Manning fails in Senate primary bid
According to Fox News, the criminal formerly known as Bradley Manning failed in his bid for the Maryland seat in the US Senate, beaten by the incumbent, Ben Cardin.
Manning’s rhetoric was incendiary throughout the campaign. In January, she called Immigration and Customs Enforcement “literally the new gestapo.” She has called for abolishing both ICE and the presidency itself.
Another plank in Manning’s platform was to throw open the prison doors and release all of the criminals. Not surprising at all coming from a criminal.
In recent weeks, though, Manning seemed resigned to defeat, tweeting: “we can’t expect any change thru the upcoming elections – the primaries are rigged.” Her campaign was trailing significantly in the polls, and had raised relatively little money.
Yeah, the primaries are rigged against convicted spies.
Someone should keep Manning away from ledges.
Category: Dumbass Bullshit
“Someone should keep Manning away from ledges.” Nah.
Doesn’t matter. You could give manning a loaded gun and tell him that you’d give his family a million dollars if he pulls the trigger on himself, or even give that money to LBGT groups. He wouldn’t do it.
Attempts to commit suicide are just attempts to remain relevant.
Actually MSG Eric, what he did was a gesture not an attempt. An attempt is when someone foils your attempt. A gesture is to get attention and always has the person calling to get help or foiling it on their own. Manning, like the little punk he is, was just attention seeking, like you said.
i was also in charlie co 2/8 69-70 a medic charlie co. is having a reunion in branson sept 6th 2018 i would like to hear from captains joe gesker and george hobson …i may know some of the guys you know or remember..
Manning has been a failure at everything it has tried.
It fails yet again.
It can’t do anything right.
Read that the final count gave Manning roughly 5% of the Democrat primary votes.
Hey Manning,
Sorry about your consistent failures. Maybe shopping therapy is in order. Go buy yourself some nice high heals, a cocktail dress, get your hair and makeup on point… then finish what you started.
Just don’t hit anyone on the way down.
It puts the lotion in the basket.
But he would have made such a fine addition to the Derangedocratic party.
It’s an outrage that the voters in the People’s Republic of Maryland didn’t vote for her. After all, they had a perfect opportunity to put s/him in office since he represents one of the protected class of people that progtards gnash their teeth over.
/end sarc/
Why do they keep referring to him as “she”?
Good question… He always was, and always will be HE… He can legally change his name to Chelsea, and I’m fine with calling him that, though it is a very strange name for a dude…
We here, by and large, use she for a male in a disparaging way. The Left, including, of course, media, use it for pc delivery.
But not for one who is a sissified, communist, traitor, I suppose.
For those who insist on calling him a “she” my question is this:
Were he to get in a motorcycle incident and become a smear of gore on 100 yards pavement, what would the DNA say the sex of the individual was?
Or if some archeologist came upon his skeletal remains sometime in the way distant future, what conclusion would they come to when they declared the sex of the person to whom the remains belong?
Science is a real bitch when you are insisting that you are something your are not.
Agreed. I have no beef if someone wants to swing the other way. I couldn’t care less.
But don’t try to suck ME into their delusions. Just because someone thinks they are actually a girl does not make it true to everyone else. I’m sure there is some 300 pound schizo dude out there that thinks he’s Queen Elizabeth. That doesn’t mean everyone has to call him “Your Majesty” and cart his ass around in a Rolls Royce.
Gender Dysphoria is a mental disorder. They deserve all the treatment and sympathy as any other non-violent nutcase gets, but don’t try to normalize it or tell me that it’s all OK and that I’m the one that’s wrong. That’s some serious Orwellian ‘thought crime’ B.S. right there.
Yes, Manning is mentally disordered. Transgenders and homosexuals have much higher rates of mental illness, including suicide attempts, which leads me to believe he wasn’t necessarily just “acting out” when he stood on that ledge.
Like Brucie boy Jenner, he still has man hands, man feet, man whiskers, (maybe) and the little ding-a-ling !!!
Who was it here who said “If I had a buck for every gender, I’d have $2 and a stack of counterfeits?”
You do know what happened to a “boy named Sue” don’t you? lol
Awwwww Chelsea manning, the seriously disturbed little “man” failed again… is there anything he can be successful at? For those of you that live in, or travel through Maryland, be careful when walking by tall buildings…
He needs to aim for the dumpster, the next morning the trash truck can the haul him to his final reward.
Not going to have too many other options when you’re too far bats%#t crazy leftwing for even the People’s Republic of Maryland in a Democratic Primary.
There is always California….
Or Chicago. Luis Gutiérrez is leaving his seat. They’ve elected that nut for 25 years, they might enjoy another type of nut.
Or nutless.
I bet he would be successful if he got a job in a jewelry store… bird crap out of cuckoo clocks! 😉
Well, that’s that then. Failure, have I ever offended thee? “No, never,” says Manngirl. As for the ledges, that last one was rather silly. So was the one before that and the one before that. Next one is a St Joseph’s aspirin OD. It and those like it are truly disturbed individuals.
2/17 Air Cav: Do you think it may be St Joseph’s Orange-Flavored Baby Aspirin? 😉
Jonn, me thinks your item may contain a grammatical error. Should the reference “she” not be more appropriate spoken as “it” in describing this miserable sonovabitch?
Well, to be fair to him, the dem party does have a recent, and well-known, history of rigging primaries. Not that they would have to, in his case.
Manngirl rec’d a tad more that 70 grand from donors. There just had to be an illegality in there somewhere, say, to buy toenail polish or a new odlid.
About a million more than he is worth.
