John Kerry – President Trump Doesn’t Understand America

| September 10, 2018

John Kerry, riding on his foreign policy “record”, and on the “raving reviews” he got from his former shipmates… Decided to offer his “words of wisdom” regarding President Trump’s understanding of America. He argued that this was a dangerous world, and implied a need for a “blue wave” to change us from the course that President Trump has us on.

From the Washington Times:

“You have a president who clearly doesn’t understand America, doesn’t understand the Constitution, doesn’t understand the role of the Justice Department, the separation of powers, and that’s dangerous,” — John Kerry

This is the same guy that decided to do some diplomacy on behalf of another work of his “wisdom”… The Iran nuclear deal. This isn’t the first time he has pulled this stunt. He was reported to have met with representatives of our enemies during the Vietnam War.

Given that his actions and words amount to policies and actions that put the United States at a disadvantage relative to its enemies and adversaries, it doesn’t seem like he’s all that concerned about a dangerous world.

He certainly didn’t care about how dangerous the world was by offering himself as an option for President. Does this mean that he was for actual reckless foreign policy before he was against a perceived one?

Category: Politics

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Combat Historian


Comm Center Rat

CH: You have eloquently and succinctly summarized my own sentiments regarding JK – the Heinz mustard stain.




The boy who said he threw his medals over the fence of the White House only to be exposed later as they were not his medals.

What a war hero and patriot who put himself in for some of his own rewards only to crap on his fellow members still fighting the good fight in-country.


Lurch, the kerry fairy, and he says Trump doesn’t understand America….the same lurch that lied to congress about the troops in Vietnam, the same coward that shot a wounded VC in the back that was crawling off thru the brush and put himself in for a bronze star, the same p.o.s. that put himself in for 3 purple hearts so the coward could go home, oh and never set foot in a clinic, yep, thats the same fairy kerry!




Oh. My. God. I thought he had been stuffed and sequestered somewhere in a museum.

Who let him out????????

Rule #20A-12(b) of strengthening your opponent’s support: never miss an opportunity to say stupid things in a public venue.

Someone who has never run a business nor been required to do anything more than comb his own hair in the mornings, for many years, is not someone one would listen to for advice.


Or someone whose face is made of Bisquick…

Same guy who said air conditioners were more dangerous than Muslim extremists? Muppet looking asshat needs to disappear.


^all of the above^

The Stranger

Which Muppet? My money is on Guy Smiley, the Sesame Street game show host.


Guy Smiley was *exactly* who I was thinking of as I typed that…


Yep, we could use that “Like” button here for certain.


Hey, sKerry! The guy who WON a presidential election doesn’t really need advice from a guy who LOST a presidential election.

But, you sure are funny. In a pathetic sort of way.

We already got that you don’t have a clue about why this country elected Trump, and that you likely don’t care. You traitorous maroon.


^these things^




Right on! You do know you don’t have to talk nice to the scumbag don’t you? lol


Well, yeah. But even though I do know what most of the dirty words mean, and have engaged in many of them, there is no need to use them instead of more imaginative words and phrases without them.

Blame my upbringing. 🙂


Lurch needs to shut his cake hole and go away. Far, far away.


^word^ Sick, sick, sick, of this POS, Hanoi Jane, and those like them. These parasites have worked for DECADES not to try and destroy this country. Hell, let’s take a new look at the secession thing, cut these asshole out a piece of dirt some where and let them have their supposed utopian warm and fuzzy Kumbaya whatever. GTFO! ESAD! You and those like you ARE THE PROBLEM. You ARE THE SWAMP. Grrrrr!!


(now = not) forgot to proof read. This son of a bitch (apologies to his mama) just pisses me off, I think, more than any one else. I have spent my whole life trying not to hate, I can dislike, bless their hearts, or whatever, but this one I absolutely hate and despise.


Nobody here cares about typos, 5th. If it’s an issue for you, type your thoughts onto a word doc, spell check, copy and paste.

As for me, I think I’ve finally conquered the evil “Politics” category tag.


For meeting with the enemy and supporting their positions for peace while still a Naval Reserve officer, he should have been prosecuted.


