Guest Post- Perry Gaskill

| November 26, 2018


Down Along the Border

You would have to be pretty hard-hearted to not have at least some minor sympathy for the poor wretches who are on pause waiting for an asylum hearing at the Tijuana border. It’s probably like spending weeks standing in line at DMV. And imagine the induced narcolepsy for the unlucky vato who winds up at the end of the queue.

On the other hand, since available evidence points to the fact the alleged asylum seekers are actually garden-variety illegals testing a new way to game the system, does that mean they’ll want to cut in the front of the line? And if new line cutters cut in on prior line cutters in a line-cutting frenzy, it’s not difficult to imagine things reaching a level of line-cutting chaos not seen since a Sex Pistols concert…

Meanwhile, Hillary Clinton demonstrates why she has more spin cycles than Maytag.

Late last week, in an interview with the UK Guardian, the former Secretary of State and current commandante of the #resistance said if Europe doesn’t get a handle on its immigration problems, brought about by an influx of one million Muslims, both the EU and the U.S. risk the rise of “populist” right wing figures.

“I admire the very generous and compassionate approaches that were taken particularly by leaders like Angela Merkel, but I think it is fair to say Europe has done its part, and must send a very clear message – ‘we are not going to be able to continue to provide refuge and support’ – because if we don’t deal with the migration issue it will continue to roil the body politic.”

Clinton urged forces opposed to rightwing populism in Europe and the U.S. not to neglect the concerns about race and identity issues that she says were behind her losing key votes in 2016. She accused Trump of exploiting the issue in the election contest – and in office.

For those playing at home, apparently among Clintonistas, populism is defined as getting majority support among voters in a democracy but only applies to those you disagree with. If you’re a Progressive, majority support is good because it’s democracy at work; if you’re a Conservative, it’s bad because reasons.

Hillary also understandably did not mention to the Guardian what she was saying a few years ago. Or maybe she just forgot:

“My dream is a hemispheric common market, with open trade and open borders, some time in the future with energy that is as green and sustainable as we can get it, powering growth and opportunity for every person in the Hemisphere,” she said in a May 2013 (private) speech to the Brazilian bank Banco Itau, according to a speech transcript obtained by Wikileaks.

With Thanksgiving over, and with 6800 or so Army troops still on the Mexican border, it might be interesting, at least for those of us easily amused, to start placing bets on a stand-down date and whether those same folks in uniform will be home for Christmas. Possible prizes for winners of the pool could include a free copy of the rumored upcoming Commissar Taylor bestseller How I Make Friends; consolation prizes for the unfortunate losers might be piñatas of gummi pendejos.

I’m picking December 17. It’s the 115th anniversary of the Wright Brothers first powered flight at Kitty Hawk, and I’m feeling lucky…

Category: Guest Post

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Those womenz and babyz sure have some good rock throwing arms.

A Proud Infidel®™

MMmmmyeah, I got into it with some bleeding heart snowflakes on Farcebook trying to tell me about how our cold-hearted POYUS disgraced our Nation by telling his Border Minions to tear gas crowds of innocent children and they went batshit crazy as soon as I tried to tell them about how they had fallen for Potemkin Village style propaganda.

Bill R.

A group of about 100 people trying to illegally cross the border Sunday near the San Ysidro port of entry threw rocks and bottles at U.S. Border Patrol agents, who responded by using pepper spray and other means to force the crowd back into Mexico, federal officials said. Oh, wait. That was the lead paragraph of a news story from Sept. 2013. Funny, I don’t remember any anti-ICE outrage or 24/7 media coverage. What could have changed?”

This is from Ace’s place in the Morning Rant. There is a link in the paragraph which does seem to have followed me here.

Bill R.

Does NOT seem to have followed me here!


I had to Google Alyssa Milano, no idea who she was until today. The only thing I ever saw her in was Commando (the Arnold Movie) and don’t recall her from that. So I now have a new attention whore on the radar.


She hasn’t had anything to do since “Charmed” went off the air, and the new version of “Charmed” didn’t want the previous actresses. So, she’s bored.


How soon they forget that Obama did the same thing five years ago.


Obama’s tear gas and pepper spray was less racist.


Proud Infidel…funny, it didn’t bother them one little bit when that communist, queer kenyan tear gassed them at the border!


Shocked, I’m shocked I tell you! Why would they want to come here when the over educated liberals crow about how great socialism is – and they still went north instead of south to the utopia that is Venezuela!


