James Jeenou Thao – Phony Soldier

| August 25, 2018

Military Phony sends us their work on James Jeenou Thao, who also goes by Jee Nou Thao, and who claims to be a U.S. Army veteran of Afghanistan.

James recently won a pageant and was crowned “Mr. Hmong Royalty.”  The title came with hours of community service and James was given $1500 in award money.

Here is the video of the pageant’s Round Two, which was in English.  For any of you that understand Hmong, there are other rounds where he may have made other claims, but it was clear in the English version that he said he served for six years in the U.S. Army which included a tour in Afghanistan. (start at 3:05)


Someone reached out to him and he said he was with the 38th Engineer Company in Afghanistan in 2012.

Well, the U.S. Army could find no record of Thao’s military service.

I wonder how the veterans feel that he checked up on every 22nd of the month?

I wonder how the contest administrators would feel about that $1500?

I wonder how the poor chap would feel that came in second place?

Thao should probably still do community service as part of his role as Mr. Hmong Royalty, but perhaps that service should be working directly with veterans.

I can’t think of a better case to test and see if Wisconsin is serious about their newly minted Stolen Valor Law.


Category: Afghanistan, Phony soldiers, Valor Vultures

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Jeff LPH 3, 63-66

No Seals? What happened??????????


I would feel poorly coming in second place to this dude for a lot of reasons

Keepin' It Real

Is it just me or does that pageant seem kinda gay?

(Not that there’s anything wrong with that.)

A Proud Infidel®™

NOPE, it ain’t just you, that contest looks like the entertainment for gay balls!

2/17 Air Cav

Kinda? If by that you mean as in water being kinda necessary for life on this planet, then yes, it and he seem kinda gay.

Keepin' It Real

The pageant organizer, Tha Ying Xiong, says he noticed there were a lot of girl pageants, so why not give guys a chance?


Well, because it looks gay. Thank God he didn’t have a swimsuit round.

By the way, from what I understand through other people, Tha Ying Xiong, the pageant organizer supports Jee Nou Thao and feels he is honorable. You can let him know your thoughts if you are so inclined.


2/17 Air Cav

Looks gay? If it was any more gay looking they would have held the sweet gala in Frisco w/ RuPaul and D. Hogg as co-MCs.

MSG Eric

Wait, RuPaul is gay?


Kinda? It doesn’t get MORE queer!

MSG Eric

Well, it is a ‘pageant’…..

Perhaps it just translates poorly? Hard to ssssssay.

2/17 Air Cav

“He’s a fancy boy!”

A Proud Infidel®™

He looks like he’s always ready to go pong on a dong!

Daisy Cutter

… or use a dong like a bong.

MSG Eric

and really likes those shlongs that are long


Best I could do:

Nws yog li ruam nws mob.



The new Navy SEALs


A Hmong phony soldier.
His grandparents must feel awful.

Daisy Cutter

I wonder if it will be like the movie “Grand Torino” where Thao has dishonored his family and now must work off the debt.

Any of you need your gutters cleaned out? Any golfers need your balls washed?



He looks fabulous!


Maybe he can hire on as assistant towel boy at Brucie’s Bath House (entrance in the rear) to pay back the winnings. Oh, BTW Google Hit: Jee Nou Thao is a phony soldier, who lied about his service and brought shame to the honorable Hmong people. Probably sucks to be you right now. twerp ass punk!


Someone posted some links warning KyTies to exercise caution about standing behind Jee Nou Thao, but apparently, they deleted the posts.

They then replied expressing their support of Thao. While it is true that someone is innocent until proven guilty, the comment was odd that they expected an apology when these records are produced.



They then blocked the person from making further comments.

I suggest that KyTies write DIRECTLY to the National Personnel Records Center so the records have a clean chain of custody. Thao doesn’t have any military records because he did not serve. If Thao provides anybody any records, there is more than a good possibility that they are forged. They should think about it – Thao already violated a Wisconsin state stolen valor law and if he did not come clean and is instead suggesting that he’s going to provide military records, Thao is digging a deeper hole for himself by forging a federal document. If anyone accepts that document as proof or suggests that he provide one vs. tell the truth, they are sending him down the wrong path. They should obtain those records (or letter stating lack of records) themselves. This is good, solid, sound advice.

So, is this business going to apologize when the truth comes to light? Remains to be seen.

Sojurn Truth

@Steve Balm

We all appreciate the screen cap of the private message from KyTies(https://www.facebook.com/pg/HmongTies) as well as your explanation of the situation. It shows that corruption runs deep with that small time company. KYTIES HMONG TIES should be ashamed when the logic and evidence is clearly blatant. They should lose customers for supporting the fraud, James Jee Nou Thao.



“till proben guilty”

OK, guys, which one of you went probing for proof? You will not find a DD-214 up his backside, so stop probing.

2/17 Air Cav

Actually, whether proben or proven, it matters not. That’s a standard of proof in criminal matters. Moreover, no one is ever found innocent. The verdict is not guilty, meaning not that the defendant is innocent but that the standard of proof for a guilty verdict was not met by the prosecution. In any event, this isn’t a criminal matter (yet) and that innocent until proben/proven is misplaced.

A Proud Infidel®™

James Jeenou Thao has never served in the US Military according to Official Records found.
James Jeenou Thao appears to be more gay than a Boy George/Elton John doubleheader.
James Jeenou Thao look like he’d pong on a dong like a stoner hitting on a bong.
James Jeenou Thao HAS NEVER BEEN A US Army Combat Engineer.
James Jeenou Thao looks like he’d be right at home in a gay pride march.
James Jeenou Thao should have known better than to fake having Military Service in the age of the Internet.
James Jeenou Thao DID NOT serve in Kuwait and Afghanistan, although he looks like he’d feel right at home there on Man-Love Thursdays.
James Jeenou Thao looks about as tough as cotton candy in a thunderstorm.
James Jeenou Thao also looks like a snowflake.
James Jeenou Thao is a glitter-headed Sparkle Pony.
James Jeenou Thao was Apprentice Towel Boy of the Week at Brucie’s Bath House (Entrance in the Rear).
James Jeenou Thao is Boy George’s biggest fan.
James Jeenou Thao looks like a first week bedwetter at Basic Training.
James Jeenou Thao should have to ‘splain himself to a Platoon of REAL US Army Combat Engineers.
James Jeenou Thao really look like he “Trips the Light Fantastic”.
James Jeenou Thao looks like he has a lollipop up his ass.
James Jeenou Thao is an attention-seeking Glitter Poodle.
James Jeenou Thao will likely have fun explaining this on future occasions.

ENJOY your newfound fame James Jeenou Thao, Google®™be with you!!! Hear me, James Jeenou Thao?

Commo Check, anyone?



James Jeenou Thao has never served in the US Military according to Official Records found.
James Jeenou Thao appears to be more gay than a Boy George/Elton John doubleheader.
James Jeenou Thao look like he’d pong on a dong like a stoner hitting on a bong.
James Jeenou Thao HAS NEVER BEEN A US Army Combat Engineer.
James Jeenou Thao looks like he’d be right at home in a gay pride march.
James Jeenou Thao should have known better than to fake having Military Service in the age of the Internet.
James Jeenou Thao DID NOT serve in Kuwait and Afghanistan, although he looks like he’d feel right at home there on Man-Love Thursdays.
James Jeenou Thao looks about as tough as cotton candy in a thunderstorm.
James Jeenou Thao also looks like a snowflake.
James Jeenou Thao is a glitter-headed Sparkle Pony.
James Jeenou Thao was Apprentice Towel Boy of the Week at Brucie’s Bath House (Entrance in the Rear).
James Jeenou Thao is Boy George’s biggest fan.
James Jeenou Thao looks like a first week bedwetter at Basic Training.
James Jeenou Thao should have to ‘splain himself to a Platoon of REAL US Army Combat Engineers.
James Jeenou Thao really look like he “Trips the Light Fantastic”.
James Jeenou Thao looks like he has a lollipop up his ass.
James Jeenou Thao is an attention-seeking Glitter Poodle.
James Jeenou Thao will likely have fun explaining this on future occasions.

ENJOY your newfound fame James Jeenou Thao, Google®™be with you!!! Hear me, James Jeenou Thao?


Morgan Blake

Ditto for Jee Nou Thao as well!

A Proud Infidel®™

Jee Nou Thao has never served in the US Military according to Official Records found.
Jee Nou Thao appears to be more gay than a Boy George/Elton John doubleheader.
Jee Nou Thao looks like he’d pong on a dong like a stoner hitting on a bong.
Jee Nou Thao HAS NEVER BEEN A US Army Combat Engineer.
Jee Nou Thao looks like he’d be right at home in a gay pride march.
Jee Nou Thao should have known better than to fake having Military Service in the age of the Internet.
Jee Nou Thao DID NOT serve in Kuwait and Afghanistan, although he looks like he’d feel right at home there on Man-Love Thursdays.
Jee Nou Thao looks about as tough as cotton candy in a thunderstorm.
Jee Nou Thao also looks like a snowflake.
Jee Nou Thao is a glitter-headed Sparkle Pony.
Jee Nou Thao was Apprentice Towel Boy of the Week at Brucie’s Bath House (Entrance in the Rear).
Jee Nou Thao is Boy George’s biggest fan.
Jee Nou Thao looks like a first week bedwetter at Basic Training.
Jee Nou Thao should have to ‘splain himself to a Platoon of REAL US Army Combat Engineers.
Jee Nou Thao really look like he “Trips the Light Fantastic”.
Jee Nou Thao looks like he has a lollipop up his ass.
Jee Nou Thao is an attention-seeking Glitter Poodle.
Jee Nou Thao will likely have fun explaining this on future occasions.

ENJOY your newfound fame Jee Nou Thao, Google®™be with you!!! Hear me, Jee Nou Thao?

A Proud Infidel®™

James Jeenou Thao has never served in the US Military according to Official Records found.
James Jeenou Thao appears to be more gay than a Boy George/Elton John doubleheader.
James Jeenou Thao look like he’d pong on a dong like a stoner hitting on a bong.
James Jeenou Thao HAS NEVER BEEN A US Army Combat Engineer.
James Jeenou Thao looks like he’d be right at home in a gay pride march.
James Jeenou Thao should have known better than to fake having Military Service in the age of the Internet.
James Jeenou Thao DID NOT serve in Kuwait and Afghanistan, although he looks like he’d feel right at home there on Man-Love Thursdays.
James Jeenou Thao looks about as tough as cotton candy in a thunderstorm.
James Jeenou Thao also looks like a snowflake.
James Jeenou Thao is a glitter-headed Sparkle Pony.
James Jeenou Thao was Apprentice Towel Boy of the Week at Brucie’s Bath House (Entrance in the Rear).
James Jeenou Thao is Boy George’s biggest fan.
James Jeenou Thao looks like a first week bedwetter at Basic Training.
James Jeenou Thao should have to ‘splain himself to a Platoon of REAL US Army Combat Engineers.
James Jeenou Thao really look like he “Trips the Light Fantastic”.
James Jeenou Thao looks like he has a lollipop up his ass.
James Jeenou Thao is an attention-seeking Glitter Poodle.
James Jeenou Thao will likely have fun explaining this on future occasions.

ENJOY your newfound fame James Jeenou Thao, Google®™be with you!!! Hear me, James Jeenou Thao?



Green Thumb


Combat Historian

Not been a combat engineer, I have no idea if any component of the Army even has a “38th Eugineer Company” assigned to its OB. If there is such an outfit, it would be easy to check if it has ever served in Afghanistan. And if such a unit had deployed to A’stan, then it should be fairly easy to confirm with vets who served in that unit if Thao was ever a member in that unit or not. All of this is probably unnecessary, as Jeenao Thao has been confirmed by NPRC as a lying piece of shit…

2/17 Air Cav

“If there is such an outfit, it would be easy to check if it has ever served in Afghanistan.” There is and it did.


Don’t get so damned defensive incorrigible. Makes you appear to lean toward the gay side of life yourself. Sometimes less said is safer. But I can tell you this without hesitation….anyone who reads this blog and offers comments is going to be wondering exactly who it is that was just buried in Arlington that you criticize as being an asshole? That kind of rhetoric puts a hardened veteran like yourself in the same boat you claim we sail. So you have opened the proverbial can of worms, and should feel good about sharing your perception of one buried in the wrong place. For your sake, if you are suggesting who I think/wonder…….your popularity just nose dived.


would you care to elaborate and explain exactly WTF you are talking about?


Incorrigible: You care to come from behind your cloak and tell me who it is you refer to as the DEAD pedophile who was recently buried at Arlington? If it is who I think it is, you’re a fucking bucket of smegma. And BTW, people are free to be in any ‘pond’ they care and to discuss anything they like on this site. I’ll stand by while you explain yourself, if you care to do so.

BTW, I put dead in CAPS. I would assume the person buried would be dead. Be kinda messy if still alive, don’t you think?


Just click on the ‘report’ button and let Admin take care of it. I believe I know who it is. And nothing surprises me.


WTF kind of contest is this? To see who is most likely to swallow one behind the Circle K? And what is the “Mr. Hmong Royalty”? Yeah, they’re royal, all right. So part of the contest is to freeze in place and take two minutes to move one’s head from side to side? If he came in first, I’d hate to see those who were numbers 2 and 3. I’ll pass. I guess it’s a cultural thing and I’m a racist. Yeah, that’s it.


it’s a peagent like miss Cali or miss anything but for guys.. like how there’s boys scouts n girl scouts.. it used to be just for girls but some people thought itll be nice if the guys had something similar to do too so they just recently started this


So where is his dog with service vest, POW + a few dozen additional patches, motorcycle, leather vest with obligatory POW patch, thousand yard stare, shades, doorag, etc? It would also be helpful if he were surrounded by about a dozen other bikers, also in vests, patches, etc. It would also be helpful if this group were on their way to a VA hospital to perform volunteer work. This guy isn’t trying. Also, if there was no fire that destroyed his 214, and it wouldn’t matter anyway b/c his records are sealed, he isn’t legit. His records must be destroyed by a fire and it is a bonus if his records are sealed.


Regardless as to what incorrigible says or thinks, this sweet young thang with the recapped lips looks to be a spitter. Any doubts? Click on the Military Phonies link at the top of this page. Then scroll down through the pictures and notice the one after the Brokeback Mountain Cowboy pose (note the pink shirt). The very next picture says enough on his T shirt to leave no doubt he’s a gay cowboy’s gay cowboy. Reason I mentioned the color of his hot pink shirt reminds me of an old joke…..”90% of women don’t like men in pink shirts. Ironically, 90% of men in pink shirts don’t like women.”


Love it how these fake ass mot### ###kers disable/delete their Facebook pages. Fucking poser.

Green weenie

Just checked today, looks like his facebook page is back up, must be pretty confident that this thing “Blew Over”


Or Just type in “Jee nou thao” and you’ll find him, the direct link from the Militaryphony page still sends it to a dead link.

Hope this helps

Green weenie

Looks like his fb is back online