I need a vacation
Ya’all may have noticed some new authors around here lately, well, it’s because it’s time for my annual pilgramage to warmer climes. Last year I tried to post from paradise, but the internet was so spotty in my third world paradise, I couldn’t post often.
Since I have a number of daily fans, I decided to turn over keys to this place to my three friends.
GI Jane from The Foxhole and located in Ohio with whom I’ve slammed back some brews and picked crabs, COB6 from Cotchety Old Bastard, who lives in Texas and whom I’ve known since the first war against Hussein and Don Carl a former Marine who lives out in California.
They all agreed to help me keep ya’all coming back while I’m gone, thankfully. Where’m I going?
We’ll be staying in one of those tall buildings in the banner. The banner is actually a picture I took two years while dining with another commenter here, Renwaa.
Well, I’m off to soak up some sun and some Havana Club, and take in the Independence Day festivities.
Big thanks to my three buddies for taking care of the joint. Sorry – I drained the liquor cabinet last night. Don’t forget to wipe your feet.
See ya’ll next Thursday!
Category: Administrative
Isthmus be your lucky day.
For the record, I was not qualified to be a Marine. My parents were married.
I was, as was our fearless leader, a soldier.
Que la pases chévere! 🙂
I’m waiting for your call Jonn! I’ve got a full liquor cabinet recently and seriously restocked from friends who just moved to Brazil and left their top shelf booze with us! Panama has probably changed a lot (yet again) since you were here last…….
By the way, the owners of the house we live in are the Varela’s. As in the “Ron Abuelo” Varelas. We’re getting some rum barrels filled with plants to put by the pool!