Marines lead all services in binge drinking, sex partners
I realize this might be shocking news to some, but I don’t make this stuff up. The Rand Corp Study has some very interesting findings. It seems the Marines have continued their dominion of the Debauchery Ball with only half of the Marine Corps drinking at alcoholic levels. I take exception to part of the study, they need to define Binge in military terms.
The Corps lost to the Navy for the highest overall percentage of LGBT personnel and of gay or bisexual men serving, but the Marine Corps recovered with the highest percentage of lesbian or bisexual women serving. Nearly half of service members reported aggressive behavior in the past month, and the other half were probably in the Air Force. In addition, 8.4 percent reported aggressive behavior five or more times in the past month which is consistent with the percentage of service members in the Corps and Rangers. The Army just needs to step up their game in general. I call BS on the Coast Guard numbers across the board. It was my experience that Coast Guardettes were, well, they really looked good in uniform. When it comes to multiple sex partners I can attest to several Guardettes being more than capable and they deserve to be recognized.
Some stereotypes are founded in factual data…just sayin. We need to conduct some studies of ‘You People’ here at TAH. Maybe we can provide these folks with meaningful data. Anyway, read the entire study yourself and come to some more appropriate conclusions if you dare.
Category: Military issues
I see that the Marines also lead in unintended pregnancies. Does this mean they are not the wienies that civilians want them to be?
Do you have to be a lesbian to enlist in the Marines? What happens if you aren’t? Do you get beaten up if you aren’t part of the LBGRU? I used to date Marines before I tried dating sailors. They never mentioned anything about that.
When I was in the Corps in the late 70’s the 2nd floor of my barracks housed Woman Marines. Two of my friends lived there and they said that more than half the woman were gay. But they said they weren’t aggressive if they knew you weren’t. I will not regale you with the gory details. But they did have some funny stories!
That would not have been at one of the radio battalions, would it?
Thank you, Jack! I am persuaded that some of those stories would be funnier than watching a dog fight with a radish. (You had to be there.) I would love to see them posted up here on TAH.
Maybe we need a sea/war/after hours stories column. That might be worth doing in a week or two.
First off, when I saw this news I had to actually wonder if I was proud or disgusted with my fellow Marines. Our battalion had mixed emotions, too.
As to your questions, I can say that I do see a lot of knocked up Marines. It bothers me greatly to think of all the abortions that must be happening. As to whether this is abnormally high compared to other services, I couldn’t say, but it seems higher than the FMF units I have been in. As to where I am, some of you know. To those that don’t it isn’t in the FMF and I’ll leave it at that.
‘L’s in the Marines? This is probably because of the reputation the Corps has. It is the place people usually say, “Don’t join them – they’re crazy!/too hard” etc. I would imagine if a female wants to join the USMC it is because they want to prove something. It is probably for some of the same reasons that butch females would want to join the Corps that gay men probably don’t want to. Just a guess.
“Our battalion had mixed emotions, too.”
Should read:
“Our battalion XO had mixed emotions, too.”
Personally, I think those women should be encouraged to have those kids and bring them up as future Marines.
That would ensure a line of replenishment with a tradition to follow.
One of those’ “so what?” studies.
Really, what is the point of it, other than as a challenge for the other services to step up their game.
“Here. Hold mah beer. Watch this.”
True, but now we have actual numbers to back up what used to be anecdotes. It also shows that the Army needs to seriously step it up (except raw-dogging it, apparently). Troops, do your part and screw and drink more. Go Army, beat Navy!
whoops, meant to reply to JacktheJarhead. 10 lashes with a wet noodle for me!
And someone paid money for this study? This is like the study Harvard did about 20 years ago that said sugar makes kids hyper, who woulda thunk it! Marines drink and screw with abandon? Shocking! Glad to see things don’t change.
Concur, JTJH. Who in Chesty Puller’s name authorized this “study” on military sexual statistical data. How much did this siphon from we the taxpayers?
Another survey which produced meaningless results.
Yeah, I’m impressed. Just not favoraby.
Just curious: is that HALF of the Marine Corps drinks at alcoholic levels, or half to the Corps that does drink imbibes WAY too much?
So, the Navy is the gayest service. Who would have guessed that? Sea legs my ass. We know why they walk funny. And then there’s those dress whites. Talk about a magnet for Bette Midler fans. And the Marines like to drink and screw more than other services. No way. Between Bible studies and attending church, I have no idea how they find the time.
