Rosie O’Donnell wants military to ‘get’ Trump from White House | Fox News

| October 19, 2018

Rosie O’Donnell, a notorious critic of President Trump, said Thursday she wants U.S. armed forces to remove him from the White House.

“I want to send the military to the White House to get him,” O’Donnell said on MSNBC, as host Nicolle Wallace discussed Trump’s threats to have the military “close” the U.S.-Mexico border amid reports a massive migrant caravan is en route to the area.

The former talk show host also reflected on a previous suggestion to impose martial lawto delay President Trump’s inauguration.

“When he was elected what I wrote on Twitter was we should impose martial law until we make sure the Russians weren’t involved in the final tallies of the vote,” she said. “People were like, ‘Martial law? What’s wrong with you? You’re a lunatic.'”

For years, O’Donnell and Trump have partaken in a bitter, back-and-forth feud.

She said Thursday that the night he won the presidency, she “got physically sick.”

“It took me a good year to compose myself to be in public again,” she said. “I took a year out of the spotlight.”

I am happy she has managed to compose herself.  Most of these “has been” celebrities types do not seem to realize that people could care less what they think.


Source: Rosie O’Donnell wants military to ‘get’ Trump from White House | Fox News

Category: Liberals suck, Politics

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Put the spoon down Piggy.


Yeh, we want fat lesbian bitch off the air, COMPLETELY!! imho


“I want to send the military to the White House to get him.” Yeah, like the military would listed to anything that cow had to say.

She should STFU before our satellites find her and she gets nuked from space. She keeps running her lard trap and someone is going to knock on the door to her pigpen and invite her downtown for a chat.

Could be wrong, but I don’t recall one RINO being immature enough to suggest like treatment for Odipshit. Does that suggest that RINOs have more class or that liberals are too immature to be allowed on the planet? I’ve got an idea it’s part of both.

Veritas Omnia Vincit

Fat, Dumb and Stupid is no way to go through life dear….(to paraphrase Dean Wormer)

Ms. O’Donnell is a fucking lunatic, she also famously stated that she knew the 9-11 tower collapses were an inside job because fire can’t melt steel…thus exposing her complete and utter lack of simple mechanical engineering principles of thermally induced stress overload…

This is why the Constitution was written to protect the individual from the tyranny of the majority because fat dipshits like her would endorse a military coup to get her addle pated ideas into the public’s face.

It’s the one thing about the left that consistently pisses me off, their ideas are so fucking great they have to be mandatory.


Oh, stop getting mad at them, VOV. All it does is raise your blood pressure.

It’s far better to point at them and laugh. They can’t stand being laughed at.


Had she paid more attention when she went shopping for shoes she would have noticed how the shoes became soft and malleable when the blacksmith heated them.

RGR 4-78

“Nailed” that one.




I wonder what the idiot thinks a cutting torch is for? cutting her bagels?


Geez, Dave, I wish you’d post a warning about things occasionally.

A year to compose herself? (Isn’t she a he?) Physically sick? Gee whiz, if she had just kept on puking her guts out, she’d have lost 200 pounds in a heartbeat. I still don’t know what she ever did that was worth looking at, but she must think she still has relevance. NOT.

It’s a shame that she knows so little about things like the purpose of the military. She might stop making a fool of herself in public…. oh, wait. Never mind.

Rattle on, you bloated behemoth.

Daisy Cutter

A coup led by the charismatic Rosie O’Donnell – now there’s a comforting thought.


Lady, I know you’re super-excited about the prospect of ‘President Pence’ but you’re going to have to wait just like everybody else.

Mike Kozlowski

…See now, I point out to a lot of TDS sufferers that if you somehow get rid of President Trump, then Mike Pence becomes President…and my God, the convoluted scenarios these people come up with are just amazing. Most of them are along the lines of:

*He will have to resign too, because he’s ‘complicit’ (In what exactly nobody ever seems to specify; he just IS)
*They’ll just impeach him too (for what exactly nobody ever seems to specify)
*A series of resignations and appointments based on some downright batshiat interpretations of the Constitution that would somehow prevent him from succeeding President Trump and instead would put Hilary Clinton in the White House (You want to lie awake nights, Google some of THOSE schemes and then remember that a lot of them are being put forward by people who teach Constitutional law).

As much as I want to see a GOP house after the elections and 54-56 GOP senators, I fear for my country if it happens, because the Other Side will reach new heights of insanity, and they’ll cheerfully burn the whole thing down if they can’t have their way.


They will have to bring friends with guns. But the gun control laws will stop them in their tracks.


Trump AND Pense? Ask if they have a clue who third in line is.

Daisy Cutter

“Only Rosie O’Donnell” :


Isn’t what she is asking for called a coup? Isn’t that illegal?

Here piggy, piggy, piggy. Get back to the trough? Better yet, skip a meal and we could eliminate hunger in Africa.