A freaking MEN!!!! Aid and comfort during time of war. Think how much better this country would be if his PH award had of been given to his Mama. just saying




Nixon was going to go after lurch, but got his butt in a sling before he could do it! too bad….this piece of work needs to see the inside of a prison..for a looooong time, right next to the traitors hanoi jane, wicked witch of the east, bubba the pervert,,the list is endless! imho


I was thinking Iranian citizenship might be the best solution. He’d look good in a bomb vest replete with his NASA headdress if a burka doesn’t fit that large head of his.


Yes Mr. Kerry, please enlighten us how America?
We can has Constitutional?
Department of Justice League is good movie! Right?
Me no underfuckingstand, couldn’t college so went Army in Iraq.
I’d love this asshole to starve but there’s only one Canadian sauce allowed in this house.


John “Lurch” Kerry sucks the Barbed Cock of Satan…


Kerry is a war veteran.

Trump is a draft avoider and a con artist. Bone spurs my ass.

Even his supporters know he is a compulsive liar at this point. They are just willing to look past it because they agree with what he says he believes.

I will take Kerry’s word over Trump’s every single time.

A Proud Infidel®™️

JUST how much time in Military Service did B. Hussein 0bama have? Ditto with “Blowjob Willie” Clinton who ran off to Europe to avoid Military Service and wrote a letter saying how much he disliked the US Military.

You lose.


Slick Willie was an actual, certified draft dodger.

sKerry went ballistic when the mission of swift boats changed AFTER he volunteered for them. He actually had to go to Viet Nam, much to his surprise. Not that he didn’t try to get out of it. At least he didn’t have to stay long.

So what were folks who were medically disqualified supposed to do? Refuse it and do what exactly??


In the pantheon of trolls we’ve had post here, you’re about a three. Sorry.

But keep working on it, maybe you’ll get annoying enough to attract mods attention.

Something tells me Dave has a low threshold for bullshit. But hey, lets push the envelope and find out!


Kerry lost his credibility to bank on his military credentials when he turned on his comrades for political gain.

He’s been actively working with foreign governments for the last two years to undermine the duly elected President’s foreign policy.

Cthulhu, according to the wiki, you have been described in appearance as resembling an octopus, a dragon and a human caricature with a head similar to the entirety of an octopus. Sounds a lot like Kerry too. Do we have a sock puppet?


Away boarders, every one else get small. Expend all ordnance my position. I think all of us had a Skerry in a unit at one point in time or another. They were there with predisposed motives. A lot of us are old enough and served during his time and know 1st hand what a low life asinine POS he is/was. Do your Google-Fu and check into his history. Yeah President Trump got education and physical deferments in the 60’s. Lots of folk did. How ever IMO and the opinion of others, President is a loyal American that is trying to put the America 1st thing out there. Bought time is all I can say.




EAFBOD. You and Kerry both.


A veteran.




I like your unlike.


So you’re working for sKerry, are you? Chuthulhu? Isn’t the Deep Ocean Magma calling you, schweinhund?


…and Trump is still a better American than Kerry. So where does that leave you?


Congratulations, “Cthulhu“, you are hereby awarded with Garold’s “Most Worthless Poster-of-the-Day”!

For your worthy efforts you will be accommodated at the best luxury complex in Afghanistan available. You will have the pleasure of waking to the sound of early morning arbitrary gun-fire shooting randomly, hoping to get rid of some of the infidels you may find in your way during your morning shopping spree. There, you will fine best available goods for your convenience purchase that may include pictures of Osama, new books of what to name your latest born son, such Mohammad, Mohammad or if undecided Mohammad, maps to the houses of those pesky Americans you would like to see no longer, and some of the best bomb vest apparel available.

After your five prayer times a day, you may find yourself hungry. You will have the best grizzle available for thousands of miles around. And at the end of the night, you will have the pleasure of huddling in caves with like-minded individuals as yourself so you can share knife carving secrets.

We will miss you, but as long as you are a male, who knows, you may be able to actually return to this country; where you too can join the jihad you will come to so lovingly embrace.


While a multitude of members who served with him and had nothing but negative things to say of the man, but a few defended him. Below is one of those few;


You sir are an IDIOT!




“Kerry is a war veteran.”

Are you an antifa fascist? Realizing you never served your country while supporting a boy who betrayed his brothers-in-arms, I also wonder why anti-Americans choose to live in this nation you find contempt for.

