Gun-fag Dan Helmer compares Trump with bin Laden
A few weeks ago we discussed Dan Helmer, Virginia Congressional Democrat candidate, when he bought an AR-style rifle at a gun show.
He says, “Last week, I went to a gun show to find out how easy it is to buy an assault rifle. What I found was terrifying – it took less time to buy a weapon of war than a cup of coffee.”
This week he’s saying that President Trump is a threat to our national security, as bad as bin Laden;
Of course, Gun-fag doesn’t clarify what he means by his charge that Trump is a threat to our Democracy – he’s just playing to the media, vacuous little prick that he is. His campaign manager, quoted by USA Today, doesn’t clarify his meaning at all;
In response, Helmer campaign manager Bonnie Krenz said, “What is abhorrent is the way this president has failed to uphold his oath of office.” Krenze said the campaign stands by the ad and disputed the notion that there was anything about that warrants condemnation.
“The ad shows that Helmer will have the courage to say what’s right, rather than what’s easy,” Krenz said. “He is the strongest candidate on the issues that matter most to the district, including healthcare and gun safety. And he’s ready to uphold his oath to defend the Constitution by serving as a check on President Trump.”
No, what the ad shows is that Helmer is an empty suit. Comparing the president to a terrorist that masterminded the deaths of more than 3,000 Americans is just ignorant posturing. Boob bait for the Bubbas. Bill Clinton was a Rhodes scholar, too – that makes me wonder what they’re teaching.
By the way, the term “gun-fag” is my label for veterans who want to trash the Second Amendment, ignoring their oath to protect and defend the Constitution. Helmer is their king. After my last post about him, he blocked me from commenting on his Facebook page.
Category: Liberals suck
This morning’s Fox and friends were talking about what he said about an hour ago.
The Same Dan Helmer that made THIS sorry IQ Point-depleting ad? He needs to go apologize to EACH and every tree that has supplies him with the oxygen he has wasted throughout his entire life. *SPEW ALERT*, may cause gagging as well as loss of IQ points, EXTREME STUPIDITY:
Man that was as queer as it gets. Maybe not but damned close.
Something about him just seems to subtly indicate that he’s familiar with the taste of sperm.
And enjoys things going up in his squeakhole…
Queer as a three dollar bill….
Haven’t heard that in a long while. My father always used that expression, and that was many decades ago.
queer as a left handed football bat
Believe it or not, this guy is a LTC in the Army Reserve. His Brigade Commander should smoke him for that crappy piece of work. 🙄
Lieutenant Commander Daniel Helmer, USAR, is a commissioned officer in the U.S. Army Reserve and should know better than to identify the Commander in Chief of the U.S. Armed Forces as a threat to America comparable to Osama Bin Laden. 🙄
He’s also supposedly a West Point graduate.
And he’s ‘terrified’ of ‘assault rifles’ and ‘weapons of war’.
— sigh —
And Daniel Helmer,LTC, USAR, disparaged President Trump, while still a member of the U.S. Army Reserve… He’s not in the Retired Reserve either. He’s either Troop Program Unit/SELRES, IRR, or Standby Reserve.
Indeed. I think this “fine individual” needs to be reminded – by his commander, the hard way – that 10 USC 888 applies to him.
It has a common name many will find more familiar: Article 88, UCMJ.
He should be courts martialed by President Trump for disrespecting a superior officer…..
My experience with USAR officers is almost entirely negative. They were, to a person either completely incompetent, using the USAR as a welfare system, or using the USAR as a political spring board. In addition, the lies and prevarications about literally everything made me sick. Many officers would lie about being at drill they were so lazy.
It is a total shame that the good officers get lost in the useless and lazy population.
Commissioned Officer , Article 88 of the UCMJ.
He should NO LONGER BE IN THE ARMY RESERVE! Take the fruitcake out and tar and feather the shythead, moronic, brainwashed, liberal !
His name is obviously incorrect…his first name is DICK and his last name is…ASSHOLE.
What a fricken loser!
So…. When this campaign was taped, the trees were in leaf, meaning warm weather, but this dipstick is touring in his fleece lined leather jacket? He ain’t too bright, is he? Beside being tone deaf! Pitiful.
Hound dog Bill Clinton attended to Rhodes, he did NOT graduate. Years afterwards he was given an “honorary” unearned degree.
“Hound Dog?”
I think you mean “Horn Dog.”
Caught Pete attempting to get him to clarify. Of course, he just doubled down on the unintelligible and refused to answer even the simplest of questions. He did make the point that he was on F&F because he wanted the Prez to hear his ignorant assertions. That may have been his most honest statement to date.
Nathan Larson will running against this assclown in Virginia’s 10th Congressional District if Helmer wins the upcoming Democratic primary.
Now that’s a fine selection of political candidates by any measure.
No way. No F-ing way, you have got to be kidding me, right? This is almost as bad as the PDRMA. Those are the “best and brightest” candidates for office? I wouldn’t vote for either of those morons for pooper scooper at the dog park let alone anything with more power. Good God… maybe we need a ballot choice that reads: NONE OF THE ABOVE in cases like that.