Yeah, it’s so much better here that even after being tear gassed they’ll still wait in line at a Mexican football stadium with no food, water, or medical care for months to claim asylum.

A Proud Infidel®™

How much do you want to bet that IF they make it into the USA they’ll still be waving THEIR Country’s flag and cussing about how we owe them more?


Hears some over-educated, bubble-headed twatwaffle reporter bimbo report that because the massed group of innocent rock-throwing “immigrants” were dispersed and pushed back by teargas and other control measures, it proves that the border is secure and that walls and fences are not necessary.

Wait, whut?


If they were all german engineers who would vote consistantly conservative…

The democrats would be demanding napalm missions to stop them.

2/17 Air Cav

“You would have to be pretty hard-hearted to not have at least some minor sympathy for the poor wretches who are on pause waiting for an asylum hearing at the Tijuana border.”

I agree. Put me in the heard-hearted category. Screw-em. If there are children among them, the parents ought to be prosecuted for child abuse and the kids returned the same way they came, walking or riding on a Mexico-supplied vehicle.


It is not hard hearted at all to demand that they go home. In fact, it is hard hearted to welcome them here.

If, as we are constantly told, they are the ones from the their countries who most desire freedom and opportunity to succeed economically, then we are in fact stealing the future of said country by accepting them here.

If these success seeking freedom lovers come the the US, who will build the future of their former nations.

How callous of the USA to steal the future of Guatemala

2/17 Air Cav

The libs would rightly be unhinged if there was a story about some American kids who were dragged along by their parents for a 1,000+ trek over dirt roads with temps of 100 degrees when it was altogether unnecessary. It’s one thing when, in escaping certain death, these types of things happen among refugees. It’s quite another when it’s for any other reason, especially if that reason is tied to the parents’ selfishness and callousness.


Used to be a time when people would see the example of freedom in America and take that back home and fight for it in their homeland. For examples, see the French Revolution and the founding of Liberia. Now, granted, neither worked out terribly well, but at least they tried. These lumps aren’t even willing to try.


Interesting story from 5 years ago (25 November 2013) written by the San Diego Union Tribune:

“Border Patrol: Crowd Confronts Agents”

“A group of about 100 people trying to illegally cross the border Sunday near the San Ysidro port of entry threw rocks and bottles at U.S. Border Patrol agents, who responded by using pepper spray and other means to force the crowd back into Mexico, federal officials said.”


Obama (insert graphic language here for full effect) Gassing women and chillens on Turkey Weekend with Chemical WMD’s! Outraged I am! Outrage!

Jeff LPH 3, 63-66

Mexico isn’t so bad, after all the Rocketones sang Mexico back in 1957.


My answer to the border is not subtle. It’s Ma-Deuces and concertina wire. These ass holes are illegal invaders period. They have been offered work cards, medical and schooling by Mexico. A few took it but most are going for door number two, which is the big free ride in America. They are not asylum seekers since that is not the origin of their existence. They are fucking loser scum and the left shows us poor women and children to tug the heartstrings of those with the liberal out of touch with reality segment and those with the attention span of Twitter posts.

Fuck ’em! Nobody, but nobody gets in other than legally. There are plenty here doing it the right way and plenty more working on doing it the right way to let a surge-mob dictate out immigration policy.


Mexico should arrest them all, since illegal border crossing is a felony there I hear, and put them to work. Years of illegal emigration have left them in need of laborers. I hear the pres-elect there wants to build a big train along the Yucatan. A 10,000 person chain gang working on that for a few years will be good for the Mexican economy and an excellent deterrent.


They don’t want to stay in Mexico where they speak the language and the culture if very similar to what they are used to. They are getting paid by these Soros funded groups to come here. They are to become undocumented Democrat voters of future elections here. They are essential to the Cloward-Piven strategy writ large. If this stands and the D-rats have their way, this nation we love and has given us a great life is doomed. In 30 years or less, we will look like Venezuela.


That is the plan of the Lib/Prog/Trannies. With the Republic in smoking ruins, they then will have a free hand with the rest of the West, and eventually, the whole earth.

Economic collapse is the most likely path to this, IMO. Also, the Cloward-Piven strategy, I believe.


No, no, M-2 has too low a rate of fire for human wave crap.

M-134 7.62 x 51 minigun is the way to go. Trump needs to build a double fence barrier with maybe 100 meters between. a sign on the mexican side of the southern most fence could have signs like:
Peligro! Peligro!
Valle de los Muertos!