Well all righty then “Chelsea” can you please go away now? Buh-Bye, see ya never. Just go away, and stay gone. If you’re gonna end it all, just do it up right and have a back up in case the first plan fails, but don’t bother tweeting about it in advance. Trust me NOBODY CARES.
Manngirl’s usefulness to the Left was supplanted by D. Hogg, another drag queen whose bulb is flickering.
And we are surprised why?
No, we are enjoying it.
Nice try Brad, your time is now up. Please exit through the gift shop and have a seat over there next to Cindy Sheehan. No, not that seat. That’s David Hogg’s seat. He’ll be along shortly.
Ha! This.
Burning their 15 minutes up being mouthpieces for a dithering group of mental welterweights.
A decade from now Hogg and Manning will be slinging hash at a truckstop (I’m not going to mention how they’ll supplement their incomes).
“Lot-lizards” comes to mind, Roh-Dog. (grin)
That’s not hash they’ll be slinging in stall three of the men’s room to supplement their incomes
“Someone should keep Manning away from ledges.” my question to you is why?
32K+ voted for Manning.
Just another reason why the electoral college should never be abolished…
I like to think of most of them as protest votes against Cardin. I could be wrong.
Well hell, a socialist won in New York… so it is hard to determine where the party draws the line…
Yeah. It’s a victory for…for…absolutely nothing. She won’t be around long and the guy she beat was a shitbag who needing gone-in’ so, for my rubles, it worked out.
And a reason why the 17th Amendment should be rescinded.
That photo. Whats with the tiny duffle bag?
And why is it shiny?
Back in the day we had canvas duck. Not shiny silk purses. And they were twice the size.
And men were men.
I was hoping Manning would win the Primary. I can’t think of a better candidate to add to the November circus train.
The good side- Manning failed miserably, again.
The bad side- Cardin will win November’s election in a walk and inflict himself on the country for another six years. Between him and Van Hollen the PDRofMD is royally screwed.
Don’t forget Marilyn Mosby!
Whether it’s the mayor, the police chief, or the prosecutor, no one and nothing will keep the voters there from having their incompetent, if not criminal, weasels.
Would that I could, AP.
Any chance he’ll go away for awhile? Or will he continue to seek the limelight?
My money’s on the latter for this POS.
How do you really feel?
This is a safe space…let it out.
I hope he does it on Facebook live and/or sells tickets.
You people are some really sick MoFo’s !!!!
That’s why I like it here !!!
Anybody want to start a pool to see how big the splat will be when he does the swan dive to glory ???
I’ll pick 9′ 8.5 inches !!!
Maybe a side bet on how high he bounces.
When someone misuses the term “literally” it literally makes my head explode.
And it figuratively makes my head explode.
(I’m not laughing …. just calling a “he” a “he”.)
For anyone interested in how soundly Manning was beaten – Cardin got just over 80%; Manning got 5.75%.
He could have won under ranked choice voting like we now have in Maine.
At least he didn’t get beaten by a girl this time.
Celebrity Deathmatch:
Chelsea Manning vs Chelsea Clinton!
I want the Pay to Not-Watch rights.
Everybody is required to watch but you can pay me to not have to watch it. I’ll make a fortune. Bawhahahahahaha
What next Chadley, another suicidal ideation?
My buddy lives in MD and he said that over 32,000 people voted for manninng….
It’s true. He got 5% of the Democratic vote. But it is Maryland. It’s not too surprising that 5% of the Dems in Maryland would support a traitor for public office.
Can confirm. The depressing part is that he was second place against Cardin.
Can’t be a man
can’t be a soldier
can’t be a woman
can’t be a Senator
can’t even successfully suicide
probably can’t ride a bike or
drive a car
probably has difficulty walking talking and chewing gum
So what is this creature good for ?
NOTHING..just jackshit nothing except maybe the featured speaker at a LGBTQRSTUV parade a fag convention spouting dribble or gang banged sucking another fag weener tot while being fudgepacked
This bastard bitch needs to do the big dirt knap
“ the featured speaker at a LGBTQRSTUV parade a fag convention spouting dribble or gang banged sucking another fag weener tot while being fudgepacked”
Omg!! 😂😂
Can I nominate this for inclusion in the Continent of Insults???
“Someone should keep Manning away from ledges.”
Bradley should take a long step off a short ledge. The only problem I can foresee is that someone will have to clean up the mess.
Manning fails
You could have just stopped there and been OK.
Don’t go away angry, Manning. Just go away.
Let’s hope he puts his Swan Dive to Glory on Youtube !!!
Or PPV !!!
[…] You The Political Hat: The Privilege Of Paying For Your Own Indoctrination This Ain’t Hell: Manning Fails In Senate Bid, also, Reality Winner Changes Plea Victory Girls: Mueller Russia Probe Looks For Fall Conclusions […]
Our gender dysphoric, depressed, suicidal and love lorn ‘brother in arms’ did have a rather
persuasive campaign argument when he said he would advocate for life time free prostate exams for all transgender veterans.
CAPT Bones USN (ret)
That’s funny, CAPT!
But he wanted to do it as an oral exam
May Bradley Manning’s next Doctor appointment be for a lengthy session with a big-fingered sadistic Proctologist that has piss-poor depth perception and I wish the same on Mike Weinstein!
Well, now that whatshisface didn’t get THAT job, there are a few choices left to him, as follows:
1 – Bouncy house testing and sales
2 – Valet parking at Hollywood parties
3 – Busboy at greasy spoon roadside diner
4 – Fertilizer scoop truck driver at a cattle feed lot
5 – Snake antivenin test subject
I’m sure that all of you have equally useful ideas for jobs that don’t require watching someone to see if he’s going to stick his fingers in the till.