The Weeping, The Wailing, The Gnashing of Teeth….
They just won’t give up, will they? The Democrats in Congress want to put Judge Brett Kavanaugh under a microscope to find out what’s wrong with him.
What’s wrong with him is that a) he worked in the White House for a Republican president (Bush, Jr.) and b) he’s nominated by a Republican president.
“WASHINGTON — Judge Brett Kavanaugh’s elevation to the Supreme Court could have unknown and problematic implications for national security, according to a key Senate Democrat requesting more records from the nominee’s past.”
Note the use of” could, unknown, problematic”. These words are specifically used as monkey wrenches to make the hearings on Judge Kavanaugh less likely to occur in this lifetime.
Sen. Jack Reed, “D-R.I., and ranking member on the Senate Armed Services Committee, on Thursday requested chamber Republicans and the administration grant access to all files regarding “Kavanaugh’s (past) service in the White House that address national security and the scope of presidential authority on national security matters.”
Kavanaugh worked in the White House Counsel’s Office under President George W. Bush from 2001 to 2003, including during the aftermath of the Sept. 11, 2001, terrorist attacks.
Reed said senators need to understand his involvement in a host of issues — including policies on the detention of enemy combatants and domestic surveillance programs — before taking a vote on his nomination.” – Article
The link at ‘Bush’ relates to detainees at Gitmo in 2015.
The “committee” has thus far received over 258,000 pages of documentation about Judge Kavanaugh. If they are so very worried about his qualifications and his views of how to treat people who would rather burn Americans alive than give them a fair hearing, why didn’t they bring this up before?
Have they finished reading those ++quarter million pages of documents? That’s longer than “War and Peace” ( a mere 1,225 pages) and I doubt that any of those Committee Democrats have ever waded through Tolstoy’s novel to at least page 25, never mind read it. I would find it necessary to ask how much of it they have read, in fact, so that I could assess their dedication to a cause.
But not to worry, GOPers are on it:
“Republican leaders have labeled it nothing more than a stalling tactic. Sen. John Cornyn, R-Texas, noted earlier this week that more than 258,000 pages of documents have been made available already.
“The reason why we’re talking about the great paper chase is because, I think, our Democratic colleagues have found out all of their other attempts to undermine or to criticize this nominee have fallen flat,” he said. “And so now it’s just a question how much paper is going to be produced.” – Article
In addition, Democrats are now throwing up Manafort’s recent conviction, because (whimper) they simply want to delay the hearings, because (excuses) “… the Supreme Court could be pulled into legal proceedings against the president .”
Well, why didn’t they think of that before? And what legal proceedings? (Gasp!) Are you talking ‘impeachment’, Mr. Reed? You know, when you’re trying to hide what you’re doing, it’s best to not hint at it even a little bit. Now there’s no surprise left, and dTrump already knows what you’re up to, anyway. And how come two of you wusses wouldn’t vote to impeach Bill Clinton? Did he have you guys by the short hairs back then?
GOPers are rebutting this as a delaying tactic. Of course it is. The Democrats have essentially zip, zero, nada, rien, nichego. You have to feel a little sorry for them. The way they grasp at straws is just sad.
And the beat goes on….
Category: "The Floggings Will Continue Until Morale Improves", SCOTUS
These are many of the same folk that insisted, in 2016, that a Supreme Court vacancy be filled. 🙄 They wouldn’t be pulling this stunt had Hillary been president, and the nominee shared their U.S. destructing ideology.
Grasping at straws, they are.
I hope those straws are made of paper or there might be trouble.
Nicely done!
I am so sick and tired of hearing the dumocraps, liberals,communists et al ‘BABBLE”, drool and lies, these people are pathetic! They have NO HONOR, No Integrity, No Principles, No decency, No Truth, nothing is too absurd for them to make up and actually have the guts to put out as truth…they are disgusting and will answer to Almighty God one day for their lies and bearing false witness!
Another Donkeycrat “fishing expedition”…
Let’s see, exactly what do Manafort’s convictions and Cohen’s admissions have to do with Kavanaugh’s nomination?
Why, nothing, of course. Nada. Zippo. Nil. But thanks for playing. Kavanaugh’s hearings will start 4 September, just as McConnell scheduled. And he will be confirmed.
I agree with you wholeheartedly, but let me make a prediction: IF the GOP loses the Senate, look for an attempt to yank Kavanaugh back OUT of the SCOTUS on any grounds they can find.
They would have to impeach him, using the same process for any government official under Articles I and II of the Constitution. For that to occur, he’d have to commit an impeachable offense, be impeached by a simple majority in the House, and found guilty by 2/3’s of the Senate. That’s a pretty long row to hoe.
Like Maxine ‘Dirty’ Waters, they can howl all they like, but no offense, no impeachment.