Perry Gaskill thank you and a great write up. Also, I am still laughing my ass off at, “Meanwhile, Hillary Clinton demonstrates why she has more spin cycles than Maytag.”

Perry Gaskill

I’m glad you liked it, Sparks.


Try as I might I can’t find a fuck to give about those people poised to invade us from the South. I care about this nation and her people. I don’t give either a shit or a fuck about others, including the children. The liberals talk about diversity. We have too much diversity as it is. The liberals talk about how those thousands, and others, will be of benefit to our country. If that’s true. why aren’t they of benefit to the shitholes they are leaving? Truth is, the majority want to come here for the guarantee of free shit for life. And that’s the damn truth. Oh! But the children, the children! So what? The children will simply be the next generation of freeloaders. I know it’s a cliche, but we have people who were born here or came here legally who are in terrible straits. Unemployed, underemployed, working their asses off to provide for their family with poor prospects of achieving the middle class and yet it’s a good idea to bring in additional people? Just as soon as there is not a single mother working two or three jobs to support her children, I’ll be receptive to allowing others to come here in the name of ‘diversity’ or some such shit. Fuck them. My sympathy lies entirely with those here legally. If the courts rule they must be allowed into the country, they should continue their march until they get to California. Then California can increase taxes to support them and their offspring for eternity.


Right you are HMC Ret. I’ve been all out of fucks to give for years. Not for women nor children and doubly not for the criminal scum looking for more profitable crime here than where they were thrown out of. We have had a whole class of people in this country since the start of the Great Society fuck up and they are only multiplying. Damned few have used the opportunities afforded them in the last five decades, while most latched onto the teat and have never let go.

I know three Mexican families here who have worked their asses off for a better life AND acquired their citizenship while doing it. I applaud them. That is the way we designed it and that is the only way it will work.

I love this country more than I can say and I’ll be damned if I’ll see it turned into a Tejano shit hole.

I am at the point of not just closing the whole border but starting an aggressive deportation program for non citizens who are not actively working towards citizenship.

Oh and a last word for “the children, oh the poor children” and it is fuck off. My sympathy ran our decades ago.

Europe is in a full raging shit storm because of this crap and the Soros elite want us in the same place. A nice and terrible place to turn us over and begin the new age but German-style National Socialism and Italian-style Fascism.

Dwight Schwarz

History repeating itself? Back in the past the village idiots that were in Florida welcomed those that were supposedly fleeing the Infidel Castro and his fanatical rule in Cuba, surprise as was found out later. Fidel had opened some of his Prisons and sent them here among the few refugees he allowed to let go. Now you look at those trying to get into the USA from Guatemala and sure seems that there very few women as compared to the number of men, kinda like the boat people from Cuba. No wait a minute they are coming here to join the professional sports players so they to can disrespect our flag and country. You want our way of life here, go back to your own country and fight for it like we have done throughout our history.

The Other Whitey

Images and video of the caravan shows lots and lots of 17-35-year-old males who seem to like waving their home countries’ flags for the cameras, and are now trying to violently force their way across the border.

Uh, last time I checked, that’s called an invasion.

Perry Gaskill

Not to be picky, but the bulk of the so-called caravan marchers are from Honduras. Why that matters is because a key caravan organizer is a former Honduran political figure who was purged along with Honduras’ left-wing president a few years ago. Both evidently have had ties to socialist Cuba and Venezuela. What’s less clear, although there’s some evidence for it, is that both of the politicians also had the support of Honduran groups who were originally in active conflict with the Nicaraguan Contras. Who were in turn in conflict with the socialist Sandinistas in Nicaragua.

I’m pointing this out not to be didactic, but because such relationships might help explain who is part of the actual funding and logistics for the current caravans.

The Other Whitey

So far they haven’t reached my stretch of the border, but Border Patrol is keeping an eye out for them anyway. If they do come this way, we expect a sudden increase of medical aid calls to the BP station for incarceritis. Normally we only get about one per week.


Betcha it goes at least to Christmas.


26Limabeans you are right Brother. Optics are everything to the thin minded twitter crowd and liberals who live far about the maddening crowd, so to speak. Christmas footage of the poor children huddled around a makeshift Christmas tree trading dirty socks for presents will bring the desired tear to every brainwashed and empty head. Fuck ’em. Twice!


Look for the makeshift Manger.


My inner Nazi/Stalinist asks–why not landmines? Clearly marked, of course. And behind barbed wire and other obstacles so that it takes a lot of effort to get to them. I know it is certainly not PC, but it seems to have worked pretty well for those formerly socialist countries in eastern Europe. They managed to keep unofficial border crossings to a negligible number for decades.


