Bill and Hillary: Good at being bad

| October 16, 2018

Another fine piece from our own Poetrooper, who informs me that he finally got his ire up and felt like taking a whack at the Gasbags of the Democrat party.  If his ire is up, he must be feeling better, so wish him well. Fair warning: there’s a photo of the two of them included, so try to keep your breakfast down.

The American conservative community is rejoicing over the belated news that Hillary Clinton supposedly volunteered to surrender her high-level security clearance back in August at the same time the clearances of five of her staffers were lifted.  Those of you thinking we might have finally skunked the queen of political skunks had better take a deep breath and realize that, once again, the Clintons are attempting to pull another fast one on the American public.

While the employable dollar worth of Hillary’s five staffers’ is now seriously reduced by the loss of those high-level clearances, the Queen of Sore Losers is not negatively impacted in any way.  How can this be, you ask?  Well, she is still married to predator-in-chief, Bill Clinton, who presumably still has his access to the inner sanctums of American intelligence operations, as do most ex-POTUSes.  Frankly, I don’t know how broad or deep this ex-POTUS privilege of access to current intelligence is because the principle of need to know generally limits the dissemination of classified material to those who have a role in acting on such intelligence.  But there is no doubt in my mind that the Clintons, thoroughly practiced grifters that they are, as well as their increasingly shady daughter, will not hesitate to use such classified information as they may be able to access for personal and political enrichment.  They’ve been doing it for decades, and they’re not about to stop now.

A question niggling at me right now is, what is the security clearance status of Huma Abedin?  Was she, as Hillary’s constant consort, one with close familial connections to the militant jihadist organization in Egypt, the Muslim Brotherhood, one of those with access to top-level American intelligence who lost that privilege?  If not, that is a lapse in our own national security that needs to be addressed immediately, when one takes into consideration the rock-bottom morals of her pedophile predator, weenie-wagging husband, who absolutely should never have any sort of access to any intelligence feeds.

Lastly, our knowing bwa-ha-ha-ha’s of disbelief simply will not be loud enough to counter this latest Clinton misinformation campaign to convince the American public that their family, and by extension the party they have long led, is not a completely corrupt political and criminal enterprise, one that the devious Democratic Party leadership and a compliant mainstream media recently tried to foist on this country as the best choice to head our national government.  So we must look at this most recent Clinton maneuver for what it is: just more misdirection from reality to make it appear that Hillary graciously surrendered her security clearance.  Trust your own common sense: there is no way the avaricious Hillary would have voluntarily surrendered something as commercially valuable as a high-level security clearance if she didn’t have an ulterior motive as well as a safe fallback position.  The more likely truth in all this is that Clinton is looking at possible prosecution for federal felony security and corruption charges from her secret server security violations.  So this ostensibly sacrificial act by Hillary is no more than a way to head off the negative implications of an announcement by the DOJ of her top-level clearance’s revocation, possibly ahead of a future criminal indictment.

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Category: "The Floggings Will Continue Until Morale Improves", Liberals suck

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I could only hope and dream a thousand dreams that she is prosecuted, but the waking moment is back to a reality where it will never happen. She’s teflon… they’re teflon. She won’t go away; she simply refuses to and they can’t make her.

Though, I certainly hope I’m wrong.

cc senor

Neither of the Clintons is a Thomas Becket, but the words of Henry II almost always come to mind as soon as I see an item about them in the news.




Capote was untouchable.

Until he wasn’t.


Gah. Auto corrupt strikes again



We can all cross our fingers and maybe our toes, but, I’d tie my dick in a knot if it meant these two would go to Prison for the rest of their natural lives and all their cronies as well


Is her hair helmet slowly migrating towards the back of her huge dome? Or is the dome simply bulging more and more forward with each passing year?

Does that hair helmet have an airlock pssshht sound when she disengages it? Much like when Luke Skywalker removes Darth Vader’s helmet?