Given your mental masturbartorial midgetry I also wonder why anti-Americans such as yourself cannot muster enough funds to move elsewhere.

Have you not thought of starting a “Go Fund Me” page? I’ll contribute. I’ll contribute handsomely.


So the man who made a big show of throwing away his medals and also stabbed Americans in the back but 40 years later touted that same service with fake pride for votes gets your respect? Interesting.

I suppose you were also clapping when we offloaded that pallet of American taxpayer money in Iran?


“throwing away his medals”

When queried about the medals on his office wall Kerry replied “those were someone else’s that I tossed”.

It would be fitting and convienent if both he and Fonda could share the same grave. One piss tube to both chambers.


I know a plumber that would be delighted to assemble the T-fitting to pipe the tube into both graves, if we can’t put them in the same hole. That way the drunk vets lined up wouldn’t have to decide which was more deserving to have their grass watered.


Good, dipshit. You can believe every word of his Winter Soldier testimony that those of us that served in combat in Vietnam were butchering innocent civilians like Genghis Khan. Of course if you repeat that fucking libel and slander in the presence of those of us that know first hand it is bullshit, you will regret it.


“Trump is a draft avoider”

So? That puts him in the company of tens of millions of other Americans (including some who wore a uniform). That’s why we had a draft in the first place.

Combat Historian

Bradley Manning is also a “war veteran”, and thus has just as much credibility as ‘ole Lurch when it comes to policy matters, according to this poster’s reasoning…

Jeff LPH 3, 63-66

Just think that kerry could have been my boss if I decided to volunteer for Swift boats back in 1965.


The horror! Don’t trigger my nightmares. You know the ones about The Bitch of Bengahzi, hanoi jane….


Johnny, go home and play with ketchup-girl.


Kerry reminded us just how worthless he was and is.


Kerry is the same dipshit who said in the 2004 presidential debates we should give Uranium to Iran.

Yeah. That would have worked out well.

Roger in Republic

Well Sparky, I agreed with him on that. We should have given them a few dozen Megatons worth of the super-refined version.


He’s a little slow on the uptake on this one, isn’t he? Must have thought he had more time and now sees that he doesn’t. Slipping a bit there, he is! But the midterms are coming up, which means that sKerry has to find something relevant to say.

A Proud Infidel®™

Does John “Lurch” Kerry have any brain cells left? I truly think all those Botox injections he got over the years destroyed whatever he had !


Two uses for Botox. One to improve one’s look. The other, the reason I take them, is for crushing migraines. Every three months, I get about twenty injections into my head, neck and shoulders. They work wonders. It appears Lurch gets them to enhance his appearance. Maybe it helps him pick up chicks.

A Proud Infidel®™

Didn’t know that about migraines, but “Lurch” Kerry is such a vain fop that he obviously takes it for cosmetic reasons.


In sKerry’s case, I do not think there is any improvement. He looks like a store window mannequin now.

In you case, how does a paralytic like Botox relieve those migraines? I would like to know more about that. Is it something that can be used to alleviate arthritis discomfort?


PH: Good question and here is a cut and paste with a bunch of scientific stuff: How BOTOX for migraines works BOTOX, or Botulinum Toxin Type A, disrupts the normal function of the neuromuscular junction, blocking the release of acetylcholine, a neurotransmitter. Researchers believe that by blocking acetylcholine, BOTOX disrupts pain pathways. Research continues to discover the exact mechanism that makes BOTOX so effective on chronic migraine pain. Here is the punch line: BOTOX is administered about every three months, and must be injected at the site of each nerve trigger, relaxing the surrounding muscles so that they won’t compress the nerve and trigger a migraine. Re control of arthritic pain, I got this from a Mayo Clinic site. It appears to be promising. Botox injections: Can they relieve arthritis pain? Can Botox injections relieve arthritis pain? Answer From April Chang-Miller, M.D. Botox injections into arthritic joints appear to reduce pain and improve function. Results from several scientific studies have been promising, but larger clinical trials are needed. Botox is the best known of a group of medications that use various forms of botulinum toxin to temporarily paralyze muscle activity. Other medications that contain botulinum toxin include Dysport, Myobloc and Xeomin. This toxin is produced by the microbe that causes botulism, a type of food poisoning. So far, participants in various studies have reported improvement in arthritis pain and joint function after Botox injections. Botulinum toxin works by blocking the transmission of certain chemical signals that relay information between nerves and the brain. These preliminary studies have been small, and many of them didn’t include a control group to see if the botulinum toxin injections work better than placebo. So there’s much left to learn about the possible role of Botox injections in arthritis treatment. All I can tell all of you is that, for me, Botox is a wonder drug. I was getting a headache every day of the month. Every day of the month. With Botox, I’m down to maybe once a month for the first two months after the injections. After the second month, the migraines start… Read more »


