Crackpot kills five at Annapolis Capital Gazette

| June 29, 2018

A lunatic was charged with five counts of first-degree murder in Annapolis, Maryland yesterday when he was arrested after a rampage in the newsroom of the Capital Gazette newspaper. The lunatic had a long-standing gripe with the periodical after a 2011 article they did about him stalking a former high school mate, according to the Baltimore Sun;

In the 2011 column about the harassment charge, Hartley identified Jarrod Ramos as a U.S. Bureau of Labor Statistics employee with no previous criminal record and a degree in computer engineering.

The harassment case centered on an online relationship Ramos tried to kindle with a former high school classmate. Hartley’s column said Ramos sent a friend request on Facebook to the woman, and the experience turned into a “yearlong nightmare.” Ramos allegedly wrote the woman and said she was the only person who ever said hello to him or was nice to him in school.

Ramos then allegedly called her vulgar names and told her to kill herself, Hartley wrote. He allegedly emailed the bank where she worked to get her fired. Ramos pleaded guilty to a misdemeanor harassment charge, receiving probation from a judge who called his behavior “rather bizarre,” the column said.

So, the lunatic filed a lawsuit against the newspaper which failed in 2015 when the court sided with the periodical;

Ramos’ subsequent defamation suit against The Capital worked its way through the Maryland courts until 2015, when the state’s second-highest court upheld a ruling in favor of the newspaper.

The day after the ruling was issued, the Twitter account in Ramos’ name used the same words it would again Thursday: “F— you, leave me alone.”

So, the crackpot had been stewing in his hatred for a while before he went into the newspaper’s office yesterday with a shotgun and murdered five people. It turns out that he wasn’t encouraged by Trump’s anti-media words or Maxine Waters’ call to arms – he was just a lunatic, and he’s been a lunatic for a long time.

Category: Dumbass Bullshit

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Wilted Willy

Dem lunes screaming for more gun control in 3…..2…..1!


Too late. San Fran Nan was already prattling on about ut on Twitter yesterday.

Fuck these fucking vultures.

And too bad shitdick won’t take the needle in MD. But I’ll settle for 23-hour a day lockdown in solitary confinement for the rest of his life.

Club Manager, USA ret.

Already happening on the liberal Little Rock Arkansas Times Blog. The lead is “its all about guns”. The only upside, if there is one, from this mess is a shotgun was used. Shotgun’s and .22’s are the staple of America. Then again, these same critics of guns don’t want America to remain as we were, but to resemble a third world shithole.


It was in the first few minutes. Before any information had come out other than a shooting was occurring.

They are vultures. Though vultures at least serve a purpose in the circle of life.

USMCMSgt (Ret)

They’re pathetic.

They were already drawing conclusions and making assumptions about the shooter’s affiliations and blaming Trump and the NRA.

A Proud Infidel®™

Have the TARDOs on the left started blaming the NRA as well yet?

Jus Bill

At approximately 2100 yesterday our esteemed State Delegate, Geraldine Valentino-Smith, posted her condolences on Facebook. Not waiting for the bodies to cool, she also tagged her statement with a plea to end “senseless gun violence.” Notably, she was also chosen to sponsor Maryland’s contested Red Flag Law earlier this year.

Your rights do not please the Crown, it seems…


Which of course doesn’t stope Nancy Pelosi from calling for more gun control before the victims bleed out.


Can we just get her mouth sewn shut? Her and that slank Maxine – both need it.

Jeff LPH 3, 63-66

maxine had to cancel a speaking engagement due to a death threat. Well it works both ways doesn’t it maxine. Interesting that most of these minority elites talk about white priviledge and they themselves make $six figure salaries and live in predomently white neighborhoods. Hypocritical wouldn’t you say???


Make six figure salaries and still somehow become multi-millionaires as civil servants. Maxine “I don’t live in my district” Waters is one of the worst. Somehow she’s shaken corruption charges.


She’s a graduate of the Jessie Jackasson/Rev. Al School of “Shakin’ down Whitey so I don’t play the race card against yo’ cracka ass”.

Jus Bill

Well, she IS the head of the Congressional Black Caucus.


Fake news. Peoples Republic of Maryland has extremely stringent gun restrictions so no way did this really happen. /s

Buckeye Jim

It is getting to the point that now, when one of these incidents happens, the first thing I think is “hope they are not a veteran”. Isn’t that a sad state of affairs.


