Nice idea, Woodrow, but….
The UN was supposed to be a place where nations could settle their differences in a peaceful way. Unless I misunderstood the idea behind it, the UN was not meant to be a place of appeasement, which is what it has turned out to be.
Except for the post-9/11/01 resolution mentioned below, nothing has been done to contain or even acknowledge terrorism by that organization. NATO has been a more useful alliance. Perhaps it’s time Woodrow Wilson’s bright idea, which was originally the League of Nations, was given its walking papers and disbanded. There is no real evidence that it has done anything other than cost the more affluent countries like the USA and USSR/Russia and China funding that could have gone into other things.
It was not the UN that resolved the North/South Korea issue. It was an American president who was bold enough to take the bit in his teeth and move forward with ‘do this or else’ approach.
The UN’s Security Council passed a resolution condemning the 9-11-2001 attacks on New York City, Washington, DC, and the Shanksville, PA, crash.
Nice words, but has anything stopped terrorism since then? No. In fact, it has become worse than it was, with the constant ongoing war in the Middle East, which has not ceased since the defeat of Sennacherib.
Nor has the problem dissipated with Angela Merkel’s idiotic flooding Europe with so-called refugees who have proven themselves to be more of a problem than anything else, and a costly one, at that.. They have cost Europeans enormously in taxes, security and flagrant criminal activities that would get anyone else thrown into jail. The malignant refusal to acknowledge that these people are criminals from the get-go indicates an unwillingness to face the fact that the whole idea of “open borders” and “one world” is a denial of reality.
There is, in fact, no real evidence that the UN has done anything except become a costly club that seemed like a good idea at the time, but has proven to be a waste of resources and time. NATO has been more effective.
What has the UN done to help the people of Venezuela living in grinding poverty under Maduro’s regime? When was the UN ever willing to go in to Cambodia to stop Pol Pot’s rampage, or to up-stakes and go into Kuwait to help the Kuwaitis stop Saddam Hussein’s confiscation of their tiny country? What did the UN do about the 32,000,000 people who starved to death under Mao Tse-Tung’s dingdong approach to agriculture?
What, in fact, has the UN done besides occupy real estate in New York City and let its diplomats get away with offenses for which the rest of us would be facing some hefty fines?
Category: Politics
The UN was never meant to be a place where nations could settle their differences. It was always meant to be a one world government that would force the leftist/progressive worldview starting with Woodrow Wilson and the League of Nations.
A fitting response.
With the US taxpayer putting in about 30% of its operating costs.
Woodrow Wilson.. isn’t he the same guy, who along with the rest of the american “progressive” movement gave Hitler the whole eugenics idea??? (and started the idea of abortion, for the specific purpose of reducing the number of minorities born???)
and was designed as the place American taxpayers would finance and line the pockets of VERMIN!imo
Oh, no, no, no! Youse guys have it all wrong. According to Woodrow Wilson’s Fourteen Points speech (How To Make the World a Better Place)
we should all just get along with each other. Settle our differences. Reduce weapons of war.
Now, let’s all join hands and buy the world a Coke, mmmmkay???
I warned you. You did not listen. Now you have to listen.
Doesn’t that include giving all the terrorists jobs too? Because that’ll get them to stop fighting?
Have you been hanging are Marie Harf, by any chance?
sounds like obozo, “I’d like to teach the world to swindle, rob, destroy, give away the bank” yep, thats obozo lol
Thank You, Ex-PH2 for posting what I have been saying for years.
You nailed it.
Ironically, the United States never joined the League of Nations, most likely because of the different thought process between Wilson, a Democrat and Henry Cabot Lodge, a Republican. Their personal dislike for one another may also have been a key factor.
The other irony was that Theodore Roosevelt and William Howard Taft, both Republicans, were strong advocates of establshing a League before Wilson, but not in the same manner as him. Roosevelt later joined Lodge to convince the US Senate to reject the Versailles Treaty. Just as Lodge, Roosevelt also detested Wilson.
Some things never change when it comes to mixing US Policies and personal feelings of those in office. 😉
Just as you shared, perhaps it is time for the UN Headquarters to relocate to another country. Or perhaps our country should drop membership, i.e. quit being the world’s Savior by policing other countries and pouring our money into those nations. We need to take care of our own back yard.