One’s a Dem, the other an Independent. The choice is pretty clear- vote Republican.
Great category, Jonn.
I wholeheartedly concur….
So let be written, so let it be done !!!
Actually, I was referring to the “Liberals Suck” category at the bottom of the post, but “Gun-Fag” works, too.
“I went to a gun show to find out how easy it is to buy an assault rifle. What I found was terrifying – it took less time to buy a weapon of war than a cup of coffee.”
They sell coffee at gun shows?
If it’s Black Rifle Coffee, I’ll grab a couple pounds, just to give this sally-boi the vapors.
Black Rifle Coffee comes delivered to my door- no need to go anywhere. Mug of strong black and a shot of bourbon will cure what ails you.
Except sally-boi vapors, of course.
Giving serious thought to ordering some Maybe start with the Just Black.
I did the all types option, a different blend each month. Havne’t been disappointed yet!
Yeah, but they don’t offer black tea, so I’m feeling left out. (Sniffle.)
Palm Beach County fairgrounds has a large snack bar in the back for all events including gun shows. Most likely a large line at the coffee checkout register.
And they wonder how they got Trump. This is how they got Trump and will get him again for a 2nd term. Keep it up Dims! Double down!
Watched him on Fox…several minutes of my life wasted.
Quote from my pal, who is a VA resident:
“Yeah, he’s a fucking idiot…..and largely a laughing stock, here in Virginia. Having this skid mark walk into a room is like having ten smart people get up and leave.”
Pretty much sums it up.
Except that VA has a yuuuuge voting block in Northern VA and Richmond, bastions of liberalism and Establishment that are not representative of the rest of the Commonwealth. Was in extreme SW VA last week (coal mining country) and thought how those folks are not represented at all.
The Electoral College as set up by our genius Founding Fathers should be duplicated by the states as it always ends up that they are run by the centers of population instead of the rest of the state that completely disagrees with their electoral policies.
Most of California, Illinois, Virginia, New York and the major states have been run into the ground by the machine politics of the cities to the point that they are basically bankrupt…
*cough* Maryland
Colorado is circling that drain as well…
The same could be said for “Tiny” Tim Kaine…and Virginians put his punk ass into a senate seat…just to see Pence wipe the map with him on the national stage
Helmer is welcome to explain the actual constitutional violations. I’ll even wait a few minutes for him to look them up.
Still waiting…
Still waiting…
Yep, he’s full of shit.
Was this person even out of diapers when bin Laden was on his rampage through the Middle East?
It would be kind of fun to test his (lack of) knowledge on things like taxes, US/other country relations, NAFTA, etc., because if he’s this clueless about guns, he’s more clueless about really important things.
And no, I do not believe he was able to get a gun ‘just like that’. I think he’s BSing about it.
He probably has a working vocabulary about many of those things. He is a West Point grad. Yeah, really. Sad.
He said that he was a cadet on 9-11.
Friend of the Commie LT?
Which IMO only serves as evidence that he is not stupid or otherwise incapable of linear goal oriented thought and the basic concepts of cause and effect.
Which means he is voluntarily abandoning those basic concepts and instead exhibiting what amounts to performance art which panders to his select group in an effort to gain power/notoriety/remuneration.
Basically, he is now a whore.
there, fixed it for you…
spot on 🙂
Yes, a good whore provides some services for the payments she receives.
Hold on, John. Calling him that may be offensive: it has “gun” in it.
I’d rather not refer to him as a “gun fag” until he has sucked one and inhaled the bullet.
Or suck-start a 12 gauge.
Sorry, that wasn’t polite of me.
P.S. Jarhead, I loved your commentary on sissy Swofford. Took the words right out of my Air Force sewer. Semper Fi to you, buddy.
His claim that purchasing a gun ‘just like that, took less time than buying coffee’ is questionable. You still have to pass a background check in Virginia.
There is no “waiting period” in Virginia to buy a firearm. There are state and federal forms that must be filled out. A background check must be submitted once those forms are completed and signed. When the background check is approved, the firearm may be transferred.
If he’s saying he didn’t go through a background check, then he’s telling stories again and someone should confront him on it.
The only people who want to get rid of your guns are politicians, because they think they are so important that you might want to use one on them. The vanity is universal. It’s less expensive to just vote them out of office or NOT vote them into office in the first place. And that scare mongering twaddle is really getting old… old and lame, just like his video.
Hi Ex, did he happen to mention where he bought said scary black gun? In Florida, I went to the local gun show and bought a nice scary black gun with no forms or much of anything, all I had to do is show them my CWP and all was good!
But I’m sure this pussy would never apply for such a nasty thing???
Ex, what occurred is he purchased his firearm from a private party (not a FFL dealer) who was selling the rifle in a private sale, which is legal in most states without a background check via the NCIS system. But the seller verified dipshit’s identity via his military reserve ID card and they talked about each others’ military service, so that the seller was satisfied he wasn’t a mental case or a convicted felon. The process took over an hour as asswipe here left for over twenty minutes to ostensibly get permission from his “wife” to buy the rifle. What he really was doing was arranging for a buddy to surreptitiously record the final minutes of the transaction on a cell phone.
