but not read, Signed Roh-Dog
I was debating on rather I wanted ask this or not. But I was wondering on what everyone’s opinion on this comment by New Zealander Paul Darrall on his views of the Purple Heart.(https://m.facebook.com/iloveww2planes/posts/2309009469376739?comment_id=2309235919354094) I honestly find him to be a very pompous ass who thinks his shit don’t stink. I’m not sure if he has any prior military service.
He’s a dickhead. Your response was very appropriate.
You mean the Wikipedia link to Private Ralph Ignatowski I put there? It like him and Peter Piper (his butt buddy) seem to think a wound chevron is better when there is no difference between it and than the Purple Heart other than its not a medal. Not exactly something I would want awarded to me either. I sure hope Iggy’s family was not told the whole story about how he died and his funeral was not open casket. That would have been way too painful.
I don’t know what number I am(24th maybe?) but I wanted to get in on the whole underline thing 🙂
For those 40k fans out there, a follow-up to the God-Emperor thread from the other day:
A Veteran Brother-Sergeant of the Ultramarines gives his opinion on why the Imperial Guard are the most hardcore fighters in the 40k-verse.
Guardsmen are regular, unaltered humans with rifles and flak jackets against space communists with nuclear lasers, giant space orcs, space robot zombies, space demons with chainsaws and tank guns, racist space elves with advanced technology, evil racist space elves (there is actually a difference) with advanced tech *and* black magic, and superhuman space marines who have joined the aforementioned space demons. Oh, and the tyranids, which are a whole other class of “this is gonna suck.” And they fight these terrifying foes (often in trench warfare) with crap logistics, leadership that basically considers them human ammunition to be expended, and no help at all from the Imperial Navy.
(Holds up hi-tek salt shaker)
The geek is strong in this one, Jim.
Yeah. And?
I don’t want to spoil the ending but that looked like a Glock in the last few frames.
Not first, not last.
Those of you getting a long weekend, enjoy. I’ll celebrate on Sunday, then right back at it.
Great article on the WOT as well! Nice bit of derring-do to escape those commie bastards.
On a non-historical note, to combat the winter blues in New England, Boston has the New England boat show wrapping up this weekend. Good time to go look at fun things to do on the water that will separate you nicely from your hard earned cash…
The wife and I can’t really justify a brand spanking new sailboat but it’ll be damn fun looking at a few of them in any event.
Always good to get out to home shows, garden shows, or whatever other kind of show fits in with what you like you to do when the weather is warm and the days are long.
RV shows are the same thing.
And in New England, you get about as much use from them.
Mine is a seasonal at a campground open from mid-May through mid-October.
PRESENT, 49rd and Honorary First once again.
And bernasty is still maintaining minus 6 feet AGL AND ambient dirt temperature.
First in the Hearts and Minds of my Grandchildren, so VOV can just go lord it over the Delta Whiskey/Whiskeyetts of TAH as a condolence prize.
In other news, the medical transport company that takes my brother from his nursing home to the doctors appointments got him there a full 1 hour and 20 minutes after the time of the appointment.
They are now 4 for 4 in being late – including one time when he was scheduled for surgery.
Government-provided medical care is just wonderful. NOT
Rememeber – “If you like your doctor, you can keep your doctor”.
Well, He-ahl, with the current government provided healtcare system, they won’t even get you to your doctor.
SOP for socialists, I know.
Not First. Just an underling.
I thought you all might enjoy this cartoon, but don’t say I didn’t warn you. Put the beverage down, then open the link.
Love it. The net is overheating with all the memes. She is Gold Jerry! Gold!
My favorite Saturday morning link has me laughing as well.
Scroll down to the Super Cool Coastie dogs.
Best USCG pic ever.
The last one in the series is pretty hot….
I want a T-shirt with the protesting cows on it!
I will find it, and I will wear it in public.
I was a Army leg medic.(Some are setting their outgoing fire coordinates on that statement alone…)
Where does ‘Bravo Zulu’ come from? I know what it means, as praise for someone who did exceptionally well, but what are the origins of it?
(preparing for incoming…)
It’s OK, 3/10, I’ll use primary colors and words of no more that two syllables when possible in recognition of your dogginess. This works well for Flag briefs, too.
The term originates from an Allied Signals Book. Simply, the ‘Bravo’ indicates which code group to use, and the ‘Zulu’ adds more specific information. So “Bravo Zulu” was a naval signal, conveyed by flag hoist or voice radio, meaning “Well Done.”
What could possibly be clearer?
If that was the clear explanation, would hate to hear the complicated version.
Where’s the code book? What is a “Bravo” code group? And what specific information does the “Zulu” add?
Just kidding. As long as you swear it means something good…
I am here to help.
Navy Data Link, Link
See? perfectly simple.
Well, in that case, Bravo Alpha *&-@#)–!**
Just like Navy ranks.
Did somebody say Signal?