Awaiting James Taylor in 3…2…1…

James Taylor

You just call out my name
And you know wherever I am
I’ll come runnin’
To see you again…


“He argued that this was a dangerous world, and implied a need for a “blue wave” to change us from the course that President Trump has us on.”

From the guy who assisted in securing the “Iranian Funds for Terrorism”.

Don’t you just love it.


I saw snippets of Smegma on one of the talk shows about 0300 Tuesday. Watched enough to be sickened. He has had major plastic surgery to the extent that his face is now smooth, almost like a teenager’s. Maybe it helps him pick up teenage girls. I very much resent this guy and what he stands for. If there is a misunderstanding it is his; it appears to me that President Trump has a firm grasp of this Nation and what transpires and is working diligently to improve the lot of all Americans. Lurch and his minions, OTOH, are kissing the asses of our enemies, thinking that if only enough asses are kissed, if only enough money is given to them, they will come to ‘like’ us. Trump doesn’t give much of a shit if they like us; he sees them for what they are, which is a group of lowlife whores trying to take advantage of us. So, Lurch, suck one. It is you and those like you who have a misunderstanding of this nation. You were a failure before and you are once again.

Veritas Omnia Vincit

As the royal consort to the queen of ketchup John Kerry fancies himself a man of the people, even though any attempt on his behalf to act like “regular” folks comes off rather poorly as when he famously asked, “Can I get me a hunting license here?”…

Kerry is more likely to ask, “Do you know who I am?” to indicate his important self to lesser mortals. John Kerry has never understood the America that most Americans actually live in. John Kerry as a member of the 1% lives in a world most Americans will never know either. He’s been out of touch with “regular” folk his entire adult life.

Trump, for better or worse, actually does know what plays to the American people and what they actually care about which is typically a paycheck and a level of confidence that their paycheck will remain steady and increase incrementally while they work to live their version of the American dream, which unlike John Kerry doesn’t involve million dollar yachts being registered out of state to avoid paying his fair share of taxes in Taxachusetts.


Last night I watched as much as I could stand, an interview with him by Judy Woodruff of PBS.
His face was pastel. It is like he powders his mug and the camera has a difficult time trying to focus. The depth of field is constantly changing as if trying to figure out why his face is so smooth and puffy.
His words were babble.
Judy was none the less enthralled by his mere presence.

Veritas Omnia Vincit

Liberals love that turd, he was so stiff in his appearances here in Massachusetts I often thought there was a stick up his ass operating his facial expressions…


Too much botox. Stiffens the facial muscles and at some point, may stiffen the entire anatomy. He’s a stiff. He’ll never decay, even in death.

If he was babbling, it’s worth speculating that the botox has gone to his brain, isn’t it?


All I can say is that I REALLY hope the Dems put Kerry front and center in their political campaigns.

He’ll bring that same winning magic he gave them in 2004.


If they do, and he brings up his “war record”, think what fun it will be to rat him out!!!




…over and over and over, ad infinitum!!!!


It would be so much smarter for him to just fade away. But he’s not smart.


Oh, you got that SO right!!!!


Transcript: Kerry Testifies Before Senate Panel, 1971

They told the stories at times they had personally raped, cut off ears, cut off heads, tape wires from portable telephones to human genitals and turned up the power, cut off limbs, blown up bodies, randomly shot at civilians, razed villages in fashion reminiscent of Genghis Khan, shot cattle and dogs for fun, poisoned food stocks, and generally ravaged the country side of South Vietnam in addition to the normal ravage of war, and the normal and very particular ravaging which is done by the applied bombing power of this country.


Winter Soldier Link


All that and more is available here: