President Trump visits the UN
President Trump gave the UN another “talking to”. I am not sure how many were actually listening.
“We are standing up for America and for the American people and we are also standing up for the world. This is great news for our citizens and for peace-loving people everywhere,” Trump said. “We will never surrender America’s sovereignty to an unelected, unaccountable, global bureaucracy. America is governed by Americans. We reject the ideology of globalism and we embrace the doctrine of patriotism.”It remained equally clear that Trump’s message is still not widely embraced by other countries; in contrast to past US presidents, his speech was not once interrupted by applause.
I am encouraged by the fact that he was not interrupted by applause by a circus of greedy clowns that are being told they can no longer panhandle their way to riches.
“Iran’s leaders sow chaos, death and destruction. They do not respect their neighbors’ borders or the sovereign rights of nations,” Trump said, before slamming Iranian leaders of plundering “the nation’s resources to enrich themselves and to spread mayhem across the Middle East and far beyond.”
Iran is still busy counting the pallets of American cash set by that other guy and his bloviated babe of state. I would protest Iran by not purchasing anything made there…but I can’t find anything of value that is made in Iran…Or any other Islamic state. I wonder why that is…maybe they are little more than international parasites.
You can read the CNN take on things here. or watch the entire thing yourself in the video below.
Category: Politics
The Iranians comparing Trump(45) to Hitler was odd considering Hitler is idolized in Iran.
One of the most ironic comments ever made, wasn’t it? Does it mean that they secretly wish to do business with Trump? That they really share his world vision??
Makes no sense at all on any level. But then, nothing else that they do or say makes much sense either.
I expected no less from people who are not used to being told ‘no’, especially when it comes to someone else’s money.
It always amazes me when people compare Trump to Hitler or hold those signs of protest up saying “NO TO TRUMP! NO TO WAR!” Despite the fact he is light years away from ever being close to another Hitler and he has done more to prevent war than bring us into one.
People are so goddamn stupid it gives me a migraine.
Just happened to catch the entire speech on CBS as it started. When it was over the first words out of Nancy Cordless’s mouth were “boasting and bragging”.
Fuck that fat and getting fatter bitch.
That dress doesn’t fit anymore Nanc
The high points were when the camera would focus on the reps from the particular country that was being mentioned. Iranians stoned faced. Palestians squirming in their seats and the French..indignant scowls.
The Brits laughed.
It was a great speech and wadded up a lot panties. I think Trump is becoming quite good at speaking with eloquence and maintaining a cool delivery in front of world leaders.
Let them laugh. It’s all they have.
Just the Brits laughed? A friend on FB (nice guy, but a real prog) was upset that the UN “was laughing at Trump during his speech.” He seemed to feel that Teh Donald was hurting our reputation by being laughed at by a bunch of diplomats.
So how many representatives were actually laughing?
“We reject the ideology of globalism….”
All of the schemes worked by the Democrats a/k/a Communists a/k/a Socialists a/k/a Progressives are aimed at globalism. Trump’s words are anathema to them and sweet music to my ears. Globalism puts the world ‘village’ first and if individuals matter at all it is to the extent that they move globalism forward. The prospect of that by Trump’s immediate predecessor in office got him a Nobel prize. Recall that he was the internationalist who knew how to pronounce Pakistan as Pock-e-stan. Countries without borders, Global 21 school curricula, and social justice in its many forms are a few of the myriad elements of globalism. The selling of climate change is a big part of the globalism picture, a vehicle for seeking like-mindedness worldwide. And then there’s the economic equity bunk. Americans, especially, are supposed to feel guilty both for our past and our present. Trump just gave a big Phuk You! to all of that, not in some off-the-cuff remark or tweet, but in a formal speech at the UN. My eyes are welling up with tears of joy.
I’m sure Cunthulu will be along shortly to tell us why all this is wrong and why we must embrace Globalism.
I loved his speech as well. Needed to be said, was said, heard… can’t be unheard. Hope it popped wires and shorted circuits in every camel riding and liberal head across the board.
Thanks for using the correct spelling of her, its, xher name.
Pronounced, “Cun_thulu” right?
I saw the entire speech.
It made me proud to be an American.
I love President Trump!
^^THIS^^. !!!
Of course they don’t make anything good there, they don’t make a fucking thing there except misery.
If not for oil those goat fuckers would still be riding camels and fighting each other with WW1 rifles and swords and no one would give a flying fuck how many of them were dead or alive….but oil changed everything and gave a multitude of shitbags access to capital they could never have achieved through the sweat of their labors.
