Justice Ginsburg Retirement Chatter
Justice Ruth Bader Ginsburg’s retirement, truth or rumor? You guys saw this played out over the course of the year. There was speculation during the summer as to whether Justice Ruth Bader Ginsburg was going to retire or not. Many, including the associate justice, dismissed the idea of her doing it soon.
Around the same time, President Trump nominated Brett Kavanaugh for the Supreme Court. For those on the left, the urgency went up.
President Trump already nominated Neil Gorsuch. He subsequently was confirmed. The Democrats were still sore over this process. “They were robbed” by a Republican-led Senate that didn’t entertain then President Obama’s last nomination for the vacancy.
Despite Democrat insistence that someone get nominated soon, expeditiously, the Republicans held on in a bid to ensure that the Supreme Court continued to lean conservative. They had precedence, a Democrat led Senate did the same thing during a presidential election year.
In the end, the Democrats settled for a “one on one” replacement. A conservative associate Justice for a conservative associate justice. Then, a retirement was announced. The swing vote was going to be replaced by someone nominated by President Trump.
This gave those in the left incentive to tarnish a man’s reputation, and to derail the process in order to delay… When they hoped to have control of the Senate. A Democrat Senate would act as a speed bump to President Trump’s nominations that the left doesn’t like.
They wanted a swing vote at worst, a liberal vote at best. You saw the resulting circus and drama in the Senate, the media, and in the court of public opinion. In the end, Brett Kavanaugh was confirmed, strengthening the high court’s conservative leaning.
Now, what many Democrats hope isn’t the case is becoming a likely scenario. From the Santa Monica Observer:
She has told key Democratic members of the Senate about her medical condition, including ranking Democratic member of the Judiciary Committee Dianne Feinstein. This explains in part the “take no prisoners” attitude of the Democrats during the Kavanaugh nomination, carefully orchestrating weak 37 year old allegations against Kavanaugh by Women he barely remembers knowing in High School and College.
The Washington Post provides her desired target for retirement:
Five years from now puts us in late July 2023. That could still be during Trump’s presidency, if he’s reelected in 2020. But Ginsburg doesn’t say only five years; she says “about at least five more years.” That sounds as if she’s shooting for 2024.
The Santa Monica Observer puts that retirement date, based on conversation with law clerks, on January 2019. I haven’t found additional information corroborating the January 2019 retirement date.
However, watching Justice Ginsburg’s current state reminds me of the late John Paul II, and the state he was in before he passed away. Given her health, here’s to wishing her well.
You can read the details here and over here:
Category: Politics
Her sole value to me is that she personifies the politicizing of the Supreme Court and a perfect example of why one term of 15 years ought to be imposed on the agenda-driven lawyers in black robes. As for her hopes of being around for at least five years, the chances of that are slim to none. She’s decrepit and probably smells of a dirty diaper all of the time.
When she’s dead, I’ll be cautioned not to speak ill of her. So, I have to get it in now. When she does blow away, I’ll be happy to let her alone and focus on President Trump’s nominee to fill her seat.
That should be Amy Coney-Barrett, Cav. Impeccable resume and highly talented- more than qualified for a seat on the SCOTUS bench.
She’s a practicing Catholic with seven kids- two adopted. Look to the Dems to attack from that angle.
This is the right answer Barrett should have been nominated already, if we’re lucky we’ll see her nominated just in time for the Democrats to blow the 2020 elections with attacking Barrett over religion as they did already when Barrett was nominated for the lower court.
Luckily for the Democrats they don’t play those nominations on national nightly news…cuz that shit won’t play well in the middle of the country.
She was my pick last time. I am somewhere on record here at TAH saying as much when Trump was looking to fill the last vacancy.
I am under the impression that he reserved the “easier” pick for the harder fight.
Because whatever dirty tricks and skulduggery were not used on Kavanaugh, will be in play for SCOTUS pick #3. They will spin the knob to “11” and break it off.
He may have underestimated the scope and depth of the fight for the second pick. He won’t for a third pick.
Catholic School girl is no Kavanaugh. Won’t see her sobbing in the water glass.
Her replacement is going to be a woman, just as Thomas’ will be African American. While young, I wouldn’t be at all surprised if Thomas retires this summer if there is no RBG departure.
But please……can we have a pick that didn’t go to Harvard or Yale?
It’s okay to speak ill of the dead, Ted Kennedy drowned a woman, regardless of what he did after he’ll always be a man who left a woman in car underwater while he went home, sobered up, took a shower and called his attorney before ever calling anyone that might have been able to help him save the young woman.
I hope that haunts his eternity. He was given a second chance that no one but a silver spoon in his mouth rich kid would ever get, so yeah FUCK THAT GUY dead or alive FUCK HIM.
There are others I don’t give a fuck about insulting alive or dead as well…so throw caution to the wind AC and have at it.
There’s plenty of room on the bench next to the rest of reprobates who ignore decorum for honest opinions.
I know you don’t believe the same way I do in matters religious, VOV, but I am confident that Ted Kennedy is in Hell as we speak. Exactly what’s happening to him there is up for speculation, but he’s there to stay.
Ted Kennedy is in hell. The good News is that he can appeal his eternal Damnation.
The Bad news is that Daniel Bernath will be his attorney
That truly is the FUNNIEST shit ive read all day!
The only direction he can go with a wingman like Bernasty is down…
Great observation. That evil bastard definitely deserves a Bernathian defense.
I’m with you, VOV, my opinion of someone doesn’t change just because they die. If they were bastards when they lived then they’re still bastards in my mind no matter how many years have passed.
In other matters, Ted Kennedy has now been sober more than nine years.
I hope Ginsburg is walking down a flight of stairs a few risers below Hillary when Hillary takes her final tumble. To hell with both of them.
What most people don’t know about this leftist old hag is that she was the head of the ACLU (American Communist Lawyers Union). Her primary objective on the Court is to accomplish “progressive” outcomes. Her view is the Constitution means whatever the Left wants it to mean.
The only thing worst than communist people is…
There is nothing worst than communist people.
Ah the ACLU. The main reason we have lost so many psychiatric beds since the 70’s. A regular war on society, they are.
Their founder told his crew back in the 1930’s: “Remember communism is our true goal.” The organization was created to provide lawers for the defense of Communists charged with crimes. Their claim of defense of civil liberties was just a cover for them.
Wasn’t she also on record as stating the age of consent should be lowered to 12?
Sonovabitch. FINALLY, words that make sense from an Air Cav type. Maybe there is something to If You Ain’t Cav, You Ain’t Shit.
Ya ought to see him when he’s on a roll…mwahaha!
She will cling to that chair so hard. It will literally have to be pried out of her cold dead hands. No way she retires. Even if she has a stroke that makes her more of a drooling, incompetent moron she won’t voluntarily step aside.
Sooner or later the blood transfusions from Keith Richards will cease, and then it’s over for her.
Mason wrote:
“It will literally have to be pried out of her cold dead hands.”
Reminds me of the opening scene of “Young Frankenstein”.
Could not find that scene on You Tube, but DID find “Young Frankenstein In 5 Minutes”, which captures all the classic scenes from that hilarious movie:
She kinda does look like an older version of Frau Brucka! *Horse naying*
They embalming fluid leaking thru her depends was a dead giveaway.
That smell isn’t embalming fluids it’s failing organs and stale piss….
That explains a lot about that picture of Kennedy seated next to her at a SOTU speech. I always thought he was staring at her in disgust because she was drunk, passed out and snoring. Now, it’s obvious, she was drunk, passed out, and leaking thru her Depends.
The comments remind me of why I appreciate this place, as I do.
Well, she’s been dead for 3 years, so it’s about time she retire finally. Like most people in Federal Civil Service….
You can tell because she votes in Philly now.
God knows she looks like she can’t even walk. I kinda feel sorry for her. Kind of.
Your pity is misplaced, Whitey–she would show you and yours no pity in ruling to destroy this country you love. She’s a damned communist who managed to achieve too high a level of power in an asleep at the wheel, unsuspecting nation.
I’d honor her liberal beliefs and euthanize her in a New York minute.
^^^ This! ^^^
Fair point, Poe. You know, while hanging out with my kids yesterday, it occurred to me that they are the children of a genocide and a diaspora, the latter to escape genocide. On my wife’s side, the memory of the Khmer Rouge and their utter inhumanity is still fresh. On mine, you have to go a bit farther back to find the Irish Diaspora, but it’s there. On one side, mass murder by a government claiming a “greater good,” on the other, mass displacement to escape a slower (but no less lethal) program of mass murder by a foreign government who claimed only their right to do whatever the hell they wanted with you.
America is Reagan’s “shining city on a hill,” where the victims of those crimes against humanity came to escape and start a new life. That road was a bumpy one; for instance, my family’s name was changed from a very noticeably Irish one to an innocuous and generic substitute with no history behind it because “Irish need not apply.” But things got better. America was and is the place that would get better faster for everyone, thanks to the foresight of the great men who framed its laws decades before any of my family tree became Americans.
My kids are members of multiple races. One of them saw half of its own viciously exterminated by communism. The vast majority of other today have never set foot in their ethnic homeland, their ancestors having long since fled not only an oppressive occupation, but an artificial famine as engineered and deliberate as Stalin’s Holodomor. Both histories have *millions* dead. The lessons there are profound. This is why I will not surrender my God-given rights to free speech, free practice of religion, and peaceable assembly, and I sure as shit won’t give up the God-given right to bear arms that secures them.
The screams and cries of anguish from the House will be epic, and won’t matter a toot.
Judges are independent. There are no obama judges…
“She has told key Democratic members of the Senate about her medical condition, including ranking Democratic member of the Judiciary Committee Dianne Feinstein.”
To which Feinstein replied……
“Wow, I wish I was in as good of health as you Ruth.”
The lefties kept Chavez alive for months after he passed.
Just sayin.
Yeah, well, Generalissimo Francisco Franco is still dead.
Ahhhhhh! A hideous decomposing zombie!!! Kill it with fire!
Don’t wish ill on her, but seriously, she needs to just retire already! Instead, she evidently plans to make us all suffer through her afflictions for another couple of years. Not likely to be much longer than that.
If we were to open the TAH lotto on this deal, I’d say we have another SC nomination prior to Thanksgiving next year (2019).
“If we were to open the TAH lotto on this deal”
You should catch the Howie Carr Show on radio 3pm eastern. He has a “death pool” and
Ruth is always a first pick. Every time someone wins…er dies, the pool starts over. Been doing it for decades.
Ginsburg retiring?
Don’t tease me with a good time.
Spartacus and Cameltoe with stroke out during the confirmation hearings
She may finally be leaving us? None too soon. Thomas Jefferson probably regretted appointing her to the bench.
Don’t wish her ill, but, BYE!!
She wishes you and I ill. Count on it!
Oh, come on, you guys. Give the old gal a chance to just die at her desk in the middle of a sentence. She just had a bout with fractured ribs. At her age, with her bone loss (noticed how she has shrunk?), she could simply stop breathing in the middle of a sentence.
“I have never killed any one, but I have read some obituary notices with great satisfaction.”
Clarence Darrow. (variations of that attributed to many)
She’s been transfused with the same stuff as Keith Richards… and probably knows the Grim Reaper on a first name basis.
RBG just needs to be wheeled into a nursing home instead of polluting the SCOTUS with her libtard mumbo jumbo.
This idea that “conservative” judges actually follow through these days is laughable. We have plenty of those and they make absurd rulings no real constitutional origin almost would so What exactly defines a “conservstive” judge these days. John Roberts is a fucking RINO and the dipshit Trump even got in just decided to give white house free press free reign to act like idiots. Let’s get real and quit putting up games because leftists dont and that is what matters. Ginsberg would die before she rules constitutional anything.
Roberts will never live down the contortion he had to perform, against all legal logic, to bypass the Interstate Commerce Clause and rule that Obamacare was just a tax. It was idiocy on a grand scale and, of course, to prove that the Court is, in fact, politicized and agenda driven, the lefties on the Court all agreed with him.
Somebody got to him. He does not strike me as a scrapper and he bent over.
I wonder if he sports that stupid grin when he looks in the mirror.
The theory is that the progs have found something on the adoption of his children that is either illegal or there is something extremely embarrassing about it. Ruthless people know it is easy to extort people if you can effectively threaten their children.
She’ll be hanging on until the very end. Some of us will probably be dead before she is.
That was a tad harsh. I followed the link to the original article comments and some keyboard warrior gave his best wishes to Ruthie’s cancer.
May I also point out that the “Wide Latina” Sotomayor is one Hershey bar away from Eternity
Aw, but you don’t know what it’s like because you’re not a Latina Woman, you’ve had it easy!
Y’all correct me if I’m wrong, but DIDN’T Ruth Bader Ginsburg say she was going to retire and move to New Zealand if President Trump got elected? Now President Trump has been in Office for two years and she has lived up to her promise like all the Hollywierd libtard moonbats that promised to leave!
Her apologists say she was kidding.
Funny how when a liberal says something outrageous and someone says “they were just kidding, it’s OK” they get a pass. Note the huge number of times Trump (or more recently, the lady from Mississippi) made an obvious joke and the left would accept NO EXCUSES.
So was most of hollywood as I recall….
They were just kidding when they said it about GW getting elected as well.
She didn’t move there because New Zealand is very, very persnickety about accepting immigrants of any kind, origin, or bad taste in politics. Besides, she’s probably too conservative for them.
Speaking of Ted Kennedy:
Chappaquiddick: The Ted Kennedy Scandel That Left A Young Woman Dead Doc”
I’m just waiting for her to be wheeled into the court in her Star Trek Captain Pike wheelchair, complete with headlight.
Blink once for yes, twice for no.
can’t we ship -her- off to Talos-4?
Say, wouldn,t -that- be where to send all the true- believer proggies?
On Talos 4, she can be Vina and dance like an Orion slave girl again…
On Talos-4, the Proggies will have the illusion of a working Socialist utopia while slaving for their betters.
Win win. Load the ships. Fast.