As the Sailors always said, “It’s not gay if we are underway…but it’t kinda queer if we are at the pier”.
Yo …
What happens at sea, stays at sea!
1200 men board the ship when it departs port, and 600 couples return when the deployment ends.
(Something like that…)
Says one of our Sea Bitches. 😉
Why do you think we gave you those nice Dress blues? We like our bitches to look pretty.
Ow! A little lube would have been nice.
I would have thought the Air Force would have been the gayest. But then there is all that time underway for the semen, I mean seamen. (Not that there is anything wrong with that).
it was much higher in all levels when Subic Bay, Philippines was still our base…. Oh the stories i could tell 😉 😉
Yeah, we do need a ‘there I was, on the shores of Lake Stenchafolio’ stories spot.
7th Fleet needs to step up their game.
Binge drinking is 5 or more drinks for men and 4 or more for women. Right. And about half of Marines qualify for the alcoholic label. Right. Give me a break. It’s not just unlikely, it’s impossible, using the study’s definitions.
According to my last PDHA, more than 10 drinks in a week was at an alcoholic level.
No word on what 10 drinks in a day means, will do research and more to follow.
The thing is, alcoholism cannot be defined or determined solely by the amount or frequency of alcohol consumption. There is much more to it than that. It’s a tricky thing, defining alcoholism. The late-stage alcoholic is easy to recognize. It’s the start-ups that are tough to see.
I think a good definition of an alcoholic is someone who can’t make it through the day without having several drinks. If you have to sneak out to the parking lot and have a couple of snorts every two or three hours during the workday, you are an alcoholic.
And all this time we thought 5 drinks was defined as “breakfast”.
Defining “drinking at an alcoholic level” as 10 drinks per week is patently absurd.
There are 7 days in a week. “10 drinks per week” isn’t even two standard drinks (12 oz 5% ABV beer, 1.5 oz 80 proof liquor, or 5 oz 12% ABV wine) per day.
A person who alternates one and two after-work drinks (or drinks with dinner) daily meets the above criteria for “drinking at an alcoholic level”. People drinking at that level are virtually never alcohol dependent, physically or psychologically.
Rigging the criteria, like rigging the data, allows someone with an agenda to support literally anything they wish via survey data.
Yeah, Hondo. The rule of thumb (there is no science to it) is that when a person drinks to excess often enough that the drinking itself causes ongoing financial, legal, employment, marital, health or other serious issues, the alcohol consumption is the problem. On the flip side, there are people who drink daily and either don’t have those problems or, if they do, they don’t trace to the drinking.
None of these people have ever seen what happens at a drinking contest. They need to be edumacated.
Well, it’s good to see that while they’re cutting GI Bill benefits, among others, they are using the remaining budget for such worthwhile studies as this….
The raw data actually had the Navy slightly ahead on sex partners, but the researchers removed the data for one of those surveyed as an ‘anomaly’ because it seemed impossibly high. They were heard muttering, “Who recorded the data from this IDC SARC? They must’ve written it down wrong. Far too many digits…”
Lubbs me some fornication, even better as a team sport. 🙂
How very Baccahnalian of you! 🙂
It was my experience that the binge drinking rate was closer to 100% for all branches I worked with.
If you apply X3 to anything pertaining to Marines the answer is evident. In the other branches the data is based on X1. However, the Marines include the Marine, two road guards and someone to count Cadence ergo X3 and the high number Take a group of five Marines having a beer and with all of the entourage you have X3 data. Must get awfully crowded in the bedroom.
Careful, somewhere out in the dark shadows of the interwebnet thingy lurks, 1stSgt Morek.
Thought she’d be an E-10 by now.
Command master Specialist.
You mean the critter that looks like Gollum with makeup in an Army uniform?
Someone please tell me when – or if – the prissypants people who do these surveys find something useful to do with their time – something on the order of folding towels in Butch’s Bathhouse, for example.
I don’t understand the purpose of it, but I do know that the liberty stories I heard from sailors (and a few Marines) about their tours in the P.I. would blow the minds of these dried-up, humorless twinkie-fillers. It is not something new that people in the military indulge in alcohol. I remember parts of one episode of ‘Combat’ in which an American GI found a bottle of Schnappes in a hiding place and enjoyed it thoroughly.
Who gives a crap, as long as they’re sober when they’re aiming at targets, filling out forms, and/or driving MRAPS???? I don’t. Sailors used to get a daily ration of grog in the says of sail. Just don’t get skunked when you’re on duty, for Pete’s sake.