You had 15 minutes. Now STFU.


Piggy? Why would you insult swine by putting her in their class? They don’t deserve that.

There are many epithets that can be used to describe this Ground-dwelling Blimp From Hell. Think about it for a minute, Chief.

RGR 4-78

Seditious Hagendnazi.

Jeff LPH 3, 63-66

HMC; When one is a democrat, nothing they say or do is illegal. It’s called a double standard. How come she didn’t move to Canada with all the others. Oh that’s right, all those shit birds punked (NYC 50’S saying) out from moving.

Peter the Bubblehead

The US Military should get together and go to Rosie’s house and place her under arrest for suborning treason.
She can be kept locked up awaiting trial as a potential flight risk, with her trial scheduled to begin on 21 January 2025.


Rosie O’Fat has had a severe case of the ass-hurt about The Donald for some time now. She just needs to go stuff her head back into the feedbag and find a safe space to hide in for a long, long time.


Just because I hate everyone of you all.

What did she do in her year long self imposed exile? EAT?

Lurker Curt

I hope you burn…

Eye bleach, please? Anyone?

I should know better…

RGR 4-78

They must of had to use an impact wrench to secure that black leather so it wouldn’t bust open.


I think it might be some kind of carbon-fiber or Kevlar fabric, leather doesn’t have that kind of tensile strength!

RGR 4-78

We are lucky that it wasn’t body paint!


They tried, but were told that the paint clogs the pumps on the tanker truck.

RGR 4-78

Where is the ffeing LIKE clicky thingy?


y’all do realize that shot is 25 years old? Now, at an average weight gain of 10 pounds a year… she’d field dress at about 275 or so


Well….if she was 180(generous guess) then….plus the 10lb per year over 25 years….that would put it closer to 430…ish


Belay my last…you said field dress.


In Maine the hunter must present the ovaries of Cow Moose at registration and weighing. Not sure if Cow Rosie still has hers.


OMG! what the actual hell is wrong with you?!? I need more caffeine before I can even process that….


I told you all I hated everyone one of you, and you STILL opened it? How the hell is that MY fault?!?

Lurker Curt

Sometimes a dickweeds curiosity hits the button before good judgement comes into play…

RGR 4-78

Ron White syndrome.


Good God man….just puked a bit of a Payday bar


I’d hit that.

With a bat.

Or whatever else I could find.




Semi truck.


That movie photo was taken about 100 pounds ago, back in her pre-Jabba days.

The Stranger

I didn’t click on the link, just like I didn’t click on the lemonparty link way back when. I did con my XO into going there though. He was a little bit pissed at me for that one.


I think Dave Hardin should be commended repeatedly for keeping us, the denizens of the regular world, informed about the swamp-dwelling pissants, rodentiae, floating scumbags and other such detestable creatures.

Without his undying efforts, we’d have far too little to point at and laugh.

I think he deserves at least a quart of gravy for his very own.

5th/77th FA

Commended/decorated/accoladed? Yes!! A full quart of gravy for his very own? Oh Hell to the NO! A pint maybe, with sausage and biscuit(s) even, but not a full quart. Why not a full quart you ask? a. He knew the job was dangerous when he took it. b. He has the Soviet with all the attendant benefits thereof. c. He has the love and respect of all of the TAHellcats, including the Lioness of TAH (that in itself of incalculable value) plus said Lioness’s personal contact info to wit; name address phone/email numbers ect. d. Top shelf whiskey and premium cigars…. That’s enough….. Back on topic Rosie O Fatmouth can ESAD. She is just P/Od at dTrumpster cause she can’t sleep with Melania. O’Fattie should be charged with, at least sedition, or making terroristic threats.


Yup…..fattie boom boom is calling for a military coup like a third world banana republic.

However…..if Rosie got harpooned and mounted; greenhouse gas emissions in the country would plummet.


“It took me a good year to compose myself to be in public again”

Go back inside. The public does not want you to expose your hatred for men in public.
Adopt another kid so you can raise them to hate you like the first one. Oh, and kiss my Rosie ass you disgusting blob-o-fat.


you mean both her kids, they both hate her, one even ran to the Marines to get away from her. The other went to her birth family.

Deplorable B Woodman

Instead of composing herself, she should DEcompose herself. The world would be a better place, indeed, on many levels.

Combat Historian

Rosie needs to be “comforted” by Stormy Daniels, but this may be above and beyond the call of duty for even a pornslut of Stormy’s caliber…


But wait! I thought she said she would move to Canada if Trump won. What happened? Did they not allow toxic lard into their country?


Canada will accept landed immigrants, but landed whales are pushed back into the sea. It’s the humane thing to do (for Canadians, anyway).


I want “the military” to drop her flappy flatulent FUPA over Afghanistan.


I pray to God I don’t die before the midterm elections. I don’t want to vote for democrats.

charles w

The way they work, They’ll do it for you.


