Unexploded mine floating near Naval Base.

| August 30, 2018

A U.S. Coast Guard boat keeps watch over a “reported unexploded ordnance” drifting in the water between Brownsville Marina and Bainbridge Island, off Brownsville, Wash., Tuesday, Aug. 28, 2018. Brownsville is located a few miles south of Naval Base Kitsap – Keyport’s torpedo testing range. (Meegan M. Reid/Kitsap Sun via AP)

BROWNSVILLE, Wash. — The Coast Guard and Navy bomb technicians have detonated what they said appeared to be an unidentified mine floating in Puget Sound between Brownsville Marina and Bainbridge Island.

The Kitsap Sun reports a Coast Guard spokeswoman said the object was reported at about 2 p.m. Tuesday.

Authorities had asked residents along the waterfront to stay inside and away from beaches as a precaution.

Photos submitted by Kitsap Sun readers showed a round, rusted object with rods protruding from it.

Brownsville is a few miles south of Naval Base Kitsap — Keyport’s torpedo testing range.

I keep telling people them JAPS are out to get us.  Between their underwater mines and radioactive plastic waste, it’s no wonder the left coast is slipping off the coast.

Category: Pirates

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Lobster trap.

AW1 Tim

I saw that yesterday. Frikking morons up here.


‘Granolas’ identified by Birkenstock sandals and patchouli stench. Tie-dye shirt optional.


Local paper said it was a WWII german mine left over from the war? seems unlikely to me a metal mine would last that long in salt water?


Supposedly Iran deployed mines first used in the Russo-Japanese war in 1904. Yep, in the 1980s the US Navy encountered old horn-type mines in the Persian Gulf.


That sounds really interesting. Lobsters die in an accident, and PETA wants a memorial. Hmmm…. how about a special lobster dish?

Can I have this one? I can do SOOOO much with it!


The locals look at it as just “roadkill”, scoop it up and enjoy.
The insurance company pays for the meal, truck and injuries.
The Lawers make out and eat Lobster as well.
PETA goes hungry save the grass that grows after DOT washes down the road.
The crows don’t stand a chance when it’s Lobster and the Seagulls get flattened everytime.
Nature…it works!


And look what PETA is doing in Maryland:


“PETA billboard in Maryland encourages people to ‘go vegan,’ stop eating crabs”


“I’m ME. Not MEAT”

They stole that from the article about pron stars complaining about their lot in life. We are all meat in the eyes of the Tiger.


Is it possible that PETA IS a walking example of what untreated crabs can do to you?


Missouri Lighting is the best way to get rid of the crabs.
Kerosene and pine tar mixed in a solution and smeared on the offended area and in about ten minutes you are crab free !!!
I grew up in a drug store owned by my Dad in Southeastern Iowa about thirty miles from the Missouri border !!!
He always laughed when guys would come in asking for it and made it up for them.
And yes, it worked…
Quite well as a matter of fact…


Not that I had any experience with it…
Cough, cough…..


A better memorial is a steam-pot and melted butter.


I prefer beef and pork and chicken. Land critters.


Smashed crab with white line sauce could be the name of the memorial dish.
It would aptly describe those PETA women who also more often than not have a head on them like a smashed crab.

2/17 Air Cav

Navy divers set the charge. Screw that. Those EOD guys are k-razy. Me? I’m 1000 yds away firing rockets at the damn thing. The mine had broken free of its anchor. Not to worry, Puget Sound boaters. I’m sure there was only one mine unaccounted for. Really. Doh.


Just don’t poke it with a stick.


Did they swim to it and put a block of C4 on it?

No. let’s just shoot it with a .50 cal. (Come to think it, wouldn’t EOD have .50 cal in their armory just for such occasions?)


I know a guy that would paddle up to it in a Kayak with tanks and torches, cut her open, discard the contents and sell the rest for scrap. Hell, any Mainer from Rockland to Eastport would do the same.

2/17 Air Cav

They are pics of the divers eyeball to eyeball w/ that mine. Distance estimated: touching it.


That’s no mine. It’s a space station. It probably has a tractor beam. Don’t go near it.

Deplorable B Woodman

Who put that mine there, and when? Enquiring minds, and all that.


Any chance it is Japanese?

2/17 Air Cav

No, it’s round.

Joe Williams

I see what you did There Joe


Oh shame on me…..


I shouldn’t have, but I busted out laughing.


EOD said it had decades of marine growth on it, and there was no secondary when they blew it.

Bet there’s more out there where this one came from.


Training mine or defunct explosives?


They didn’t specify, but I would bet the explosives became inert, considering how long the thing was under water.


It’s crazy how chemical munitions roll up on the beaches fairly regularly out east from where they were dumped after WWI. The mustard agents are still effective. We had some pictures in our slideshow from a mid-2000’s EOD tech whose hands blistered pretty badly from it. Want to say it was Dover AFB.


WWII leftover. Japan was supposed to invade the Left Coast.


You’d be amazed where ordnance shows up. Hell, there’s a naval mine in the flooded rock quarry on Redstone Arsenal. Probably a joke from an EOD guy of days past but nevertheless, a naval mine in North Alabama.


Oh, in the good news category, the woman who was seen on security video ringing someone’s doorbell at 3am last Friday is okay. See, for example, https://www.cbsnews.com/news/sunrise-ranch-woman-ringing-doorbell-identified-montgomery-county-police-say/.


If an unfriendly actor wanted to float a mine into US waters, might he not camouflage the thing with apparently decades of marine growth and maybe spray it with some Insta-Rust? I assume the EOD people reconned the thing from a distance, using high-powered binoculars and video cameras.


“using high-powered binoculars and video cameras”

I would hope they scanned both the RF and AF spectrum for emissions. Checked for nuclear isotope signatures etc.
But I doubt it.

Jeff LPH 3, 63-66

I wonder who’s it was. It wasn’t “Mine”.

Perry Gaskill

A possible explanation for the loose mine might be that it was originally an unarmed boundary buoy for the Navy’s torpedo test range further north at Keyport. If you want to tell weekend boaters to stay out of a certain area, a floating mine, armed or otherwise, makes the point in a way a regular buoy might not.


I was “down” to Cape Cod recently enjoying a day at the beach. Shark fear was pallatble. It was in the news as it has been since I was little kid. God forbid anyone yell “shark!”. The beach would devolve into a stampede for the parking lot
as if the shark was chasing them over the dunes.
Sometimes it is best the public not know.

Old Tanker

Saw a follow up article on it. They did blow it in place after towing it to deeper water. There was no secondary explosion so they are thinking it was inert. I am wondering if it was a “training” device and simply got lost years ago finally getting loose of it’s mooring cable.

2/17 Air Cav

Training device. If you run into it, you fail?


Definitely pass/fail grading.

“Don’t come back without it”


sounds like that episode of gilligan’s island….

2/17 Air Cav

Here you go…

2/17 Air Cav

Funny thing. The real-life badass was the Professor. Pilot. 44 combat missions WW II. Shot down in the Pacific. Purple Heart. His passing was noted here at TAH several years ago.


70+ year old round with pointy/magnetic thingies that could go boom. Maybe they shoulda called some of the poser wanna be seal/eod (lower case intentional) boys to disarm it. Wonder how many more may be still out there?