Whoever comes up with these wastes of tax money needs to find some other line of work, or maybe even get – oh, never mind.
I personally know Marines that were awarded medals for Valor who were so drunk they have no memory of what they did.
There are those occasions when courage does lurk in the bottom of a bottle.
It’s the ‘release the hounds of hell’ sort of thing that comes to the surface.
One of my colleagues tells me some seriously fucked up stories about shore leave in ‘Po City and the Bridge Across the Shit River.
Im thinking Im not old enough to hear those tales and why the hell isn’t there a medal for surviving those experiences.
I never understood the popularity of gay military pron sites. I figure it’s mostly posers as evidenced in the crap we deal with here.
I wonder if the percentage of phony Marines on those sites matches the phony bullshit this article is trying to sling.
They’re not all phony. Several years ago, there was a queer Marine (Sgt. Matthew W. Simmons of the Marine Corps Band) who did a pron movie while partially attired in his uniform. He plead guilty to misuse of the uniform but a court threw that out b/c he wasn’t wearing a complete uniform! How one makes a pron movie while in pants, jacket and shoes is beyond me. And, yes, he blew a horn in the band.
Woodwind section.
What do you mean, “I never understood the popularity of gay military pron sites”.
Have you ever checked them out?
Err …
Ah …
What is meant to say was …
Yeah …
Um …
Oh, never mind!
Fake News.
Off-topic, but how’s your wife doing, ex-OS2?
Still struggling with recovery, but is a survivor.
It has been tough….
I can imagine. Glad to hear she’s recovering though! Good luck to you both.
Thank you LC.
I don’t need fancy words, complicated graphs and colored tables to tell me what I already know.
As long as the USMC can deploy quickly, break shit with little concern of rightfull ownership and kill all the enemy in their sights forward, aft, port and starboard … I do not give a damn what they are drinking, how much they consume and or who try might be trying screw.
That is all.
Correct me if I’m wrong, but don’t Marines spend a lot of time deployed as well as in the field? I’m an Army Vet, but I remember only two things we wanted along with some sleep when we came out of the field, booze and someplace to lay our pipes!
Same here. Another waste of money that could have been better spent. Or is this a new way for posers and wanna beez to out Marine the Marines?
So, that is where the old saying “hurry up and wait” comes from.
“Hurry up” and get drunk and laid on the weekend,
“Wait” all week in the field to do it again.
If you don’t know where “hurry up and wait” comes from, you were in a different Army than the one I was in.
I have experienced hurry up and wait, just like everybody else in the military.
This was just my attempt at sarcastic humor.
A recent study showed that indeed the Marines invented sex, but it was the Navy that introduced it to women. snark snark snark.
Drunken debauchery after a battle is as old as the Wars of Ilium and probably goes back far enough to figure out who brewed the first vat of beer at Heliopolis and Memphis, or stomped the first grapes at Tel Qar-a-mel.
Why is this is such a concern now, when it’s always been this way? It’s hogwash. Some nunch in an office the size of a small closet has to justify his/her/its existence and this is the result? Marines drink more and get it on more than the other services? Well, no kidding, you dried up corncobs! I’d bet the Phoenicians were just like that, too, never mind the Old Norse and my distant Cymric ancestors.
Why don’t these people crank out how much boozed and sex goes on in Hollywood before, during and after film production, never mind the nonsense on the East Coast.
Sometimes, you want to go where everybody knows your name.
Not to mention the per capita drug abuse in Hollywierd versus the US Military, many Hollywierd Celebrities qualify for Honorary Mexican and Colombian Citizenship!
We had this in the bag for centuries.
This is news? Man, the Duffel Blog was all over this back in 2013:
When I was 19 years old back in 1968, I enlisted in the Army.
I went to the recruiters office and we chatted for awhile.
He asked me if I every thought of being a paratrooper.
He explained that going thru the training that I would become more physically fit, a better man, be more attractive to the ladies and that I would get five free “jumps” AND get “jump pay”.
Well, sign me up! Five free “jumps” and getting paid for it, what’s not to like!
So, after Basic & Infantry training, I proceeded to Fort Bennings, Georgia.
Yeah, the “Black Hats” were tough and verbally abusive, but I figured it would toughen me up. After all, when I was 18 and crusin’ the bars for chicks, I was used to being called a few names by the other sex and some times took it too personally. So, being called “maggot”, “scum”, “lower than whale shit” by the trainers would make the ladies insults just bounce off me.