..Yeh except we have more oil than all of them, we have just been sitting on ours for a century or so in case of emergency! I used to know drillers that went every summer to drill wells and cap them….we have bunches and gobs of oil! We don’t need the goat humpers!!
Wasn’t a lot of our recent output due to fracking?
Also, Europe needs to buy oil from someone, so the market exists…
I heard the speech and I loved it. I then see that the Communist Led media (CLM) was saying that world leaders were laughing and how we are not the leader of the free world.
Funny, when someone gets invaded who do they call? Europe? Russia (probably doing the invading), Iran (again, either invading or paying someone to invade)? China? Nope, they call us. You need your “Peace Keepers” (read Child Molesters, desease spreaders and rapist) moved, who do they call? US.
I think we need to stop giving them anything. We stopped giving “Aid” to the murderers in Gaza. But more neeeds to be done. Trump is doing it. The screaming, moaning and wailing are music to my ears!!
If there’s something evil,
In your neighborhood
Who you gonna call?
And, charge the crap out of them when we do come to their aid! imo
We will never surrender America’s sovereignty to an unelected, unaccountable, global bureaucracy. America is governed by Americans. We reject the ideology of globalism and we embrace the doctrine of patriotism.
Damn, he’s getting on my nerves, talking like that! It’s like throwing catnip at a freakin’ cat! He has to stop that! Right now!
I could send him a card… or a box of mac & cheese… or a recipe for a chicken casserole w/veggies and dressing… or shepherd’s pie…
No applause for the man? Laughing at his accomplishments?
DEFUND THE UN NOW! See how smug these tinpot regimes are when they don’t get to spend our money while badmouthing us.
Hey, we could start up the modern-day version of ‘Ship of Fools’. Just pack them all on some cruise ship, send them back where they came from, demolish the UN buildings and set up a memorial park there for WWI and onward people, as well as a memorial to the Americans who were killed when the Lusitania was torpedoed by a U-boat.
Great speech.
FUCK the U.N. Right in its WALLET!!
Ouch! That’ll leave a mark.
Why Trump is winning the hearts and minds of everyday, thinking Americans.
God bless America.
Give them pure holy hell Trumpster, you go boy and get you some! Bet next time The Donald speaks at the un, they’ll issue some steel toed boots for all of the parasites, err I mean, delegates. Didn’t want to applaud while getting your toes stepped on, huh? Phuque them, just phuque them all, phuque them side ways with the barbed kock of Satan. Or maybe we do need to apologize. Hey world, we are sorry for coming to the defence of everyone when they screamed bloody murder, invasion, rape, pillage, whatever. We’re sorry we sent American Boys and Girls in to do the work that your own boys and girls should have been doing. We’re sorry for helping raise the standard of living for the whole world. We’re sorry for providing all the free medical and food aid to starving peoples every where. We’re sorry for giving hope to people, making them think that their lives could be better. We are especially sorry for electing a Leader that puts the best interest of our own Country first. We’re sorry we created a country where everyone has the same equal opportunity to stub out their Camel, get off their ass, pick up a shovel, and go to work. A country that is so bad and terrible that folks from all over the world are doing their damndest to get into, legally and illegally. We promise not to do it again. When the rest of the whole world finally sinks into an abyss, don’t call us. You can all just eat shit and die. Get us OUT of the un!
FINALLY we have a POTUS with the balls to stand up to the United Nothing and give then a long-deserved “FUCK YOU!” instead of saying “Aw shucks” and handing them boxcars of US Tax Dollars while rocking on the heels of their shoes playing pocket pool like prior ones did, MAGA!!!
But, Obama was a great orator!
And an scholar!
Look at his grades!
Obama was/Is a crooked, slimy rat fucker, with a barely average IQ who was elected b/c we felt the need to demonstrate to the world that we were not racist. He did shit for this nation for eight years and I hated seeing that scumbag and his hairy arm pitted pig of a wife coming out of my house and getting on my helicopter. I genuinely had high hopes for our nation when he was elected, thinking he would try desperately to demonstrate to the nation that he understood the responsibility and complexity of his job, the need to unify us and that he would make America proud.
Nope, he spent eight years tearing apart this nation and making us even more divisive. He gave away obamaphones and cash for clunkers and told the oppressed he understood their plight and made additional millions dependent on the gument tit. The only reason he was not and is not constantly vilified is b/c the slimy MSM defended his ass. Why? B/C he is not a Republican and b/c he is black. Todays MSM defends him, but history will portray him for what he really is, a failed, incompetent president.