Just because those spoiled obnoxious brats in WDC don’t like someone, it doesn’t mean that this judge OR TRUMP have done anything wrong. I know they hate Trump, and that’s just tough bananas. He won. The skank didn’t. They have to grow up and stop being sore losers.
They are scrambling badly. Otherwise, they wouldn’t make so much noise.
How about the last two women A-Hole democratic judges that before they were sworn in ran their mouths off that they would respect the Constitution as it was, but after they were in, the Constitution would be interpreted as the way they wanted it to read.
It’s almost like they committed perjury, when they testified in front of Congress, Jeff. Why, that would fall under the definition of “impeachable offense”, wouldn’t it?
You all know about those interesting times, right?
I’m enjoying seeing grown men cry these days.
You and me both, Kiddo.
They are not really men; they are beta males aka cucks and pajama boyz who know how to check their white privilege and have never experienced any toxic masculinity.
Further proof of what a whorehouse Washington DC is.
So true … alas …
Kavanaugh is a done deal. This is all a game. As the Dems and RINOs have said in the past, “Elections have consequences.” Thank God Wideload didn’t get these appointments to make because they are, w/o a doubt, the most meaningful and long lasting functions of a president, short of sending out military into a war. I don’t like the life term, no matter who is being nominated, but I can’t do anything about it. That’s what has the Left all knotted up. If you do get conservatives and if they remain conservatives, the Left is w/o its black-robed mini legislature to effect its desired changes.
Yep. And this is why the Dems are holding their breath ’till they turn blue, stamping their feet, pointing wildly in all directions, and generally acting like the poor losers they are.
Sucks to be them.
I say let them harvest what they have sown, FUCK ‘EM!
Well, API, as always this is short and to the point. I concur. Fuck ’em.
… with a bat wrapped in barbed wire.
Elections have consequences. Eat shit, Leftists. 😂
I can’t make this up-
Dem Rep Green: Trump Doesn’t Need to Commit a Crime to Be Impeached — 218 House Members Decide
Breitbart News Link
Send this dipshit back to Constitution 101 for a refresher. Better, just send him away.
Please don’t send him home. We don’t like him either. I would call him our biggest embarrassment, but there is Sheila Jackson Lee for competition.
He is obviously an idiot, though the second part of his comment, after the bold is technically accurate. A president would not have to be found guilty in a court of law, PRIOR to being impeached. In an Impeachment (as I’m sure most here understand, though obviously this moron, and most other dims don’t),the House is the court where the offender is tried for his “high crimes and misdemeanors”. So in order for someone to be impeached, they would have to COMMIT a crime, just not necessarily be CONVICTED of it before the impeachment..
Well, Fyrfighter, kinda sorta. The House does not serve as a court and does not try. It draws up the charges, the articles of impeachment, and then, by simple majority, either passes them or doesn’t. If it doesn’t, that’s that. The senate cannot do squat. If it passes them, the House is done and the senate takes the matter, ultimately to trial. There are two specific crimes (bribery and treason) specified in the Constitution as grounds for impeachment. Additionally, as you point out, there’s the ill-defined high crimes and misdemeanors. These are not understood to mean felonies and misdemeanors but may be any behavior by an office holder that abuses the power of the office and renders the office holder unfit to continue to serve. In short, because a specific crime is not needed, the Dems are all atwitter (no pun intended) with the hope of winning the House majority to start the ball rolling. The Russian Collusion investigation would fail if collusion were found b/c Trump held no office when that fanciful allegation was lodged. So, Mueller and company have been using that as a front to try to find something (anything!) that might stick against Trump. It’s a sham investigation and Comey and others in the FBI, as well as that SOB Brennan and Sleaze Cohen, have helped spotlighted that perfectly for all to see.
Agree 100% 2/17, I misspoke, the House is more like the DA, bringing the charges, and the Senate like the court, trying the case, as you said. The rest of your post is spot on, thanks for catching my errors
How come these officious snots didn’t vote to impeach Bill Clinton????
I really want to throw that in their faces.
November is only a few weeks away. I could not in good conscience vote for the Republican representative candidate from my district in the last election, because he displayed complete and unforgivable ignorance of the US Constitution.
His opponent, who won, has turned out to be less a political animal than someone who does give a shit – far more middle of the road than a whack job like Green or Maxine. Probably too conservative for his fellow libretards.
But when November comes, we’ll see who is running this time.
Actually, Ex, he was.
President Clinton impeached
History Link
He was acquitted by the Senate.
The vote to impeach was 2 votes shy of a majority to unseat him from office. So, yes, technically, he was impeached, but he did not get fired, which would complete the process.
If the Senate is now 51 GOP to 49 Dem, and the fall election adds more GOP to the mix (possible), I’m wondering what kinds of explosions we’ll hear coming out of Foggy Bottom.
Hmmmmm…. ver-r-r-r-r-ry interesting.