The constant running, push-ups, and being put in dying cockroach position was tough, but in my minds eye this would give me better endurance with the ladies.
And the equipment, well when I saw this git-up:
…well hell, my mind went directly to this:
The recruiter was right! This was definitely the additional training I would need!
And then…..they told me the five “jumps” were from an airplane.
The rest is history.
Co A, 1st Plt, 2/325 Inf, 82nd Abn (White Falcons)
(I wonder where I would fit into that chart if I was on active duty these days) (smile)
Tepid. That was my first reaction to the findings of the study. If Rand really wanted to get some useful results, they would have asked questions such as:
Which service is most successful at hitting on pole dancers.
Which service is most accurate at 5-meter and 10-meter beer pong.
Which service’s base parking lot scores highest for both combined speeding ticket fines and assessed repo value.
And so forth…
Let see if I can help with this on Perry, just to simply rephrase into REMFese;
Poledancer criteria: Ability to properly identify and engage target
5-/10 meter beer pong: Under adverse conditions, and from a moving platform, hit and destroy target
Parking Lot speeding: Demonstrate the ability to successfully evade and escape from OPFOR upon being released from duty on Friday.
Parking Lot Repo: MOS 31B specific: Work appropriately with civilian organizations to identify vehicles for repossession. NOTE: This may also include interfacing with soldiers holding combat arms MOS.
Apologies for the warped sense of humor on a Tuesday.
Perhaps a new medal is in order. The “Green Peen” with “Drip” devices for each subsequent infection.
A purple dick medal for every time you have to be swabbed to confirm a diagnosis. I know some guys that would look like a Nork general.
Our Marine Bn was preparing to strike its colors (March ’71) in the Viet of the Nam. I got tapped to give the “don’t take that STD home to your wife/girlfriend/goat/sheep” lecture. I laid it on thick. About 50 Marines showed up at the BAS the next day. Amazingly – wink, wink – all of the cases turned out to be non-specific urethritis (NSU) with nary an STD on paper. Nevertheless, after all the pecker checker jokes directed our way, it was quite the pay-back pleasure to give each Marine 5cc of cold penicillin in each ass for three days running. I’ve made it a point to forget the stories told about how they came down with NSU.
Yup….. Dudes who get the clap these days just get a Z-pack to take orally. Better than 3 needles in the ass!
Back in the late 60’s, either going to or returning from RVN always required a 3-5 day stop on Okinawa. It was there you were expected/encouraged to learn what “short time” was, and return to base nightly so shit-faced the cab driver often had to help drag you out. If you stayed celibate on either visit, you were likely a candidate for a lobotomy. Something HAD to be wrong with you if you did not stimulate the bar and whore economy. Some Marines who had not been out in the world very far from home thought the five minute affairs were women who were just destroyed by your sexual proficiency, based on the woman moaning and groaning. My most memorable visit with one of the working girls was one who chewed gum loudly while I was demonstrating my sexual prowess. When she told me how well hung I was, I knew either the girl was blind or a TAH poser.
[…] College Class – Overthrowing The Government “Legally” This Ain’t Hell: Marines Lead All Services In Binge Drinking, Sex Partners, also, “I Thought You Were Bigger” Victory Girls: Trigger Warning Warning – […]
Retired Navy E-6 bit more than 20 years now, was medium speed/medium drag during my career. Glad they spent money for this study, hope this is replicated in the future. I like knowing that we here are part of a small group as compared to the US population, and someone in the GOVT cares enough to find out how we drink and who we take off our skivvies for. All the enlisted clubs closed, the deglamorizing of drinking, I suppose that may be well and good. Yet look at all the recent deaths and navigation errors in the Navy. In the days of two fisted drinking, don’t recall these same things happening. I know a return to the old days will never happen, but next time I use my retirement benefits and go to the Naval Hospital on the base in SoCal where all the Marines are stationed, it is good to know the hard chargers are still at it. I think these studies are done by people that would like to be part of the military, but for multiple reasons they do not have the gumption to volunteer.
Had two good looking WM’s come up to my post in their underwear multiple times while I was on duty. Best shift ever.
If there were lesbian WM’s I never saw any. WM’s were either preggors or getting hot beef injections on the regular anywhere and everywhere. Like it must be heaven for chicks being in the Corps. Just constant dicks waved at them and when on deployment it gets even worse. Navy chicks on ship also getting sexed like if they don’t use it they’ll lose it. 😭