Hope they are not a veteran or have strong, public association with the Republican Party, or conservatives. Genuinely hope all this crap would stop but, if it doesn’t, please, please, let it be those with strong liberal ties. Maybe that would shut up the howling monkeys.

Peter the Bubblehead

Have you seen a pic of this bastard, Chief?
His mugshot alone shouts ‘Bernie Bro!’


Hello, Peter The Bubblehead: Yeah, I had seen him. I was speaking more along the lines of future whack jobs going full retard and shooting up the place. I’ve noticed in the past, but less so lately, that almost before the bleeding has stopped, the howling liberal monkeys are asking if there are any known associations with the Tea Party, Republican Party, NRA, etc.


“Go out and get yourself a shotgun” – Joe Biden


And there is absolutely no connection between the full moon and lunacy. Nope. None. None at all. He was going to “snap” at some point, regardless. My sympathies to the families of the people he murdered.

Mars and Saturn are both retrograde in Capricorn. Seems to bring out this kind of thing people.

It’s the reason I stay out in my yard at night – to chase away the lunes.


Yeah, that’s why I really hated working the nights of the full moon, because it was so quiet. It seemed that when we hit the street after the 9pm roll call, we could already hear folks howling at the moon, and it never let up.

Jeff LPH 3, 63-66

Howlin at the moon-Shades of Hank Williams

Jeff LPH 3, 63-66

The Barmaid who worked in the Central Inn out in Valley Stream Long Island used to spend the whole night cleaning her house whenever there was a full moon. She told us that she became really restless at that time. I never noticed the Lon Chaney mark on her hand so I knew I was safe.


The woman he stalked said he’d be a mass shooter.

The editor of the paper at the time knew he was unstable.

But nah, it’s all the gun’s fault.


To be fair, this could be a broken clock kind of situation. They call every NRA member, veteran, libertarian, male human, et. al. the “next mass shooter.”

Cry wolf so much, it’s hard to separate the wheat from the chaff.

USMCMSgt (Ret)

Folks at work were talking about how Marquardt (the editor of the paper) thought about filing a restraining order, but decided against it – and that doing so would have prevented the shooting.



“Imbeciles” is right. Per this account, LE was on the scene not much more than 60 seconds after the shooting began.

That’s about as good as you can expect for LE response unless the incident occurs at a police station – and that quick response did no good whatsoever. Five had already been fatally wounded by the time police arrived. Apparently the a-hole perp was found hiding under a desk by the police and was then arrested.

A restraining order is nothing but a piece of paper. A criminal with intent to kill will ignore it, just like they ignore laws prohibiting murder when they kill.

As I’ve said before: when seconds count, the police are only minutes away. In this case, it was only one minute or so. But that was still enough time for 2 or 3 persons to die needlessly.


I boobooed there. Mars is retro in Aquarius. Saturn is retro in Caprisorn. My bad.

Full Moon, anyway, and the lunees come out into the streets!

He would have gone off fully-cocked anyway at some point.

Lurker Curt

Good thing he didn’t have a bump stock on that shotty /sarc

Fuckin dumbass.


At least he had the common courtesy to not use the dreaded megasuperdeadly AR-15. 🙂


One of the victims, Wendi Winters, was not only a daughter of a USNA graduate, but also the wife of a Military Officer and a mother of three USNA Graduates with her fourth youngest,a daughter, attending Navy JROTC:

Sad. So sad because of Ramos’ ego. Sorrow and condolences to the Winter family and the other four families for their loss.


I wish he had of channeled his energy into something more productive, like getting his Sport Pilot license. It has proven to be very therapeutic for at least one other crackpot who alleged defamation.


And the reports were quick to point out that the shotgun was black. And scary.

(Am I racissss to notice that?)


Yes, yes you are. s/


And the ghouls dance.

Breitbart News Link

Rep. Katherine Clark (D-MA), Sen. Chris Murphy (D-CT), Gabby Giffords’ gun control group, and other Democrats began calling for gun control before the facts in the Annapolis newspaper shooting were even known.

With no report of the identity of the attacker, and even before the number of dead and wounded had been confirmed, Giffords’ group already tweeted, “A summer intern shouldn’t have to tweet for help. We must do better. We must never stop fighting to end gun violence.”

These people and their ilk are beyond disgusting.


Best thing they could do to prevent gun violence of this sort would be to make MD a shall-issue state and allow reciprocity. But good luck getting the “fine citizens” of MD to ever elect a legislature that will make those changes.

Given MD’s existing gun laws, I’ll give 100+ to 1 odds that no one at that paper was armed – and that there’s a very good chance none of them even owned a weapon. Had even one of them had a concealed carry permit and been armed, there’s a damn good chance the death toll would have been two or three vice 5 – with the perp one of the two or three dead.


A de-facto gun-free zone. One never sees these incidents at gun shows, or police stations, or anywhere else armed citizens congregate. These meltdowns are insane, but they aren’t stupid. Their agenda usually is to kill as many innocents as possible before going down in a blaze of police gunfire. Can’t do that where the locals shoot back.

Why is this so difficult to understand?


So true. Let one of these whack jobs try to shoot up a police station. Guy will die 10 lbs. heavier than when he walked in.

A Proud Infidel®™️

FUNNY how we NEVER hear about some whacko trying to shoot up say, a Gun Show, Gun Range or some outlet like Bass Pro Shops or Cabela’s!

Lurker Curt

I read in one account that an individual in the office had two handguns in his desk, had taken them out but didn’t use them. Hard to believe somebody in a newsroom in the PRM…wouldn’t surprise me a bit if he had no training tho.


Would love to see the link to that account, Lurker Curt. Having lived in that “wonderful state” previously I find that a bit difficult to believe – especially since we’re talking about a bunch of journalists in that office.

But I suppose it could be true, or at least was reported by the media (whether true or not).

Jus Bill

If you ever read The Crab Wrapper you would have known that owning an icky gun was the absolute LAST resort they would have taken.

“He can’t shoot us; that’s against the law!”
“What we need is more laws to make murder illegaler!”

A Proud Infidel®™️

Yep, none of the existing Laws prevented that, but the libtard moonbats want more, further proof that liberalism is a mental disorder!


This was predictable due to the People’s Republic of Maryland’s existing gun restrictions.

MD is a “may issue” state regarding concealed carry, with issue dependent on the whim of local LE (not sure whether city or county). Getting a permit requires showing “good cause” – and the responsible LE officials determine whether the cause is “good enough”.

Bottom line: it’s virtually impossible for any normal citizen to get a concealed carry permit. Very few are issued. So any loon in MD who wants to shoot someone (other than LE, retired LE, or the “chosen few” selected by LE to receive a carry permit) has a very good chance to find their target unarmed unless they’re at their their home. And even then, it’s iffy if they’re a law-abiding citizen. Last time I checked, MD classified handguns as “restricted weapons” and makes one jump through additional hoops to purchase one.

I was damn glad to see that state in my rear mirror when I ceased to be a resident of that “wonderful place”.


The official verbiage is a “Good and Substantial Reason” must exist to allow a law abiding citizen their rights under the Constitution.

And a board of unelected bureaucrats* decides what “Good and Substantial” means. Generally you have to prove you carry large amounts of cash for business reasons, have an active physical threat against your person, or are a politician (or a pal of one). Otherwise forget it.

*State Police


Actually, AW1Ed, I seem to remember reading about a few cases where even some MD residents with credible threats against their lives weren’t able to get one. But that’s been a while, and I could be wrong.

Cash or connections, on the other hand, seem to do the trick.


I can recall one case where a license was approved because of a personal threat, but was declined upon reapplication. More would not surprise me- I assume the unelected bureaucrats decided the threats were not credible enough, but who knows? They answer to no one.

Jus Bill

It’s not via reapplication; it’s appeal to the civilian Handgun Permit Review Board. Batting average is about .50 for overturns (award W&C Permit), but the Lgeiscritters thought it was too easy and tried to abolish the Board last session.

Oh, and MD is SUPPOSED to be “Shall Issue”, but the Dims and MSP fixed that.


Somehow I think the approving authority would think it not a good or substantial reason to issue a permit is that the President said the media is “the enemy of the people.” Probably get laughed out of the station.


Lived in MD twice, paid good money to move the hell out. One of my better investments, haven’ lived over 100 miles from Texas since.

A Proud Infidel®™️

Speaking of Texas, I had plans to relocate there if Das Hildebeast had won and become a Citizen there once Texas seceded!