Thank you again for telling it as it is.
Personally, I think the UN has no purpose beyond begging other countries – the fat ones – for funding. You should hear the squawking about smaller nations not getting their cash for climate change. Seriously!
I think it is long past time it was dissolved.
NATO at least serves a real purpose.
On an update kind of note: the current Secretary-General of the UN, Antonio Guterres, says that “that the world is facing “a direct existential threat” and must rapidly shift from dependence on fossil fuels by 2020 to prevent “runaway climate change.”
Essentially, he’s got his hand out for more cash, ostensibly US cash.
The whole article is here:
Like I said, we can put our cash to better use right here at home, and that is what Trump is doing, despite resistance from local politicians.
Ranking right up there with Woody’s crazy talk is this drivel from Bush The Elder before he asked us to read his lips on taxes:
From President George H.W. Bush’s announcement on January 16, 1991 of allied military action in the Persian Gulf:
“We have before us the opportunity to forge for ourselves and for future generations a new world order–a world where the rule of law, not the law of the jungle, governs the conduct of nations. When we are successful–and we will be–we have a real chance at this new world order, an order in which a credible United Nations can use its peacekeeping role to fulfill the promise and vision of the U.N.’s founders. . . .”
And from GHW Bush’s State of the Union Speech on January 21, 1991:
“The world can, therefore, seize this opportunity to fulfill the long-held promise of a new world order, where brutality will go unrewarded and aggression will meet collective resistance. . . .”
Here’s hoping President Trump leads America out of the UN and continues to resist the NWO movement headquartered in NYC. I will never doubt the resolve of President Trump since he kept his promise to move the American Embassy from Tel Aviv to Jerusalem and the great strides he’s already made in bringing our warrior dead home from North Korea.
To paraphrase King Leonidas of Sparta: “This is America!”
I remember that ‘New World Order’ speech and wondered what in the blue-eyed world he was talking about. It sounded a whole lot like some propaganda ramble that he’d picked up some place.
But then, nothing ever happened while he was in office, unless you count the Savings & Loan debacle, so it seemed to just fade into the fog of history, little noted, not long remembered.
Oustanding post Ex, and bodacious comments. Y’all should all be carpenters, cause you are hitting all the nails on the head. Remember back in the 50s, 60s, and into the early 70s, the billboards all over, well for sure the South, that screamed – Get US out of the United Nations. Another parasite that the American Taxpayers has nursed for decades. How much y’all reckon that’s cost us. And Bush #1, hell he’s been sucking up at the sugar teat his own self for decades, and pushing his NWO. Remember, his upper level job in the CIA, that wasn’t talked about much when he ran with Reagan? The over all clique that has been running (ruining) this country for decades is starting to run scared of the whole Trump Train. Bush #1 lost out to Slick Willy, I mean polease. Only reason the economy did as well under BJ was he was so busy screwing around on Hillary that the country just ran itself. Bush #2 was just an idiot. Obama won cause the powers that be did not field a decent choice either. We have a chance, again, coming up in November to save our country. Let’s not blow it. Oh and BTW, can’t be drinking no Coca Cola, that stuff was invented by a former Confederate Soldier and that’s just raciss. Or as we say down heah Cocola.
Thanks, MSG!
I remember a huge billboard next to I-5 down near Chehalis Wa. It was on private property owned bay a local Turkey Farmer and member of the John birch Society. Local Dems hated it but since the freeway had cut straight through his property there was nothing they could do about it.
Daddy Bush said “if they knew what we had done, they would chase us down the street with pitch forks” or something to that effect! Right along with junior on the false flag event called 9/11 imho
So, I guess you are one of those Troofers.
desert is one of those people who think that the terrorists didn’t exist, even though there were videotapes of them at the airports, and they were later ID’d by people who had given them basic flying instruction.
Nice try, desert. Please get a grip on reality, willya? You out chasing chemtrails today?
Yeh, his “thousand points of light” speech written by the NWO!
You can’t spell UN-necessary without UN!
The UN is the perfect example of mob rule, where nations with no skin in the game and no repercussions for failure dictate to those who carry the weight.