Your state allow early/absentee voting?

I voted yesterday. 🙂


So why hasn’t she moved to Canada yet? And by moved, I mean filed the necessary forms, paid the fine, surrendered her US passport, and renounced her citizenship. Oh, and filed for Canadian citizenship like immigrants are required to do there.

Or just stay here and shut the hell up.


“So why hasn’t she moved to Canada yet?”

Too expensive to hire a wide load flatbed and escort of the size needed to haul her ass up the New York State Thruway.
And then have to deadhead the rig back home?
Nobody gonna do that… their rig.


No excuse. Canada has ports–hire some tugboats.


It just kills me to see these military haters asking the military to do things for them. Yeah….

So let me see if I have this straight….

1. The military is an out of control group who fights wars without permission and actually runs the government in secret.


2. The military is totally abiding by the constitution but we need them to violate that and act as an out of control group who actually runs the government in secret.


frickin’ brilliant. I will steal this and use it shamelessly. Fair warning.


Yes. I want the president removed, and because I’m a rocket surgeon, I’m going to ask a group of citizens who have sworn to “uphold and defend The Constitution against all enemies foreign and domestic” to commit treason on my behalf. Absolutely brilliant. Oh, and by the way, fire can’t melt steel.

Roger in Republic

I find it funny that these ignorant, brain dead, idiots know so little of the political system that they all believe that if they can get rid of Trump, Hillary will become president. That ship has sailed, only they are so fixated on her that they can’t see it.


None of them passed 6th grade social studies.

MSG Eric

All it would take is putting ONE celebrity in prison who says these kind of dumb things and the rest would shut up about it….


Fat ass.

Lurker Curt

I see what ya did there…


Has the FBI started the investigation into her flagrant campaign finance violations? If not, what’s the fucking hold up.

Lock it up!

2/17 Air Cav

Question. If Rosie and Wide Load got together, which one would be wearing the strap-on? Or would it be a sword fight?

RGR 4-78

Mind bleach needed. NOW!


Sword fight along with hide and seek.

Combat Historian

Whatever swords they’re wearing would get lost in their mutual blubber…


They’d need the Gold Medal treatment.


Frotteur frolic?


“I took a year out of the spotlight.”

And we thank you.


You have to ask yourself why, if O’Donnell was out of the spotlight for a while, she finds it necessary to let everyone in creation know that she is just as obnoxiously self-important and crass as she was before she took that year out of the spotlight, or maybe more so.

Does she really think that anyone except the more extreme people on the left really give a tiny rat’s ass about her and her opinions? Did anyone really miss her while she was gone? Has it occurred to her that maybe a bunch of people did not miss her at all?

Lurker Curt

Maybe didn’t notice she was gone? Just groaned when she surfaced? Yeah, like that.

Haywire Angel

Oh, my side hurts….
Cough, hack….

vetfrom hell

Rosie is the ultimate hard off. They should tattoo her image on rapist’s retinas.


Dave Hardin, are you feeling okay. Your commentary seemed “restrained”. I was anticipating the appropriate use of the “C” word. Did the soviet put you in the penalty box?


I was on a flight with her last Xmas season.

I gather she wasn’t happy by the death stare I got wearing my Ranger Up shirt and submarine ballcap.

But her little girl was nice enough, the poor kid.

David R Murphy

Let’s review the facts…Rosie O’Donnell is a washed up, disgustingly fat, lesbian. She claims she got physically sick the day Trump won the election. I too get physically sick everytime I see a photo of her…wait, brb….ok, had to barf in the toilet. Damn, that cheeseburger tasted just as good the second time around as it did the first.


I’ll just leave this here. Open at your own risk. (grin)

comment image

Bill M

““It took me a good year to compose myself to be in public again,” she said. “I took a year out of the spotlight.””
Take another seven years.

Hack Stone

If the US military can stage a coup to overthrow a Republican President, they can stage a coup to overthrow a Democrat Presint. If you were to take a survey of active and prior military veterans, you would probably find more that agreed with some or most of President Trumps policies than President Clinton or President Obama.


President Clinton or President Obama combined.


Rosie O’Bagadognuts the useless colostomy sucker took a whole year off to compose herself? Too bad that fat sack of crap didn’t COMPOST herself and make the world a much better place (and help solve the world hunger problem in the process). Since she wants the military to take charge, perhaps she might not mind an all expense paid trip Club Gitmo where she can wait for her trial for sedition before a military tribunal – they might help with weight control too, no more depopulating a species by tons o’fun having a meal since you only get a normal size portion there.

Stephen McCartney, M.D.

Might want to think about all the comments about her weight. Some folks just look better fat. IF she did decide to seriously diet and lose 50 lbs.. I think she would look like Congressman Jerry Nadler. Scary!
Then of course then come the resultant ‘bat wings’.
CAPT Bones USN (ret)