Well, then, he’s just plain lying about the entire thing, and that means that he can’t be trusted. By leaving out information (e.g., private sale instead of dealer sale), he has issued a misleading statement meant to convince the voting public that he’s on their side.
Therefore, he is a perfect political candidate for any office that involves stamping forms for approval and clearing out homeless peoples’ tent cities. He could probably run for mayor in Chicago and get elected at least once.
He does seem to insist on making an ass of himself in public. It should work well for him.
“Greatest threat to democracy…lives at the White House”?
That President that was elected by a Constitutional process, him?
What’s this dude’s endgame?
Is he fucking terminal and looking for a triple indemnity clause payout?
These domestic enemies would line you up on the street and pull the trigger themselves if they had the chance.
I’m starting to believe that.
Good thing I have a set of skills…
Stay frosty my friends.
Another power hungry domestic enemy.
He also says he is running as a “check” to the President. Sorry sport, The president is a check on Congress. The way it works is Congress makes a law and the President signs it or vetoes it. Maybe these politicians need a civics class.
Among other things.
The Demonrats *think* they can change the Constitution by public opinion or by diktat.
All they have to do is get 218 of 435 to screw shit up. From here on out it’s going to be a ‘throw feces against the wall to see what sticks” mode of operation.
Watch, this is the tip of the crazy iceberg.
Dan Helmer = Ass Clown.
I would like to know what this clueless bitch did on active duty. I can’t believe the Army put him in charge of infantrymen in a combat zone.
I was wondering the same damn thing.
Although, phase 2 of the surge got uber-retardo-pc, hug hajj, strict af roe.
He would have fit right in fixing roads that haj blew up to kill GIs.
That line in Platoon about “Hell is the impossibility of reason” is true.
They (people like this assclown) ruined a fun war.
Dan Helmer seems like the type who is about as useful as a walkie talkie to Helen Keller. He’s much like a Slinkie, not practically useful but fun to watch after being pushed down a flight of stairs!
I see him as the kind of Officer that if there were an attack and he was the only one killed the Troops would say “Hooray for Hadji this time”. When I see Officers like him I understand why some got “Fragged” in Vietnam.
Jonn said; “he blocked me from commenting on his Facebook page.”
According to the federal courts, that would be an unconstitutional abridgment of your First Amendment rights to freedom of speech.
However, since he’s a lib who is willing to violate anything in the Constitution to further his power, I doubt he’ll see it like that.
“……………….it took less time to buy a weapon of war than a cup of coffee.”
he sounds like bath house Barry
or Hogg……….whose panties are in a wad constantly just thinking about somebody buying any sort of firearm
Helmer and Hogg (sounds like a vaudeville team) would be in meltdown mode if they could have overheard what I did here in Orygun. Two women whining about the horrid NRA & one mentions that she knows someone who owns a *****gasp***** gun shop & “he can’t keep the shelves stocked……demand is so high”
The other moron said “Why do we even need a 2nd amendment?”
“…a weapon of war” – he bought a tank, huh?
He really knows his “stuff”, doesn’t he? Referring to a long gun as an assault rifle, but not telling us just what kind of long gun it is – that’s just brilliant!!!
While it’s obvious to me that anything that goes ‘BANG!!!’ can be considered useful in warfare, I am unaware that there is a specific “weapon” that is solely used for warfare, including the Thompson submachine gun. Those are also useful for robbing banks and cooking sandwiches. They do heat up enough for that.
With his deepest regret, Hack Stone is sad to report that Dan Helmer received only 12% of the votes in the Virginia Democrat Primary yesterday. So that means that Donald Trump will continue his threat on democracy by seizing newspapers and radio/television stations; jailing journalists; assassinating political opponents; and sending anyone that does not fully embrace his view to concentration camps. God have mercy on us.
( For anyone who has not updated their Sarcasm Recognition Software, Hack Stone was being facetious.)
Damn. And after I endured that bus ride from Portland Maine to Virginia with all the fellow travelers. Even the bus driver voted.
Well, there is always the rising star Hogg Job to lead us into a future that is safe for everyone. SRS enabled.
I guess that our only hope is for ChelyManning to secure that Senate seat.
Chelsea Manning. (Stupid IPhone)
BTW, since the Senate candidate now identifies as a female, shouldn’t “she” be called Chelsea Wommaning?
“Chely” actually seems to fit just fine. Maybe just limit reference to that single name.
Chely? That works for me. In re: Hogg Job, why not Pigoletto?
If you remember Rigoletto, he liked to say nasty things about everyone else and do a lot of virtue signaling, too, so Monterone cursed him for it. In the end to that story, when Rigoletto hires a hitman Sparafucile to kill the Duke, Gilda overhears him and substitutes herself for the Duke, fulfilling Monterone’s curse.
Therefore, Pigoletto would work for me.
In re: Notamanning, it can call itself whatever it wishes to. That will not change its XY chromosomes. Let it die back into the Shadows of Oblivion, a land where no one pays any attention to these creatures.
Then the assumption that trying to frighten voters into stampeding toward the left side of the voting fence is not working quite so well, after all, is it?
Let’s hope that it carries through into November this year and for many years to come.