Throughout his campaign he routinely criticized previous administrations, both republican and democrat, by saying the world is laughing at “us”, the United States.
It was one of his most frequently used talking points.
Well, now the world really is laughing at us. To his face.
Does that count as keeping a campaign promise?
The coward laughs at the strong because he knows the strong will not use his power to abuse the weak.
Wake me up when the coward laughs at the bully, like Russia or China.
“To his face”
Unlike the previous guy where they laughed behind his back.
Which would you prefer?
How is that a campaign promise. It just, once again, proves the man was/is right! He says the world laughs at us and then they literally laugh.
That the media (and apparently you, Calamari) can turn this into Trump is somehow wrong here is laughable itself. Can’t stand it when Trump is right can you? Well, better get used to it, because he is. A lot.
Well the previous administration earned the scorn, in case you haven’t been out from under your rock since 2009… they had been selling us out wholesale. You’re okay with that? Fine… go right on ahead and show support for the politicians who couldn’t give a shit about this nation, its citizens or where it is heading.
And let these pricks laugh, if that’s all they got I am fine with it. We all know when shit hits the fan they will be begging us for assistance, they always do.
You really have a penchant for talking out of your ass.
I predict the few laughs that came from the crowd was a nervous one.
After he listed off all the successes, they certainly weren’t laughing at that.
I also suspect a few who chuckled gave pause when they realized he wasn’t joking, especially since he eluded the U.S. would stop funding certain countries – reiterating what Nikki Haley has been stating for months.
They can laugh all they want, but the U.S. will be laughing back at them eventually…and they’ll wish they had paid closer attention.
As for the previous president, it became routine for host countries to break normal dignitary protocol that the media quit reporting on Obumbles arrivals because it was so embarrassing.
You one celled brainwashed omeba! stick your head back in your ass, you are babbling all over our screens!
The UN is straining to maintain credibility with the world while the US has realized (finally a POTUS realizes) it has none and is nothing more than a money pit for greedy, corrupt politicians. Trump 2020 unless someone can pony up a better candidate. Screw the UN. What a useless bunch of dipshits.
We have grown so accustomed to candidates changing horses after their election that we hardly know how to react when one doesn’t. Trump does not give a shit about the parasites and leeches in the UN, a sorry gang of bullshitters in a bastion of corruption. That’s to his credit and my immense pleasure.
Friend of mine summarized Trumps speech so I am shamelessly stealing and posting it here: I guess it’s that time again. He always makes these speeches so long. Anyway, here’s a summary of each paragraph of Trump’s 2018 UN speech 1. Listen up, bitches 2. I pretty much already covered all this shit last year, but I guess it bears repeating 3. Check it out, I’ve been on a roll 4. My administration is better than all the other presidential administrations the US has ever had. I’ve made these last two years my bitch 5. Why’s everybody laughing at me? 6. Not to brag or anything but I basically saved the entire economy. Even minorities have jobs now. 7. Taxation is theft and we’re building The Wall 8. You thought our military was fucking hardcore before? Sheeet, wait until you see them now that we’re actually paying them 9. Thanks to me, AMERICA, FUCK YEAH! 10. America First 11. Globalism is shit 12. Cultures are distinct, so act your culture 13. America likes to declare independence. We’re gonna declare independence from the rest of you globalist sons of bitches 14. Do you, boo 15. Let us do us 16. So I just got back from a world tour and everybody who matters likes me 17. I even got the Norks to chill the fuck out 18. No shit, there I was: Staring Rocket Man in the face 19. It’s alright though, I smoothed it out 20. Dude’s getting rid of his nukes and giving us back our dead bodies we’ve been wanting back 21. Not too shabby, Li’l Kim. (Don’t fuck this up) 22. Everybody who helped out with that is cool in my book. It was pretty much the greatest peace talk ever talked. Just sayin’ 23. Shout out to Real Korea, Japan, and China 24. Oh, and I’m fixing the Middle East, too 25. I put most of the countries there to work fucking over Iran and ISIS 26. They’re spending money to help with Syria and Yemen, too. Ya hear that Iran? We can outspend your fucking… Read more »
That shir just got me all misty eyed! Stolen with zero fucks given.
It’s about damned time!
Misty-eyed? Not me. Laughing so hard the cat is worried about me!
My cats are even more psychotic than I am.
I bow to our Feline Overlords.
The only thing missing is:
*Whips his dick out and starts waving it at everyone in the UN.*
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