Christmas Eve Wishes

| December 24, 2018

I can remember seeing this years ago – I believe it was when it first aired (1977).

An odd pairing, particularly given Bowie’s stage personae during the previous 5 years – but it nonetheless worked perfectly. It’s apropos for today, I think.



Angelic voices, indeed. RIP, gentlemen.

Have a wonderful Christmas Eve, all. And if you’re also traveling – take care.

Category: Who knows

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Wilted Willy

Merry Christmas to all my friends at TAH! I hope you all have a joyous holiday with friends and family. I will pray for all of our troops that are overseas and I hope they will all be home very soon!
God Bless you All!


Merry Christmas to all! On the last 24 of a 96 hr shift, get off tomorrow morning, then home to the family, presents, and a frosty beverage…
May all of you have a Merry Christmas, and a blessed New Year!

Jeff LPH 3, 63-66

Merry Christmas to you Fyrfighter,your family and everyone out there.
ERFD 1977-1982
LBFD 1982-2007


Merry Christmas to all my TAH family.

Veritas Omnia Vincit

Lady Gaga and Tony Bennett together always reminded me of this Bowie/Crosby moment as well.

All four are people who can sing without the aid of AutoTune. All four are people of talent and when what seems an odd pairing of real singers is brought together something interesting is almost always the result.

Good post, and Merry Christmas to everyone at TAH!


It’s also a pairing of batshit crazy weirdo with classic crooner. 🙂

Veritas Omnia Vincit

My comments were merely reflecting on the relative talent level….entertainers can be batshit crazy, I care not for the details of their personal lives and am not much of a celebrity watcher.

I just found the music they made interesting.


I completely agree. They’re all very talented, exceptionally so. Just drawing another similarity between the two pairings.

I remember watching a SNL many years ago where Lady Gaga was performing. She sang and played the piano, alone. It was a great display of raw talent. But of course she was wearing a big, balancing ring around her like she was the planet Saturn. Weird as fudge.

She is very much like David Bowie in her talent as well as, shall we say ‘odd’, theatrics.


When you said batshit crazy weirdo, I thought you were talking about Tony Bennett. Dude is a crooner, but he is out there.


I think he’s got Pelosi Syndrome. Similar babbling and shaking.


If it sounds crazy, but it works, it ain’t crazy. I think that’s in the Signal Corps bible.

dave drake

Wishing you and your readers a Merry Christmas.


A very Merry Christmas to all of you.


Merry Christmas to all from sunny (for now) southern Arizona.

Be safe!!


Merry Christmas! I hope your holiday is spent with appropriate “spirit”…LOL

Dennis - not chevy

Merry Christmas


We still talk about seeing this live when it first aired; we were awestruck. Musically two polar opposites gave the world a bit of Christmas peace. Would that the rest of us could do the same.

Denise Williams

I wish you peace and joy and light, all you wonderful, dysfunctional, disturbed, entertaining, honorable, crusty, educational, curmudgeonly, twisted TAH writers, posters and readers.. Your service, your mere existence, makes this world a better place and from the bottom of my heart, I thank you all.


Thank you, and God bless you Miss Denise

2/17 Air Cav

You’re the best, Denise. Thinking of you.


Whoa! Bowie and Crosby?? Never heard of it.


… and a very Merry Christmas to y’all!


Merry Christmas TAH! Best wishes for a wonderful 2019.

Kenneth Taylor

merry Christmas to one and all.


Merry Christmas to all!

(Thanks, Hondo. That was a very nice little break.)


Does anyone happen to remember what happened on this date 50 years ago? Yes, it was 1968 and involved some scripture reading and the dark side of the moon.

No, I don’t have independent recollection of it. I was hospitalized and had just missed finals. Nothing quite like being captured in the college town in a hospital with no TV’s or radios. A couple of friends did sneak a pizza in one night through a window which opened out over a low roof. Strange, but wonderful.


My memory of the event is a bit fuzzy. I was 6 at the time.


Apollo 8

First manned orbit of the Moon.


Yep, that’s the one. Sure wish I’d heard about it, or rather heard the actual broadcasts, in real time instead of reading about it later, even though “later” was only a matter of days later.

The next day I met my future in-laws for the first time, so there was a lot going on those days.