MSG Eric

While they don’t have direct access to classified information, it is a guarantee that they have minions embedded in multiple organizations throughout the gummint more than happy to share information they shouldn’t with the clinton machine.

What is also scary is how quickly and significantly Chelsea has come to look more and more like her (prior to all the plastic surgery that is). It’s almost as if Chelsea is actually a clone, not a child product of the two.


Chelsea is a product of a liason between H. Wideload Clintoon and Webster Hubbell.

Club Manager, USA ret.

ALLEDEGLY, the reason Hillary didn’t give a rat’s butt about Billy’s extramarital activities is she also likes “women”. Huma Abedin is her latest squeeze and given the nature of Huma’s asshole spouse, we perhaps can understand why. My info comes from state troopers who were on the protective details.


I take consolation in the fact that when these two face the Judge of the Universe, there will be no favoritism, no bribery, no convenient suicides, no prevarication about what the meaning of “is” is.

There will be justice and clear proclamation of full guilt, and the consequences are inescapable.

Carlton G. Long

Amen, brother

The Stranger

I’d love to be there for that. Oh, and escorting them to their fiery new home. How do I sign up for THAT detail?


Amen, Graybeard. She won’t be able to get herself out of the hothouse by her bullshit lies. The Man sees and knows all and I’m sure He, too, has had it with these two assholes.


I’m reading all this and thinking it can’t be true. It must be part of a vast right-wing conspiracy!

Wilted Willy

I pray for the day that both of these scumbags are in prison, and not some cushy federal penn either, but a nasty take it in the ass prison! I want them both to have a long visit to the prison deli with Bubba and the rest of the staff! What, I can dream can’t I???

Chiraq Escapee

Except JB Pritzker. When I first saw photos of her walking into a room to campaign for him I thought it was a photoshop. But nope, it’s true. He really had her stumping for him.

sgt. vaarkman 27-48thTFW

She was here in NJ the other night in Jersey City stumping for that dirt bag Menendez, birds of a feather flock together, it was a donation dinner, $500-5400 for a seat to hear her cackle, hopefully the turnout was smaller than they were hoping for, like a Clinton rally, 15,000 capacity venue where ONLY 50 of her brainwashed zombies show up.


I hope that the current investigation ramp up and things leak and then the #metoo movement bites Bill squarely on the ass and they both go to jail, forever.

I mean, one can dream. We didn’t expect Trump to get elected, now did we????


clinton menendenz

Clinton van crunch.

Breitbart News Link

Clinton hosted a fundraiser for Menendez at the Liberty Prime Steakhouse in Jersey City with a group of “Women for Menendez” supporters. Tickets cost as much as $5,400 for the event.

I suppose “Teen South American Hookers for Menendez” were indisposed.



“Several minutes later, Clinton and longtime aide Huma Abedin emerged from the van, looking shaken but unharmed.”


This goes back to Club Manager, USA ret.’s Comment.

They were probably having sex in the back of the van and the Secret Service guy was so sickened by it, he tried to “accidentally” kill the lot of them, but was unsuccessful, because Hillary and Huma are alien lizard people, supposedly.


A friend postulates:

The driver probably thought that looking the Hildebeast in the eyes via his rearview mirror would protect him, like Medusa’s reflection in Persius’ shield protected him.

Guess it didn’t work.

He turned to stone, and there was no one to control the vehicle.


Bill will go down in history as a sexual predator ass hole and Hillary looks like a chipmunk who just took a load of Menendez’s cum.

sgt. vaarkman 27-48thTFW

2 dopey spawns of Baal, Moloch, Lucifer, Horace, Apollo, Satan or whatever, 2 evil traitorous twats, this is what is wrong with American politics front and center


If I didn’t know that Danny The Lawn Dart hadn’t already been planted, I’d swear that he was still photo shopping pictures like the one above with Shillary & Menendez.

What the hell are those round thingies under her eyes? Balls? (grin)


I want her to be put under oath and have her tell one lie. Just one. I desperately want these scum in prison.