USMCMSgt (Ret)

I suspect that even if (by some miracle), the state of Maryland changed its stance on allowing CCP’s and/or allow any kind of reciprocity, local governments would make it impossible to apply for and receive a CCP.


As always, blame Trump! Open mouth, insert foot disease…what a dumb donkey:

“Reuters editor apologizes, could be disciplined after blaming Capital Gazette shooting on Trump”

2/17 Air Cav

Perfect. Idiot blames Trump for encouraging hatred of the media. That would be a scream even if it were not false. What Trump has done is given our thoughts about the agenda-driven lefty media some voice. And that’s all he’s done. It’s almost as if we now have equal time after years and years of the media having it their own way to spread their lies, half-truths, omissions, and selective reporting. And the medai don’t like it. They resent it. And this makes me smile.


Oh, PLEASE, PLEASE, PLEASE discipline that dingaling!!!! PLEASE!!!

I want to watch. Televise it! Put it on the net, you dipsticks!


I suspect “and we shall take appropriate action” is all the action you will ever see on this.


I was thinking they might use whips and chains, but – well, you’re probably right…. (sniff!)

2/17 Air Cav

Davis who was also hiding under a desk said he wondered to himself, “Are we all going to die?” when he heard the gunman reload.
“I’m a police reporter. I write about this stuff — not necessarily to this extent, but shootings and death — all the time,” he told the Baltimore Sun. “But as much as I’m going to try to articulate how traumatizing it is to be hiding under your desk, you don’t know until you’re there and you feel helpless.”

Well, well, well.


I THINK I saw what you did there, 2/17 Air Cav.


2/17 Air Cav

What’s the saying, a liberal is one who has not yet been a robbery or burglary victim? Something like that.

2/17 Air Cav

Do you have an airbag in your car? Yes.

How about seat belts? Sure.

Spare tire, lug wrench and jack? Of course.

So you lock your doors and windows at night and when you are away from home? Certainly.

Got smoke alarms in your house? You bet.
Why do you have all of these things? To protect me and my family from harm. Uh-oh. You’re going to ask about guns next aren’t you? Dammit.

2/17 Air Cav

Back in 1954, a handful of Puerto Rican nationalists visited Congress, taking seats in the gallery. One of them rose and started firing a pistol at the critters below. His comrades joined in. They were bad shots, killing no one but wounding five. In the days that followed, no one even thought about blaming guns. There was a proposal to wall-in the critters behind bullet-proof class, but that proposal was rejected. Same place. Another time.

Frankie Cee

Another batshit crazy lunatic, left on the streets, free to do any evil that he cared to, and if he didn’t have access to a shotgun, he would have used some other method to wreak havoc on that paper. He is one of those about whom, the Left say: “He is harmless, he won’t hurt anyone, let him enjoy his crazy.”
Don’t blame Joe Biden because he said: “Go out and get yourself a shotgun”.


The press changed the narrative to say ‘Long Gun’ instead of shotgun as the day grew longer.


Of course they did. The long the gun, the scarier it is, right? Those six foot long muskets were pure weapons of terror.


Chesapeake Bay Punt Gun, used to commercially harvest waterfowl when they rafted up on the water. It was mounted on and fired from a boat.
Punt gun


Grampa D had a single shot, bolt action 8 gauge goose gun. Barrel looked like it was 8 feet long to my young eyes. Looked like it could fire baseballs.


Heh. AWANEd had a crazy Puerto Rican neighbor in Norfolk who had a sawed-off double barrel 10 gauge shottie. He liked to fire it out his window when he got drunk. Which was often.


They just don’t seem to see anything wrong with lying about anyone they perceive as an enemy, who is different from them, or doesn’t share their political persuasions. Or just because. Reminds me of how some other groups treat infidels.

A Proud Infidel®™️

I’m surprised they didn’t say he was also wearing an NRA t shirt as well and they wonder why people don’t trust the news media!


Conor Berry apologized for the mistake in a pinned tweet, calling it “stupid” and “regrettable.” His Twitter bio now states, “Former newspaper reporter.”

That word you keep using, I don’t think it means what you think it means.

A Proud Infidel®™️

Libtards say that we don’t need guns for self defense because we have Law Enforcement. If that’s the case then we don’t need fire extinguishers in our homes because we have Fire Departments!


Or First Aid Kits because we have EMS.

Oddly enough, I have all three.