I think we could market it as a reality show. Nothing fatal, but it could be a Ninja Warrior, American Gladiators, Most Extreme Elimination Challenge kind of thing.

Deplorable B Woodman

Wadda ya mean, “nothing fatal”? I. Want. FATAL!


Perry, this whole campaign has been funded and conducted by leftist organizations like People Without Borders and their wealthy backers. This is anything but a spontaneous event inspired by true need–it is pure political propaganda designed to play to the leftist media and to keep the Trump administration off balance. I read yesterday that Spanish language media, with the exception of Univision, of course, are reporting more accurately on the true political motives behind this operation, motives that are being deliberately ignored by the anti-Trump American media.

Like so many endeavors of the Left, this campaign has been very poorly conducted. If you want Americans to feel compassion for your actors, you might want to think twice about populating your caravan with such a large imbalance of hostile young males none of whom appear emaciated or suffering, carrying huge banners representing the flags of the nations they are fleeing. It’s difficult to believe that rock-throwing, obese women and their chubby little muchachos were suffering true hardship in their native lands.

For sure, had I been the one picking the peons to populate my political plan, I do believe I would have screened out the lazy-looking lard-asses for the sake of presenting at least a semblance of suffering. Trust the left to fuck up everything they lay their hands to.

Perry Gaskill

Poe, it would be interesting to follow the money. As a matter of speculation, how the thing worked might have gone like this:

Pueblo Sin Fronteras is a Chicago-based non-profit under the control of another NGO called La Familia Latina Unida. Both are part of a support network for illegal immigrants. Getting the money to the caravan marchers could have been by having somebody such as former Honduran congressman Bartolo Fuentes act as a bagman for recruitment. Such recruitment might have also included a small stipend paid to each marcher.

As the caravan marches progressed, and it became apparent they would need both transportation and to augment support from the Mexican population, additional money could have been funneled on-the-fly by affiliated NGOs. The use of different charity groups might also have acted to cloud the actual financial links, and help maintain an appearance of spontaneity.

And we’re not talking, relatively speaking, about a huge amount of cash. There are currently an estimated 5,000 to 10,000 caravan marchers involved. If it cost $1000 each to get them to Tijuana, that’s only $5 million to $10 million to stage the whole charade.


I am in favor of highlighting their failures.


Be sure to include the amount of US tax dollars included in the cost of putting this thing together. Would be willing to wager that it is a significant part of the whole.


Hmmmmm…..You guys have any Brown Water Navy napalm projectors mothballed from VN?



Good stuff, Perry. Thanks for sharing.


Big League Politics gives the run down on these caravans
and their sponsorship. This might enhance Perry Gaskills
already excellent post and shed brilliant light on the who, what, when, where and why…

Veritas Omnia Vincit

Watching all the hoopla on the news reveals the blatant hypocrisy from the media, the obvious train of bullshit that spews from the mainstream media these days for no purpose other than to oppose a president they don’t like even when he says exactly what his predecessor said…I remember this interview because it was one where I found myself agreeing with President Obama when he said:

“Our message absolutely is don’t send your children unaccompanied, on trains or through a bunch of smugglers,” “Do not send your children to the borders,” he said. “If they do make it, they’ll get sent back. More importantly, they may not make it.”

Little Georgie Stephanopoulos was practically sucking Obama off during this interview without any objections at all to what was being said. But now I’m supposed to believe Trump, myself, and everyone I know is a fucking racist for agreeing with Trump when he repeats the same phrases as Obama uttered four years ago during this interview….fuck the media and tards on the left for their arrogance, their hypocrisy, and their absolute dishonesty on this and almost every other topic.


All about votes guys. Just replace the voting population of the US with a majority underclass that will ever depend on gov. assistance. Then we become Venezuela…easy,peasy.


“…energy that is as green and sustainable as we can get it….” – Her Highnessness Floppypants.

Yeah, she touted that first to farmers in Iowa, who gave her a blank look and no applause. I guess she doesn’t realize that the cost of so-called “green” energy from solar and wind farms is $0.095/KwH, in contrast to my very affordable $0.062/KwH from the regional company. Why would anyone vote for someone who wants to make you pay more to just keep the lights on and the furnace running?

All that “green, sustainable” energy crap has cost Angela Merkel her job as head of the EU. First cracks in that crap, and I am hoping there will be more to come.