“So, yes, technically, he was impeached.” No, it wasn’t technically. He was impeached the moment the articles of impeachment passed the House. What he wasn’t was found guilty by the Senate of the offenses for which he was impeached.
This is all bullshyt! Bubba the pathetic sick perverted pedophile was impeached…SO WHAT? He didn’t resign, they didn’t throw his worthless ass out…NOTHING, NADA, ZIP, ZILCH, so its time these morons shut their dirty lying mouths, its over, the wicked bitch of the east is HISTORY..pathetic history, but still HISTORY ! imho
That’s the problem the left has. They set up this depraved, morals free environment. They created Trump.
“It’s just sex.” At least Trump has the decency to not lie about to our faces.
“and what this Congress Critter is doing is harming society>” Fixed it for him. Drain the Swamp. Fire them all, hire new ones. This dead horse has been beat to death for decades. Congress needs to get off of it’s collective asses, quit concerning themselves with wining the next election, and just do the damn job they were elected to do. Term limits for all, get ’em here, no waiting.
Term limits at the state limit are reserved to the states, not the federal government.
I’d agree that something needs to be done to shuffle most of these people off the board, but it has to be done at the state level.
Yes’um, all over that knowledge. Have preached to gubmint lakeys since the early ’70s on that same subject. From tiny town/county, thru state, and national. None of them are even interested in discussing this because they have all turned into career prosti er politicians. I have made it my business for years that unless the other person running was a total dirt bag, pedophile, admitted crook, to not vote for the incumbent. Seems like on every level, once in, they stay. And get quite wealthy. Odd how that works, if you look at what the salary & living expenses are. Another reason that I use the term democans and republicrats. If they are not crooked when they go into office, for the most part, they become crooked. Example being the commiefornia marine (lower case intentional for that dirt bag). Expected more from a Marine. But I guess, learning of him from Dave’s info, he learned his crooked ways at daddy’s knee. rant over watching BP lately.
Amen, TERM LIMITS, the only thing that will stop all this BULLSHYT!
My proposed Amendment to The Constitution of The United States would be this:
Servitude of an individual in The United States Congress shall not exceed a total of twelve years. Members of The House of Representatives shall be limited to a total of six two year terms of office, Members of The United States Senate to two six year terms and if one moves from one branch to another, their total time in office between both branches combined shall not exceed twelve years.
The problem with firing them all, which we’re seeing now with some Trump appointees, is that there is a system set up to fill these spots with “friendly” people who have kissed the right asses and greased the right palms.
New POTUS comes in and everyone in the swamp jockeys for position. Different bosses, but the same toads fill the swamp.
My plan is for the voters to fire all the congress critters that have made a career out of screwing the working taxpayer for DECADES, soon to be all politicians. on every level. It is going to take a true grass roots effort, state by state to get rid of these parasites. I think that is why President Trump is running into so much grief. Every body is grying to justify/keep their silly ass elected job.
That’s be a start 5th, but you’d still be stuck with the careerist scum like Strzok that make up the rest of the swamp, and we’ve seen what kind of damage they can do and how badly they’ve infested the FBI, IRS, etc…
“Politicians and diapers both need to be changed often and for the same reason.” – Samuel Clemens (Mark Twain)
“Like” This what I usually say while filling out the paper work in the voting hall. I usually get at least a few laughs, I hear ya, and a dirty look or two. Had one poll worker tell me I couldn’t say that cause no campaigning allowed in the polling place.
The appropriate answer should be this:
“Fuck you. You have had months to go over this and you have nothing. Vote now and shut your dickmittens.”
But this is why I am not running for office.
Trump’s pick is pretty legit and has the creds.
This DNC shit is stupid.
OH, but they’re desperate, you see. Thus, the turmoil they generate makes them look like they’ve ‘found something!’
If he’d nominated Hillary herself the left would have been against it. “Trump nominates a confirmed liar!”
My posts STILL do not come up? Sometimes, rarely, one will appear in a few minutes, but rarely, sometimes, if I go off the site and come back, my post will appear, other times it won’t show up until the next day…WHY, why, why, FIX IT or I will cry like a dumocrap lol….
the only fix to all of this is not found in term limits.
No, the fix is found in working for no salary, divestiture of all investments to cash to be held in trust, and no stock trading.
Add a “no job involving a government interest or business dealing with the government including but not limited to: legal counsels, lobbying, advising, sitting on a board of directors, or serving in any capacity on any campaign” bill.
No money, no career, no life time politicos…
It’s all about the Benjamins. Always and only.
Being a politico (from local to federal) has become a new form of Capo Regime.
^this^^word^^AMEN^ Preach it. Go back to the original when they actually were Servants of the People. And correct, everything is either about the $ or the cooter kitty.
He will sit on SC. Said this before, but again, the SC is probably equal to or of greater importance than Congress and President. If Trump is reelected (please, God, make it so), look for at least another SC replacement. That will put the SC with a solid conservative leaning.