“Primary colors”
and monosyllabic terms made the coffee spew.
Thanks, AW1ED.
Hacksaw Ridge, the movie about Medal of Honor recipient Desmond Doss, just started on The History Channel, 1900 Saturday
If you’ve never read his CMOH citation, it’s something ya gotta see.
He got wounded horribly in the movie, but the truth is Hollywood made the wounds less severe than he actually suffered. Ya gotta read that citation.
goddamm typos
Look for a Valor Friday write up, soon.
I read MoH citations and simply have no words for what has been done. Of all those I have read, however, Doss’ is the one that resonates most with me. Two awesome things took place here: the physical fortitude required and the bravery, the total disregard for oneself, simply defies understanding on my part. I am humbled by his actions.
And to hear him tell it, it was all God acting through him. So painfully humble.
Comment moved per Claw’s request.
Having come across a quote from a pretty smart feller the other day that goes like this:
“Try not to become a man of success but a man of value” – Albert Einstein
And then remembering a conversation with rgr769 from the other day about the Gunga Dan Line, I thought a David Letterman type of Top 10 list would be in order. So here is the TAH official list (by name and total number of days spent on active duty before being kicked to the curb) (actually found a Hell of a lot more than those listed) of Bedwetters:
#10 John Giduck – 58
#09 Dalton Coldiron – 46
#08 Lewis Byrne – 45
#07 Jesse McBeth – 43
#06 Robert Danny Hay – 37
#05 Stephen Kowalyshyn – 36
#04 Robert Joseph Jones – 30
#03 (3 Way Tie) Zachery Smith, Kennis Smith, and Doug M. Sonier – All with 22 days
#02 Sam Sanford?/Samford? – 19
#01 And still the Current Bedwetter of all time is:
Ron Etzig with a whopping 16 days of “Service”.
I’m not computer literate enough to do blog links to each of these individuals, (Hint, Hint to one of the admins who have some extra time) so I guess if you’re interested in learning more, the search block at the top of the page is the way to go./smile
Thank You for the move, AW1Ed. Don’t know how I managed to get it posted to the wrong thread. Brain Fart I guess. (At least that’ll be the story I stick to)/smile
Claw: Don’t feel too bad. I managed to post a link to my entire email account this past week. I’m hoping none of you reprobates found the links to my many porn sites. JK
Dave removed it for me, hopefully before any damage was done.
Looks like I missed one that needs to be inserted as #03.5:
Jessica Marie Fambrough – 25 days
Oh, yeah, she’s one my my favorites.
Thanks for the apparent credit, but I think you miss-typed my handle, AW; no caps and no hyphen.
*sigh* No good deed goes unpunished. Fixed Claw’s comment to state ‘rgr769.’
Everyone happy? ‘Cause I quit being board editor and spell checker for the evening.
Oh, rgr769, call me what you will, but AW1 works best if in a rush.
It’s a dog whistle that has perked my ears up for a very long time, followed by either ‘why is this so fucked up?’ or ‘how can we unfuck ourselves?’
Generally my reply started with, “Now Lieutenant,…”
Thanks, AW1; with that hyphen, I was afraid I might be unmasked. Don’t want to be a defendant in one of them lawsuits we have heard about here. I just read a book you and your fellow squids may like: “Blind Man’s Bluff,” the story of the Navy’s sub-service Cold War operations.
And I haven’t been a lieutenant since 1970, if we are being rank conscious.
Heh. I haven’t been a real AW since 1996, and I was just making an example, not directing anything at you. Apologies if I came off that way.
No offense taken. I was just harkening back to my last 1LT days when I was so deep in the jungle that I had to wait for three weeks before the LTC could find an LZ so he could come out and pin on my railroad tracks.
Blind Man’s Bluff is indeed a helluva read. Definitely worth the time and money IMO.
I read a beat up paper back someone gave me. You can likely buy a used one on Amazon for about five bucks. I love how it tells that many honchos in Naval intelligence tried to convince the CIA that the Glomar Explorer op wouldn’t work and our spy subs would have a better chance of getting key intel out of the hull without having to lift the whole sub up from the ocean floor. Still no one knows how much taxpayer money was spent on that fiasco.
RUMINT has it as the entire year’s budget allocated for Navy-wide Antisubmarine Warfare. Small wonder the Admirals squawked.
Sir WikiLeaks was dropped out of basic early also.
Sir Wikileaks wasn’t even a contender for the TAH Top Ten Bedwetters, he had triple digit (117 days) “service” before being kicked to the curb./s
Swiss actor Bruno Ganz has passed away. His role as Hitler in the 2004 film “Downfall” became an internet sensation due to the numerous memes it generated.
My favorite “Downfall” parody is this one (WARNING: NSFW/around prudes, clergy, or children).
Now that there is some funny sh*t, I don’t care who you are!
Been awhile since I’ve watched this. Just pure genius. Birdbath gone, but definitely not forgotten. May he rest in pieces.